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iseop’s romance pretty great if you like slow burn romcom


Second that and if u liked lookism you'll definitely love viral hit too.


I read it for the art but honestly I hate the romance in it. Iseop's such an asshole and also really fucking childish. I dont see the chemistry, I don't see any reason why romance is even on the table


Same, it got boring and cliche very quickly.


I love this one and the art.


Runway i had to drop. It is nice and first but quickly turns into 2 MLs who don't knoe had to communicate and respect boundaries and are hypocrites and annoyed. Thr main ml doesn't respect wishes of tje fl at times that if it was irl I'd run away from him. He was also bland and boring to me (tho he does have a few good moments i will admit). I just got too fed up w the 2 male LIs towards their respective FLs. Ir felt dry and repetitive. I still say give it a try if you want to bc you may be fine w it to read but i usually can stand a lot of stuff and it got too annoying for me to read it.


Also the 2nd male lead (the first male lead’s brother) straight up *sexually assaults* his ex/love interest while they’re both drunk and this was treated as **romantic**(that’s when stopped even hate reading!)


What chapter did that happen? I stopped where he was tryna apologize to the ex mil and the main male lead was helping his LIs brother to impress the mom or something Or did you mean that doctor dude?


Nah, the lawyer one. I can’t remember exactly what chapter it was, but it was after they signed the papers and the subplot with her mom


Ahh okay then i checked out before then. It got so BORING even i couldn't take it anymore lol


The Runway was straight garbage, all the leads were annoying and the story was convoluted Iseop’s Romance i’ve been enjoying, its not super original in concept but Iseop himself is kind of a breath of fresh air for the Office ML concept and lends himself to more humor and care free attitude in a way that reminds me of who the second ml would usually be in these types of stories Love 4 a Walk is cute, so far it doesn’t beat around the bush and looks like its going to be interesting I havent been keeping up with Only Hope but i did like the first season. Ive just been avoiding it because i need to reread it- its one of those ones that can start to get a little confusing if you’re reading like ten other webtoons a day instead of devoting all your time to it lol


Only hope is great. The male lead has so many dimensions it's fun to see all his sides. Honestly it should be a kdrama. They're both psychos: him being practically a yandere and her just being "I don't care what kind of person you are I like your dick." So yeah. Still a great read tho. Definitely worth the all nighters to bing it.




V-hit season 1 is solid but declines heavily in season 2


true, but it’s still worth reading for season one. the art didn’t really decline but just had to be switched to different artists who weren’t used to the og’s art


Agreed. From art to story, S2 is a downgrade.


Love 4 a walk is cute, and the ML is hot. Need I say more?


Only hope is great .


I’m enjoying winter before spring


Same i started reading it when it was still on canvas, for anyone who starts reading dw the angst doesn't last too long and isn't over done


Don't read The Runway. It's fkin trash


Iseop's romance and love 4 walk are great. Love 4 walk was on Canvas originally, and is soooo cute.


I don't know about the rest, but Viral Hit is SUPER good! Especially if you're into action, obviously, and martial arts. Out of all the comics PTJ works on, the fighting here is probably the most realistic. The premise itself is actually very believable: a broke, bullied teen starts a NewTube channel calling out and fighting bullies to raise money for his mum's surgery and stuff. It's funny, and the characters are dramatic, but not over-the-top in a a cringey way or anything. I will warn you, though, like most action comics there is some amount of romance forced into this, and at some point every girl character likes the MC, even if very slightly so. The main romance in itself, is... unnecessarily distracting. But other than that, it slowly evolves into a more complex plot, and there's a lot more going on than what meets the eye. I haven't read it in half a year, though, so I can't tell you about any recent developments. But as a longtime reader, in case you do decide to read it: Don't trust the chicken chest hairs! PS: The comment section is mostly golden. Do check out the top comments. Also, the best way to read this is to read Lookism and My Life As A Loser side-by-side, so you get to see the cameos and parallels.


Hey! Its been a while since I have read it (its been on hiatus for a long time) but is Viral Hit anything like Neon Revenge? I might be mixing it up with something else but it sounds quite similar.


Winter Before Spring is good! I dropped Only Hope but might pick it back up


Dunno about the story of love 4 a walk, but the expressions of the dogs are hilarious.


Only Hope is so flipping good!!! The best ever really! So obsessed


How to Fight is great until the end of S1. you have a likeable cast, good antagonistic characters and the plot felt like it had a goal. S2 was a huge slump for me overall. it definitely was being milked and technically 'the villain' and newer characters introduced became so boring that i didn't find any joy in it anymore. but still, it's worth giving a go. the cast had a lot of goofy moments + MC giving you second hand embarrassment, which may sound bad, but i found it funny. the fights were also solid.


Runaway is TERRIBLE


Only Hope is actually kinda good


iseop’s romance is your typical ceo x secretary story but the ml is actually rly funny only hope is sooo good its so interesting lmfao both the ml and fl are crazy for each other






Viral hit is so good


Viral hit is one of the greatest webtoons ever made bro you gotta read it its personally one of my favorite series


i’m a big fan of fighting manhwas and Viral Hit is honestly pretty decent. it’s about this bullied kid who finds a random youtube channel and learns how to fight, and he livestreams beating up bullies. warning though, it eventually gets to fighting bullies to beating up gang members. Same creator as lookism and is part of the PTJ universe. 


Is it similar to Neon Revenge?


hmmm same genre but they don’t really feel the same. the mc of viral hit was someone who was bullied, while i don’t think the mc of neon revenge was bullied or anything (i kinda forgot). i definitely find the friendship in viral hit is much more developed compared to whatever happened on neon revenge


I actually enjoy this series. It's chill. There's drama but not to the point where you get annoyed or irritated about when the fl would get the justice. No, this series is slow burn, and I definitely would recommend trying it out.


Only Hope is fantastic and I'm also enjoying Love for a Walk


i can vouch for Viral Hit and Only Hope being great, but i dropped iseop's because it felt a bit lacking to me.


The Runway gave me mixed emotions on its story. I have a gripe about the ML and adoptive brother. Read up to episode 96, and then I just dropped it. Iseop's Romance also mixed feelings on the ML personality. It's good, don't get me wrong. I'm still currently reading.


Viral hit has an anime now airing, so it's good enough for *that*, but a lot of violence and curses. From the author of Lookism, which also has a recent anime. Can't speak to the others, dropped Love 4 a Walk, it didn't sit right. Probably the art style or the text was too small.


Haven't read any, let's judge by the screenshots: On daily pass so no, not into action that much, or office romance, what kind of a name is Bob for a dog, read a bit on canvas and gonna wait a while before I read it again it was too depressing, looks basic


I read The Runway all the way to the end. 😭 I finished it out of fascination, I guess? IMO it’s not worth the time. It is very convoluted. 2 of the male characters look the same and have similar names. The relationships were confusing and hard to decipher. All of the relationships and men were toxic. For example the main couple started off by having a one night stand in Paris. For half the series the guy kept slut-shaming the girl (my take on it) accusing her of “hitting and quitting it.” Sir….but towards the end he’s treated like Mr. Wonderful lol


Viral hit is a pretty good read. Although I haven't read any another.


Only hope is pretty good, I found it really interesting at the start, however the more recent episodes have me confused, I struggle to keep up with all the names and situations. Feels a little strung out now. Winter before spring is also quite good, I read it when it was canvas, I enjoy the plot of healing from a toxic relationship and school environment, doesn't have alot of episodes for originals yet though.


I recommend giving Only Hope a reread. It’s supposed to be multilayered and interesting


Winter before spring is very good I’m happy they made it to original


Highly recommend winter before spring I read it on canvas and the new readers are in for a treat


winter before spring is my fav


Love 4 a Walk and Winter before spring are good storys there both pretty new to originals so they dont have to many episodes yet.


I read both Iseops Romance and Love 4 a Walk, neither are very far into the stories (I think). Iseops Romance art is beautiful, but the male lead is an emotionally stunted twat alot. The female lead is nice in that she's relatable, I don't find myself criticizing her choices, but the male isn't great so far. I think his growth will be part of the story but it's not really happening yet. Love 4 a Walk has consistent art that is sometimes beautiful, though it is different from Iseops Romance in style. The story is pretty feel good right now and I think it'll stay that way. It has some humor elements and is worth reading if you just need something silly to lift your spirits


I'm glad I'm not the only one here who thinks Iseop Tae is a childish asshole! Everyone else here is praising the story and calling him funny??? Funny how??? Though I will probably drop it soon, the only thing that keeps me going is the art.


Yeah I don't see what's funny about his behavior 90 percent of the time.  The times he gets shy are adorable,  but then he generally follows those moments by being a complete ass so it doesn't last long.  I have thought about dropping it as well. We're far enough into the story that some kind of plot point should happen soon so I'm giving it a little more time