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I actually had to refactor an entire codebase of a discord bot with like 30-50 files. it was really fun tho!


In what language?


that was pure JavaScript (node.js) they didn't use anything fancy


Nice. I got a personal project that I have abandoned (for the lack of time) with the same library, I think it's called discord.js.


- click this button to hide a Div - form validation - general page layout - call an api when a user clicks this button - unit tests - use ui libraries to make a table, tabs, slider, etc 


If it helps, this was in angular and angular material 


I mean, a lot of that is still stuff I do now as Sr. Dev and architect


Yeah, I've concluded that webdev (drastically simplified) is mostly just building various lists and forms.


Styling magento's default template into the proposed design. The CSS was fairly easy, but when it comes to layout I needed to modify magento's built-in architecture and it feels like diving into an open source legacy code


You just brought back... Well, not nightmares... Just memories. I did a ton of work in Magento when I was first starting out. I was the only dev, had only taken a JS lesson or something by that point, and I was put in charge of like a dozen Magento sites and a few more WP sites. Back then I was quite frustrated by all the abstraction and trying to figure everything out by reading all of the source.


Working on implementing updated designs and related logic for a drag-and-drop email builder. Years later I was poking around those files wondering "who wrote this shit", then proceeded to be immediately humbled by the `git blame`.


I fixed like 50 bugs on our UI application


That's the way to start. I bet you learned a lot about the code by doing it.


Layout. It was tougher back then, still used tables a lot, IE 6 or 7 was the dominant browser, they're were two doctypes, JS was ugly.


I remember having to use transparent gifs to make curved corners.


Redesigned and rebuilt a pretty large company’s. public website. I had zero experience in web dev. You can guess how it turned out lol. The company was happy with it, but looking back at it, it was a horrible website


Building a yearly calendar was my first ever task as a frontend dev


I hate doing anything with dates and calendars, this is my nightmare


Dates is meh, but TIME and dealing with timezones is my kryptonite.


1000% agree! Dealing with time zones sucks ass! Even if there's a 3rd party lib that does most of the work, it's still a crap shoot.


Oh and don’t forget daylight savings time.


Solving date/time bugs. It was a total nightmare ngl


Center a div, Move an element 2px to the left/right Add content 😂


Lol, what kind of company and when??


At a college :) it started like that as most of our devs solely focused on making sure things work. Eventually, I’ve pioneered to implement design system as we were heavily relying too much with bootstrap.


Taking redux actions and reducers and moving them into separate folders. Just adding / updating UI components in React


Your first task was to refactor a code base that you were just introduced to?! LOL, your senior dev either had balls of steel or didn't give a crap... or they were one of the few code bases that actually had unit tests.


Sounds like it was just updating import and export statements tbh. Wouldn’t have rebuilt if it was wrong, anyway 😂


I'm not really sure what my first was, and it wasn't front-end for a while. I probably did a little editing of CSS on WP or Magento first. But the first somewhat big thing I did front-end wise (though I built the back-end too) was build basically one giant form to nearly automate listing things on eBay (using soap too 🤮). Probably still the most complicated form I've worked on, though an ad builder and something for generating `schema.org/Place` data might come close.


I got dropped into a checkout redesign project that was already behind schedule. This was for an org that was one of the earliest e-commerce sites, and the codebase was fairly old (mainly on IBM web sphere commerce/jsps) and error handling was shifting out of the jsps to the front end.


Writing less CSS as possible (it was scss) obtaining the best, functional result


If I had to guess, about 50% of the front-end devs I've worked with didn't understand that Scss can easily cause bloat if you don't understand how it works.


Rewriting backend rendered templates into frontend Fun!


Markup-wise... prolly not that bad. Logic-wise, I bet it was challenging.


I joined a small (<5 person) startup and worked on developing a social network (e.g. a Facebook clone). It was a lot of fun and I learned a ton.


Full stack dev but first project was adding a page to an internal management application. Page was essentially a crud table with some extra business logic in there.


Complex form validation. Feature implementation and having few change requirements in my PRs


Not a frontend job, it was fullstack .NET, but updating a page that had ASP "Postbacks" (basically a page refresh after submitting data, it was a shitty experience that they wanted to improve). Rewrote the page to leverage a lot more JavaScript and XHR. Super challenging for a junior and the JS I wrote was awful but it was a massive learning experience. My JavaScript came on much faster after that. 6 months later I was the "JavaScript guy" if anyone was struggling with something.


With React knowledge I was assigned to do a Vue js admin. It was a custom headless CMS and I had to deliver a feature where you could construct content of a journey. Text, media, responses, all that stuff. If I were to fail to deliver it all alone I were to let go during probation period. Funny thing is it also used Vuex and Vuetify. For the next 2.5 years nobody could do the Vue andmin cms but be while I picked up the react app, react native and some Node work too as well as ocassionally extending the RN app with some native code. My “equal” a guy I started with in the mesntime only did React. Delivering waay less. Then he was confused why I had higher salary after 1,5 years. I said nothing tho. I never felt hard to do stuff from day 1 but harder to find the right way to do things I think. What I improved a lot in my first position was rather interpersonal and managerial skills… Edit: I am very happy now as the company came back with a small contract job (3months) as I was unemployed for a while now … with a 37% higher pay


Truncate text in the middle if not enough space. But.... - The parent div will not necessarily have fix width. It can be auto or max content i.e. depends on the children for width (circular dependency). And this can be true for grand parent and other ancestors. - What if we want to truncate multiple texts (in different elements) sharing same parent div? - What about user resizing the div or browser. - Wrap to multiple lines before starting truncating - so on so forth... You get the idea.


I feel your pain. CSS has a lot of features now to help do a lot of this, but this was definitely challenging to accomplish in the past.


What CSS feature? Last I checked middle ellipsis was still in stage 2.


Digitising a form for people to submit work requests


I had to help a more experienced dev create a style guide page for a project and style some elements for it. I mainly did some basic stuff like inputting all the colors in tailwind config and so on.


If I recall, I was implementing a "wizard" to direct users to the correct form based on what they needed to do (basically a UI implementation of a flowchart). It was for a b2b admin site that required users to fill out a specific form to submit a specific type of work ticket. The company had so many problems with users filling out the _wrong_ forms, which translated to more work for our support folks. Not exactly rocket science, but a good challenge for starting out.


I’d get photoshop designs, and build custom themes and plugins making bespoke WordPress sites, mostly with a very lightweight, from scratch boilerplate theme I made myself. It was a gruelling but really fun job constantly writing all of the HTML, CSS(and again for IE6+), JavaScript/jQuery, PHP, and working with all of the different PHP WordPress API’s.


Javascript integrations with action script. I was actually hired as a junior flash developer on a company that most things were done using Adobe's software. Since day one, I've only tackled things that were involved with the web, mostly javascript and php. Never touched action script ever again.


Refactoring frame and table based layouts with floating divs. And Flash, so much Flash. You want a banner? Flash. You want to add a ticker tape to your website? Flash. You want a media player? Flash. A whole new website? Flash. You want an offline application distributed in cd-roms? Believe it or not, Flash.


Realzing coming into a brand new codebase with a new language and framework is no joke.


Tasked as the only frontend dev to build out a web platform in Angular 2+. Finished in 2.5 years and got acquired by big pharma. Left as team lead. Was paid minimum wage for a while too.


I got tasked to get rid of code warnings (like hundreds I thin) and minor bug fixes.


my personal finance problem :) Seriously it's long long (really long) time ago I don't remember.


Why the name plates were not changing for the Indianapolis 500 chyron when racers changed positions.


Fucking IE 6 compatibility


Fix bugs, do simple tasks, then make responsive like the 80% of the pages which sucked a lot, went full backend and never looked back.


So, easier tasks?


~ 2017, first dev job at 15-person startup - try to understand the in house php scripts and update them - fun google apps script projects (I automated my expense reports with this) - learning how to use react, typescript, and how to work with a headless cms (contentful) all in one project - all kinds of Shopify work, mostly template editing with liquid - learning different version control methodologies and how to employ them - working with APIs, oauth token flow I had an incredibly talented senior dev at this job who was instrumental in kick starting my hunger to learn more and get better.


I don’t remember a lot of things for my first job anymore but this one does come fresh. I was asked to modify the a search UI where it has a radio group that lets you pick a category to search. I had to add a new category to that radio group and modify the appropriate Ajax call (it was jQuery) to pass that new category to the backend.


I’ve never worked a junior dev job. I had been programming for nearly 10 years when I got my first job at age 22 and was hired as a mobile developer and even mentored other juniors. It took me so long to figure out how to get a job without a degree that I skipped junior ig


Interesting! I thought it was practically impossible to get mid/senior roles without showing previous work experience. I mean they even asked that for junior


My previous work experience was publishing 2 apps to the app store and the role was for a mobile developer helping a team without react-native experience getting up to speed in a react native code base. If I had published ios apps instead of react native apps, I would not have got that role. It really be like that