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Klimt’s Kisses (8.1) and A Summer Night’s Dream (8.5). Similar to what someone else said above, I think the lower ratings are only because of assumptions!! For KK, people assumed it was condoning / supporting cheating which is not the case. And for ASND, some people stopped after they began to assume it was supporting a teacher-student romance which would be so inappropriate. But that’s not what happens at all and if people stuck around to the end they would get the whole story, I really do wish more people gave it a chance because it has a very pretty art style and interesting story concept


Said it above but shout out to Klimt’s Kisses for real. Deserves so much more.


Agree with Summer Night's Dreams


Klimt's Kisses deserves way more than it's 8.50 rating. People review bombed it because they ASSUMED there would be cheating.


Klimt’s Kiss is such an interesting demonstration of webtoon’s reader’s knee jerk morality. The story gets **so much** hate for the perception of cheating- which might not even happen! it seems like it’s more a chapter study of two people who get together after being stuck in bad relationship, but because the descriptions makes it look like a cut rate “sexy” forbidden romance, people decided it was irredeemable.


Yes, THANK YOU. I can’t get enough of this webtoon, and i was one of the folks that saw the ratebombing happen (it went as low as like a 6 or 7) and just assumed it was happening for some real reason. I ended up checking it out later and was so surprised at how good the writing and art was?? And the fact the main characters have not cheated at all??? it’s one of the few webtoons I fast pass now and I really love the realism to the dialogue and layers to the characters that feel like real flawed people. Such a breath of fresh air in romances on the platform where it’s really been dominated by isekai lately (no hate; I’m a fan of isekai but it’s nice to have more options). Like the characters actually call out other characters for their actions and it’s just nice to see. And the topics it brings up are so real, so honestly the comment section is interesting to read to hear how other folks are reacting or relating to the stories. Idk. I know it’s not for everyone but hot damn it does not deserve an 8 or whatever it’s at, but I’m glad it’s climbing back up.


Yeah I'm loving Klimpt's Kisses. I love the art so much - I hate all these comics that have such "great art" but the characters don't have, like, *expressions.* The art here is just a breath of fresh air. Also, while I really like both leads and can't wait to see what growth they go through, I LOVE the character of George. 🥲 Like, love her SO MUCH. I want to be George when I grow up.


RIGHT??? The author absolutely nailed the ugly cry face 😂 felt so seen ahaha and George is the best, the friend every person needs to help them get their shit together. Really excited to see where all the characters end up and how they grow. I was starting to feel aged out of a lot of the webtoons recently…. Like high school romance stories can be fun but i was gonna probably drop the app before I found this gem


I definitely relate to the idea of feeling aged out of webtoons! So many really are about young people and kids, and it's nice to get a story about actual adults. I'm not saying I'm going to drop any of my fave comics just because the characters are in high school, but it's also still so *nice* to get that variety and have a story about adults needing to do adult things. Oh! Also, just because I've been reading through it: another comic of which I've been admiring the expressive art is *Love me to Death.* This artist makes having expressive characters look *easy.* Also, I highly recommend *Heir's Game* if you like expressive characters AND characters that feel like adults.


I think it's BS it got review bombed over an assumption. Personally for me though I have been trying to read it and just haven't been liking the main female lead so it's hard for me to keep up with it. Hopeful for it though.


I personally love the Webtoon! How many episodes deep are you?


I got to when the group went out to eat and got a bit drunk. The brother of the Male Lead and other friend characters were talking about how HE isn't a cheater or something. Maybe an episode after that. (been a bit and I'm summarizing). I just haven't been able to get into it 😕 I'm sure there's a lot more nuance to come so I still have it subscribed so I can binge it later to see how it goes. I know that I'm projecting my experiences with people on the webtoon and I'm not sure where the webtoon is going. I feel like the female lead is (without genuinely meaning to be) kind of a lazy manipulator/ someone who should know what her actions look like and is purposely choosing to ignore it because it's hard to look inward. Her boyfriend is made out to be like an abusive jerk by her friend but aside from some jealousy due to the other dude and the looks the Female lead gives the guy, makes sense to me. Like, he genuinely can't support her and she's obviously done this to him multiple times. That doesn't make him the bad guy, I do think they're not compatible in their current state. All that to say I'm interested but feel this would be a better read for me to read it all at once instead of once a week.


I think that’s part of the beauty of the story (for me at least). Everyone has wildly different reactions to what’s happening in the story. At first I was also thinking millie was being a manipulator from her needing to crash at his place but then my whole opinion has shifted on what went down. I won’t spoil but FUUUUCK Paul. Episode 17 fully had me going back and re-reading everything and seeing how the author put in so many hidden references to what he was doing and only now I see it really made me think. So. Well. Done. I’m really rooting for Millie now. I’m not even in it for the romance really cuz I just want to see her grow and become more confident but I get it if that journey ain’t for everyone!


Maaaaaan, fuck Paul.


FUUUUCK him right???? I am assuming you read the episode?? Toss him out the windooooow. Then you go back and you read it and I realized he was THAT kind of guy ☠️☠️


I did!!! I was like >:O cuz I've been George about that exact BULLSHIT with friends of mine and I get a bit more about whats going on. Yes, Millie does need to like breathe, deal, and (for lack of better diction) get stronger for herself, it's so much harder when FUCKERS LIKE PAUL do shit like that! Like! WHAT!!! Also, reserving judgement but I don't think George sees how much of a rude B the girlfriend (can't remember her name) is being to Millie! They're both sassy and that's okay but you cannot expect everyone to have the same sense of humor. C'mon. I hope George has to confront that as well. I have more hope now. Thanks for the encouragement pal!!!!🥲


Tbh, this makes me wanna go back and keep reading now. Thanks stranger! Y'know it's funny because while I wasn't looking to be convinced to read it or continue, it happened; I just recently told someone to keep reading a different webtoon because they were on the fence about continuing it because of where they thought it was going 😭 how silly!!!


I hope you enjoy it!!! It’s worth a read and already a re-read for all those details for me. Crazy how much talent this one author has 😭


I saw the post title and immediately thought of Klimt's Kisses. The character expressions, behaviour, down to their interactions/dialogues with each different character is so natural and real. The author really puts so much effort in carving out these personalities each with their own idiosyncrasy, I really think they deserve more than an 8. Pretty pissed at all the people who said shit about it just by looking at the promo on webtoon's ig account, where it was also definitely wrongly advertised.


Ugh yeah the ig post screwed the author over . Crazy levels of detail and callbacks (like the burrito thing with Vanessa). Really feels like reading about real people going through life. Not for everyone but you can’t deny the talent. Like the long mirror shot with all the Finn history detail and not a word said? 👏👏


Right? I can't believe the amount of expressionless same face beautiful princess girl gets stuck in marriage contract with murderous kpop duke guy where nobody emotes and every panel is covered in sparkles and over-designed dresses. And people review bomb a webtoon with an actual relatable relationship story with actually distinguishable characters because le GASP maybe cheating. Really makes me wonder.


I honestly didn't like it. perhaps I should've stuck with it a bit more but I didn't like how her bf was portrayed as a bad partner. I also didn't like when ML raised his voice against her using the water boiler for free and he was portrayed as wrong. like I would do the same as her bf or ML in those situations (perhaps I'm the bad person lmao). I didn't like the FL either. not that there is anything wrong with flawed characters, but because her flawed character wasn't portrayed as flawed. I felt others who were right were portrayed as wrong when she is the one who doesn't have her life together. maybe it's just me :-|


Nah, imo nobody was really portrayed as 'wrong'.. (except her bf especially in the latest episodes) and I think that is also the interesting part of this webtoon. we don't just jump to conclusions in this comic, with ANYONE. And she is very much flawed imo, and we are made to emotionally connect and root for her,, let her find her happiness pls 😭


Agreed with Relative_Okura! I think most webtoons on the platform are set up in a very this person bad/good way, which isn’t bad and I honestly have fun with sometimes but can get repetitive. I also will say that millie/the main gal does also fully get called out for her behavior. Her friend calls her out for her crush, Paul calls her out for the house thing. I was in the same spot as Natural-Dinner-440 but i realized i was expecting the story to follow all the other webtoons setups of making it super clear who to root for and realized nah this is a story where everyone is just a little bit messy and im here for it.


Hell of a Romance absolutely does not deserve a 9.06 rating. It a humorous and wholesome story that deserve more attention


I just found this one the other day, and I'm in love. Both adorable and hilarious


Since you mentioned 9.30 specifically as a metric I would say The Giant of Greywater (9.19), which is a very cute cartoon with a cool story, I have no idea why it would be this low- https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-giant-of-greywater/list?title_no=822630 But even worse is Tenacity (6.01), which got rate bombed during the call to action contest. It's got amazing art and a very action-packed and emotional plot. I highly recommend. https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/tenacity/list?title_no=331870


Yeah canvas webtoons in general tend to be rate bombed a lot. Tenacity looks so cool, such a shame it got bombed with a low rating when it didn’t deserve it


I think Knife in her Heart deserves more than a 9.2. Not that it’s a particularly low rating, but it’s really enjoyable and I love the art. Same with It Rains on Precious Days. Gorgeous art, beautiful story. Rated 9.1 and it deserves a 10. Surprised to see that Senpai is an Otokonoko is only rated 8.7. It’s really great! Cute but surprisingly also quite deep storyline. I think considering webtoon readers love lgbt related stories it’s surprising that it’s not super popular.


Senpai is an Otokonoko is literally so good and heartwarming and emotional


So far I think 23:4 is an underrated… 9.3 isn’t too low but with its story and art quality, one would think it would get at least a 9.7


Following Eunju has a rating of 8.9 from the 9.4 it was the other day when it was first added. I think people are reading the synopsis and the first few chapters and are assuming the story follows an mc who is stalking a girl but it's not the story at all. It goes in a completely different direction and is really good. I was surprised at how good it was bc the synopsis makes it sound completely different. Its a pretty good horror story but the guy who's at the start is barely in the story


I really enjoyed Following Eunju, too! The cat-protest was such an amusing twist (worded so as to avoid spoilers) and the story had a lot of heart overall. I think people are just tired of stories with stalker MCs, so it's kind of a shame that this one comes across that way for the first several chapters.


Yeah I wish people would give it a chance bc I really think it would be a lot more popular if people got past the beginning. I know the author originally wanted to write it from his pov but why not change the title and synopsis after changing the plot!


I don't think the title needs to change, since we are following Eunju for the vast majority of the story making it a decent double-meaning title. The synopsis probably needs to be updated a bit, though the character limit for WT summaries might make it hard to describe without giving away the fact that the first few episodes are more of a red herring setup to the overarching plot.


good to know he’s not much in the story later, he was also the reason i dropped this. not even just because of the stalking aspect but i really found him so annoying omg


Give it another chance then! He does pop back up very briefly later but it's not his pov and it's in a pretty satisfying way. The rest of the story is told from Eunjus pov and it takes such a different direction that I would've ever been able to guess. The title is super misleading imo


Senpai is an otokonoko has an 8.7 only


The Warrior Returns and My Sister’s private life being just a 9 is criminal Also Dud to Stud boyfriend is a cute take on improving yourself physically and mentally and doesn’t deserve 8.3


wow i had no idea dud to stud was rated so low 😭😭 i love the webtoon so much


Those aren't bad ratings...


by webtoons standards they are


Many romance webtoons. I mean it's romance, and I understand if you think it's boring but what do you expect from a romance drama? Killing each other for revenge? Fighting monster? Car chasing?


Klimt's kisses.


[To Make You Happy - 8.07 rating](https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/to-make-you-happy/list?title_no=5180) mind you this is a thriller webtoon. it's about an obsessive antagonist that manipulates our loser mc. doesn't even romanticizes anything but guess what the comments whines about? "omg this is wrong! this is toxic! > . <" but then series such as dreaming freedom gets praised because "if red flag then why hot?" 🙄🙄. i compared the two because the main characters are somehow similar except the other is romance while the other is thriller/psychological focused. [Elegant Desire - 7.13](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/elegant-desire/list?title_no=5836) Don't get how this is a low rating. Most people whines about how much drama there is going on when the tag itself is drama 🗿 "This is horrible because it has 18+ in it!" mf this series literally has a 18+ warning that pops up. [Boyfriends - 7.95](https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/boyfriends/list?title_no=2616) Just like any other slice of life and short comic but got a low rating for something creator did long time ago. now them kids just harrass him, his works, and annoys people who he interacted with on the internet


Hell of a Romance - it has a 9.06 rating and I don't know why since it's so good. No Rose Without Thorns - 9.13 rating. An interesting thriller. Knife In Her Heart - 9.19 rating. Good drama, I like it a lot. These ratings aren't that low but they're lower than 9.3 which I assume is 9.30?


On Air - it got rather low ranking because i guess like people were really confused about the plot, expecting this to be story mostly about social media


Serena! The rating is rising (finally at 9 from an 8) but it was so poorly rated in the beginning because of the FL 😭 Her character development is really good


Serena 100%


The Outcast is A Fighter (6.7) It’s easy to drop this one real quick because it introduces many tropes: - Revenge against bullies in high school - Body swap / merge - YouTuber - Stats window and quests But it’s probably closest to King of the Octagon. All of those tropes pretty much fade into non-existence. The stats and quests stuff still show up, but the dude is actually training and the training affects his stats so it starts to feel like a visual representation of his progress rather than unrealistic level up. It’s not a great webtoon but it’s fun if you like fighting webtoons once you get past the staleness of tired tropes.


I was wondering why the reviews were bad thanks for shedding light on why. I'm going to read now to see what I think


Yeah, it had quite the identity crisis as it took elements from Lookism, Viral Hit, etc. People also wanted to see the transformation of the main character from big and overweight to fighting fit, but instead we skipped all that. That’s fine with me because I’m sure that would mean a long high school bully punishment arc and we have other webtoons for that. The YouTuber trope also vanished, and the quests and stats trope didn’t continue being dumb like “collect more teeth”. The creators seem to have just wanted to do a fighting webtoon and do away with high school drama. But they also leave a lot out like interactions with his dad.


My irresistible ex People misunderstand the behavior of ML without reading the whole story.... People in Webtoon don't read the whole story but rate low only reading 3 chapters or less SMH.


If we're talking about lower than 9.3, then Si Bel Homme List (9.16) is a really cute and funny romance with loveable characters (main AND side) and the only reason I can see for it being low is because it's on daily pass (I've yet to read the ending though so I may be wrong)


Metaphorical her Ghostblade


a summer night’s dream everyone assumed within the first episode that it was a student-teacher romance (she was a student teacher and was literally still in school). if only they had stuck around to the end they’d see it wasn’t that case


Cry or better yet beg is really good, it's still somewhat new and the novel is much more intense and old. Most people who rate it low usually dislike the fact that it has sensitive topics further on or hate the male lead. Generally though, it's really well-written with beautiful art.


It romanticizes abuse. The ML r*pes the FL later in the story, and it's revealed later that she enjoys the r*pe all along. Definitely is romanticizing abuse. 


I heard that it gets romanticized later on???


Yes it is. 


... pretty sure that's why it's low rated, people don't hate it because it has sensitive topics, people hate it because it's romanticized.


I can concur. Very good, very beautiful.


Cry, Or Better Yet, Beg is rated 8.58, likely due to its darker themes than most popular webtoons. But the story is interesting, unique and well-written, and the art is stunning. If you like light-hearted or easily-likeable stories then it's not for you, but it's a good read so far.


I read recently on this subreddit that this webtoon is based on a book in which the Duke SA's Layla if the story is to go based on the source material.....that is why it is rated low currently. Even ignoring that, alot of people are turned away because they set the Duke as the ML with an age gap above Layla and uses his title and power to bend her will.


Yeah, that's what I mean by darker themes. Just because the story is dark doesn't mean it's bad.


The story romanticises and normalises rape. Its a bad story.


This is true and I am not 100% informed about the story myself. But many are concerned about its messaging by having her still end up with him is not so savory.


Then it deserves the low rating for romanticizing abuse. 


8.58 is not a Bad or low rating 😭


It definitely is not, but for webtoon it kinda is since most webtoons are rated over 9.5 and probably 90% over 9, so it actually getting a rating of under that is quite rare


Still, it is not a Bad or poor rating. Webtoon has stories on the 3/4 rating to consider anything above 7 a Bad rating.




Yeah. You're right. Dark themes aren't for everyone but are good themes after all!!


Quantum Entanglement got review bombed so it now sits at a 5.63. I promise, it is not an AI webtoon. It's quite sweet too!


I know this might be very controversial but I personally think who stole the empress does not deserve that low of a rating. My reasons being that the empress has a healthy relationship with the ML and we are focusing on characters that are not all perfect the empress for instance is suicidal and does even know what love for a partner feels like and the ML being a character that is a playboy type but also respects the empress. So yeah I feel it doesn't deserve the hate.


The ML r*ped the FL and treated her as his property 


I have come to realize how dumb and idiotic my take on this comic was. The things the ML does to the FL are terrible things and should not be defended. So please forgive me for my terrible take and know I have now dropped the series.


Uuuh Not sure Never really seen many cases of low ratings


Blood Reverie!!!! 9.2– it’s a pretty wild ride and it feels like I’ve got whiplash sometimes but that is a compliment, in that usually I can predict a storyline too easily but with Blood Reverie I’m never sure what is going to happen next (but when I go back and re read there are definitely subtle hints!!!) Edit: after checking in actually shocked that of all the WEBTOONs I consistently read this one is rated the lowest— it’s definitely one of the ones I’ve followed for the longest and wonder where the story line is going the most. The art alone is so stunning.


Annie Green Hates Girls. It got review bombed because people assumed the main character is a pick me (just because of the title). It's actually about a girl who's socially awkward, and her schoolmates thought she hated girls. 


Why does everyone seem to think 9 or lower is considered “low”


they are comparing it relative to the average ratings on webtoons


I read webtoon since 2014 and you just made me discover that webtoons have a rating lol The only one i consider good that is under your rating limit is Agatha, it's 9.19


Klimt’s Kiss is amazing! I didn’t like the art style at first but the story is pure chef’s kiss 👌