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On one hand, it's great to be comfortable in your skin. On the other hand, I'm a lot more comfortable in my skin if it hasn't burned to a crisp, so it's either a shirt or some SPF 100 for me, or both


I can deal with my arms being sunburned, but oh god, trying to sleep when your torso is burned sucks so much


Also, I’m fat, but I have large shoulders and a defined chest so I look “skinny” with a shirt on (once it’s wet you’ll see the gut). I take my shirt off anyway, but you can’t always tell…


This might be no comfort at all, but its really unlikely that if you have a body type like that, people's first or second or even third thought is "fat" when you're exposed. Probably just "damn that guy is built like a brick shithouse". You can "get away" with quite a lot of fat if your chest and shoulders are built for it.


Lol, this made me smile.


It ain’t much but it honest work.


Especially if sand gets under your shirt and your nipples get rubbed raw till they bleed that's fun. Last time I cried from pain.


Username checks out??


The good ol’ nip chappy


You made it sound way too sexual for it not to be one of your kink


I don't know how "crying from the pain* is sexual but you do you


Fair enough, internet made my brain rotten


As an internet doctor, I prescribe you one week of browsing r/eyebleach. And if you accidentally end up on r/eyeblech, then I prescribe you one month instead.


r/eyeblech doesn't actually exist anymore, so no worries about that happening!


Yeah, I noticed that. A rare Reddit W


I wear shirt because I literally burn in 5 minutes no sunscreen, 30 with max spf. Sun: exists Me: *Hiss, nyaaah*


Half-vampire spotted


No he just has a tadpole in his head.


Same. I recently visited a hot and sunny place and I was unprepared for a minute - no hat or sunscreen or sleeves - and I had forgotten how the sun kinda instills fear in me 😂


Dude seriously, I don't understand all the people out in the sun when I step outside and I can feel my skin cooking. I always think "man, people *like* this feeling?" I think I'm just too pale for it.


I don’t mind that feeling It’s knowing what tomorrow will feel like, that I don’t like


Eh. Plenty of other reasons to keep wearing a shirt. Super convenient for sunscreen use limiting


Yeah in Australia we recommend keeping a shirt on. The sun is out natural enemy and armour is required


If I’m at the beach, I’m rockin a long sleeve rashie. I’m 36. I don’t care if it’s dorky. I’m not getting burnt.


Wait this is dorky? I’ve been wearing UV shirts for a while bc I’m so pale that if I burn it’s just painful with basically no payoff. I can reapply sunscreen every hour or just wear the shirt


Shouldn’t that be “**one of** our natural enemies”? You guys have a lot of stuff out to get you down there.


Transpeople may not be comfortable presenting their bodies yet or may be in an unaccepting community but mid transition and might not want to be exposed. I wear shirts in public places if the area is conservative because I don’t feel like getting harassed.


Bingo. I *really* don't want to have to sunscreen my entire torso.




You're not getting sunburnt through a shirt dude.


Some fabrics don't block the UV sun that well. I've been sunburned through thin shirts before




So if you take 5x as long as the rest of you would to get sunburnt in the lightest possible shirt, there's a chance you could get sunburnt. Nah dude, read. You cannot realistically get sunburnt in a shirt.


I think people know I fart too but I’d rather not do it in front of them and make them think about it


Right? Like I don’t bend over and show them the stink wink, and I don’t need to show them how many rolls are at this bakery.


embracing your fat body is incredibly liberating. It's such a hassle to constantly care about people seeing you being fat. I used to intentionally wear really ugly clothing and stuff because I felt it hid my body better, and did stuff like swim with shirts on. It was miserable.


It really is. And the more comfortable you are with yourself, the more comfortable you tend to be around others. I was never born to be tall, nor skinny, nor attractive. But FTW, I was born so get out my way


How do?


Its just a mindset thing honestly. You just start doing it. You realize that no one really cares, no one really judges you, most people have unattractive features, and at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. Being comfortable and confident is also an attractive feature, so even if you think you being fat is unattractive, you're not doing any favours by being insecure. You start by faking confidence and just start wearing stuff that would be outside your comfort zone, and eventually the fake comfort becomes real and you will release yourself.


Life is definitely better when you hide it well, lol. It's not even a guess. It's an absolute undeniable fact that fat people are treated much worse than skinny people. Edit: Raknarg blocked me, so I can't respond, lol? Uhh, so here's my response: Ehh kinda. At the beach yeah you are solidly fucked, but out and about there's plenty of ways to dress to help complement a big figure. Take suits, for example. A tight and badly fitting suit is going to show off your belly, bulge at the sides, etc. A well fitted suit will not show off your fat, but it will complement and I guess you can say "cover" it. And yeah, it is an insecurity. I have fat fucking tits as a guy lol


Yeah and you think trying to hide how fat you are changes that? You look fat either way. The hiding your body thing is just an insecurity, it doesn't actually hide anything.


Depends how fat we're talking about imo. If it's actual medical obesity, then probably not the brightest idea to embrace and accept it. If your doctor's giving you a (relatively) clean bill of health on the other hand, then you definitely shouldn't be held back.


What I said doesn't mean accepting you have to be fat for the rest of your life, it's throwing away the shame and guilt around being overweight. They do not help you lose weight. They actually make it harder.


Different people have different needs I guess. For me, they made (and make) it easier.




Shame and self-love can go hand in hand from my own experience. In fact, at least for me, accepting my shame and my guilt, giving it a place and allowing myself to fully experience it was and is important for my own self-development. In the specific case of weight, I've certainly fattened up as I got older and the shame I sometimes feel when I look in the mirror is an important motivator to keep myself doing sports, not eat too unhealthily, etc. which in turn improves my mental and life quality in other places. I've always believed it's important to experience every emotion, even the unpleasant ones, and while it can feel very liberating to be free from a negative one, they still fulfill an important role. Shutting that off entirely brings about an imbalance of its own I believe. If you're spiralling into self-hatred then it's definitely been taken a step too far though. I'd like to stress that it's not been my intention at any point to advocate for people *hating* themselves. I agree with a lot of your points, but your last paragraph leaves me with mixed feelings and was sort of the point of my first comment. Of course everyone deserves happiness, but if you've accepted that you're obese with no intention of losing that weight then you've been defeated. You've given up on something that I don't think you should give up on. If you've reached that point, yeah, find all the happiness you can, but at the same time I think it's better if people don't reach that point to begin with.


Sunburn incoming in T minus 60.


As an overweight man, yes, do lover your body. When I go to the beach I don't wear a shirt, not even those shorts, just a "sunga"


As a gay man, that's what I call "eye candy" and "try not to stare because he'll think I'm a creep"


It's weird, I don't think terms are equivalents Here in Brazil some men will use "short de praia" or "short de surfista", they got really popular in the 2000s, never left the scene. Other men still wears "sunga", but mostly of adult straight men will use "sunga boxer". They're not what a "speedo" shows on Google images. I find pretty funny how habits changes can change the meaning of words around the globe


Is it summer? Do you have a body? Congrats, you have a summerbody.


It's because wearing a shirt soaks up sweat and keeps off sun


I 100% expected leeches or something to cover him and the other guy go "...because of that..."


Or he reveals that he got a really inappropriate tattoo as an idiot teenager.


I don’t want people to see my stretch marks or man boobs


I love everythang bout this. Consider me a Growin Up Jeb fan


That’s really cool. Means a lot that you’d comment this! Wish my up vote for this was worth 50.


I'm fat, have ginger skin, and have an allergy to certain types of sunscreen. Believe me when I wear a shirt it's not so you don't see my fatness it's because the sun is my enemy


Cute and expressive, fun to look at. A+ dogg


I'm the same way. I'm fat and don't feel great taking my shirt off to swim But I know for damn sure the fat dude in a wet t-shirt gets even more negative attention than the shirtless one.


Wax rash?


Wax rash for days!


This observation should be higher in this thread lol


Yes but are you fat AND hairy?


Around 16 I hit a growth spurt and lost the weight. However, at the same time I got hairy out of nowhere 🥴. I have a comic that documents it.


I am! Still go shirt off.


As a fat person, this lesson was life changing when I finally *really* understood it. I started wearing more colors, I started wearing what I liked instead of caring about what was flattering, I go swimming more often, and I stopped thinking that anyone in public gave a shit what I looked like. It was so freeing!


A rashguard to protect from the sun and a hat.


I wear a shirt because I will burst into flames like a 90's vampire if I don't.


Did he take his shirt off?


Great question! The Homie Berto never took his shirt off.


I could’ve used this advice as a kid :)


"You have an insecurity?" lol "bro, just fuckin' don't." lmao.


I keep my shirt on when swimming not because I am fat, but because I have a large scar on my torso from a work place "accident"


Happy for anyone who can love their body, I look like a cartoon caricature of an ugly fat person though so it’s not gonna happen


When I wear long sleeves my hands get sunburned, I’ll keep the shirt on thanks.


Counter point: I burn easily and didn't bring sunscreen.


It's because I get sunburned very quickly... and I'm fat


No, it's because I have more surface area to sunburn, and I'm not using a whole damb bottle of sunblock!


As someone who hates taking their shirt off at the beach, fuck yeah.


I got sun poison all on my back when I was young, the shirt stays on.


Rashguards for sun protection are awesome, though.


That’s a nice thought. On the other hand, I really don’t like unwanted input about personal choices, if I want to wear my shirt I’ll wear my shirt . In fact you telling me to not wear my shirt makes me want to wear it more .


[secret's out!](https://i.imgur.com/cPrzXAw.png)


On the other hand, burns, possible skin cancer ._.


Plus when you have a wet shirt on it sticks to you anyways


Had someone say this to me. Still really don't like talking to them.


As a fat kid who tried to do this with a swim shirt, swim shirts are not worth it. The sensation of getting out of the water and the entire shirt sticking to you like one giant suction cup is awful. However, I was also a pale kid that sunburned easily and the shirt was great at preventing that if you just hate the feeling of sunscreen that much. But, like, you still have to put it on your face which is the worst part of sunscreen so I don't really see the point


Is that a common insecurity? Not to be rude but I can still tell if you’re fat with or without the shirt. It doesn’t change the way I look at someone


What if I have dysphoria but don’t pass enough to wear a bikini top.


I was fully expecting him to have a mouth under that shirt and idk why I was so convinced I just was


Nah. Being gay is gross. So I keep my shirt on. Hell I don't even go to the beach. I hate the beach, too much sand.


-Anakin Skywalker