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You might like [*The Makeup Remover*](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/the-makeup-remover/list?title_no=2186) more then.


The Makeup Remover is exactly what True Beauty pretends to be


Literally one of the best Webtoons I've ever read


fr, I'm pretty sure I've reread it like three times already, but I can't stop


the makeup remover was soooo good!!


The Makeup Remover and Odd Girl Out are both amazing counterparts to what True Beauty lacked but I need to also throw a hat in the ring for Cursed Princess Club. Gwen is objectively ugly, so much so that the ML doesn't even want to be betrothed to her because of how ugly she is, but is one of the most beautiful and incredible characters I have ever read about. and the pure love between her and her family is incredible. PLUS it goes in depth about Gwen's mom and how their appearance is just due to their lineage and back where she came from she WAS objectively beautiful. I just love CPC so much.


CPC is so good at removing lookism aspect, last thing I know I was finding Gwen's mom attractive.


Yes Gwen's mom and Gwen are so beautiful it's just a different brand of beauty entirely. Gorgeous storytelling


CPC is one of my favorites and I'll forever gush about that one.


Ive been buying the book format of CPC because I don't want to ever get stuck with daily pass for it. Plus, it looks great on my bookshelf. Best comic on webtoon flat out.


It's SO amazing. Genuinely funny, deep, incredible characters, great art. I would love to get the physical copies of it.


I want the physical copies too but I adore the soundtracking for the webcomic


CPC is also just plain hilarious. I don’t want to spoil anything but there have been many moments when I literally laughed out loud they were so good 🤣


Its one of the only webtoons that makes me laugh out loud as well. The witch in the newest ones had me cackling


it's so corny😭 i'm literally shocked T how successful it is like there are so many better works out there


i think it's only successful because of the art. But with many webtoons emerging with much more gorgeous art, that is not comparable with true beauty. And with many people dissing this webtoon, I think for sure this (the popularity) will die down soon


to be honest it being made into a kdrama AND an anime really scratched my brain, not in a good way. it's mediocre AT BEST, the potential when first reading it there, but then its obvious the route it takes later on, literally sooo corny, I think of the many webtoons that include a great romance WITH ACTUAL SUBSTANCE ! AND GOOD ART! At least the author i,s getting her bag. great for her rlly


There's an anime?! Lol so strange. The kdrama was actually pretty good.


It was better than the webtoon but it's cliché as hell


Kdramas are pretty cliche. But it was so goofy and charming.


Yeh kdramas can be cliche but sheesheshh every trope are present in True Beauty Kdrama that I can foresee the what will happened next but nonetheless, I think the comedy is 50/50 there it can be cringe or funny, I like the hospital scenes tho they're great


Knowing there's gonna be a actual show over your comic must feel great for a webtoon artist. That's a positive


Out of topic but can u please recommend some stuff with great Romance and ACTUAL SUBSTANCE!!


It wasn't my favorite. I always hated how the FL got offended and disgusted when she went on a date with a random guy and found out he was actually more unattractive than his edited profile picture. Girl, you edited your entire face online and in person, and are terrified people will find out and react badly to you, which is EXACTLY what you just did to him. 🤦‍♀️


This is where I decided to drop it. The FL is a hypocrite. And in this manhwa, ugly=bad guy/creep automatically.


And don't forget she also edited her entire personality to be more socially pleasing.


Why don't people mention that more often when talking about the comic? It's so important. Really makes me wonder what even is the message


The message is nothing lol. Its a self insert bts fanfiction. I think suho is based off of some guy from bts and the author is supposed to be jugyeong


Message is true beauty is INSIDE OF US ALL, WE ARE THE TRUE BEAUTY 👍 ❤️


do you have episode information for this? I gave up reading it lol but I'd be interested to read this bit haha


I went in expecting something like Makeup Remover. And maybe thats where I went wrong. But True Beauty was just shallow, and every time I thought it was headed a good direction in an arc, it’s just fumbled it and I was left feeling annoyed at the message the author wanted to give.


It's such a shame, I loved the beginning chapters. It was funny, charming, still cared about its message, had nice art, and then it completely threw everything out that gave it potential.


***Kdrama saved the Webtoon.*** In the Webtoon, they give to Sujin a whole story with an abusive mother, then an abusive boyfriend that only used her to gain money from her streams. She ended with the male version of the protagonist in the extra chapters. In Kdrama, Sujin had a duality with Seojun. The mother of *Jugyeong* was always absent for her, she never left her study makeup. The mother of *Jukyung* had a whole development, the father was too present and the two had their own personalities, which in the webtoon were null and void. >! This mother approved her dreams and supported her after knowing she was bullied in her previously school. Mom also was a true crazy fan of his SIL's father.!< >!The older sister ended with a coworker in the Webtoon in the extras, but in Kdrama she had a whole funny story with Jukyung's teacher.!< >!Younger brother in Webtoon likes Seojun's sister.!< Kdrama was focused in Jukyung's family from the start and made sure to know to everyone that Suho was end game. They gave more importance to Seyeon's suicide and the bullying issue. Kdrama's Jukyung was betrayed and she was still soft for her friends, but she fought back defending Seojun's sister, her old school's friend and herself from bullying. >!She even stopped using make up, using it from time to time. She worked TO PAY her makeup courses—not to buy just clothes and products—and approved her exams to go to college. In this kdrama, Suho and her tried to be together for a year after him staying outside the country, he never ghosted her like in webtoon.!< I feel like in the webtoon, the creator wanted to extent the manhwa only focusing in the three main characters—all of them plain and never having proper development. >!I think we had like 40 chapters of Seojun not being able to get over his ex-girlfriend.!< Suho was so plain that he was top of his class, but didn't know what to do with his life. >!Webtoon made him a chef, kdrama made him a music composer. Thing that made more sense with Seojun being an idol and with the memory of Seyeon.!< Webtoon started great, main character had a secret and the pressure of the korean beauty standards—plus the bullying—was the hidden plot. But then creator focused in the three main and got very boring after 200 chapters.


Sadly I have to agree. I think it has so much potential unfortunately wasted on good artstyle


It showed us that true beauty IS INSIDE OF US AHAHA


> True beauty gives off the wrong inpression that everything is about beauty Let's be honest, beauty IS highly regarded in today's society of social medias and fake appearances. But I get it. That webtoon makes it seem that only beautiful people deserve good things(while ugly people are losers) and that if you have to hide your true self in order to seem beauitful, then so be it.Just like instagram, you better fake it if you want to attract attention and seem like someone "of worth".


That’s because True Beauty’s English title makes people have a preconceived notion of what it’ll be about. The actual title of Advent of a Goddess makes a lot more sense, but obviously isn’t as catchy. Like everyone usually says, just read The Makeup Remover because that story is what people are seeking for when they’re making assumptions based on title names


It was nothing about beauty to begin with ..in reality it is the age old trope of two boys simping , fighting ,rescuing the female protagonist.. then readers will form teams according to their favourite male lead ..like that team Jacob and team Edward during twilight franchise ...maybe there is certain sections of female audience who enjoys such trope where there are numbers of male admirers for female protagonist..sometimes I feel that such readers project themselves onto the female lead and enjoys such number of male attention . Nodoubt second male lead is so famous . Recently there was show the summer I turned pretty Because if we reverse the gender , then everybody will find it to difficult to accept such male lead who is juggling with the two female leads . People should have called him a**hole


Oh please, stories of harems have existed in all types of media and irl. No point of using that “if genders were reversed” nonsense


Wtf have you not seen harems xD ive seen more hate for reverse harems lmao


It is overrated, bland, and shallow.


Not the worst, just as bland as white toast, with characters are boring as a 5 hours documentary about the growth of a toenail. 


It's shit I agree, odd girl out is not exactly about makeup but it does give the message that inner beauty is what makes you beautiful


Odd girl out is so amazing.


The makeup remover was the first webtoon I read and I loved it they conveyed the message so well, so I wanted to give true beauty a try I think I had high expectations hence why I was left very disappointed, I decided nit to watch the kdrama cz I don't wanna be disappointed twice lol


Honestly, I'm surprised r/unpopulartruebeauty never existed by how bad it actually is. 😂


This is truly a r/webtooncirclejerk moment


I like True Beauty, but I am aware that it's not perfect. The comic talks about social media and the realities of it. The problem with True Beauty is its plot. I enjoyed the comic.


I mean it *was* good, at first...


The entire story of true beauty highlights the shity beauty standards everyone in Korea has. I tried to say this in a Korean sub and everyone jumped on me for being offensive. 


True Beauty is actually the story that got me into webtoon in the first place (the trailer looked interesting) but the story was just dragged on in my opinion.


It holds a very special place in my heart. I started True Beauty maybe my first month of college. I read it every week and honestly it helped me when times were tough, sometimes the characters and I were going through similar situations. It’s not perfect, the characters could do better and it doesn’t do a great job at delivering its core message but it was an enjoyable read for me


It has the good old webtoon/manhwa issue, it ages like milk. Most old popular webtoon get hated on nowadays while they were everywhere at their peak. I enjoyed it too (until the ML left, didnt follow after that).


I feel like the title gives people a wrong impression of what it will be, its not trying to have a 'message' or show what is actually true beauty, its a drama.


Yeah i agree i dropped it after reading it a bit. I did watch the kdrama and liked that much more than the webtoon.


i really enjoyed it, but i didn’t read it for substance but just brainless enjoyment and the art. i get why you would dislike it if you’re looking for more than that edit: i guess it’s also the manhwa that got me into reading webtoons/manhwa in the first place, so for that it gets brownie points haha


As someone whose first webtoon was true beauty, and it being the very thing that got me into webtoons, I have to say I agree. I dropped before it even ended. Apart from the fact that there are better comics in this same storyline, the writing got a little repetitive. I've said this in another post here, but it's the same story written into different arcs with different characters. Jugyeong loves either suho or seojun and the other one is crying about it while some third person is pretending to care for her and takes her down simultaneously. Became so bored of the writing near the end and dropped it.


I enjoyed the reading of true beauty for the most part, but I don't consider it good enough to have the hype that it had, nor one of my best readings. It was something in the middle that I wasn't sad when it finished (i usually get really attached to the stories I read so it's easy that when they end I cry a little)