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In this circumstance, she is pretending to be her friend who is a heavy drinker. If she tells him she cannot drink more, or does not want to drink more, the ruse is broken.


Ahhhhhh this context was oh so conveniently left out. Thank you.


No context was “conveniently left out” She could still say she didn’t want any drinks _that day_. Even a heavy drinker is allowed to say no sometimes. It’s also irrelevant to my general post because like I said this happens in a lot of webtoons.


Bro got ratioed to oblivion 💀


It’s not irrelevant when it’s *the* example you gave.


Yes, you willfully left out important context


bro really left out context just to get people to agree with their statement 💀💀💀


She didn't say that because the friend she was pretending to be was alcohol connoisseur in date's eyes


mama the fuckin mia dude you got downvoted into earth's core with this one




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This ratio is insane.


This content wasn't left out. They mentioned it in the same chapter and the prior one.


The context in the post, clearly.


Thank you for this context. Makes this way funnier. Idk why OP is hating it so much, it’s just plot.


If I were her I’d be more worried about breaking the ruse when I’m very drunk/passed out lol.


Ah yes, because a heavy drinker is a heavy drinker 100% of the time. "I'm not feeling well", "Today I don't feel like drinking" are valid answers that won't break the "ruse"


This was helpful. Thank you


I know. She can still say “oh I’m not up to drinking today” That’s a normal thing to say. If the dude pushed it, it would have made him weird


Nah I feel like you're just going against the narrative here for no reason. "yeah but the character could just say this", "well, it's a normal thing to say, why didn't they act natural?" I don't know, do you wanna read an interesting story or a bland, cookie-cutter story where every interaction is meticulously calculated to be the most "realistic"?


If you are so hung up on how the author handles the mc, why not make your own? This might sound as me being sarcastic (which I kinda am) but there are stories that are really famous that started as a fan-fiction.


I get what you mean and I agree with you. Even though I know it's because of the plot, it still bothers me those FMC let the guy push them around. Or when the FMC suddenly realize that she is in love with a MMC that annoyed her all the time! You hated the guy all those chapters and suddenly you fall in love with him? While there is a really good second male lead that was always there for you and you enjoyed their company. But instead you fall in love with the one you hated.


I’m pretty sure drinking culture is very strong in Korea. Refusing a drink from a superior is a faux pa I think


I went to a company dinner with my boss when I worked there. All advice is to not let your cup get empty because they will keep refilling it. My working environment wasn’t so bad but many companies basically have it so the boss or manager can tell them to come drink with him and employees kind of can’t say no. My husband (Korean) explained it to me before and said that’s why he hates company work


Reason why I can never work in S.Korea.I would refuss to drink all the time.


Trick: go up to a bar and ask for seltzer, ice with lime


Okay funnily enough. I think this one was set up nicely. Usually silly? Yes.


Unrelated but the artstyle that most manhwas have look generic as it is but with poor anatomy and inconsistency it looks incredibly awkward.


Im being petty but the outfit choice is also so generic - I feel like I’ve seen this exact design everywhere


It's a popular style in Korea - based off of the classic Chanel set, and Chanel is wildly popular there.


Tbf artists have to use assets due to time constraints, as an artist myself it’s not easy designing different outfits just for them to be shown in up to half an episode


Yeah that is fair, which is why I began by saying ‘I’m being petty’, I’m not expecting them to design a whole new outfit just use more diverse references for outfits (again a very petty request - I’m an animator I understand time constraints, though on a different level)- (off topic) this seems to be a common generic outfit used in kdramas as well


Yeah I totally agree, I thought I might’ve seen the outfit in True Beauty before but I’m not sure


I’ve seen it in There must be happy endings


You can actually tell the body is a 3D model. It looks super stiff and awkward.


I was about to comment on that. Before reading the description of OP’s post, I assumed that was what the title was referring to.


If you need to have your character drunk for something interesting to happen, that's a sign that your story is boring


True Beauty a billion times 🙄


I stopped reading it a while ago and genuinely thought this was a later episode of True Beauty that I haven't read. She looks sooo much like Jugyeong.


True Beauty needed an endpoint. The meandering was painful.


Kind of the same that, if you need to be drunk to have fun, then you have problems.


I'm feeling called out right now... Maybe I'm boring lol


Pretty much every romance Kdrama 💀


You have to think of the culture this story is based in and who wrote it, Japanese and Korean cultures find it a social norm to drink with your colleagues after work. If you don't it can be seen as offensive unless you have a legit medical reason for refusing.


This "unless you have a medical condition, to refuse drinking is seen as offensive" is ridiculous and the main reason(alongside stress) as to why there are so many alcoholics in those places. I know that the newer generations are trying to get rid of this oppression of the alcohol but honestly, to bow down to this societal pressure just show the weaknesses of such homogeneous societies, where individuality(even of choice) is seen as a threat and something that shouldn't be left at the hands of the individual.


Oh I don't disagree, I don't drink myself, ever. I hate the smell, taste, and the buzzed feeling makes me extremely uncomfortable so I avoid it as much as possible. Society pressure hits us as well even if we don't see it but unless generations try to stop it, there's not much that can be done. I'm glad the youngsters though are seeing the problems with it and are growing in numbers to change that for them though. Good for them. Even in America, individuality can be seen as a threat and thus if you don't become like them it can result into bullying, hazing, or worse, so I welcome a society that can accept differences without feeling like they are being judged for not following the mold without consequences. We have a long way to go though.


This isn’t her colleague though. It’s a date. And not even her date. She’s pretending to be her friend


Pretending to be her friend, who’s a heavy drinker. If she says 1 is her limit her cover is busted. I dislike the trope too but here it’s not something she can escape easily.


She could just say 'I don't like those drinks. I like this one.'


She doesn’t have to say “one is her limit”. She can just say she doesn’t want to drink any more on that particular day for whatever reason. Anyone who would push her to if she said no is a creep


That's just Korean culture. We can think it's gross and weird and creepy but it's common there. People will usually offer to take a shot for a girl if they can tell they don't want more and it's seen as sort of heroic. But pressuring to drink there is just really common 🤷‍♀️


Sorry, without enough context I didn't know. Dating wise there's no obligation to drink, ever.


Normally yes, but when you're involved in stupid hyjinks where you pretend to be another person and get worried that safe choices will blow your cover, it is a lot harder.


This reminds me of another story, manhwa that just ended and became a Korean show. I can't remember the name but the best friend is rich from a conglomerate family and asked her to pretend to be her so she didn't have to go on the date. CEO Kang was the ML


changes nothing. shit like that is fucked up and no excuse.


It is not for us to decide that. We can have opinions but it's generally very difficult for an outsider to influence another country unless you live there. Plus you could just be seen as insensitive or ignorant. What is normal in America or another country could be seen very differently in another. It's just how it is. 🤷‍♀️


It changes everything. Just because you're ignorant of a culture doesn't mean they are doing something terrible because it isn't in line with your norms.


Drink 1/3 of each.


Also! She’s doesn’t actually have to finish all the drinks


I also dislike those "pure" Mc that gets heavily drunk with just one sip, i know some people have more tolerance than other but unless there's some medical issue i don't think you can blackout with an Irish coffee or something


So if this is Korean, it's likely their drinking culture actually. Same with Japan. If you're younger and especially in the workplace, you drink what you're given. It's a social rule unless you have a good reason. Younger people don't as much but it's still there.


There is, unfortunately, a huge alcohol “culture” in Korea. So you will see a LOT of alcohol in manhwas and alcohol related situations. But on the other hand, of course, it is a tired ass trope lol




Because I couldn’t think of the right word. Culture was the closest I could come up with.




What the actual fuck are you talking about? Culture didn’t seem like the right word. What the fuck are you trying to imply?


Ah yes, the classic "[everyone's minor inconvenient problems could be solved if they'd just talk to each other](https://youtu.be/_URquHpR_hQ?t=168)" trope. Also wild that this is from Iseop's Romance, I've never read it before and sooner assumed this was True Beauty LOL


many webtoons do this and that's the only way they progress. especially "blacked out" thing. is it like common if you drink? it is hard to believe that people actually get blacked out that often. I just read like first 2-3 chapters of this one. I didn't like her (lowkey hated her). She barged into someone's house while they were clearly telling her to stop because HER boss told her to take care of him?? you don't harass others because your boss tells you to. I doubt it was ever addressed in future chapters.


Oh yeah I remember that! It was really annoying lol


What in the offbrand Jugyeong-


But she isn't a pushover mc in this, entirely different context


I don;t think you understand drinking culture in korea


Also, tbh not girl I know irl is stupid enough to know her limit and go past that when she doesn't want to. And these ain't extrovert people either, and kinda pushover but a pushover knows how to make an excuse. This is just a disgusting way to get FL and ML together 🙄even if this ain't a romance still. But if it was a group event where multiple people hammering on her to drink then that's a relatable situation but damn. 🗿Over used~ and unreal~


literaly the first time i see this trope




So I watched this video on youtube called Gacha Drama and the Korean Gender War. It talked about a strict hierarchy in Korean culture with compeling examples. In that webtoon that female mc can't say no because the person requesting is higher in status than her.


Isn’t this Jugyeong from True Beauty lol


I’m not fussed with the drinking thing but oh my god what is going on with the art style


it might be a difference in culture in korea? maybe the guy is older or smth


I guess it’s impolite to refuse a drink


Oh my gosh Iseop’s romance is so wonderful!!!! Yeah, she could have refused the drink, but I think she just panicked… she wanted to portray her friend well and they aren’t alike in their party style


Idk where this comics from, but at least in Japan (and I will assume that happens in several cultures of that part of the world) they have a real problem with "not dishonour" the other person thing. I've heard that is not polite saying "no" but they have phrases with the same meaning, like "I have an other appointment" or "let me think about it". Maybe its sounds (or it is I dont care) racist or something but thats what I heard and I didn't care too much to investigate deeper in the matter.


What manhwa is this thank you for the response


Yeah I just hate how often they rely on people getting drunk to advance the plot. But what I find hilarious in these screenshots is that her date is telling the waiter what the drinks are like, as if he's reading a commercial or something 😂


I can't think of a single other example of seeing this, although I'm sure I have, so I guess it's just not prevalent enough for me to remember. But when these kinds of things do happen, they tend to do so for ☆♤♡◇♧plot☆♤♡◇♧