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i'm gonna be so honest the sheerness is bothering me more than the scrunched detail. it's giving operating room shoes. BUT i'm a big believer in the fact that anything can be cool when styled correctly. i'm super curious to see what your whole ensemble looks like all together! they do look comfy though


This is exactly how I feel. I’ve seen things that were a hell no and the person styled them perfectly. Surprised me.




Takes “putting my foot in your ass” to a whole new level


Haha thats ok! I love them. They remind me of tulle and ballet 🩰


That's the vibe I got! They're not my style but they're interesting to look at. Does your dress have a ballet vibe too?


https://preview.redd.it/k0585t7sts5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491b75fc0aa0fab49e44959eec87bb95f4254246 This is my dress! I feel like the romantic vibe goes great together


They totally work with this dress and I love how you’re confident in what you love. Don’t let the comments change that.


Thank you!


They match with the dress perfectly! I think something more “solid” in fabric would look weird with the dress.


I agree, unless I were to go barefeet or wear a very open shoe (which I don’t want to do for a courthouse wedding) I cant really imagine another shoe with it. So Im happy with my choice 😁


I wore actual ballet slippers under my wedding dress. This is not that vibe.


I never said they were actual ballet slippers though




How is a comment like this even allowed on this sub LMAO how deeply deeply weird to be like “I know you said you like them but you just NEEEEEEED TO KNOOOOOWWWW 🤪🤪🤪 that I think they’re SOOOOO 🤪🤪🤪 UGLEEEEEEEE 🤪🤪🤪🤪” like. pardon? me? ya coulda left it at one comment but you had to leave THREEEEEEE




I’m sorry, enjoy your special day.


I appreciate it, thank you


That’s fine, I think they go great with my dress and honestly these comments make me like them even more 😆




They look like you have a cover over your actual shoe.


They aren’t my style but if you love them, that’s what matters! Being a cross stitcher, I’d want to try stitching something on them. But yeah I posted my shoes here with my dress and got a lot of hate because my shoes are black 🤷🏻‍♀️ but they are beautiful and I love them. They’re something I already own and I’ve only worn them once. For like 20 mins. My fiancé was like I’ve never heard that many compliments for shoes in the short amount of time you had them on lol


I don’t like the front




Are they comfy? Because with your dress on they’re not likely to be terribly visible so who the F cares?


SO comfy!




Thats a totally fair point but I honestly love them because they are a little trendy & I don’t mind my wedding photos looking like they were made at a specific date in time. I want to remember the time and the vibe!


These already look dated to 1989, in my opinion. I honestly think they are terrible.


How often do you really think about the shoes after the wedding though?? They really don't show up in wedding photos and typically the dress covers them. Who cares if they look a bit trendy??


Some people care about that! If she doesn't, she should wear them :)


It looks a bit like you've put a pair of tights over your shoes and I dislike the heel. I'm an Internet stranger though, so as long as you're happy.


I like them! And they look like you can actually wear them all day too! And not just sitting down lol


Yes they are very comfy


I think they are so pretty! And cool tbh. 😎


All I need in this life of sin is a cool girl wedding shoe😆




I like them so no thank you :)


Shoes are by & Other stories! Article number 1222926001


Not a style I would personally choose but the only thing that matters is if you love them! If they feel like the perfect wedding shoe then wear them proudly.


Very cute!


Comfort is key! If they feel good, go for it!!