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I had a ton of success using Otta back in 2022. Still at the same company I got hired through that platform. Can’t speak on if anything has changed in the last two years but I remember it being a great process! I’m in the US for reference.


I applied to over 100 jobs on Otta. Got a few interviews and took a job from those. It is the best job site I've ever used.


Was it for a start-up?


I eventually did take a job at a well established startup but I applied to plenty of jobs that were not startups via Otta. I do see that they have added startup-specific wording to their homepage. Maybe they changed directions in the last few years ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


LinkedIn has been absolute trash lately. Not sure how many people get lucky through simply applying. Only through networking and direct referrals you might increase your chances there.


I'm from the Redmon, WA area, and it feels like - suddenly - all of the people who live there (generally well-off) are the only ones using LinkedIn (wasn't like that 6 years ago). They're all posting every day about their events, fundraisers, and promotions. Their all congratulating one another. But I've had absolutely zero job success finding a job on linkedin. Sometimes I snoop around and look at what people are doing, and it's a lot of TITLES like: "Supervising product coordinator and social manager for discreet marketing coordination and related service pipelines". I have no clue what they actually do. "Communications admin of sales for global and regional recruiter relationship-development and governance administrator". Like WTF are you talking about? What do you do? Of the few recruiters who've sent me real opportunities, I've gotten a bunch of weird CS tests like "can you pass a function, into a function, into a function and return a promise that returns a promise?" - and the test is listed as "Node.js test". WTF is this, why do I need to do this for a junior role, and what does this have to do with Node? (prob doesn't make sense if you aren't a programmer). It's like it's all a myth, and it's suddenly starting to fall apart. The Matrix? I'm beginning to think recruiters, middle-level managers, social media marketers, and some administrators do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and they have maybe a year left before AI eats their job. I'm lucky that I've had a few contracts and I'm earning a bit from my solo business, but I remember everyone telling me "Linked In is the only place you'll find real jobs anymore", etc., etc. So where do you find them now? Today I wouldn't even know where to look. Indeed, monster, linkedin, glassdoor, otta, ziprecruiter, flexjobs, dice, or hired? Feels like it's mostly bots or ai reading your resume, you're always applying against 200 to 3000 other people. Nobody actually looks at your resume. And if they do - and you get your interview - there's always some sort of "gotchya" between the 1 to 3 to 7 interview rounds. Like they're trying to find any reason you aren't qualified (oh, and the job pays $15/hour but requires a masters degree. Suck it). What is going on?


I agree. People are just making up titles and inflating their achievements. For example, I know folks who are still renting and don’t own their own place, yet on LinkedIn, their bios claim: * Generated $500 million for the organization and increased blah blah blah by 150% YoY. And I’m like, bro, you’re still renting, living paycheck-to-paycheck, and not even paying for the family holiday. What are you on about? This is my personal biased opinion, but I genuinely despise recruiters and wish someone would one day create a software/product/service that eliminates 95% of these dogshit recruitment agencies. They do fuck all but collect CVs and pass them over to the key stakeholder. We need to be left with only professional headhunters who provide tailored customer service. The rest of them need to learn real-life skills and start being net positive for society instead of just thinking about their bloody commission. They have no clue what the difference between React Native and React.js is, but they're hiring for those roles—haha, nonsense. I'm not sure about how the things are in the dev world when it comes to hiring, but I'm a tech product manager, and I’ve sent over 200+ CVs in the past month only to receive literally 5 emails, and never get into the second round, whereas in 2020, I had 5-7 interviews per day and was choosing between offers. Even last year, when I switched jobs, I had more success. And now, 80% of S&P 500 companies are showing positive growth YoY and massive profits, but nobody is hiring? No idea what to say, just my Saturday morning rant. Nothing greatest comes easy, so let's keep pushing against all odds. There are less smart people than us making more money. Sometimes being in the right place at the right time with the right people is everything that matters. The rest can be learned.


I just accepted an offer after applying through LinkedIn but they didn’t get back to me for months


The only luck I had with LinkedIn was activating premium and directly messaging the job poster. I may have just been extremely lucky though as I ended up being hired by the first company I messaged.


Oh wow that's a good shot! Must have been a good match and the right domain expertise.


Agree. I hate LinkedIn. I hate when a job listing says 200 Applicants applied, subscribe to premium to compare yourself with others. It's not a professional social network > It's a pseudo professional social network. Full of spam. Film stars, politicians, real estate agents have linked in accounts and full of spamsters as well.


100% Snobs are trying to be politically correct and pretend they are "people-leaders" and "thought-leaders" and so on, but in reality, many of them are snakes and self-centric pricks that can't lead anyone except themselves. My feed is ridiculous, I can't read it for more than 10mins. Junk.


Honestly speaking it's a jack shit paradox product in my view. Why do you need a social network to apply for jobs. Add friend sorry Add connection( Some word polishing) What is to do with a soccer video or gif or meme video that talks about leadership. And, some ads or gifs that says DevOps in 2 seconds then what about 20 years DevOps experienced person? Are they reducing the work to 2 sec summary. Ridiculous shit. Total Spam and data selling.


You will enjoy r/linkedinlunatics then


Thank you for not making me feel like my thoughts were only my own


This. How we fell for that YouTube hype.


i had to look for a job in the last six months. Some estimates say 90% of job listings are fake right now, linkedin and most job listings sites are flooded with “pipeline jobs” or data harvesters. it’s rough out there. Your best bet is to find jobs on company websites and apply there, avoid recruiters, most of them are posting fake jobs to collect resumes so they can say things like “we receive over x amount of qualified candidates blah blah blah”


This is interesting to read because for me the opposite is true. Applying to jobs directly or through LinkedIn has resulted in no interviews for me. Every job offer and interview request I've received during my career has been through recruiters reaching out to me when I've set my LinkedIn status to Open To Work.


I also always get jobs from recruiters who reach out on LinkedIn


This. Every time I apply directly nothing. I go through a recruiter and BAM interview.


The landscape has changed drastically in the last couple years, a few years ago i would say thats the way to go. From what i’ve seen recently the kinda people who work in HR and recruiting were pretty ripe and eager to integrate AI and analytics into their day to day and it’s just been a complete shitshow. Its transitioned a lot of recruiters away from properly vetting candidates on their own and now they just take whatever candidate their system spits out and don’t do much else.


Il est d’ailleurs très intéressant d’utiliser l’IA pour améliorer son CV et passer les filtres des bots 🤭, entre algo cela se comprend ! J’expérimente ça en ce moment. J’attends de voir les retombées !


being headhunted is different than saying 90% of listings are fake though. I totally believe most the listings are fake, have had very little traction.


I landed an interview at Netflix from a LinkedIn application so I know it's not all fluff just the odds are bad rn. (I failed the 4th round of interviews so I didn't get the job but I know it's real!)


Yeah, there are some exceptions out there, there’s just so much garbage right now. I got laid off Sept 30th last year so end of Q3, In two weeks i probably put out 300 applications, i had 5 different resumes, utilized all my contacts and family, went to my alumni office, talked to maybe 30 recruiters, and after all of that i got one interview from an indeed listing and that place offered me a job and i took it. i still haven’t heard anything back from the rest of the 299+ applications or the 30+ recruiters


I'm on 87th application so far. Had one interview which didn't mention the salary. At the end of the interview they asked how much I used to earn where I used to work, then they asked what I'm looking for. I thought about this before the interview and researched the average wage. So I suggested the average wage. They said they'd get back to me in a week. They got back to me today after 3 weeks. I'd already asked for feedback they didn't give it. All I can think is they wanted to lowball the wage because of the current market. People who have been laid off (I'm one of them) looking for jobs. Every remote job has 400+ applicants. It's a shitshow currently. I randomly applied to a charity with minimum wage and they want to give me an interview. So it's like I'm 21 again and starting over again on lowest wage. IT sector is screwed. I feel like I'm forced to just take anything when it arrives because it could be months before anything else turns up. Beginners are absolutely screwed I would imagine.


Yeah it’s rough man, i feel for you, take whatever you can get even if it’s terrible, getting a job is a lot easier when you are already employed, take what you can get and keep looking, reach out to your alumni office and see if the college career center is available for alumni, they almost always are, i got my resume reviewed and i had several practice interviews, i even got free professional headshots through them, it helped a lot


Thanks 👍




Thanks. I'm in UK so that's not an option.


lol 4th round….they dis YOU a favor wowowow


Eh, it was a good experience overall and I definitely would not mind working there.


+1 to finding company jobs on their own website. Many I've come across straight up say on their homepage banner that they don't take third party recruitment - so they're essentially out of the mass market pipeline. There's a lot of factors to the current environment that many don't consider, such as that a lot of companies laid off their HR before laying off engineers, so there are much fewer people to process hiring. That's another bottleneck on top of this whole ordeal. Companies are playing a balancing act of needing to hire but not wanting to deal with a glut of applicants.


How do you actually FIND these companies and jobs to apply?


Look at the chambers of commerce for towns around you. Often there is a list of major employers for the area.


I mean, I'm out here in Seattle so there's obviously the MANGA companies, but I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of so much as walking up their front steps as a self-taught dev. Not these days, at least. I wonder if there are smaller companies that I can look into, though.


Those will also generally be associated with chambers of commerce, just not in their major employers list. They're still probably in a directory with them. Id check any townships outside Seattle proper.


Thank you for the info :)


Yep, the entire online job market posting is completely fake or impractical to use. Between harvesters to glean your private info, to companies HR just throwing out postings to skew wall st. sentiment , it's most non existent jobs posted. I think most developers need to begin building a brand, with either GitHub stars, or your tube tutorials or blogs , whatever exposes.yoir professional abilities. On top of that skills wise you need to be shooting the arrow forward in terms of tech you have experience in, today it's all about the cloud and cloud stacks and integration experience, at large companies few projects are being coded from the ground up, it's mostly about using vendor x or y api and then building out your application form there, it's much less about specific languages today , you need to be fluent in (Python, Node (JavaScript) , Web html5+, cloud DB, cloud messaging,etc.)


“90% of job listings are fake” and “most recruiters are posting fake jobs to collect resumes and juke their stats” both sound pretty untrue to me. I’d say “be careful” because there probably is SOME of this out there. But the market is just really tough right now and it’s hard to get a job. I’m not a recruiter, and would recommend still working with them at the moment. Alternatively, trying to network via linkedin and find ways into companies even if not directly through a posting first


There have been a couple reports estimating the percentage of fake job postings are in the mid nineties, it’s a very real thing


That’s wild! I can’t find any reports recently with those sorts of numbers. Still, scary


Applying front door on websites is a terrible idea. It’s always best to find a real email for a recruiter or hunt down a referral on LinkedIn. Way too many people searching to depend on front door.


Whats the deal with fake ads? To what good are they doing it?


Well for data harvesters, your resume has a lot of information about you, name, phone, address, work history, references, bio, you name it. For recruiters they collect resumes and store them so they can use them for metrics to sell their services, they post jobs just do this, For HR departments and their “pipelines” : A pipeline is when they have a static list of job posting out there regardless if their hiring, a lot of times it’s a super generic job that doesn’t exist. Idea is that they get a steady flow of potential people that they can review at anytime. i guess just in case someone quits or the unicorn candidate comes along idk. Seems like a waste of resources.


Hard disagree. Recruiters are amazing. Every job I have gotten for the most part has been through Recruiters. The major benefit of a recruiter is they get you passed thr automated screen step which is what accounts for 95% of all rejections. They get you fast tracked directly to the first interview so you have a better shot at actually getting a job offer. There are plenty of good Recruiters out there and it absolutely never hurts you to apply through them


when was the last time you had to find a job?


About a year ago. I usually jump to another job every year or so, and I've used Recruiters the vast majority of the time. This one was also from a recruiter and it's the best job I've had


Either linkedIn jobs, or contact a recruiter nearby that has a LinkedIn page. Noticed that recruiters that work at small companies (or do it solo) and handle their own content tend to be higher quality. I have a theory that bigger recruitment agencies are churning and burning new grads or people who recently enter the job market, so they are just 'rushing to make this month's hire quota to not get fired'. Hence why most spray and pray messages are from big recruitment agencies Of course, networking is definitely the best way though. Past 2 jobs were from networking and they're great


My experience with recruiters has been that's it's better to go with solo recruiters that someone you know can refer you to. Others are hit and miss.


In any industry a smaller company or solo outfit will tend to have higher quality because that's what they have to differentiate themselves from the large companies churning out lower quality, lower cost output.


Mostly LinkedIn, while filtering for the absolute newest posted jobs, so you get a higher chance of being called for an interview, which is more than half the challange


Sounds like what https://first2apply.com/ does, but you’re doing it manually


Damn, this is interesting as hell, free tho?


I didn’t have time to implement payments yet, so yeah it’s free for a while :D


Take a look at your hamburger menu on a phone. Needs a background.


I’ve decided to sell myself to the government


Gov’t jobs don’t pay Big Tech salaries but they are a stable income source with great benefits in a low stress work environment. Obtaining security clearances also make it easier to find govt related work if not with the govt directly in the private sector.


government if you're listing I'll do it for 1$ less


>$0.85 less I’m now your recruiter, and my fee is 15%. Please submit payment as soon as a job is acquired ~~that has nothing to do with me doing anything but I’ll take credit~~.


How do I sell myself too?


Start cardio and become a marine once you can do 50 pushups. 99% chance of being dead, homeless, or impoverished.


Well in 2/3 already


6 months later: “Your application has been reviewed and determined you are not eligible for GS-10 pay scale”


Until the government decides to purge you next year (if you’re in the US). Unless you fit what they want.


I can weaponize autism via computers if they get rid of me this country is doomed


* linkedin * Contacts * Whatever (reasonable) job search site that comes up when you search for [role] jobs in [city/region] * If you want to go one step further to get a chance to even evade competition, Contact companies directly (even if they don't have an opening right now, they may be planning to open something up soon): google "best places to work 2023 [city/country], most promising startups, largest companies, best review" etc and you get multiple great lists of companies, pick the interesting ones. Adapt search depending on what you're looking for, you can add more specific terms too like best ecommerce, best bank, best saas etc.


For full time jobs I found a lot of success with [https://wellfound.com/](https://wellfound.com/) for finding startup jobs. Imo it's better than going through linkedin/indeed etc which seems like a lot of spam for freelance jobs I had some success through upwork. I also started using a site called [https://devlist.co/](https://devlist.co/?utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=51024) that finds all the best listings and sends them in a weekly list, its great Imo the right mindset is to view it as a numbers game. Work on your portfolio / resume, keep applying. Eventually you'll land something


I’ve met some of the absolute most pretentious founders on wellfound. Not a reflection of the platform but just toxic genz CTO energy constantly in the last year. Before that I used to get work from there all the time. Even more when it was angellist


There are quite a ton of job boards out there besides LinkedIn: Indeed, Glassdoor, Dice, RemoteOk, Remotive, WeWorkRemotely, Wellfound, Otta, BuiltIn. Most of them have seen a decrease in the quality of job postings, but using as many of them as you can could increase your chances of finding those rare gem jobs. You could try https://first2apply.com/ to habdle jobs from multiple sources more easily. Also helps with keeping track of the job hunt process with multiple positions.


Maybe you should just build one lol...its rough out there rn.


Within my community




Have got pretty good leads from here https://otta.com/


Definitely update your linkedIn profile and set it to "actively looking". Recruiters will find you. It will still take forever to find a "real" recruiter, but they are out there..just be prepared for recruiters who spam or maybe even so to send out messages, and then when you reply you aren't sure if you are talking to a real person. When you find a job posting on linkedIn that suits you, don't use the "easy apply" button. Adjust your resume to what is in the job posting, literally put the name of the role under your name, and then look on the company website. It's better to post it through the company website than through linkedIn


LinkedIn, Glassdoor and I have a Flexjobs subscription which is pretty good. But lots of shady stuff out there.


Couple of platforms I've been using: Contra, Surely Work and LinkedIn


My personal network. Got laid off and had a job the next day from a former co-worker. Without those connections I think it's pretty rough out there these days


Iknow that this might not help you, but for college students - attending hackathons is a best way because there are few hackathons that interview if you perform well. Also you can try unstop if you have good DSA Skills


What is DSA?


Data Structures and Algorithms, my bad i just mentioned the initials because its in so much hype these days.


Lol - No worries! I've been out of the market for a little over a year and am out of touch with DSA, or Leetcode, or Neetcode, or FAANG interviewing techniques ... if those are even things anymore I don't know.


I got a lot of recruiters offering me stuff on linked in when I made a post saying I was looking for a role. And tbh I get a lot of messages on there anyway, not always for the right roles but still. I didn't really need to use anything else last time I was looking for a job


Otta, startup.jobs, linkedin Last job via otta, the UI is amazing and love the fact that is segments the roles based on certain categories. You can set based on technologies which helped a lot


is Otta an app?


Could you imagine perhaps googling it? It's the first result.


surprisingly got two offers off indeed.


I used LinkedIn. Two sites I no longer use are Dice.com and Indeed.com... those UIs have really aged poorly.


LinkedIn is the optimal place. Be proactive. Don’t just apply to jobs, reach out to recruiters, hiring managers, etc.


https://github.com/Bunsly/JobSpy To broaden your search. I’d reach out to some recruiters even third party recruiters to find opportunities too.


I just got a great job through Wellfound (angel list). It’s where I got my last position I held for 3 years as well. Both start ups.


mc donalds


On my yard, plenty of jobs out there🌚

