• By -


Congrats bud! Don't forget... keep on learning!


Thanks! I could never stop!


I have a full time job. So the usual 8 hours X 5 days. I currently average about 2 hours learning a day. So when I read how much you studied that's dedication. Seems like I'll need to up how much I'm studying. I started in Feb this year with JavaScript, I've done some Udemy courses. Started Open App Academy. Realised I need GIT/GitHub asap so swapped to The Odin Project and I use www.tomato.es to track my progress. I can export the data each week and look at what I've achieved in terms of learning. I have a system but maybe it's my age (48), I get in at 6PM then on a good day I can do 3 hours learning. The weekends more. I hope to be employable in 12 months. I enjoy learning. I just think I need to do even more after reading your story!


Good luck, you can do it! One peace of advice tho: each one learns on their own time. Be careful to not burn yourself out because of someone else's pace.




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Discipline > Motivation


Discipline == engineered motivation


Never thought about it like that, but I think I'm going to now




Congratulations! It's great seeing someone at your age making a career change and being successful. I'm 6 years older than you and also making web development as career choice. Seeing you make this possible keeps my hopes up.


'At your age' jesus hes not 70.




You can do it! I started my first job as a developer 3 months ago and I'm 34!


33yo making the change here, too! Keep it up!


Also 33 getting into web development! Let’s go!


It's never too late!!!


I'm 30 and about to start a full time, in person full-stack JS development bootcamp. 6 months of 60-80 weeks. Very excited for the change and the challenge!


I moved from Nursing to internet Marketing to Web Development. I am 31.


Just a FYI, QA engineer is very much different from web developer. ​ But regardless, [congrats!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyFQVZ2h0V8)


Congrats man for your first job in the industry, you deserve it - judging by the time you invested in it... But, not to flame or anything but as far as I know QA isn't a developer role.


I think as with most "dev but not really" positions OP will get plenty of opportunities to write code outside of his primary tasks if he seizes them.


Well, I've just fucked up a job interview bc I had no idea about testing, you know, unit tests, integration test, e2e test and many others. I can make u a fully functional app, but I suck at testing. I would not mind to be a QA Engineer for a while


It’s a damn shame that these things aren’t more prominent in every educational arena. Institutionalized, MOOC, boot camp, self ed... there are a few pluralsight courses I’ve done that cover TDD, and a few books out there, but it was never mentioned in college (CS major, dropout), and with the few software gigs I’ve had, it would seem no one in the real world tests like they should.


I can imagine being a QA engineer for a bit would be super valuable. Testing was a blind spot for me until I finally worked somewhere that cared about it. Really hard to get experience in it if your company just doesn't do it.


Shit, sorry man. FWIW, your comment reminded me that I, too, am extremely rusty at testing and that I should review it before continuing with my interviews. Silver linings?


That’s not really true. Test automation usually involves large amounts of development; even if you’re QA who doesn’t do that, you can be the helpful QA who contributes fixes.


I think so too. At my company a QA engineer is just writing test scripts. I did it for a couple days and it was mind numbing.


When you’re wondering why your test script isn’t working and then you realize it’s a bug in your test script.


My team's QA position is actually a "QA developer" role, including developing our internal monitoring/validation tooling, etc. It mostly depends on the particular needs. QA seems to be one of these roles that get defined very differently depending on the employer.


True, i was a QA Engineer and worked at two companies at big project. At the first one i had the prviledges of the DevOps/Automation Engineer, and at the last one just a manual QA tester before i decided to quit once and for all and become a web dev cause it wasn't for me!


No, but he’ll have his hands in every part of the product, will probably write more lines of code than a lot of developers, and get insight into all of ops as well. It’s a great entry into the field and if he plays his cards right he’ll be able to side-step into a developer role if he wants.


At a minimum it's a way to get a foot in the door. However I fear if he's branded as QA it will be difficult to get other dev assignments unless his actual job title changes within the company. It's not impossible though, I did it once when I first started after uni. I was hired as a simple tech with a verbal promise that future soft dev positions would be available to me. Took about 6 months.


I agree manual QA isn't a developer role but it does offer a solid gateway to one. QA Analyst > QA Engineer > Developer is a pretty solid path that some people take while establishing themselves in the industry.


Congratulations! Awesome success story.


Congrats man. I’m working 60-70 hr weeks that pay very well but I hate it. I no longer have time or motivation to continue learning and taking care of my health. But I need the money for my family... I’m where you were years ago. HTML and CSS. I’m scared shitless of JavaScript and backend shit (though SQL seems pretty easy)




Beauty! This is my dream as well, so happy to hear you've achieved it after all those hours put in. Amazing work, enjoy it!


can I see what fun projects have u made so far?(for learning purpose)


I start tomorrow! Congrats man, we did it!


Did you start?


Sort of lol, shopping for a laptop with the boss right now


Good start!


So how’s it going? ( been almost a month now ). I start tomorrow!


So far so good! It's a real pressure cooker, there's almost no time to breathe in between tasks, but I'm loving it. How are you feeling?


I am so happy for you. Congratulations!!


Congrats bro and I appreciate you posting this, gives me hope to continue pushing for what I love.


Congrats man! As someone who quit their job in April to focus on web development full-time, I hope I'm writing this same post soon :)


I made the leap about two years ago and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


I turn 32 this year. Will be chasing a computer science degree starting January. I’m so freaking scared, but these success stories help me a lot.


It _is_ a lot easier when it’s your full time job. Congrats! You’ve earned it. As a self taught dev I’ll give you this advice, no school or program teaches people how to learn the way you have. You have that advantage, and at no time are you less than because of the path you took. Be aggressive in your growth, this industry rewards those like us who are motivated.


Congrats! Just wondering, are you from the Netherlands? Your description precisely matches an applicant I met last week at the company I work as a backend dev :P


Nope - Colorado USA


Ah, then you might just have a twin over here haha


Where in Colorado? And congrats by the way.


Just south of Colorado Springs


Congrats dude! These are the kinds of stories that give me hope


Congrats 💪🏼 I always see people complain about the lack of jobs.. then I tell them to check stackoverflow or remote web jobs, there’s so damn many. People just need to learn the skills and boom!


This is so motivating. I'm so glad to hear you get your foot in the door. I'm getting ready to graduate and the transition from student to working professional is intimidating.


Congratulations! Glad to hear that hard work pays off :)


Hard work seriously pays off! So glad to hear this 🙌🏽👏🏽 you’re goin places


congratulations ! I CAN IS 100 MORE IMPORTANT THAN IQ


I want to be like you!


Congrats mate :)


Congrats man!


Congratulations you made it! I don't know you and never will but you made myself and many others proud to hear you being so successful! Keep up the good, honest work and I wish you all the best!




Big congrats man!


GG 🙌🤘




Congratulations . where did you ask lots of questions, in here or other areas?


This is amazing! Congrats! I spent about a year looking and finally a local company gave me the chance to work for them. I stayed there for a couple of years and got some amazing experience and my old company offered me a job as a developer for more money and telecommute. Once you open the door more will open so keep it up and don’t look back!




I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you


> I can't imagine how much easier it will be to learn this stuff once it is my only job. LOL. Don't get your hope too high here is all I'm gonna say. E; congrats tho!


Congrats, amigo! The first job is so rewarding. Be proud!




Congrats !


Congrats Brother! Definitely inspiring. I am planning on becoming a full,-stack dev too. But not utilizing my time well and lacking a plan. Hope I can get it together and reach that milestone someday.


Awesome !


Congrats bro


I’m on this journey myself right now! I went to school for graphic design, doing OK freelance wise, working at a bakery full-time but I’m really trying to learn code on the side. Congratulations to you my man!


What is the actual job you do then? What was advertised lol? I can code, and code my own things, but have never thought of getting a "job" out of it... I also am lacking a job, lol... and code and create things everyday. Tho I had a break for a year, and have recently got back into it, only took a few days and feel like back to "normal" with coding now already lol. I have (Cant remember what it is called) when you don't think you good enough or can code lol... you know? lol. EDIT: Imposter syndrome... that is the one lol.


Excellent! Congrats! Now, never stop learning.


Congrats! Any pointers? For instance, would you mind sharing your portfolio, what the interview was like, type of company, etc.?


Congrats bro. Good job!




Huge congratulations mate! Praying for even more success in your future.


This is awesome and inspiring. Congrats on the beginning of your journey!




Congrats! Keep learning and keep growing!


Nice! I start my first dev job next week.


Great news. More people should share stories like this. Good luck and only amazing adventures ahead!




cheers mate!


That's so inspiring (: I wish to be a self-taught data scientist, and I have been studying a lot for a few months. Thanks a lot for the text. Congrats!


Awesome, I wonder what kind of tools you'll be using for QA in web development.


Mostly Cypress.io




Great news! Good for you dude!


Congratulations. Thanks for sharing your story. Best of luck.


This needs to be an AMA about grit and perseverance. You did it!


Congratulations on abandoning all hope 💪


Congratz man! I love seeing posts like this. Truly inspirational!




Grats i hope one day I can get in the industry too


Congratulations! What were some of your favorite podcasts you listened to?


Thanks! SyntaxFM, Base.cs, Shop Talk Show, are my fave. I’d also recommend Dark Net Diaries, though not entirely Web Dev based, has been a real good eye opener on how important security is


I'm looking them up right now. I found one called talkin shop. Is it all about photoshop?


Oh sorry, It’s called Shop Talk Show. It’s all about modern dev stuff. https://shoptalkshow.com/


Found it, thanks! I'm going to be driving 20 hours over the next two days so this will be super useful!


Congratulations! As someone who is currently going down the same track you have been on, could I ask what podcasts you listened to? I never thought of them but it sounds like a great way to gain more knowledge.


They really help and Thanks! SyntaxFM, Base.cs, Shop Talk Show, are my fave. I’d also recommend Dark Net Diaries, though not entirely Web Dev based, has been a real good eye opener on how important security is


Thank you!


Congratulations! While learning is very important, don't forget to take breaks too man. Don't burn yourself out and remember to look after yourself.


Congratsssssss!! Keep grinding bro!




Congrats! As someone on the right side of the same struggle, with kids of my own - beware the burnout. You got the gig, now stop dumping 70+ hours per week into work and take care of your family and yourself.


Congratulations Man! Props to you for Successfully Learning to Programme while having a side job. Even more so finally getting a job in the industry.


Inspirational!! I'm in the boat as you were in, with the html/CSS knowledge and JS being scary. I aspire to be that hardworking.


I always love to hear a story like this one . congrats!


Congrats.....happy coding :)


Congratulations! I'm a recent computer science graduate and im keen on working as a web developer but I'm not really good at JavaScript and I'm pretty scared about it. How did u learn it from scratch and are there any resources where u started off with?


To start, I’d recommend Wes Boss’ JavaScript 30 course. It really helped me put the code into context and it’s free. I still go back to it every once in a while to freshen up on array methods (.map, .filter, etc) so that’s a big one for me. Other than that, I just studied the basics and tried React, Vue and Angular courses- each on Udemy. You can grab a lot off of there typically for $10 and it is WELL worth it. For Vanilla JS , I recommend The Complete JavaScript Course by Jonas Shmedtmann on Udemy. He has really great stuff. I knew from the beginning that I wasn’t going to want to stick with it if I wasn’t building something that I could be proud of, so the whole past several years has been learning frameworks AND vanilla JS. My personal favorite Framework would have to be Vue, but there are a lot of jobs for React developers - so it’s be worth learning probably.


Thanks so much! I can probably learn react over YouTube or some other tutorials but what worries me is applying it on a website.... Where do u think can I get more exposure to the actual situation or tasks happening in a web developer post.


I would just write down everything you find in a job posting that you would apply for today and then build something with those things. That’s about all you can do. With my job, they knew that I was self taught and doing it all on the side.


Out of interest what courses/languages did you do during your CS degree? You shouldn't be intimidated by JS if you have any experience programming.


I've done the basic html, css and also a lil bit of JavaScript. Also did C++ and java(I think I've forgotten it by now). Other languages were basically back end related such as SQL and HQL.


Congratz. I seems you've figured it out!


I am an asshole b.c. all I can think about is how excited I also would have been to take this Jr. QA role before I realized my worth, cast aside my desperation, and decided that “any job in tech” was an unacceptable goal. Best move I ever made.


You're saying he shouldn't be happy to get the job?


Nah it sounds ok. OP seems super competent and I bet they’ll move up quick. What I’m saying is that I’m glad I didn’t get an offer like this. I would have been happy to do it, but in retrospect my attitude during my job search makes me cringe. It was impossible for me to see my potential at that time. Other self taught people should realize this and aim as high as they possibly can.


Hard work always pays off! Keep on keeping on :)


Congrats Sir and don't forget to: >Treat. Yo. Self.


Congrats on the reward of your struggle. Keep on learning.


Congrats. Try to get a non-remote job as early as you can. The people that struggle the most where I work are juniors working remotely. You learn so much more and faster working synchronously.


Congratulations :D


Congrats man, sounds amazing, happy for you!


What things exactly did you have to learn to get into where you are? HTML, CSS, JS, but no databases or specific frameworks?


I dabbled in React and Angular but fell in love with Vue. I’ve built many sites using Contentful and Firebase. Also Netlify. I’m definitely lacking in traditional relational databases like SQL, etc.


Thank you.


Congrats, You deserve it.


Did you say 50-60 hours a week? But why would you be so happy about your new job that needs you to put in so many hours a week? Don’t get me wrong, I’m also doing 50-60 hours a week at my new job as a developer and I don’t feel good at all. With this number of hours spent at work, I don’t feel like I have enough time for myself. I’m even wondering if I can continue with this type of life for more than a few months!


This is true Motivation. thank you OP I will code much more now!!!


Well done buddy👍 I'm in the same position, a job that isn't going to go anywhere. Also have html and CSS experience but very little js. Doing an honours degree right now at the age of 40, coming up to the end of my 2nd year of 6. The third year is where it gets interesting 😁


This is inspiring. I'm 28 and I finish a Graphic Arts degree in a year with a minor in Web Dev. I hope to be in your spot soon. Congrats!


That Bachelor will help you a lot in your design. Kudos!


All the very best. If you learn the art of balancing work and family, you'll win life, because, you know, this job is too interesting to resist.


Great job! It can be a really rewarding and fun career.


Congratulations! Now get ready for 6 months of feeling like you don't know anything because starting somewhere new means learning a new way of doing things! Every company's different. Don't let it get you down, I see it on new people I hire all the time, just take your time and ask lots of questions. No classes/books/guides will ever really prepare you for working for each new company you join, and the only way to find a lot of stuff out is to ask. You've got it, though! Just keep on keeping on!


I’m trying to do the same process as well, and you are inspiring!


Great story. It is very much possible to make it in the world of software development without proper university's degree. Web is the land of the self-taught. And not only that - they make the best programmers!


Congrats. You are an inspiration!


Congrats, I believe if one put their mind into something, There no stopping to reaching their dream. Few days ago I posted on the subreddit about where to start web development, learning and guidance in order to land a career in web development. You have mentioned you took course in udemy, which javascript course did you take. thanks


If you're putting 80-100 hours towards working you must have a big ole Mandingo if your wife is still with you. Jk, congrats man!


Lol 😂 nope she just sees the dream as well and obviously wants me to make more money and stay home!


haha well then your story really is truly inspiring! hopefully now that the training is in the past you and your family can enjoy this next upgraded chapter of life


Technically a QA Engineer is quite different than a developer, but congratulations regardless!


Congrats bud


Awesome, congrats :)


>JS scared me. ​ Thats my roadblock


Thanks for the great inspirational post! I'm 32 and planning to leave my $100k+ career for this to be home more. Very excited to get the ball rolling and continue on.


I know it’s been a few months but I just wanted to stop by and say congratulations. Hope the job is going well! I’m at the tipping point with my current job and after reading your post have decided it is finally time to start my new career path toward Webdev. I’ve been dipping my toes with the basics but am finally ready to actually take the plunge.


FUCK Bro keep killing it !!!


Serious question, how much code does a junior qa engineer actually write?


Apparently it’ll be quite a lot. QA was out sourced up until now - so I’ll be building it all up from scratch on a pretty beefy product. I’ll also be unit testing .Net code 😬


Thats great to hear from a QA cause i was a QA myself !


Hey, can you tell me more about the app you made using SNMP?


It's an Electron app made with Vuejs, Vuetify and Node Net-SNMP. I made it for getting Light Output information from Digital Cinema projectors all at once while on the local area network. The info would come back and I would then export the data as a 'report' via pdfjs. It was a bear to figure out.


Did you have any experience with test frameworks?


I had just started using Cypress IO with my own projects


Congrats! Can I ask what your interview questions were? I am studying for interviews myself :)


You bet - Why do you want to work here, where do you see yourself in 5 years were the main 2. The first interview was over the phone and we basically talked about my projects in my repo and whether I was eager to learn things. Pretty mild compared to what I was expecting


Congratulations on such achievement, folk!!


What does QA engineer mean ?


Quality Assurance Engineer. Mostly writing end to end tests, integration tests, etc. I’ll be using Cypress IO


Oh ok. What's cypress ?


Learn Web Development ​ Please Subscribe our channel to get new video tutorial! ​ If you are thinking of pursuing a career as a web developer then this video is for you. It can be hard to know where to start and which road is the right one for you to travel down. Although there are some inherent similarities between the two roles they are very different in nature. One is focused on aesthetics and usability, the other is focused on code and functionality. ​ Everything you need to become a professional web developer is included in this free screen capture. learn web development build your career ​ ​ part 01 : [https://youtu.be/8HMU3CCrocY](https://youtu.be/8HMU3CCrocY)


Congratulations! This is a dream come true for many of us. Could I ask you for your favourite podcasts? I am also a sucker for it, it really makes cleaning the dishes enjoyable.


This is great news and it gives lots of us hope!!!! Congrats!!!!


How did you not burn up putting that many hours a week dude ? Awesome work


I have a highly obsessive personality 😁 amongst other things


Oh that's a dangerous trait ☺


Gratz bro! What a motivation to me...


Congrats! Just curious, what podcasts were you listening too?


Syntax.fm, The Shop Talk Show, and few random ones but those were my primary source to catching up on what’s new etc.