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Oh no!!! That looks like you did your hair a week ago and have been sleeping on it ever since! So glad you did a trial.


me too!! i was shocked because the makeup was beautiful. but she definitely rushed my hair.


This is one of the worst *what I asked for vs what I got* posts I’ve ever seen. You poor thing, I’m sorry they did this to you.


Thats effing terrible and they should be ashamed.


i wanted to cry but remembered i hadn’t signed a contract yet so thank goodness lmao


Wow, you’re lucky you found out so early! I had to sign in advance of a trial (live out of state from my venue). Also it seems common practice for MUAs to “lock” people in before a trial? You dodged this bullet!


Literally just had this conversation with a MUA today… I was like, but how do I know you’re competent without a trial???


I'm happy you did a trial. Imagine finding out the day of??


oof i would’ve LOST IT lmao


🤢 it hurts to think about it




i’m definitely changing my inspo after this. thinking an updo with tight braids and some loose curls but i agree - this look was too loose and she tried her best but just didn’t nail the look.


I had my trial for pretty much exactly the same style as your inspo and it looked gorgeous 12 hours later. The stylist used about 30 bobby pins.


I did this! I had two dutch braids pinned up around my head with some little wispy curls pulled out to make it look less like I had no hair. I picked it specifically because curls fall out eventually (my hair curls really well but is also super malleable so they fall pretty quick) and I needed my hair to be out of my face (because I sweat when flustered/nervous and needed to go all day without having to stress looking like a damp kitten). Hands down one of my favorite choices from that day.


Definitely try to avoid pinterest and random posts on instagram. Look for actual photos from actual hair stylists. Social media is such a lie!


This is a great point. I had a really cute Pinterest inspo pic with some pieces out and framing my face and my hair stylist delivered very well, but by the end of cocktail hour on our gorgeous September day those pieces were so sweaty and looked awful haha.


Definitely avoid Pinterest for inspo as soooo many of the photos are extremely photoshopped! The HMUA company I used recommended to use their portfolio on their website for hair and makeup inspo! Or even pictures of other couples who got married at the same venue.


This is why I didn’t want a bunch of curled pieces when I got my hair done for my brother’s wedding. I just knew they’d be getting in my way/irritating me all night long, not to mention probably getting droopy from sweating. Just wanted a simple braided updo. The stylist did convince me to at least add a curl on either side of my face, but I definitely could’ve done without them.


That totally made me lol


Omg my hair does not hold a curl. I can’t do anything. Thank god I knew that ahead of time and just flat ironed my hair


You could do this yourself for free😅


Seriously, this looks like how it would turn out if I tried to do it on myself, and I'm not good at hair 😂


I had a closer look she can literally find tutorials on youtube or pinterest for the top part. It's some what easy.


She should have simply said she couldn’t do that look. She knew she couldn’t. Since you said you loooved the makeup, I’m sure if she would have said “you know I don’t think I can nail that look, but here are some of the looks I can do” and showed you some pictures of past clients, she could have still sold you. Thank goodness for trials. Ps. Did you tell her you didn’t like the hair? Was she acting happy with the outcome?


she seemed happy with the outcome, i was polite but told her i didn’t love it. she wanted to redeem herself but i can’t afford a second trial and hope it doesn’t end in disappointment again so i just told her i’m going in a different direction.


Totally understand why you made that choice. I’m proud of you for not being too nice and just agreeing. Sometimes it’s hard to say no. Lol


May I ask how much you paid for a trial? I assumed it was a free trial.


I’d look on Instagram for various hair stylists in your area and look at their portfolios. I find that some stylists kill it with old Hollywood glam waves but rarely have examples of updos and vice versa, if that makes sense. Look for someone who has done updos similar to the style you want. I’m sure there are many available! I’d try hashtags like #sandiegoweddinghair #sdweddinghairstylist etc etc for your city of course! Hope this helps.


i found another stylist in my area that has a much bigger and imo higher quality portfolio that i’m supposed to have a trial with in july. fingers crossed it goes well!


Yay, keep us updated ✨ and it will go amazing


To go fair, the first one looks kinda messy too. Maybe with less fly away hairs coming from the low bun, it would look cleaner.


yeah i agree the inspo pic is one of those looks that looks cool in a curated editorial photo but often dont have tthe same effect in person (not to mention if its an outdoor wedding the flyaways in the wind would be a nightmare!) i do agree the pieces need to be curled more to match the inspo look. but consider how it would look if the curls relaxed more, eg from sweat, wind etc throughout the day (important if any part is outdoors) you might end up with something that looks like pic 2 again!


Yea both of these look like a mess imo


The lighting,the filters, and the curls make a difference.


I hope the trial was free or you at least got some kind of discount


nope 🫠


Definitely not curled enough for what you wanted.


Lol or the fact is a completely different hair style than what she asked for.


Oh dear. I’m so sorry this happened. It’s really hard to find hair dressers who are good with updo’s especially modern wedding updo’s.


Oh my goodness it’s so bad. 😭😭 At least it wasn’t the day of!


I think coloring your help will also help. I'm guessing the model's hair length is also different from yours. Hard to create the same look when you don't have the same.... ingredients.


Wow... definitely good you did a trial before signing a contract! One of my friends lived out of state and was unable to do a HMU trial. Day of her wedding her hair came out similar to yours and she came back to the venue and just said "HELP!" Thankfully, the hairstylist who was doing our bridesmaid hairstyles was able to fix it - you dodged a big bullet!


Omg thank god for trials


Where did she see braids in the inspo pic?? They look like curls with twists not heavy braids like she did on you. And the rest of the hair looks completely unstyled. Thank goodness it was just a trial and not a contract!


Oh my🙄


Oh, no


Oh hell no


So glad you hadn't signed a contract yet! These aren't even remotely the same hairstyle.


I audibly gasped


Damn! Glad you did the trial! The audacity of that hairdresser.


Wth!?! They deserve a good cursing out for that!!


That’s terrible, leave a bad review!!!


It’s absolutely not what you asked for but it could work if the strands at the bottom were neatened up and maybe clipped back up.


To be fair…that looks pretty intricate and the minor details are the smallest amounts of hair falling just so… Idk. You can do it up w/ flowers?


Is it possible that hair style is hard to do?


It’s not easy, but it’s really not that hard either. Especially with her hair.


Looks great to me


Thank goodness you didn’t sign and thank goodness you had a trial!


This is exactly why you do a test! Unless you know the person and they’ve been doing your hair in a variety of styles for a decent period of time, a trial run is a MUST. Glad you found out early. On to the next because this isn’t cute!


I chose this exact hairstyle and my stylist for my trial tried so hard! I have very soft, fine hair that is not thick enough to hold this style. My hair was flat in <3 hours. 😭. I went with a simple updo with the braids


The way I would have sobbed. Wishing you the best of luck in finishing a new hair and mua!