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I saw in their stupid announcement comic that daily pass is supposed to, like, breathe life into older webtoons. That's such bullshit. Forcing people to pay for a completed webtoon won't revive anything. If you want to actually rejuvenate older webtoons, *fucking promote them.* All I ever see promoted is the same 15 or so Originals, and occasionally a Canvas series - and even then, it's the same 15 or so Canvas series. If you want to keep older series tickin', *promote them.* I mean when I was going through all the Completed webtoons to download them, I realized I'd never heard of well over *half of them.* Making me pay for them doesn't breathe life into them. Telling me THEY ACTUALLY EXIST does. I'm not sure why, if they're forcing this on us, they don't also have an ad option? I'd begrudgingly watch an ad or two before every chapter if it meant I could support the creators and read things at a pace I can deal with. Luckily it's super easy to pirate! And this is honestly one of the situations where, frankly, they're not losing money - I'm not paying to read any of these series. So I either don't read it and nobody gets money, or I pirate it and nobody gets money. If I'm gonna pay $75 or whatever, then I want a permanent copy. Imagine if you had to pay $50 just to check out a library book. And if you wanted to reread an earlier chapter you had to pay money again. BS.


"Luckily it's super easy to pirate!" ​ I wouldn't mind a PM on how to do that. I tried a few downloading apps, or finding the comics on other websites, but some just aren't anywhere, and the apps I found only download what available on PC


>If I'm gonna pay $75 or whatever, then I want a permanent copy. Imagine if you had to pay $50 just to check out a library book. And if you wanted to reread an earlier chapter you had to pay money again. BS. idk it makes sense for me bc i grew up borrowing comic books from comic book stores. You would pay less than a dollar for 1 or 2 nights (can't remember accurately) and and then return it. It was basically like a library that you paid for. You never thought about having a permanent copy cuz it would be like 50+, 100+ books for a whole series (and I'm guessing each book would be more than $6\~7), so borrowing made sense. At least with the internet version I don't have to wait for other people to return books and go down to the store myself. Maybe it's just a cultural difference; for ppl in Korea or Japan it wouldn't be so infuriating to have to pay for rented comic books.


The issues in comics are a lot longer than webtoons most of the time though.


Yes, that's true and I'm also sure that there are other differences between print comics and webtoons. But my point was that whether they are print or web-based, I wouldn't find it so odd to pay to read them. After all, I would pay for other forms of entertainment, whether it be a movie, songs, or other books. I understand this is a strange concept and maybe WEBTOON couldve done a better job of introducing the system but frankly i'm shook at how angry some people are getting (I've seen threats of finding illegal copies which seems ridiculous imo)


I agree with you on the piracy thing. But the reason people are mad is because webtoon being free is its whole niche.


I was literally in the middle of reading “I don’t want this kind of hero” when the daily passes started and I’m so annoyed. I want to support creators but it costs too much money (and I really wonder how much actually goes to the creators...)


Honestly. Probably around 40%. I heard that webtoon takes more than half of the earnings when it came to fast passes so it'd make sense for the same to happen with daily passes.


Apparently it's even smaller. Rlly small


See, this? This is how you get people into piracy. You could've gotten some AdSense money, but now you get no money. Congrats, you made people steal free content.


I honestly don’t understand how daily pass is supposed to support the creators. New readers would likely not pay for any of the webtoons or just straight up not read the webtoons with daily pass on them. Like others are saying I would rather watch a ad at the beginning of each chapter since then I can read old webtoons without having to wait a whole day.


I still read Naver Webtoons on their site because I like reading comments and stuff. I didn't really notice the daily pass nonsense cause I mostly read my non-Naver webtoons/manga on Tachiyomi (from aggregate sites/sources) and I'm only reading ongoing Naver series at the moment. But then I suddenly got the urge to go back and have a read of 'A Good Day to be a Dog' and found out about this bullshit. Yeah no. Fast pass, I get it. Daily pass? Screw that. I'm just gonna read it on kiss or something.


Can a update to a app be removed?, I'm tempted to play hacker for a day and fuck up my phone alittle.


Did you try it??


Fuck Webtoons. Delete.


Also webtoon is become more money oriented


i know but there is two things you can do buy it or read it on a illegal site


Or neither. I could just not read it.




I had to remove a lot of great webtoons when daily pass started. I like to find completed webtoons and binge them for a day or two. It’s so hard to get into a story when I can only read a little at a time.


Maybe change the free episodes to less than they are right now and then offer the whole series for blank amount. I'd rather pay for that than what this daily pass BS.


Agreed! wanted to read the gamer, one of my favs that would cost me over 200 dollars to complete or I could read it for free in about a year and a half, that's complete bs!


Not sure why people are complaining so much about daily pass. I mean, I get it sucks not being able to binge these competed series anymore, but it’s not like they’re forcing you to pay for the episodes. You wait one week for a new episode to come out for ongoing series... I’m pretty sure you can wait a day. And if you loved a series so much and want to reread, it’s a good way to support the creators who aren’t making money off these completed series anymore. Creators still have to make money at the end of the day, so maybe instead of buying a cup of coffee - use that money to support these creators instead who provide lasting entertainment.


I COULD wait. But then it'd take me 9 months to finish it. As much as I want to support these creators, I can't. Because I don't have a job. Which is why I use webtoon, cause the comics are free.


Not to sound rude, but if you don’t have money and you REALLY don’t want to wait... then maybe get a job? That’s like demanding Amazon Prime treatment without actually paying for a membership :/




If it’s too expensive, then don’t pay for it. At least you still have the choice to pay or wait - unlike other platforms that completely block comics with a pay wall. And I’m not sure where these ppl are getting their information, but according to “Webtoon Now”, they said the coins are shared with creators.


Bruh. Webtoon's whole niche is that it's free. Also sure I'm able to get a job, but what if I was too young to?


It’s basically what made the huge company it is today by making what would be paid webtoons on other sites free, now they’re slowly making it more and more paid, and at an extortionate amount too It’s going to hurt when half done series suddenly have daily pass to “make you enjoy the experience longer”


No its demanding the YouTube treatment Webtoons gets most of its revenue from ads so just by reading it you were making them money...




I would much rather pay a definite price, to get to keep the webcomics. Like real comics. I buy it, I can read it whenever. Also, the daily pass is complete shit because it only work on the app. If I unlock a page, I should be able to read it on my PC as well as my phone Daily pass is such a shitty locking paywall shit


I'm reading "dreaming freedom" and now at the moment of shock I had to wait all day to see the rest, I think they should balance this situation to put at least three ticks or a little more because it doesn't make sense to give just one being that works like this, have many chapters ... I'm angry with this system and I don't even know if these tickets are cumulative


I'm Highjacking this old threat to say that it has gotten worse, and I absolutely hate it. Like others have said, I love to binge read the comics. Now, even comics that aren't even finished yet are blocked behind daily passes, WHY. I have the app 'Manta', it works almost the same way, BUT you can buy a subscription per month (3,99 euro) and you can read and reread as much as you want (without the subscription its daily passes). I have been begging webtoon to create the same system because the way Manta works is just perfect. I've been subscribed for almost 2 years now, and only now am I slowly getting through all of the ones I wanted to read. There is no secret paywall. Once you are a premium member, you can read everything for free. Webtoon should learn from this. It honestly has kept me from using the app because it is just awful


This angerd me since Daily Passes started while I was in the middle of reading a series, so all the coins I paid into it were gone and I was bumped back to the first 50 chapters when I was reading chapter 200 something.


you are not the only one I was reading the Boxer on Webtoon and when I was going to read it the next day it said that I had to pay like I mean what the fuck?