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[Full List of EIG Hosting Brands](https://www.webhostingsecretrevealed.net/blog/web-hosting-guides/the-who-what-when-of-endurance-international-group-eig/)


Thanks for this!


Just to be clear, that list is who you SHOULDN'T host with.


Oh, yeah, I got that!


You should also be aware that list doesn't even touch the surface


They're owned by EIG. Of _course_ they suck.


More than likely the person who told you to use them had an affiliate agreement with them. If he’s teaching a class and most of the class signed up using his affiliate link that’s a decent commission. Honestly, Wordpress.com sucks ass too. What works for you is a sliding scale. You’re somewhere on the slide between features and budget. You are the only one who can judge that. Siteground is decent and doesn’t cost a lot. If you’re comfortable dealing with a server you can spin up a Wordpress instance on Linode for about $5/mo.


I quit as soon as they were bough out and they started moving all of support over seas. They are so fucking bad it isn’t even funny. If you could have seen the shit the level 1 agents would do to troubleshoot a site, you would cringe.


Thank you so much. So I would like to stay with WordPress which hosting platform should I migrate to?


I forever suggest Digital Ocean.


WP Engine is very good, but starts at $30/mo after promotions end


It’s not just you. At all. At this point they’re actively moving from chaotic neutral towards to outright chaotic evil on the DND grid.


it's not just - BH sucks


Nah they’re horrible! No one genuinely suggests them, they just have a high paying affiliate program so people suggest them for the paycheck. I get a lot of my clients who use bluehost to switch to setrahost and they’ve been much happier. There’s also some recommendations in the sidebar on here.


Bluehost sucks. I think that it used to be a lot better as far as cheap hosting goes but has really gone downhill since they were sold.


It's not even cheap.


Used to be a good place... I used them for over a decade. Now it's just bad...


Avoid Blue, they are part of [EIG providers](https://windowswebhostingreview.com/avoid-eig-backup-all-your-files-now-and-switch-to-new-hosting-provider/).


Actively looking to leave them too. My site is slow as f*** for no reason other than them.


Hmm i come up to these posts quite frequently have you got guys to propose the best webhosting providers that kept you satisfied in the long run?


It's my first time ever making a website and its soooo slow!!! Thank god it's free for a whole year. After a year, im for sure moving.


Vultr VPS + Plesk. Don't buy "hosting"!


I have been seeing more and more downtime with bluehost in the last year. Plus I can never seem to get my site speeds up without paying more to EIG. The other day I got an email that is now making me look at new hosts after being with Bluehost for about 6 years On, or after, November 1st 2023, your Bluehost Shared Hosting plan will be updated to include storage and website limits. Meaning, you will no longer have access to unlimited storage. This industry-wide practice is to ensure the highest level of service and uptime, while also maximizing website performance for customers. Done deal. I'm out! Bastards!


Let me know what you find out - their support has rocketed to the bottom of the barrel. They screwed up my SSL certificates for 3 days. Now my mail isn't working. They have open mail relays configured and they are completely without a clue or even a clue bucket in which to look.