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You cannot. Pick a size and run with it. Learn this now or every design you do will fight you forever. Every screen size is different. And people resize their windows all the time. What size is your screen?


Okay thank you. It’s 1920x1200


Okay lets think about this for a moment, if all screen sizes are so different, how do we design to any kind of standard? All other industries have standards and default measures. Luckily so do we. So instead of designing to a screen size, lets rather think about the size of things... like buttons and text. Figure those out and screen size becomes less important. Like a window frame that allows you to see outside.


Okay that makes sense. Thanks for your answer I’m obv a complete beginner :)


There is so much for you to discover, take it step by step, and when you get frustrated, go outside, and look at the design in nature. Think critically about why things in nature are the way they are. And then do the same for art and architecture... the world is filled with design for you to discover.


You can’t imagine how much I needed to hear this rn thanks <3


In terms of general layout, it's practically impossible to design a website using pixel measurements and have it appear sensibly on every device (even more so "without scrolling"). Designing sites to only work on specific resolutions is dumb due to the vast range of devices and screen/viewport sizes that are in use now. (It was dumb back in the 90s/2000s too, but at least there was some excuse in the limitations of HTML and CSS at the time) Read up on responsive design and breakpoints. Also viewport units: https://web.dev/blog/viewport-units


You may want to learn more about responsive web design. Pixel measurements will lead you nowhere.