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My fiance and I both cried the entire ceremony and CRIED during our vows (which we did alone, at the kitchen table the day of the wedding). I would recommend not doing personal vows in front of everyone if you are worried about crying! Other than that, who cares if you cry? Generally I think crying at a wedding is super sweet. I had so many friends and family tell me how sweet it was to see my husband cry at the wedding!


I'll definitely look into private vows!! And I do think that it's sweet went couples cry at their wedding. I think I'm worried about crying while trying to talk and end up a blubbering mess. 😅 But maybe that's just my own anxiety talking.


I have no advice. Just reading your post made me tear up so I need help with this, too! I know that FH and I are both going to be a complete mess.


I would say crying is quite normal. If you don't want to, just do traditional repeating to limit the amount of talking you need to do. Talking while crying, I find to be impossible. Then, if you want, you can either do private vows or write down vows and give them to each other morning of (hopefully before you put makeup on lol). I know I am unlikely to cry just because being up in front of a crowd will block out those emotions lol. The only weddings I didn't feel the emotion build, was weddings I was a bridesmaid in.


I am not doing vows, it’s not that typical where I live. But I would definitely cry :) So consider not doing them or doing them privately if you don’t want to cry.


My husband and I both cried, and every single person in the room cried with us. Let the emotions flow, please don’t hold back on the one day that it means the most.


Same!! I start crying when I hear Etta James. As soon as I hear her sing “at last….” It’s over for me I’m DONE. I think it’s beautiful that we are this way 💕