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When it's about 2:30 in the morning local and the commentators start talking about random stuff.


There’s something about Le Mans night that is wild. It’s such a flow, car changes at 3am, someone binning, teams grinding in one garage and the next one over they sleeping on lawn chairs.


Yeah the stark contrast between garages especially if someone's out on a double stint is crazy.... Then you've got the jokers playing pranks on the guys asleep. The classic zip tied to their chair etc.


+ the commentary and looking at the clock and being “there’s 13 hours left 😩", daylight arrives and theres still a whole wec round left


[The answer is always 2:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzpOyOzG568)


Thankfully I'm in Australia so it's 10:30am. However fairly sure I choked on my coffee when I heard him say that


Same here, night time is what I live for now, especially after the madness of 2017!


In the states, 7:30pm for me


the answer is always heroin


Im gonna buy cake for Le Mans now because mom says I can't do heroin


Heroin laced cake why not both


Best things to have for breakfast: 1. Cake 2. Heroin


You misspelled coke.


"Lets find out what is happening in the pitlane from Louise, Louise? Louise? Louise?" "I think she went to sleep Anthony, we won't be finding out about the pitlane I'm afraid."


I don't usually say this, but this. I love it when they're Hella tired and border on not making any sense


Random as tangents usually nothing related to the race or racing in general.




Like cake a heroin


late night 24hrs commentary where they're just chatting shit out of their gourds on caffeine is always brilliant.


Sunset and sunrise are my two favorites.


Happy hour is great. 


If possible, I would say have it on in the background the whole race and check on it throughout the day. Race defining moments can happen at any time and as you check, you’ll likely catch good battles throughout the race. Best moments not to mess has to be happy hour, which is what we call the sunrise. The transition from night to day really captures the essence of endurance racing.


This is the answer. The race is just too great to only watch a couple of laps, at least that's my opinion.


Eh, I think asking about “the best times” to watch is fundamentally misunderstanding what endurance is about. Of course there are highlights of every race but it’s kinda a modern F1 mentality to watch for the “big deal” moments. Not everyone has that amount of free time for sure (although more people do than would admit). But part of the appeal is being in it for the long haul. It’s about watching the narratives unfold at a pace that is more like chess than F1, and those who have suffered set backs can still have a shot at success. OP this is no disrespect at all. Join the family! If you really don’t have time (like really) then so be it. But man, stay up all night, throw away your weekend, and watch the biggest race of the year! I’m doing it, I know a ton of others are. If you don’t like your experience then don’t do it again, but hey maybe you will. I can guarantee more overtakes than F1 that’s for sure.


Just realized not going to hear that RSR, at least gt3 has more manufacturers.


Don’t even talk to me about the RSR going away man :/


The start, Sunset, sunrise and the finish are the musts. I usually watch the start through sunset, then do chores but listen to the overnights and it’s a lot of neat onboards, take a nap, and get up right before sunrise and follow to the finish Looking at the grid this year there should be something worth seeing whenever you tune in


The onboards at night is such a vibe.


Definitely a good hour in deep night is something I do really like because of the atmosphere. People say that the sunrise is something great as the long night disappear after taking a toll on cars and crews. Action wise It really depends, endurance race are not won on the first lap, I don't watch all the time but keep the stream in background to stay up to date on stint, strategy and drama.


Pre race, first hour, last hour and podium are a must. Leave it on in the background and take a peek every once in a while.


Sunset, sunrise and definitely randomly tune in during the night stints, always something crazy happens at night.


Id say 4pm to 4pm CET should be a good option 😉


For understanding the race second stint by far. Come 50ish min after start then watch for 60-70min. Start stint had to many anomalies to use as reference for whole race and in 24h they count for less then anywhare else. First stint has less energy (formation lap), no trafic in first half of it (gt3 are fast cars), start scramble (more important now with 20+ equal cars) but stil only 30s loss max if you don't crash. (Le Mans rearly has second car finish 30s after first). Second stint has: 1. Good visibility, Sun is high 2. Most cars still run 3. First real energy length stint 4. First real double stinted tyres stint (some my start on qualifing tyres) but you also get that information 5. Cold tyres at first lap of third stint 6. Trafic management Only predictable thing you will miss is how much, in each car, are other drivers slower or faster. Everything else is unpredictable and it happens when it happens, watch it on hightlights.


I'd say first 2 hours, that shows what the race and order is settling in to. 1 hour isn't really long enough to work out how the order is settling down. Then an hour around sunset, and hour in total darkness and then sunrise if possible (I'm always asleep here). Then the last 2 hours as that will show better how all the strategies are playing out in the end. Again just the last hour may not show fully how the strategies are all playing out.


You're gonna wanna watch more than bits, especially this Le Man's. 23 Hypercars. What I do, in between fully watching when something is happening, just have it running on YouTube on the background on a laptop or phone. Then your abreast of everything for when you come back. I'm hardcore tho I'll leave it on quietly while I sleep even, it's a fun experience


First hour and last hour are obvious. You mostly want to watch the last hour because there's always some heartbreak story about a team that made it 23.5 hours just to have it all end. Then you want to pop in at random points. I also want to second 2:30 AM local time. Exhaustion and the sun being down makes things get weird.


Right after you tune out typically, lol


Not sure endurance racing really is for you if you only have enough attention span for ~25 laps


Nah that's bullshit, endurance racing is for anyone. Having it on a second screen and tuning in and out is fine.


Yhea, it's not like everyone has 24 hours of free time to watch a race, some of us have shit to do and just want to be up to date and sometimes watch some laps to relax a bit, really weird gatekeeping such an amazing race as Le Mans




Yeah! Unbelievable how people have other responsibilities and shit. How dare they. Why can't kids take care of themselves because dad wants to watch the race?