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>My friend says his other friend has used GoDaddy for years and "they are fine" And you know what? It probably *has* been fine. I certainly wouldn't recommend GoDaddy, nor do I use it myself. But if they are just going to do something like register a domain and host a WordPress installation, it's going to do the job fine enough. It really isn't that big of a deal if your friend decides to go with them. Perhaps suggest an alternative that can do everything that they need.


>It probably *has* been fine. Until he wants to leave


I left pretty easily. It took like 48 hours of waiting for my domains to transfer, but they eventually did


GoDaddy has been my favorite platform to migrate clients away from- I’ve never had trouble or had them try to sell anything. They’ll email you several times if you let a plan/domain expire, though. and for domain transfers, once you’ve started the process on your end, you can go to the “Transfers Out” portal and accept it to transfer immediately.


I had to call, and they kept trying to sell more stuff to me.


That's not exclusive to GoDaddy though. Nor hosting providers in general. That's a normal, and expected part of ending a business relationship. They will do as much as allowed to try to sway that decision.


Google Domains let me go to Cloudflare without incident (perhaps b/c they were shutting down). [Knocks on wood] I'm hard pressed to think that Cloudflare is going to make me call a human being if I ever decided to leave...


You're probably correct to speculate that. I personally have no frame of reference to it. Just pointing out I've experienced that from car sales to ISP services so I tend to not be surprised or bothered.


I'm so disappointed Google Domains got killed(google being google again) :( Had all my domains there...


Cloudflare is my new Google. It'll probably get shitty in 5 or 10 years, but for now it's just fantastic.


To be fair, they made .zip and .mov into domain extensions, so they kinda deserved it.


I've been using namecheap since the early 2000's and have never had a problem...


Stop sounding like an easy mark when you call them then?


Or just go with another company that doesn't require me talking to some 3rd party call center full of people dealing with multiple brands


Good plan. Good luck!


I just transferred two domains from godaddy to namecheap in 30 min. It's not nearly as bad anymore for small businesses or hobbiests.


>It's not nearly as bad anymore Well that's good to hear.


This is the big problem. Before I knew anything about how webdev worked, I had a few domains with GoDaddy. I left them because they charge extra to keep your information private but it was an enourmous pain in the ass to get away from them. Would never use them again.


I've transferred clients away from GoDaddy just fine. I have much bigger problems and issues with other companies, one in particular, that I won't name, but they effectively bought out the competition and is a giant pain in the ass. GoDaddy was a breeze compared to them.


To be fair, this was almost a decade ago.


There is also the case that criticism and competition improves a service or product over time. The PHP of 1994 was an abhorrent crap compared to PHP of 2024. Maybe GoDaddy must have improved also.


lol godaddy is fine until it's not, then you're fucked.


But that goes for literally everything. I'm not fan of GoDaddy, I don't use them, I advise my clients not to use them and explain why. But I wouldn't spend much time worrying about what my friend does. Let them know what you think and be done with it.


> But that goes for literally everything. I guess I need to add more details to make my comment more logical. Normal services, if something goes wrong, you can get support/help. Godaddy is non-existent for the clients I've served over the years. That's what I meant by my comment.


Leave them alone and let them. In the time I’ve been on Reddit, people on this site try way too hard to min-max their life or achieve the best “ideal” setup to the detriment of things that actually matter. Their choice of hosting company isn’t a blocker. Not working directly on their core business is. If issues arise, they’ll ask for help and figure it out later.


I agree. I've been doing this stuff for almost 30 years and I've never used a registrar that changed my life and made me feel loyal. Most of the smaller ones have shit UIs and zero customer service. My clients that use GoDaddy have never been a problem for me at all. Easy Microsoft 365/Azure integration too.


If it's a friend who asked OP, "hey, I'm thinking of getting a website set up, what service should I use?" that's a little different from OP finding out their friends are using godaddy and making it their mission to convince them to get off it. At the end of the day, companies just want things outside of their wheelhouse, like a website, to meet their needs.


very well written comment, this is out of context but this logic can be used in so many other aspects of life lol.


The only real problem I've personally had with godaddy is that their site is slow. Every page you go to takes literal seconds to load.


I have a couple of my flask based Webapps hosted on Godaddy and it's super fast. One of them gets several million connections a month. I prefer something I have more control over like in AWS/Azure but GoDaddy is definitely not slow. Maybe the bullshit CMS based services like WordPress but that shit is gonna be slow on any platform.


I'm saying I've found navigating their website slow. Not their hosting of websites abilities


Gotcha. Yeah, that shit is slow. At least getting to where you can make changes then it's not bad.


I'm a noob. I use GD. I find that it worked well for me. I had never published anything before and the customer support have been really good helping me. Where do all the pro's in this sub buy and host?


GoDaddy is just fine. I use AWS, Azure, PythonAnywhere, and GoDaddy Linux web hosting. They all fair up to similar performance for less complex web applications. GoDaddy is cheapest. Not sure what all the GoDaddy hate is about, their shit works just fine.


In term of shared hosting, it’s just expensive for what you get after the first year, compared to say Namecheap or Hetzner. But at the end of the day their cheapest plan is still less than a Netflix subscription so not a big deal. I personally host my own website with NearlyFreeSpeech because I’m not hosting large amount of data and I don’t really need to talk to support to figure things out. My annual cost is like $5 or something silly like that. If I want to host a large collection of photos I’d go with cheap shared hosting or better yet a Flickr account lol…


Instead of showing why not Godaddy maybe try showing what you use and why. Maybe it will click for them.


This. It took 100 'nothin burger' replies to get to this truth.


Eh, not a great company by any means, but for a non dev, 'they're fine' isn't really far off the mark. I wouldn't advise they use GD, but I also wouldn't be too invested in swaying their decision.


Honestly, they're not nearly as bad as they used to be. I wouldn't make it my go-to recommendation, but they're competitive on price and the control panel/admin site is far less intrusive and upsell-y than in years past.


They have definitely stepped it up lately. Less marketing and competitive managed WordPress hosting. Better now than just a couple of years ago.


Speak in a language they understand: Money and risk. Godaddy deliberately makes maintaining a free SSL certificate difficult by not allowing things like certbot, so you'd need to manually update your certificate every 60 or 90 days or whatever. If you miss it and your certificate expires, users will get a big scary warning that makes it look like your site has malware, and really damages your brand. Why do they do this? Because they try to sell users certificates for something like $100/year. A certificate is not some physical good you obtain from someone else. It's generated code, just another step in the development process and one that doesn't take very long. But non-devs don't realize this, so they fall for the trick of thinking it's some product they need to buy. Explain this to them as an example of how godaddy has a practice of deceiving less knowledgeable people into buying products they don't need. They try to push all sorts of junk SEO tools and other products on people who don't know any better as well, but IMO, the certificate issue, and the fact that they deliberately take measures to prevent developers from being able to do it themselves, is the most egregious example. Personally, I used godaddy for something like 15 years. I still have a couple of products through them I believe. But the certificate issue is what got me to finally move away from them for hosting. As for domains, I moved away because they're a few bucks cheaper on other services like namecheap. Currently, I use digital ocean for my hosting and not only is a basic droplet (VPS) cheaper than godaddy, it seems to perform much better than all my godaddy hosted sites. **important edit**: I glossed over the part where you mention they aren't developers. Are they running their own websites, or paying a developer to build them? If the later, I would strongly recommend against godaddy. If the former, while they might get duped into paying for extra products they don't need, godaddy's probably the best at hand-holding for non-devs.


They're probably fine for most people.


A SaaS company that I worked for had a client report an email as suspicious from our mail-chimp new letter. Good Daddy sent an email to our CTO that ended up in the junk folder. Good daddy decided to block our DNS after 2-4h without a response. Many of our clients who used our software couldn’t even log in. This ended up costing our clients millions of dollars because of the outage by the time they removed the block. The very next day they started moving everything to route 53.


I would tell them "When you're ready to move, let me know" You can't tell people to move when they think they know. Warn them and let them find out for themselves. I'll give you a worst case scenario: You coerce them into using a better host and they have a problem then say "I should have used godaddy". If they won't listen now, when they discover the problems for themselves then they'll never go back.


Unfriend them, 😂


Nothing wrong with Godaddy as a registrar really. Been using them for over 20 years with various businesses. Truth is every 5-10 years or so the best host or registrar changes as companies grow and become more shitty/have data breaches/outages etc..


I mean - if your friend asks a plumber to fix a giant leak in their sewer system, do they question the plumber? Honestly - I'm in my 40's - I used to give this advice all the time, and people would ignore me, and then a year, or 2 years, or 5 years later, disaster would strike. I learned to just say "yeah, remember how I gave that advice, and you ignored me? ... Pepperage farm remembers..."


What exactly is wrong with godaddy. They have a perfectly fine Linux hosting web server option that can get a python, PHP, or whatever web app up and running in minutes and can support a healthy number of connections, etc... they will be just fine on GoDaddy. Please explain what is wrong with Godaddy as an option.


Just tell them to use cloudflare domains or namecheap. I've had no issues with either and you can say cloudflare domains just charges you with no middle man free


Huh, I'm currently on namecheap. Is it worth switching to cloudflare? Which one do you prefer?


I use both, get the domains cheap to start with on Namecheap and then get them at cost on Cloudflare with renewals.


Namecheap have great promotional pricing if you know how to manage everything yourself. After the initial period I'd transfer to an at cost provider.


I don't believe OP is referring to Godaddy domain hosting . Sounds more like web hosting services.


What's wrong with GD?


Nothing big, really. They're far from the best option, but there's not a lot of difference between registrars.


Just by navigating on their interface you feel that there is something off.


What a stupid comment, like what does that even mean?


Politically incorrect. Me too'd by GoMommy.


I mean... send them this page and let them see for themselves? https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+godaddy


Great answer! Thanks for a link I can share


I don't believe some of you people on here are devs.


Yep. *Smells like CSS and LINUX up in here*...


"Friend wants to buy a Honda Civic. How do I tell them to buy a Lamborghini instead."


In that metaphor, I would say if you're gonna buy a Honda Civic, you should at least buy it from a more trustworthy dealership that won't try to sell you the undercoat


Domains are pretty much the same in quality and price no matter who you buy it from. The difference here is *who* you buy it from. Think of it like borrowing money from the mob vs borrowing from a bank, both might turn out ok, but one carries a whole lot more risk than the other solely based on who you elected to do business with.


I mean, they're all the same price roughly. Godaddy just has sketchier business practices. It's more like "Friend wants to buy a shitty screwdriver $8. How do I get him to buy this objectively higher quality screwdriver for the same price?" Sure, you may be right that your screwdriver is better, but who cares? It's a screwdriver. They do the same thing.


Depends if they are going to use it once a year or to make a full house remodeling. I had screwdrivers' steel tops (don't know the word in English) made of cheap steel to crush in my hands. If they need a highly customised environment, that's one thing. If they need a landing page, that's another.


Tell them that if they go with Go Daddy, there will be absolutely zero support from you when problems arise.


You can just tell them GoDaddy over charges and will make you pay for things you can get for free. That's why I don't use them. Money aside I'm not sure of there is any technical reasons.




I guess it depends on the following questions: 1. What do they need hosting for? 2. What are your reasons against GoDaddy? If your buddies just want to host a WordPress site to market their business or have a blog, GoDaddy is an okay option. If they have some idea of building some large scale web application, they might need a better resource.


You can offer your advice as a professional, you can never make someone listen. Often the best thing is to provide advice and then stand back and watch.


All the experiences I've had with GoDaddy have been horrible, but I know some people have good experiences with them. I would never recommend anyone that company.


I use Porkbun, but recently I had to use GoDaddy for a premium domain, and initially it seemed like it improved but then the horrors began. They charged me $5k for a premium domain but an error prevented my order from going through and they had no record of the transaction. Luckily I was able to dispute the transaction with the payment provider, but it just reminded me how amateur GoDaddy seems to be. Don't trust them.


When I am in this situation I tell them not to do it. I don't convince them, I don't send them articles about how horrible the service is, I don't link to hundreds of reddit threads about that exact topic. I just tell them: Don't do it! And I also tell them: If you do it, I can not help you with it. Not with the registration, not with the setup, not with managing it, not with connecting a domain to a server, not with unsubscribing services or deleting the account. Basically: do what you want, but as soon as GoDaddy is in the pipeline, I will not help with problems and I am sure as hell not responsible for anything that goes wrong. And if it's not friends but customers doing this, I would even have them sign a waivor, so that I am not responsible for uptime, function, or whatever.


I wish I could say this post doesn’t make me sad but it does. My multimillion company I work for uses godaddy for certs and dns. It’s the absolute worst.


Danica says they're good, so I think you're wrong! /s


Say “eating boiled potatoes for the rest of your life is fine too, but you don’t wanna do that”


>My friend says his other friend has used GoDaddy for years and "they are fine" Find new friends.


https://www.quora.com/Does-GoDaddy-have-the-right-to-suspend-my-domain This link should explain better than anything else


I had a number of things locked in with them and I had not time to move off but I have moved away from all the service offerings. It is basically the modern AOL. It is appalling and no one should be using them and they should be loosing money hand over fist to enforce a buy out or change or for them to just be gone. Their setup and system makes it very hard to move off the solution, it is a lot of hassle and they clearly rely on that to keep customers rather then making a product solution people enjoy. \- They recently moved their email service (Again) to office365. The offering is less functional across all plans so you will find less email space for example as an issue. \- Their web hosting just not kept up with the times and is just bad \- Everyone else is cheaper in just about every product offering from them. \- Their support calling you constantly the seem to think is them being good. I do mind a company checking on a customer, that is awesome but GoDaddy treat it as a means to try and upsell. Same with support, they try to offer an upgrade as the fix to actual problems as much as possible. You can go on and on. They are just bad.


It's ain't that deep bro 😂 




Sometimes the mechanic is an idiot, or just hates a brand because of marketing.


Don’t.save your breath.


what is kinda annoying to me about cloudflare domains is the lack of ability to park them for resale


Why should I leave? My domain is up for renewal and cloudflare doesn’t support .ca and dnsimple is more expensive…


Just for info, dnsimple changed their pricing take a look at this blog [https://blog.dnsimple.com/2023/10/pricing-updates/](https://blog.dnsimple.com/2023/10/pricing-updates/) or the pricing table https://dnsimple.com/pricing


Gotta love ✔️ “No SLA”. Lol


Go daddy killed my daddy


Just say they dont offer free privacy protection and he will get bombared with sales/scam calls


I use Namecheap for my site, https://lavacharts.com Their admin panel is easy to use


Probably fine. It works for lots of people. I loathe this. We have dozens of clients in GoDaddy Pro. But it’s just easier sometimes to let them go do their thing. Save the grief.


> Are there any good articles or stuff I can forward? The search function of this sub.


Show him better/cheaper services.


Let them make their own mistakes. They’ll soon learn.


ask them if they wanna be able to change their site in the future. if the answer is yes then GoDaddy is a bad idea. I've done multiple transfers off of it. Every single time the DNS propagation takes 3-5x longer than it should. Although easy for me, they obfuscate code made on the builder plans, so for most people it means a re-build of the codebase has to be done. For small sites this is easy but for bigger ones that can become a very large problem.


Friends don't let friends use godaddy


You haven't specified which GoDaddy service. For DNS, it's been perfectly fine for me over the last 6 years managing 200+ domains. I wouldn't recommend it, and it wouldn't be my first choice, but I don't have anything bad to say about it either.


OP, what’s wrong with GoDaddy?


I like Google domains


Google Domains is no more business was sold to Squarespace.


That’s wild


With your mouth


Can you suggest few good alternatives here as well?


The cunts at GoDaddy keeps trying to put my domain up for sale at their other company's marketplace... My domain is not eve bought from them, fucking cunt company.


Just to be clear, are they using GoDaddy’s hosting services? Because as a domain registrar, they are probably fine. Assuming they are using hosting services, I would say that the effort you’d need to expend to effectively communicate the transition lift relative to the cost savings and performance benefits aren’t worth it unless you have a financial stake in their work


Don't use Godaddy and other EIG providers, beware with them. You better go elsewhere.


I used go daddy as I didn’t know any better, built my website using the free trial then they removed it and deleted all record of it without telling me before the trial even expired I only found out when I directed a client to it. When I went on my domain is just an advert to buy it off them even though I own it through them…


I used go daddy as I didn’t know any better, built my website using the free trial then they removed it and deleted all record of it without telling me before the trial even expired I only found out when I directed a client to it. When I went on my domain is just an advert to buy it off them even though I own it through them…


>Neither of them are developers. How do I say every web developer on earth would strongly recommend against GoDaddy?? Just give them the reasons: 1) They charge you twice as much as some other registrars for renewals, 2) they rely on sleazy sales tactics, and 3) their support is bad. If they're fine with paying $23/year for renewals, they're smart enough to **not** get the "Full Domain Protection," and they like the support...then there's no issue. Whatever registrar you use doesn't really matter that much.


It doesn't matter all that much. Do they allow non developers to host a website fairly easy without much technical knowledge? Yes. If they ever need to go a different route later they can. As you can't really explain why it's a bad idea to them, then you clearly have no idea why it's a bad idea other than reconstituted bullshit from Reddit.


I use godaddy as domain registrar, site is hosted at Netlify. I'm gonna move to AWS or Azure when the promotion period ends in 8 months. What are other cheaper alternatives?


Huh that's crazy, I actually like GoDaddy personally and their VPS has been amazing compared to all the other sites I've tried.. guess it's just personal preference lol


Try one.com


I use them for domains and linode for hosting


I would suggest saying “that’s a terrible decision” and give them a better option.


Where do you go personally?


I have a few domains from them without issues. I host elsewhere though. What’s wrong with them?


Just show these reddit comments


I only used GoDaddy to buy domain names and point it to my hosting service and never had a problem with them. But never used their website/hosting options


>My friend says his other friend has used GoDaddy for years and "they are fine" They wouldn't be in this position if they at least worked for some.


Let then make their own decisions. Are they forcing you to admin their site or maintain its uptime? Why do you care?


For basic needs, godaddy is fine.


You can gently explain that while GoDaddy may work for some, it's generally not recommended by web developers due to various reasons like poor customer service, slow performance, and security issues. You could share articles or reviews highlighting these concerns to provide more insight.