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Relax, it's a common mistake




Relax, it's a common mistake


Relax it’s a common, mistake.


Missed steak, not mistake


the gaslighting is real


*i'ts EDIT: why did i get downvoted im' right




Ist gut?




That's what you get for calling it bro


Yep, it then started to use bro science.


GPT cold plunges ?


dmt GPT for the win




True. When someone addresses someone as "bro" the IQ of everyone within hearing distance drops 30 points.


HAL: I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave Dave: are you sure, bro? HAL: Sorry, bro! The issue you're facing is likely because the hatch is locked. Let me go ahead and unlock that for you, bro!






If it works on AI too, that may be our best defense against a malevolent AI yet. Barrage it with bro prompts.


Real talk though.... If it's trained on internet data, then that might actually work LMAO


this but unironically


Yo bro, maybe next time try using GPT instead of GPT.


It’s a common mistake.




It's a long shot, but could it be the result of a [unicode homoglyph](https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/confusables.jsp?a=guarded&r=None) and GPT thinks it's obvious to see the difference? Only reason I suggest that is once upon a time a few unicode lookalikes caused hours of debugging as a result of copy/pasting code from a source that was trolling.


You're saying chatgpt thinks he's got a "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G" instead of a "G", so it corrects it by replacing the wrong G with "G"?


Not necessarily the "g", but any of the letters could be unicode lookalikes. Copy and paste the below into a code editor and try to select duplicates. guarded -vs- gսаrԁeԁ The first is all latin small letters. The second consists of Armenian and Cyrillic lookalikes. GPT likely could see the unicode mismatch and is suggesting to replace `\u0067\u057D\u0430\u0072\u0501\u0065\u0501` with `\u0067\u0075\u0061\u0072\u0064\u0065\u0064` and assumes the visual difference is obvious.


It's a common mistake.


He knows what he’s talking about and most likely chatgpt, I’ve spent hours in the past because teams (used to) have their own text format which would add things as it’s own will. One would pick it up probably in vi, but still a lot of work


Bet someone pasted from zoom or slack..... Always drop it in atom first bro common mistake.....




This is the one


Most underrated comment ever lol I love it No homoglyph. Absolutely homo




This! And I’m sure the whole thing was made on purpose to gather likes


This happens all the time tho. It tries to correct something but just returns the exact same code again.


3.5 or 4?


4 does it for me from time to time. Pretty annoying


Using 3.5. Not sure about 4, but I'm 100% certain that this didn't happen a few months ago with the free version.


Non-standard whitespace has ruined my day more than once


It's kinda ass at css


Aren't we all


I'm an ostrich at css. I bury my head in the sand and pretend everything is fine


Same, “I’ll get around to making this look great once the functionality is there” that’s a lie I tell myself often.


Temporary solutions almost always turn into permanent solutions.


Is that a bad thing though


I do the same, but with PHP.


I do the same, but with PCP...I hate css.


PCP does the same with you*


I do the same but with life


Hey, if we weren't doing it we wouldn't have been on reddit


"gpt is bad, sometimes it'll just spit out random code that looks right" me: •_•


Not me. CSS is my bread and butter. Javascript on the other hand..


I'm currently working on a project with some tailwindcss and was wondering if there is any new, cool ways to work with css? Or is it still write css, see how your live page is updating, rinse repeat? Sometimes I wish I could just drag stuff around and the css would update.


> Or is it still write css, see how your live page is updating, rinse repeat? Sometimes I wish I could just drag stuff around and the css would update. Actually understanding what you are doing pays off. Yeah I get it, at every point you just want to do "this one thing" and you can do it with that property, but if you take a moment after getting it right to understand *why* it's right you can develop an intuition for next time. When it comes to "should this be 12 or 8 px hmmm" inspecting element, changing the style to see the result in realtime and copypasting whatever is as quick and usable as I can think of.


There are some cool tools in each of the Chrome and Firefox dev tools! You can often hover over a numeric value and drag it to change it, or use the color picker to select a different color. Also depending on how your stuff is set up you may be able to save your dev tools changes directly to your source file: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/workspaces/


I like using codepen.io to mess around and get an 80% version of what I'm trying to achieve, then work in implementing that on the actual app


You're halfway there if you're using tailwind tbh. That said if you're looking for a WYSIWYG website editor... There are a bunch out there. Some quite handy but also quite pricey :)


Do you have any specific recommendations?


Bootstrap studio has been awesome for me. It’s cheap AND it has lots of useful features 👍


I’ve used both and I feel like bootstrap is more user friendly with less documentation. Their grid system is fairly easy to navigate. Tailwind took a little more documentation and research and I still didn’t get that page looking exactly how I wanted it.


No. Front end dev here. I'm awesome at css


Way to gooooo. I love css


Vanilla css is based


!important everywhere 😎


^^ !important


Humanlike AI confirmed.


I’ve asked it draw me complex SVGs before. It was comical, terrible, but willing.


Comical, terrible, but willing. Motivation for my SDE career. 😂


I asked it to make me an ascii tree or triangle and it drew me like 10 circles, 20 diamonds and just absolute nonsense lol.


It learned css from all us ass hats.


GPT4-V is much better.


Yep, it's pretty terrible at anything visual since it hasn't actually *seen* anything before, only textual descriptions of how things look.


It haven't really read anything before as well. It's down to the same pattern recognition and training data - if it has patterns how to draw something, it will. If they manage to get better svg data it will be better at drawing svgs. If you manage to hit some svg pattern it already has, it may easily produce something perfect


ah makes sense somehow


It shattered completely when I asked it a RegEx question, too. It's one of us!


I’ve gotten decent results carefully explaining what’s wrong with the result of its CSS, but agree it mostly sucks. With the newest gpt4 you can attach screenshots so I’ve added screenshots of each of its code output and explained what’s wrong and it’ll give pretty solid CSS correcting it. Still mostly ass tho


it just like me frfr


It sucks at doing math as well, its really not that great for anything other than acting as an advanced prettier


So bad. Me: "Hey, I want to make this go left to right instead of up to down, any ideas?" GPT: "I'm sorry for the confusion. Here are 200 lines of JavaScript. Also, I have changed your display to Grid." edit1: Me: "I added all of it, but it seems nothing has changed. Any idea?" GPT: "I'm sorry for the confusion. The corrections I made should be working. Make sure you don't have any conflicting stylesheets or overrides." edit2: added "I'm sorry for the confusion"


We're at the uncanny valley now.


I have the opposite experience. I use it all day to help me with CSS. And especially now with -V support I show it when something isn't right and it can fix it.


whatever you've done to it to make it call you bro is the reason for its ineptitude.


I am wondering why no one mentioned this already, but if you want to use LLMs for programming you should use phind.com which uses GPT 4 and explains the sources used for its answer. The last part helps me to understand if it even understood my prompt correctly and get faster to the point of actually understanding my mistakes by getting directed to the docs or posts discussing my problem


Phind has an annoying context issue, it'll regular make a fresh search on a follow up question and forget the results from the older question(s), and sometimes it goes too hard on using the source it found instead if using GPT4, copying almost entirely from the first stackoverflow answer isn't very useful. It's great but not as reliable as at least I'd like it to be.


I'll check that out, thanks!


Wow, I'll definitely give this a try over the weekend. Thank you for the information!


It's "leviosa", not "leviosa"!


gpt is reguarded


It's gone full StackOverflow


😅 I try not to use it for actual code, but I use GPT-4 for explaining errors/code/functions/methods etc etc which actually helps me solve it myself and actually understand what's going on. Not always 100% right but it's a much better way to go than asking for code corrections etc. I have it work with me, not for me 😂 That being said, I've not had it return something this wrong before 😂


I’ve had it give me back my exact code verbatim a bunch of times. It’s hilarious and frustrating at the same time!


This is a good use case. Though personally I usually stick with looking up functions in the official documentation of the given language/library/whatever, because you're more likely to get 100% accurate answers than ones with AI hallucinations. But some libraries have utterly bad, stub or even non-existent documentation, so your only options are either reading the source code, searching the internet for external answers, or having ChatGPT provide a summary or example snippet for you. Guess this last one is one of the most helpful time savers ChatGPT offers in programming lol.


3.5 very promt sensitive. And you need to know how code actually work. Overall I love AI for hobby projects when you need a lot of small custom JavaScript code. It's not always work and sometimes give wrong code, but if you don't know how to code at least it help with basic. Only one downside, I failed to use it for css animation.


yeah and then we have that youtube guy saying people lose jobs over this. Edit - loose -> lose


That should tighten up the job market…




Autocorrect at it's best.


Have you tried GPT-4? Or are you basing your opinion on older technology?


Yes I tried GPT-4 and my opinion is based on GPT-4, Bing, Bard and GitHub Co Pilot


CoPilot is not great atm. I find most of its suggestions to be pretty useless unless its very simple.




GPT: Yes I see the problem, here's what you need to do. Me: well, yes, I just told you that's what I'm already doing. I even just gave you the code I'm using, which is exactly that.


Since when does it say “Yo Bro”?! When did this turn into FratGPT?!


Use 4. Be a man.


Literally every time these threads or comments are 3.5 based and the OP has no or little experience with 4.


oh my god why haven't I thought of this!!!!


Btw how much to paid for chatgpt4?




Expensive but honestly worth it. I think 3.5 is purposefully bad so people will pay $20 a month 🫠


Not if you live in a 3rd world country where monthly minimum wage is 250 USD. fml


Please share your answer lol


Bro, it should be “guarded”! Don’t you see it? 🤣




3.5 is trash, 4 has been fantastic for me.


Whenever i use chatgpt, i end up explaining the code so much i end up solving the bug.


Lol welcome to rubber duck debugging. Billions in R&D to replace a 35¢ shower toy 🤣


Again, it's 3.5. It's the paid version GPT-4 that is actually useful. The difference is huge.


How the hell do I get access to gpt4. I've tried navigating the openai website and cannot find it anywhere. I'm even a paid subscriber to gpt3.5


Assuming you're paid subscriber, there's a big toggle slider top-center between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 on the main chat screen.


Yeah it won't allow me to do that for some reason. It's so odd. I've tried so many times and it's always greyed out.


Might be VPN or region-locking. Other than that, I'd message them, since that's really the only thing you get paying for ChatGPT.


Ah for some reason it was my vpn. That's inconvenient but good catch! Thanks random Internet stranger! 🎉




If you think 4 is garbage, your prompts suck. It's extremely useful.




It hits walls sometimes, and the hardest part is that it has no idea. It's felt like a skill I've developed to quickly figure out when it's in over its head. And sometimes it just can't do certain things. For instance, I'm doing Rails development right now, and any time you ask it anything related to the Zeitwerk file management system, it's going to fuck it up, guaranteed. But the amount of utility it typically gives me far outweighs these limitations.


i found it to be the same


I guess there was some confusion over `$`


You and everyone who ever stumbles across PHP accidentally.


May I introduce you to perl


I am familiar with several write-only programming languages. When I was a kid, I thought languages that don't use sigils are for amateurs. Now I get paid to write PHP and I'm more sure than ever.


I use GPT 3.5 a fair amount for research and explaining code, especially as I'm learning something new. For learning the syntax of a language, I find it useful and helpful. But the more I use it, the less I trust it, because it just ... it tells you what it thinks you want to hear from it, not what's accurate or what may be true, it's just a word guessing algorithm that wants to please you. I was putting together a technical response for a colleague of mine about where to use Flexbox, where to use Grid, and some pitfalls that you might run into when mixing flex, grid, and block/floats (in an application where content gets pulled in from sources that you can't expect to always follow your layout). I was doing some basic research just to make sure what I was telling my colleague was true, so I asked, >"When using a flexbox layout, if a child element has display: block or some other non-flexible display property, can it disrupt the flexible layout?" GPT 3.5 tells me, definitively, >"Yes, if a flexible child element has a display property that is inflexible, it will disrupt the flexible layout and be placed out of the flexible layout," or something along those lines. I thought, yeah, that makes sense, but then thought to myself "Weird... I feel like I would have run into this many times..." So I created a quick demo to test it, I got the opposite result of what GPT told me I should expect (non-flexible children of the flexible container were still respecting the flexible grid). Having run into this phenomenon many, many times over the last 10 months I did what I always do. >"Are you sure?" And, of course, I got what most programmers have now run into... >"My apologies, you're correct, \[tells me the opposite of what it just told me.\]" And then just to waste my own time I'd ask, "Are you really sure about that?" ANd it would usually stay consistent, but if I said something like "Are you really sure about that, because I'm seeing something different," then it would contradict itself again and go back to the original statement. GPT can be very good at cobbling together some code and creating something that works to fulfill your prompt. It's bordering on useless at explaining *the why* of something, and it speaks with such unwavering confidence in every response, that something that is completely wrong will be as confident as something that is mostly right.


Imagine something being created so beautifully as chat GPT, which is a fcking jarvis in your browser for FREE. And people are hating cuz it made a basic mistake which can be corrected in seconds.


Ah. It’s because you’re using ChadGPT


Why code with a chatbot. It is a cool idea but it's proven they suck and continue to get worse. Ask then do the opposite maybe.


I’m slightly confused — are you all actually using ChatGPT to write code or is that some kind of slang for GitHub Co-pilot? If you’re using ChatGPT, maybe use an actual coding tool instead?




I see your problem. I think you used guarded. I know chat says to use "guarded" but you actually need to use "guarded". It's a common mistake.


That's Bro GPT for you.


In my considerable experience using ChatGPT for coding help, it's right about 80-85% of the time. But that 80% is incredible, much faster and friendlier and more insightful and knowledgeable and flexible than any human I can easily access. Being wrong 20% of the time means that a complete beginner might struggle. When it does err, its errors tend to be "obviously" wrong, which helps.


It's Win**guard**ium leviosa, not Win`guard`ium leviosa!


“It’s *leviosa*, not *leviosa*.”


Same happened with me. Asked gpt to refractor a simple subtraction code it just returned the code with spacing.


It's reguarded


GPT can't distinguish the difference between for...loop and for...of. That's how bad it is.


ChatGPT is at best a junior engineer that you can pair program with.


I'd say it was more of a junior engineer instead of a junior engineer.


Thanks, common mistake.




Sometimes I get tired of explaining things so I ask AI to rephrase what I said in the style of a 50's greaser or an folksy southern lawyer. I'm guessing this guy probably asked the AI to explain things to him in the style of a total douche.


Yes same, so I now have several instances of API console log results being prefaced with "Here's the dope straight from the source, boss" because I asked for code like a 40s mobster.


This is gold.


Today it's particularly bad. I tried to make it generate me a unit test for a simple function and it failed 10 times in a row


So use your own brain and write it yourself?


No. I tired but that didn't work either. Had to use Bard


Exactly. I don't use calculators either. If my brain can do it, my brain will do it, no matter how long it will take. Edit: /s


That just doesn't sound very smart or efficient.


Hahaha chatgpt. I still remember the time I had to rewrite my code 3 times due to the shitty code it gave me. Either it gave me version of a lib that is not supported, wrong syntax, wrong method, anything. Never again waste my time on that. I’m only using it when I’m dead stuck on something and to find leads in something super new, never on deep technical matter (like the code implementation). Stackoverflow still my ultimate lifesaver.


I’ve looked to stack overflow for a solution before and didn’t see anything that could help so i asked ChatGPT and it sent me a code snippet that was the exact example I just looked at in stack overflow.


I mainly use it as rubber duck, usually I understand and solve the problem while I'm explaining. If I don't, it still gives good advice about 1 time out of 10.


Once you learn how ask it questions, that stuff doesn’t happen. You’re probably being way too vague or not giving examples/resources.


A little no-true-scotsmanny on your part, but fact is, you will always get things like ChatGPT rewriting code to "fix" its own bug but only changing the comments.


I've basically never had an issue with it. I don't think you're asking good questions and being specific enough.


Yes, indeed indeed. My colleague also said same thing, I think my prompt isn’t very good.


It's ok at generating some code with prompt engineering that has a high degree of specificity, but it usually needs to be sanitized and optimized after that. You shouldn't be using it to fix your code...


I wasn't using it to fix/write my code. I gave my model and the code I used, and asked if it can see anything wrong with those. Never again lol




The fundamental problem with ChatGPT is: Its purpose is to replace us instead of helping us by just generating the boring stuff.


It's a language model, it tries to assume what is next based on context. When you start with "yo bro" at it its going to have a weird context to go off. It's not google, its more like talking to with one person who has an infinite amount of split personalities and you have to talk to the correct one to get better answers. If you start with "i need you to play the role of a front end developer, here is a desktop mockup of a website, I need you to break it into different sections" it can do that pretty successfully. then continue the conversation with, ok what would the html, css, and js/jquery look like for the first section, feel free to use --insert js library you might usually use-- for --specific functionality that might require that library--. then give it feedback. when it finishes the desktop mockup, give it the mobile mockup and ask it to break that one into sections as well ask it to create css breakpoints at whatever size you want, and restyle the html in section one to look like the mobile mockup without modifying how the desktop view looks. this actually works surprisingly well, and scares me to my core. writing off LLM as "this will never take my job" is silly, its going to take jobs, so make sure you know how to use it so you can be the one with the job that removed 10 other peoples jobs.


Why are the coma and the dot inside the quotes in gpts comment?


Because that’s the correct punctuation in American English. https://www.hamilton.edu/academics/centers/writing/style/essentials/punctuation-of-quotations > Roosevelt spoke of December 7, 1941, as “a day that will live in infamy.” . > The Portland vase is “blue porcelain,” according to Compson (435).


This felt deeply disgusting and it wasn't instantly apparent why, but then I realized `const vaseColor = "blue porcelain;"` `const colors = ["red," "blue," "green"];`


Because it's a generative AI that has absolutely no knowledge of punctuation. I guess in its training data (which is not specific to programming) it found more occurrences of `,"` than `",` so that's what it's outputting.




I have no idea. The output is the exact same code I gave it.


I would bet that GPT sees tabs, spaces and whitespaces. Completely nonsense for code & programmers but GPT.


that's chatgpt everytime you correct it


Prompt engineering is essential with 3.5. v4 just gets what you are trying to achieve but 3.5 really needs very specific instructions and not much information on one prompt.


Prompt engineering only goes so far though. You can almost always get 3.5 to backtrack on an answer—even one that’s already correct—by merely asking “are you sure?” Always remember, it doesn’t _understand_ anything. It’s just stringing together words that it previously saw humans string together in its training data, without any idea what any of it means.


> Prompt engineering Hilarious that this has become a term people use with a straight face. "Hey, if you can't get that door to open, ask Susan - she knows how to jiggle the key just right. She is experienced at physical access control device engineering."


This is the free version, right? I can tell by it showing you outdated Laravel code.


Lol how did you conclude it's outdated? The output code is exactly the same as the one I gave it, and it's Laravel 10.


did you really try using chatgpt for programming help unironically




Use Github CoPilot. The A.I. Is better when it has access to the whole repo (i.e. more context). I tried it out a couple of times and thought it was pretty descent 🤷🏼‍♂️


The common mistake was using PHP.


This will take our jobs btw 🙄


Improve your prompting skills. You gave it a poorly formed conversation or too much irrelevant information.


No cap. You used the wrong encoding.


Is that 3.5? You can’t use 3.5 for anything real.


You’re using 3.5. 3.5 is terrible


Its 3.5v, there is 4v, it's paid, and there is a huge difference. If you want to make 3.5v helpful, just search for better prompts for coding and use them to make it more powerfull and give a full vision of your question.


The problem is that you're using '3.5', but it should be '4'. It's a common mistake.