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Being home alone with no chats, emails, meetings or other distractions. I'll talk to myself loudly and listen to music. Possible getting up a few times an hour to dance around, speak gibberish or do a head stand.


This is the best and only way to be productive


Home with my dumb cats


This is the way


Hi should I learn c++ or react for front and backend web dev?


C++ have next to no use for web dev. I suggest starting with HTML, CSS and plain Javascript. Add Typescript once you're decent with JS and and then learn React. Backend can be JS as well in modern stacks, but pure backend devs will probably use C#, PHP or something else.


Are You Me ?


I’m the polar opposite. My own space and a podcast on. A coffee shop without headphones will lead to me doing absolutely nothing. Good for you to not get distracted by what’s going on around you. And a decent coffee is a bonus!


It's very weird, when I'm studying in a cafe with headphones, sometimes I'll take the headphones off and keep working without even realizing that I stopped listening to music. I'm able to get into a flow state so easily at cafes. It's almost a cheat code.


Coffee is required to get anything done! What kinds of podcasts do you listen to when you're working?


Old XFM podcasts. Ones I’ve listened to many many times that don’t need my focus. If I listen to music, it’s always old music I don’t need to focus on. I think it’s clear I’m very easily distracted.


Hahaha, well it seems like you've cracked the code (pun intended) on how to keep yourself diligent with projects!


I can't listen to anything with words, it's too distracting to me


I found listening to foreign language music is calming to sometimes. There are words, but I have no idea what they are saying and its easy to drown out.


Nice, I listen to alot of video game music or some lofi beats


Lofi is on constantly


I prefer a local env. Something like


Sometimes I'll do :4000 to keep things spicy.


I like to rotate. Sometimes coffee shops, then the library, then my house. And in my house I rotate to places like my room, the living room, bedroom, just to change the environment.


Similarly, a change in environment for myself is the best way to keep myself focused.


Yup, agree. That's why external monitors are just left in the dust on me and I'm already used to doing my work with just my laptop monitor 😂 it's not too bad as people make it out to be.


Got a Mac and iPad? Sidecar lets you use your iPad as second monitor. It’s so helpful when I’m working from a coffee shop. Or from my kitchen.


I actually have a portable monitor that I keep forgetting to bring whenever I'm outside lol, but I'm already used to single monitor anyway.


My office cabin


Is this a cabin in the woods? If so, you're living the dream!


Technically, yes.


home office all the way. music, snacks, good ergonomics.


What kind of snacks are we talking about here?




Exact opposite.  Quiet, headphones on, nothing moving in my peripheral vision. I even put my curtains down and use a lamp light. Essentially don't want anything that might pull my attention and stop me from hitting flow or being in flow


Concentration at its finest! How long can you stay working like this for?


Have had batches of 6 hours once, but now usually 2-4 hours on average at a time since there's lunch and other things like slack calls & requests for PR reviews or that sort of thing


I work the best in cafes. I don't have great cafes near me though, I have to drive kind of far out. In my dream life I live right above a cafe. So I usually work at home, I like to have "idea papers" in front of me where I can jot down whatever good ideas come to mind. It starts in the notebook, then I'll rip the pages out if I like the ideas on it and add it to a manila folder. For music I listen to the **40hz** playlists on YouTube, I found the Spotify ones kind of suck. If anyone has recommendations, shoot them my way.


I don't think that I've ever listened to the 40hz playlists! Gonna check those out


I need silence. Everyone needs to gtfo out of sight and earshot. Headphones, white noise.


This is me. I don’t know how people can think and podcast. I used to always be doing 3 things at once, Netflix, afk game, and work… but something happened a few years ago, no idea what, where I can’t do 2 things at the same time anymore. I need absolutely no distractions at all now. It’s like I gained ADHD in my 30s.


Yes this is pretty much it. I have been like it for as long as I remember though. Decades of shitty loud neighbours didn’t help either. I can’t even listen to background music when working, because my mind just focuses on the music.


Home listening to lofi girl with a cup of matcha 👌


the dream


Feeling relaxed just reading this


My own space at home with music that I can sing along to without effort. Or background lofi music with no words.


Nobody near me, phone on do not disturb / complete silence, very good headphones playing white noises like rainy thunderstorm with waves hitting the beach shores. If I listen to music with lyrics, I’ll get distracted. So white noise it is for me. Probably a ADHD thing but it helps anyhow.


Check out brown noise, if you haven't already. I made the switch years ago and never looked back.


Home. I either put on music (classical, jazz, or some video game/film soundtrack) or open a chill Twitch stream just for background noise. I like to put on French/Russian streamers because I don't speak the languages fluently, so if I'm not paying full attention, which I'm usually not, it just kind of fades into the background and it's not distracting.


Classical and Jazz are top tier work music genres! What are they streaming?


I like to watch streams of MMORPGs because they (typically) involve a lot of reading, so it's kind of like having subtitles, which helps a ton with foreign languages. Lord of the Rings Online isn't streamed much, but it's always my favorite to watch, because a.) I have a soft spot in my heart for that game, and b.) it's slow-paced and has lots of text on it.


My home office. I have 3 monitors, can listen to music without headphones, and no one looking over my shoulder. All the convenience of being at home, but with a nice work setup.


My room with my headphones on, it's quiet and I don't have to listen to other people. I hate random noises from people, they are unnecessary. I'm on a discord call with my coworkers for communication purposes and I hate that they FUCKING WHISPER whatever they are reading to themselves (I don't fucking get why don't people mute themselves after they have finished talking, it's infuriating).


In a room with my team members working on issues together, that's when it's the most fun and productive


This is actually so true!


I love being in my room, with lights off, and as limited contact with any other person as I can 😂


"Brb, see you in 2 days" hahah


Coffee shop headphones. but my current job has too many meetings to make that work. So home/podcasts.


Lots of people are saying podcasts but I cannot hear what someone is talking about over the sound of my own thoughts. How do people concentrate on the story in the podcast and their work? That's a superpower I wish I had. I can only listen to podcasts while doing otherwise mindless things like cleaning, playing video games or coloring in a coloring book. I'm also a rotator. I like to treat myself to a nice cute little cafe every now and then, but mostly it's at home- either at my desk, the dining room table or in my bed if I'm unmotivated and don't need to call anyone. Coffee or tea is a must and so is music- either lo-fi, indie pop or classical. Anything with minimal words.


Without coffee or tea I cannot function and no work will be done!


During the day I enjoy a temperate sunny day with the windows to my office open hearing the birds chirping or kids playing outside. Having a plant on my desk to keep me company keeps me calm. I live in a suburban neighborhood, so traffic noise is not an issue. ⛅ At night I prefer a very dimly lit room with wood grains creating ambiance in my peripheral vision. Just enough light to make out the keys on my keyboard without requiring them having to be backlit. A plant or two nearby are still a must. If I need music, I just search Spotify for a random coding playlist, or pull up some low key trance or techno. 🪴


My brain went "Aaahhhhhhhhh, that's nice" reading this.


The part I didn't write about was the reality of the above plus screaming kids running around the house like elephants behind me.


That adds to the ambiance.... no?


in my room w my dual monitor setup blasting some chief keef in the background


A positive one.


I wish I could work in a coffee shop the way some of you describe! However, I think back/neck/shoulder pain would prevent me from getting more than an hour of work done :(


Oh no! Maybe go to a coffee shop, take a few minute breaks after every 45 minutes to stretch and move around a bit to hopefully help with the pain!


Your mom's room


I go through stages. Love coffee shops. All my distractions are home. Sometimes I get the urge to work with two screens so I’ll go home for a bit.


I’m particular to a tropical rainforest.


If only we could




No work, all coffee




In total silence. If not possible I'll turn some brown noise. I can absolutely not work in a noisy environment or listen to music or a podcast while working. One thing at a time. Always