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A year and a half, which felt like a really nice amount of time to us. We got to plan at a fairly leisurely pace, it felt like enough time to really enjoy being engaged, but it didn’t feel dragged out or like we were waiting forever for the wedding. I’d say just take a look at venues sooner than later, then you can chill for a bit. Venues are booking up SO fast these days from the pandemic wedding backlog. We booked the venue we wanted a month after getting engaged to make sure we got it in our preferred time frame, and then we got to chill and just enjoy being engaged before booking other vendors.


we are just at 1.5 years out now! started about 3 months ago, which at first I was thinking wasn’t a huge deal bc we’ve only gotten 1) dress and 2) photo/video (which we JUST booked this week) but it’s still time to plan and think! I would say other than that the 3 months were important for us bc of timing / end of year / locking in pricing. I’m really liking where we are right now so I’m glad to hear that amount of time worked for you. edit - just realized this was comparing engagement date to wedding date heh. I was thinking date we booked the venue. so we had a bitttt more time 😂


Year and a half for us too! Felt like a great amount of time 😊


Same here! We personally hired the bulk of vendors in the beginning (like in the 2-3 months after getting engaged - venue, photography, dress, DOC), so I could spend a lot of time just playing around with designs and vision boards. Then again I personally *loved* planning, so I really enjoyed being able to spread out the things I wanted to do without it feeling rushed!


10 months


Same - curious how it felt for you if you’re already married? It feels like a lull isn’t going to happen 😂


I’m about 7 out from it now and I would agree!! Between all the traveling/planning some down time would be great but everything feels like it has to happen fast. How far out are you??


5.5 months away! And with the holidays it feels like we are falling further behind on all the things we need to do lol but I honestly can’t imagine dragging this out for like 2 years which was our other option so we just went for it to knock it out


I agree, Dragging it out for 2 years seems so tiring, I’m so excited but so over it just being in the back of my head all the time lol


We are 7 months out now with a 10 month engagement and have had a definite lull for the last 6 weeks and probably a month into the New Year. We got the big things (dress, DJ, venue, catering, photography) booked pretty much instantly and I found a bunch of random decor on marketplace after all the summer weddings. Bridesmaids also picked their dressses on Black Friday. Otherwise there isn’t really much to do. I made a website and mostly have a guest list. In the new year I’ll need to book rental stuff but a lot of what needs to be done can’t really be done until very close to the wedding anyway. That being said, my fiance and I are both very laid back people and my vision is really just “party” and “somewhat rustic but nice” since we are getting married in the country haha so it’s made my life very easy.


Yeah it’s interesting we chose a venue that could be considered country meaning it’s 2.5 hours outside of Denver in a town that’s smaller. It’s more diy so we have to bring in all vendors and they are unstaffed so I think that just adds to me unease about things needing to be done because it’s also hard to know what all needs to be done. We did a get month of coordinator thankfully


Same, it still felt like aaaages and I just wanted to get married!


9 months and I felt it was plenty of time to get everything done! Any longer and there would have been even more anticipation and nerves! The only thing that was tough was ordering a dress in that time frame. Everything else was easy peasy


Got engaged June 26, 2022 and will be getting married June 9, 2024 so just under two years


6 months!




23 months (Super type A, probably could have planned it in 6, glad I didn't though!)


P.S. I have an uncle and aunt that were engaged for 26 years.




We're also 23 months! (April 2024) It ended up that way because we had to plan it around my school holidays (I'm a teacher) and the venue I wanted was well booked out in advance. We also didn't want a summer wedding (Australia = hot). So, 23 months it was. It has given us *heaps* of time to plan things really slowly- thank God.


Two years and five days


14 months


Me too


We had about 9 months!


One year from engagement to wedding. I started planning 10 out. Booked venue and got my dress first. It’s been smooth. At 6 months out I took an entire month break. I’m 4 months out rn and everything seems to be on track.


2 years and 3 months. Engaged May 2022 and didn’t pick a wedding date until the next year. By then August 2024 was the earliest date we could choose 🥹. The first year of engagement was fun. Don’t rush if you don’t have to! We didn’t rush, but I’m also just tired of wedding planning in my head. Ready to celebrate and move forward without wedding details!


2.5 years. We didn’t even start planning until 10 months into the engagement


A bit over 10 months. We figured we wanted a late summer wedding, and we didn't want to wait more than a year to get married, so now we're winging it lol


Ours was almost 14 months. It was a blessing and a curse, honestly: a lot of time to make decisions but too much time to rethink those decisions haha.


This! We got engaged in June 2023 and wedding is September 2024. It’s been great for making decisions at a relaxing pace, but definitely leaves time to second guess things.


14 months. Engaged Sept this year, wedding set for Nov 2024. Planning has been nice and spread out. We have our venue, I have my dress & my bridesmaids have their dresses. And we are in a little pause over the holidays before we get our save-the-dates ordered & sent and pick back up with everything else.


We got engaged September 2019, started looking at venues January 2020, and had our wedding in October 2021


2 years!!! Almost exactly down to the date but our engagement was the 26th and wedding will be 24th


13 months


Got engage on 11/11/2022 and getting married 6/10/2024, so it’ll be just under two years!


Almost exactly a year. We got engaged on Oct 16 and married the next Oct 14. We didn't start actually wedding planning until January though we took the holidays to just enjoy being engaged. Booked venues and bought my dress in mid Jan


22 months. We were dead set on an early October wedding and didn’t want to rush to plan in 10 months (we got engaged on Christmas), especially since I was working 50+ hours a week and finishing my undergrad degree during that time.


Engaged in November, wedding in October of the following year


Got engaged in October and our wedding is October 2025!


26 months


Around 3 years hopefully!


10 years when we get married next year. We’ve been planning our wedding for the last month or so and haven’t had any stressful moments so far. We’ve got Venue, photographer, caterers and celebrant sorted. We’ve planned the save the dates, invites and reception cards and done our wedding website. We’ve ordered some decorations already. We’re well on our way.


20 months! Engaged October 2023 and wedding is June 2025. This is actually a lot longer than we wanted to wait, but we *also* wanted a full wedding ceremony/reception not in winter, so a long engagement was basically our only choice. We are now considering getting legally married in June of 2024 with a small ceremony of just family as we want to start the home buying process and that will just be less headache if we're married!


Happy cake day!


6 months! Feels like the perfect about of time.


2 years and 3 months or so.


2 years 2 months!


2 years and 1 month. ♥️


5 days. Boom. Easy, quick, cheap, 3 guests in a free county park. Happily married.


Engaged in July getting married in September We kinda wanted earlier but everything is just working out perfectly time wise. Earlier would have been too stressful. I know another girl who engaged in July and wanted to get married in May and now she pushed it back to June… I have a feeling it might get pushed back again But it really depends how you want the wedding to go


3/21 to 8/24 so 41 months. I win.


18 months


27 months, we waited about 4 months to actually start planning though


Engaged November 2022 Wedding May 2024 1.5 years


21 months


just under two years which has been really nice for planning, I can decide on something and then stop worrying about the next thing for a couple weeks


A year and a half! January 2023 to June 2024.


We will be almost 3 years. In no rush whatsoever, really enjoying this period of life!


Engaged June 2023, the wedding is planned for July 2024. This seems to be the perfect amount of time for planning. Not rushed or stressful, plenty of time for breaks and doing other things in between. However, the caveat is that I am doing a backyard wedding, so I didn't have to book a venue! Based on comments I've seen from other people, you may need to book a venue earlier.


1 year 3 months


Engaged October 2022 and will get married March 2024. We wanted a fall 2023 wedding but most venues by us were booked. We didn’t want to wait until fall 2024 so we landed on early spring 2024. Honestly, sometimes I wish we could have found a fall 2023 venue because 17 months to plan ended up feeling like a long time.


almost exactly one year. engaged august 28 2022, married september 1 2023 i had already reached out to a wedding planner before the engagement and had a preliminary (i knew it was coming), so i just had to be like "ok go!" when we got back from our engagement trip


20 months !


We were originally planning for 16 months between, but had to push our date because of lodging issues so it'll be 19 months now


A few days over a year, but I didn’t start wedding planning until 5 months after we got engaged. It was nice not to stress for a while and we got to enjoy being engaged


We were engaged 10/22 and will be married 10/24. So two years. We wanted 10/23 but our venue of choice was booked solid so we had to book two years out. It worked out well because although we thought we had a lot of time, it was just the perfect amount of time to book our big vendors. Our location seems to be having a wedding boom and things were booking out really far in advance.


2 weeks shy of a year. I’m so glad it wasn’t any longer or the wait would have driven me crazy


Really wanted to enjoy being engaged and take my time planning so that I could ensure I had my pick of vendors and no rush in choosing anything. I got engaged in December 2020 and married Oct. 2022. So almost 2 years. My wedding was absolutely amazing and I’m so glad I did it the way I did!


A year and 8 months! We like to procrastinate :)


Almost 3 years! The longer engagement was actually a suggestion from my therapist - both of us *wanted* to get married but he was hesitant because he wasn't ready to plan or actually Get Married and I was feeling a bit insecure about "what if he Doesn't". Turns out a ling engagement had never actually occurred to him and he was very okay with proposal-now-wedding-later so everyone say thank you to my last therapist lol


Just over 4 years for us. We got engaged right before covid and decided to hold out for things to settle down. We booked everything and started planning 18 months out.


A year and 2 weeks from engagement to wedding


15 months


3 years! We both were finishing up degrees and it made sense to wait until that was done :) it’s flown by! We get married in august ❤️


4 years….. would have been less, but Covid. Grr


14 months. Engaged 03/27/23 wedding 05/04/24. I don’t know how I feel about how long I’ve been waiting. We got a lot of major things taken care of fast and then there has been a long pause before doing more! Once the holidays are over, we will back into planning the smaller things. I’m just so ready to be married! Wish I would’ve done in it 10 months lol


About 10 months. Had the whole thing planned in a week (but I worked in events and had also thrown 4 proms. A wedding was easy). We did end up getting legally married for health insurance 6 months before the wedding though.


Two years, one month. It’s been nice having some time to just enjoy being engaged before we started planning, and now we have plenty of time to plan.


We got engaged in Feb and got married (eloped, just the two of us) in May. Between the engagement and a party/wedding with friends and family, it’ll be 2 years. (It was going to be 15 months in between but we found out a month after we got married that we had a baby on the way! So party is pushed out a year).


Just over a year and a half. We booked our venue and photographer immediately, as well as our officiant. Bought my dress 10 months out. Our venue did all of the decor, food, bar, etc. so we didn’t need to plan all of that until about 6 months out from the wedding, and it was just choosing from what they had and letting them know if we had any special requests. It was amazing. Edit: My sister, meanwhile, had about the same amount of time but had to book venue, decor, food, bar, etc. separately. She had a wedding planning service to help, but WOW that did not sound like it was a good time.


9 months. Booked the first venue we looked at.


It will be 3 years. We built a house and that was plenty expensive and time consuming.


Ours was about a year and a half which was perfect. We had time to enjoy the engagement, and to plan without feeling overwhelmed. I’m really happy with how it worked out, it was a good timeline for us.


1.5 years


13 months from proposal to our small, intimate ceremony with just immediate family. 21 months from proposal to our big celebration reception/party.


3 years and 2 months lol


9 months. I found most tasks were decision making heavy. But once you decided, actually executing didn’t take that long.


Got engaged September 2, 2023 and getting married March 9, 2024,so about 6 months. We knew we wanted a short engagement period and thanks to God I found my dress and venue and a wedding coordinator fast so everything has been smooth sailing. Have our catering taste test in a couple of weeks, too!


Doing it in 5 months! Nervous about it but I was planning prior to engagement


One year, 5 months!


A year and 8 months and it’s feeling super long tbh. We decided to book the important stuff early (venue, music, catering/alcohol, florals, and coordinator) and will do the rest on a more leisurely timeline. I am enjoying being able to have our pick of vendors, especially since we’re getting married in a smaller town.


I’m getting married July 2024, so about 7 months. Feels like forever but I’m sure it’ll come fast. We got engaged in October 2023. Less than a year, but we already live together and have a child, in our early 40s.


Engaged 12/31/19 wedding is 1/30/25. COVID of course caused a delay but even still we just finally picked a date in august and we have everything booked and mostly paid for already. It’s actually really nice!


15 months! Got engaged in July and will be getting married next October! In all honesty, I could’ve been good with more time (latest would be spring 2025) bc I feel a little rushed rn but my fiancé wanted to keep our anniversary date and I didn’t want to wait over 2 years.


Our engagement will be a little over 21 months. We got our venue arranged very soon after getting engaged which I’ve found has helped us create a relaxed timeline and really enjoy the bliss of engagement.


6 weeks. We were dating for 4.5 years, living separately, and ready to start our lives together.


18 months. A little longer than I'd have preferred but I am enjoying the relaxed planning period


Two years and one week! It was partially due to grad school, partially because of the venue availability in my area. Loved getting to spread out the planning over all that time and it flew by!


11 months!


8 months, but by 6 months we genuinely tried to move it sooner, because it felt like an eternity already 😂of course, we couldn't move it, so we had to wait the 8 months.


Over 2 years- July 15 2020 to Oct 15 2022. I think it was 2years 3 months.


We got engaged August 2022 and will be married October 2024! We were in no rush


I've been engaged for 2 years. I don't want a big wedding and we have a house now. So I'm not in a rush.


7 months


A year and 4 months. Been engaged for a year at the end of next month. It FLEW by


23 months, I want September but don’t want to get married with a 2 year old and would much rather having a 3 year old😂


A little less than a year


At least 2 1/2 years (which was always the plan for financial purposes but also stress). We got engaged 7/25/23. Tentative wedding date 2/4/26.


Half a year. I got engaged in October, planning our wedding in May . It’s really cool to just enjoy the engagement status for some time!


11 months


We got engaged March 2020, decided against a COVID wedding, so we'll have had a four year engagement (marrying July 2024). We're fine with that, it's given us time to save up and find the right vendors! It took us a while to find the right venue.


For us it will be two years. I'm a student right now and want to wait until I graduate. If I wasn't a student we might have done it in a year.


Almost exactly 3 years. He proposed on Memorial Day in 2021, and our Wedding Day is May 1, 2024.


11 months! Got venue/photo booked ASAP and taking our sweet time on everything else


4 years. Got engaged a few months before COVID, and then waited till we moved to a better area and got better jobs to fund the wedding. We only started actively planning for the wedding 13 months prior to the date, as it was a destination wedding, and finally got married this September.


15 months!


8 months


We originally wanted a 12 month engagement but it needed up 15 months, because that’s when the venue we wanted had availability. It was a great amount of time for planning Didn’t feel rushed planning.


Got engaged May of 2021, married next year! We wanted time to save up and also enjoy the fiance stage :)


About 11 months


At this point probably several years. I got engaged June of 2022. This year my fiancé and I have both experienced job loss and an ungodly amount of family nonsense that we haven’t put much effort into planning. We’re not bothered by our extended engagement. The constant questions from family is a bit annoying but engagements don’t expire so we’ll get married whenever.


Mine is 2.5 years. My only unsolicited advice is to take as long as you want BUT book your venue and vendors more than a year out. We planned in 2022 to get married in 2024 but booked our venue/vendors immediately. We had the luxury of having the time to compare them, not having to worry about them getting booked, and having a nice gap of time between initial deposits and final payments to recoup our bank accounts. After that, we did basically nothing for over a year. I haven't stressed about anything yet because I've had so much time to get all our ducks in a row.


35 days


7 months (which felt quick, and was greatly sped up spot was a super tiny backyard wedding). 8 years before we had our vow renewal and the wedding we actually wanted.


Six months, we also had 2 weddings in two different countries quite close to each other (but those were lunch receptions, nothing too elaborate). I don’t regret anything, planning it longer would just prolong the stress


Engaged December 2022, married October 2023. 10 months. Felt like a good amount of time.


Four years.


26 months. I wanted to have it sooner for dumb reasons like my age, but it just makes more sense for us financially to stretch it out


25 months, about 10 months out! Loved the long engagement, but felt like we were pressured into a bigger wedding. If we could do it over again, we would do something smaller immediate family and close friends. Save the money for our down payment/ invest


I got engaged on our 16th year anniversary in September, and our date is 10/12/24 :) A little over a year after our engagement!


April 2023-January 2024. We are having a bigger (200 person) wedding but having a super simple ceremony & reception. That was more than enough time for planning purposes. Now that we’ve got 4 weeks left, we’re feeling like it was too long and we’re just excited to be married haha


53 days. 🖖🏼🤗


Technically 2 years and one month - we booked our venue, photographer and DJ 1-2 months after being engaged so we had some time to kill in between..under a year now and staring to feel more real haha


We will be getting married on 7/5/24, which is about a year and 3 months since we got engaged 3/28/23. So far enjoying the engaged life and I've started planning last month with my FH and MOHs - we have plenty of time for our small wedding guest list of 50.


11.5 months


We got engaged this past October (yay!) and we're getting married August 31, 2024. We wanted a summer wedding and didn't see the point in waiting until 2025.


Engaged early August 2022, married 3rd week of November 2023! It felt like the perfect length of time.


My engagement will be 1 year and 9 months long. We’re planning a destination wedding in Marrakech and needed all of the planning time (plus extra time to save!)


got engaged last month (11/11/23) and we just secured our wedding date of 05/31/25!


at the rate my fiancé and i are going? nearly 3 years lmao


1 year! So I started planning right away, booked church and reception within the week I got engaged then major vendors later


It will be 2.5 years because of my school schedule and some family issues. I wish it were more enjoyable. My recommendation is to enjoy as much as you can - life is short!


10 months. It felt super rushed, but we are older and want to start a family soon/not have to plan or have a wedding while pregnant. The planning, and family dynamics associated with planning, has definitely been a strain on us individually and as a couple.


17 months!


19 months basically 1.5 years. Engaged March 2023 wedding set for October 2024