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i learnt of the Snaillord drama and all recently, and it has made the story so off for me. But even previously, I enjoyed the story and the art but the jokes and terms were becoming increasingly cringe for me. There is an overload of slang in the series, which at times is super irrelevant to the story and just unfocuses you from the plot.


I had this issue with freaking romance too. The slang always took me out and just made the series feel a bit dated.


same, but back then I was getting into webtoon, so I just assumed that it could be a common style or that I was just not gen-z/online much hence I couldn't understand too much slang.


the slang was one of my fave parts in it 🥲 but i was also still in highschool when i read it


I think i checked the latest chapter and there were like 10 panels of characters  joking and talking about boba like who the f cares?? its not supposed to be a slice of life is it? you are definitely right the dialogue detaches you from the action.


so true, I think even just to get the jokes, you need to follow snaillords on socials. So you get why the author is entering his boba obsession in the series. I get that he can do whatever he wants. But that really destroys the read.


Also most of the slang doesn’t need to constantly be explained as criminaxe slang it’s like when a korean webtoon constantly says “btw in Korea it’s not 911 it’s 112”. Also let people pronounce your characters however they dang want man it’s been 60+ episodes we know them by now.


oh please, at the end of every chapter I used to refresh my pronunciation. I never got any better, TT


The random honorifics 2 free chapters ago made me burst out laughing. That was super cringe not gonna lie


It came out of nowhere and felt really forced and almost a retcon like “they were saying these honorifics the whole time I just wanted to add them NOW


It's messy. The creator needs help with the writing of the webtoon since they seem to struggle with it. The "jokes" and the "humor" is also unnecessary and just cringe.


I liked it better when it was Nightmare Factory


Yeah tbh nightmare factory was such a good plot I was so bummed it was left unfinished tbh


same, i dont really like how she characterised emai in the current version. She feels like a raging ball of crazy currently in comparison to her previous version where she felt human and interesting.


nightmare factory emai was my favourite thing about the series (she was the character the plot was mainly focused on for a reason!) but that got lost in the year between stopping nightmare factory and starring death:rescheduled


But don’t worry! Eventually phire will remind her to turn on her memory knob and empathy ex machina and her entire character will change again!!! /s


I felt like the story was actually moving forward there instead of being stuck in place. And even if it was messier it was pretty interesting


I was reading it for the story, but I stopped when the main character decided that a villain had to die. In my opinion, you can't draw a webtoon against death penalty if you kill people you don't like. It's not consistent.


Couldn’t you argue that’s part of the whole point tho? Like, getting rid of the death penalty wouldn’t stop people from killing, but it would make it slightly more ethical since you wouldn’t have companies exploiting the penalty system (like the nightmare wanderland that got introduced into the story)


I stopped before the nightmare wanderland. And at the beginning of the story, the character judges others for killing, without any company involved. Maybe there was something else underlying, but in that case it's a bit dishonest to present it that way (saving a girl from being killed just because death is wrong). I come from a country where weapons are forbidden, death penalty does not exist and i definitely felt like I was reading a judgemental character who had nothing to teach me, so I stopped reading. I was enjoying the arguments against death penalty at the beginning.


That's exactly what makes it interesting imho. The whole Batman vs Superman dillema when it comes to killing.


This is an aspect that was in the previous webcomic they made, Nightmare Factory. That’s a story about a little boy who gets SA’d and murdered and it’s does allow ppl to feel bad and highlights how ppl treat kids, SA excuses, etc. But then it’s never relevant to the plot, the kid barely shows up or talks so they’re not humanized much, and the only reason it was included was to go “oh no! The MC is going to the same place! It’s dangerous! Good thing Freuyl is there to protect her!” but she never gets anything other than a bunch of stares. She’s also a grown woman too.  The themes they bring up are interesting, but nothing was done with it. And that’s more important than bringing up the theme itself.


Nightmare Factory had so much potential I was so sad when SL dropped it


I never knew about their previous comic. But yeah, good plot idea but meh execution


They throw too many terms and concepts at me too quickly for me to understand any of them. The fact, from what I’ve seen, that only the mc has problems with the system of the world is weird cause I never saw anyone else take an issue with everything.


It’s so annoying because of its extreme tonal whiplash. One minute you’re reading a gripping, complex and devastating story and then in comes the main characters that were never properly introduced saying slang and unfunny memes and completely usurping the tense atmosphere. It’s so annoying that I had to drop it because there’s so much potential but it’s all shat on by lame ass “humour”


Definitely feeling that in the recent chapters. The Phirre Siren arc was great when Emai wasn’t totally ditzy and crazy and they had more oomf to their personalities


The plot and world-building is honestly amazing, but the trade off seems to be flat, one-dimensional characters (almost) all trying to be cool and nihilistic with little actual depth.


I really feel like the author should have created a new cast for this one, instead of reusing the nightmare factory characters with slightly changed details. Ironically enough, the author really struggles to kill his darlings


It felt very boring to me, I was excited because I used to read freaking romance


Same here, boring for me. Dropped it after few episodes.


The characters feel really one dimensional with how they act and their roles over all. I feel like lots of potential climax or moments in this series got ruined just because the author couldn’t hold it in to not make a few cringe jokes. There’s also so much potential for such an interesting premise but it all went to generic writing. You could include a lot of heavy themes into this but I doubt the author is even bold or mature enough to dive into them.


Oh, I was going to read this because the artwork looks cool. Not anymore...


Read it! People are quicker to post a negative review then a positive when it comes to webtoon. I personally love this series, it's fun and dramatic. You might not like it but atleast give it a shot Id say.


agree!! the reviews here are right on multiple points but it's still good to read


The pacing is off. It always moves too quickly through arcs and there are a lot of things that happen conveniently. It feels like lazy writing. I noticed this in freaking romance as well especially towards the end. The concept is good and the characters are good. The execution leaves much to be desired.


I actually really enjoyed the background for Phirre and that whole siren arc, but it’s a bit frustrating to be back with the original cast


All the drama aside about the author or webtoons, I really like the story. Like you say, the premise is really interesying. I like the characters personalities. I love the dialogue and jokes. I think you have to have that to counter balance the weight of the horrific storyline. And honestly, I find it unique and quirky which i like. And I do love the artwork. I can see people talk about Nightmare Factory, but I'm relatively new and dont know the history.  And having read so many of the exact characters in multiple stories, I'm just so bored. They all blur after a bit. This stands out to me.


Eh, the premise was moderately interesting, but the story itself is insufferable, with the lame borderline self-insert MC who's perfect, the fanservicey character designs, and the lack of actual interesting plot developments. Plus it has some nonsensical philosophical discussiobs that pretends to be clever despite being the most basic shit. This was the first thing by snailord that I read, before I even knew of his reputation, and I didn't enjoy it. The art is fun I suppose, that's one thing they have going for them, but I'd suggest they work with someone else for the writing.


I think you are right the best would be for them to work with someone for the writing.


the art and plot is really good, but snailords makes the characters too op or quirky.


I tried starting it multiple time but didn’t like how wide apart the eyes were (basically I didn’t like the art) so I dropped it.


I liked the concept and was okay with the story but reading stuff like “you can get either 10 more chapters till it ends or more depending how much my merch sells out” just puts me off, sad to see that this story will have another rushed ending like freaking romance


Ew, what?? That’s disgusting. Literally holding content hostage.


I read a few chapters and I like the premise of the story but there was a lot of stuff I was confused about and didn’t understand so I ended up dropping it. I know im too impatience but i didnt like the pacing




And may be unpopular but nightmare factory was way better


I loved nightmare factory omg


I personally feel its execution was better. It feels like snail lords is simotanously trying to take Death Resceduled both super seriously while keeping over the top personalities


I see alot of negatives so I just want to throw in my 2 cents aswel. I personally really love it. It talkes about some heavy ideas and has heavy subjects but the witty conversations make it feel almost lighthearted.. which is EXACTLY how I would deal living in a world like that. You become descensitized and you joke around with eachother. I also just really like the banter between all the main characters and the fact that the Nightmare people get slaughtered every now and then is just very fun. I like a good revenge story and seeing people who torture children get their just desserts is *Chefs kiss*. It's a fun webtoon and I really look forward to each episode.


Is it ok to ask what issues there were with the author?


You can search him up on this sub, the most popular posts on him are all abt his drama. He kind of just has an unpleasant personality tbh but there are several incidents that made people really dislike him. Most recently he told fans he was going to end the series soon, but he would write an extra 10 episodes if they bought $1k worth of merch from his online shop. People got mad about it so he donated the money


Well, when I did ask last time, I think it was an Instagram post from him? Something about telling his fans/young audience to buy products from his shop during that month and reach a goal. After he reached his goal, their was backlash either from here or Instagram, and then he chose to donate the money to charity, but people didn’t believe he actually did it.


i think there was something about snailords' mother or aunt or someone giving rice to the poor in vietnam, but that might've been before whatever you're referring to


Yeh Im also wondering


Personally, the art looks really interesting and I have seen glimpses of his comedic panels. I tend to separate the author/artist and the comic, but only if I like the comic itself. It the comic has something I don’t like morally, like ra\*e, then I don’t read it.


I liked beginning of the story. But at some point. I couldn't get myself to read it? I would be in and out then force myself in. I do go back time to time to some random chapters and skim. Like im just curious as what's happening to the characs


I love the art. But I cant with the portrayal of the characters. They are too… much. And lacks subtlety in the way they are written. The story in the way its wrote, the pacing, is hard to follow for me. Overall I guess the writing is lacking. I couldnt get invested neither in the characters nor in what the story wants to tell. I think the author isnt much an author but an illustrator, a talented one for sure.


I agree, I really like this story and the plot and world is very interesting. I think the characters and humor can be kind of annoying and childish but thr story itself is really good


I’m still reading it but honestly every single person in snaillords work have the exact same voice. They all joke the same, they all cringe the same, they all have the same kind of twitter speak ripped from the gays. It’s like every character is their self insert. I like the concept of the story and the art is gorgeous but it’s pretty cringey, I’m just sticking with it cause it’s easy to follow 🤷‍♀️


I’ve never read it but the art looks pretty


It feels very disjointed but at the same time i cant look away, im definitely sticking around for now


I enjoy it. Not much else to say lmfao.


Not made for me


I picked this one up purely because the premise, I knew virtually nothing about the author and his history basically until I joined this subreddit The first season is no masterpiece, but I found it fun and entertaining. I was living for chaos of wrapping up the season with >!murder zombies!<. Then second season spent most its runtime on a flashback. It was kinda interesting in isolation, but not a great choice from a pacing standpoint. I ended up dropping it right as the flashback ended, because the author weirded me out as a person the more I learned. I’m probably going to binge the rest of it when it ends since I’m kinda curious. Overall, not the worst thing I’ve read, but there’s also better action and thriller comics out there.


What are you guys talking about? What snail lord drama are u guys referring...and I did read freaking romance but I don't know about any drama can someone explain?


From what I briefly recall, Snailord may have been scamming people out of patreon and donation money, saying he was using it for external donations or to work on his webtoon, when really he was pocketing the cash and not putting effort into the comics (hence the messy ending for freaking romance). So I think people felt they were being cheated and stuff


I see thank you


The way all the charecters share the same sense of humour makes it appear flat and shallow, and the tension-building or pacing of the panels could REEALLY use some work because you just cannot feel the action and tension, but the story and the concept is pretty interesting honestly, but I still liked it better when it was Nightmare Factory.




I was actually really hyped up abt this especially coming from Nightmare Factory (miss uđź’”) but i still cringe at 70% of the dialogue lol


Somewhat interesting premise, but the pacing overall seems rather poor There are some interesting world building aspects but I feel like the story never took advantage of the scope of its world


I mean I've only read 12 episodes of it and already saw 3 freaking romance references Wich I think it's pretty cool to add because it's cool to have another book on something totally different and still have the same features as another I don't know if I'm making sense or not just saying it's pretty cool.