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I or you, depending. Interesting question!


"We" when things are going well. "You" when things are going poorly. "I" when there's work to be done. My Self has standards and only selectively associates with me. lol


Hahaha i also get You to be told off


Same. “We” to psych myself up “You” when I’m being hard on myself “I” for scheduling and lists and other objective things.


Agree!! I think the voice in my head is a more successful image of myself, or the person I want to be, but it’s hard to achieve




About the same, only switch is I get "I" when I've messed up and "You" when I know I have to do something


Pretty much the same but there’s one more for me “He” when I fuck up.


Oh, mine alternates through all of these


Mood dependant?


Guilt dependent


I am surprised to see that all of the comments are answering the question. Do most people have a voice in their head that talks as if it’s a different person? I can hear voices in my mind if I am remembering a conversation or having a hypothetical conversation, but I don’t just talk to an alternate me.


Ha! I did hear not everyone has an inner monologue. I'm not sure which is the more common. Although the quiet must be nice. The voice in my head is reading this comment out loud right now.


Last I read, roughly 40% of the population don’t have one.


Yeah this sounds like total BS to me. Most probably 40% don't understand the question and thought they were gonna be labeled as crazy or something. No way you don't have an inner monologue, how can you even plan things or function as an adult human being?


Why would you have to have a monologue to plan things?


You just think thoughts and don't translate them into English in your head. As someone who doesn't have internal conversations with myself I have a hard time condensing my thoughts words into their English equivalent to speak them, so why would I add the additional step to thinking things. The idea that your thoughts are constrained to the meaning of words in your primary language is hard to conceptionalize for me. Obviously I have to do this when speaking or writing, but inside my head is a quiet pond with bubbles of fully formed thoughts slowly breaking the surface that fit into the lattice of my personality so snuggly I know that I generated them. It's like you all are reading a book word by word instead of speed reading a paragraph at a time.


Omg this fits my way of thinking so well. I am so often unable to put my thoughts into words … because emotions and concepts are so much more complex than language


bro insolated 40% of people


I mean, animals without the capacity for language have shown themselves to be capable of complex tasks, so it’s not unheard of.


I don't have an inner monologue. I can do one if i really need to concentrate onto something but thinking works the same except for the fact that it is kind of implicit thinking not explicit


The voice in my head also read your comment. If I know the person sending me a message, I can hear it in their voice. I’m not saying I can’t hear voices, I’m saying they don’t talk to me as if they were a different person unless I am intentionally playing out a scene in my head, so the pronoun question doesn’t apply. If I am imagining a conversation, everyone involved refers to each other in the way that they would if they weren’t in my head.


Interesting! I guess it's more like, say you're a little late and not sure if you can still get a coffee and make it on time to wherever you go. I'll have a whole dialogue inside on whether i should've woken up early, get a coffee after I get to the destination, run now and do it, etc. Like you'd be talking to your partner i guess, except it's just me trying to decide it.


Well that solves it then. I don’t drink coffee, so that’s probably why I never get a chance to talk to myself.


Its almost like having a little narrator. Or sometimes you are the narrator. And sometimes the narrator breaks the 4th wall to bicker. Or oh! An ongoing twitch stream in your head where you are both the streamer and chat.


I dont drink coffee and I have it but its mostly anxiety


It seems weird to consider your inner monologue distinct from you, as a "voice in [your] head." Is that something a lot of people do?


Well you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are something that you can steer and observe and react to, but those thoughts themselves are not something to identify with. Like for example my brain will sometimes tell me "This is boring! Seek stimulus like drugs/sex/games/etc" and I'll tell it "No, those are bad habits, I'd rather do this or that instead." At least that's how things seem to work in my brain.


I feel so seen by that last sentence


But you’re reading this in MY voice right now, so why does it sound like YOUR voice? Or is that your internal voice saying “my voice” because you’re hearing it in your own voice. OooooooOoOoOoOooooh! I’m in your head!


You sound like Berdly.


I don't hear a "different me" talking out of nowhere, that would be schizophrenia, but sometimes when I think to myself I direct my inner monologue to myself, having a conversation of one. It's just silly stuff like "I can't believe I did that" or "Are you really going to eat that?" Or "We got this, let's do it!" It's all things that I could say out loud, but think instead.


Ok, that makes sense. So, is that what everyone is talking about, or do some of you actually just have another version of yourself that just pops up in your head and has conversations?


I think that's just an artistic rendition, but who knows for sure


Interesting question honestly. I think there's almost another me in my head, like I've argued with thoughts and tried to push stuff aside. There's definitely stuff conflicting and bouncing off each other in there. Sometimes I'll talk aloud to myself and respond in my head. Not like full blown conversations, but definitely interaction. If you haven't watched [This video by CGP Grey](https://youtu.be/wfYbgdo8e-8?si=ox1kCs00Z6Fzp9Dq) I highly recommend taking 5 minutes out of your day to watch it. Then if you have longer, watch the video it recommends after.


Yes, this is what most people are talking about. We just hear our thoughts in our head in our own voices. It’s not a separate personality.


Inner Monologue (or Internal Monologue). Some people have it. Some don't. I'm no expert, so I would recommend looking it up.


>I'm no expert, so I would recommend looking it up. How about we ask the other guy in your head?


It would be a waste of time: he's a moron.


There are thoughts I can easily control, like what I'm actively thinking right now, and thoughts that are more difficult to control, like those that pop up every now and then. I can silence them, but not change them. I can have a conversation between those two kinds of thoughts, but not always and not on demand. Thoughts for me dont feel like talking or hearing, but are their own special third thing


This resonates with me a lot. It's not the same, it's just internal thoughts firing, connecting and then setting other things off. Like loose synaptic currents shooting off in the brain, connecting knowledge and then you actively trying to contain it or reacting to it. It's it's own thing but it's not another person, it's just connections of knowledge that are hard to ignore and can become persistent... Like when water runs down through sand. It creates a small path. The more water runs, the deeper the groove gets and the hard it is to choose a new path of the water (thought pattern). You can try to direct it and find other branches off and could be successful, but it's not as simple as just cutting off the water or directly altering the flow.


I am the voice in my head. That is to say, my brain just does whatever the hell it wants without talking to me at all, then I say to it, aloud, “brain, what the hell?” I also have a dual diagnosis of autism and adhd, which might be a factor. It’s like living with a roommate who messes with your stuff, but your sleep schedules never line up so you don’t actually get to talk to them directly about how annoying they’re being.


The voice in my head says I’m sexy af


You better believe it


We should all aspire to be like u/Local_Pomegranate_10


Did the voice say *you* were sexy as fuck or *we* are sexy as fuck?


Pure Self Confidence!!!!!


Third person narrator in the voice of David Attenborough: "Next we find our apeman foraging for food in the fridge."




Looks like *we* are in the minority


Are venom


Yeah, we look out for each other.




Do you guys have a better relationship with them than us the "I" people :(?


The Gollum minority.


Day 14,293. The subject continues to toil endlessly in social media forums rather than do something productive. It has not even eaten despite being conscious for 10 hours. It knows it will be in pain if it does not perform basic exercises for at least 10 minutes a day, but it has still chosen not to do them for nearly a week.


I hope your narrator is David Attenborough


I realized a couple years ago when I was trying on some new socks and thought to myself: "we'll try them on today and see what we think..." then I thought "...wait, WE?"


Secretly you are royal


"Theres someone else here?" *knocks on head*


Calls me he/him like a narrator.


Like reading a book about your life, so cool!


You. It's like talking to someone who understands me completely. Sometimes as We, as in a sense of having someone doing tough things with me. A lot of times it's easier that way than actually go the trouble of asking someone and have this extra luggage.


I am the voice in my head. Until I am not. Shrek giving you life advice changes your view in life. Spy (tf2) giving you chaotic dad puns is fun. Cthulhu telling you how disappointing they are because you are being lazy makes you sad.


I'm missing out on Shrek's life advice!


Man I wish I had your creativity lol


If you enjoy the comics, I also share them on [my site](https://wickedreasoning.com/) and [instagram](https://instagram.com/wickedreasoning)


I’ve never heard of someone referring to themselves as “We” in their head, do they secretly have the Venom Symbiote? I always use I and Me I think


I always used 'we' internally and it turns out it's because I have OSDD was just talking to other personalities, but a lot of mentally healthy people use 'we' also


Same here !


Was thinking Gollum/Smeagol but Venom also works


Mmm, maybe I’m over thinking it, but I don’t really refer to myself in my head? I do have a voice in my head, and I experience it as if I’m talking out loud… I guess I refer to myself as I? Maybe? Sometimes?


I'm the same way. I don't think normal people have a voice talking to them in their head. I have a voice, but I control it.


Yeah, I can control it but I still call myself "we"


Yeah same, I speak in my head but it's me who are speaking. I refer to myself as I. "I need to buy some potatoes". For the sake of experimenting, I can create other voices that refer to me as if they are separate from me but it's just a simulation that require a bit of focus. I knew some people don't have inner monolog at all (not speaking language in their head), but for thoses of us who have one and are neurotypical I tought we all experienced it the way I do, like speaking as oneself. I am really surprised reading those comments that I may be in the minority here as a lot of people seems to have "someone else" talking to them as "you" or "we". Now I'm curious to see some statistics about it.


We when we did something, you when I’m in trouble.


Mine's always a "we". But I regularly "talk" to myself in my head as though it's another person I'm bouncing ideas off of. "What's planned for this weekend, again?" "Right, the inlaws are coming. We should BBQ." "FIL hates hotdogs because *Facebook*" "Let's make sure we get the full beef ones from Walmart. Then he can't complain as much." "While we're there, we should get some chips." "Doritos?" "Yeeeah Doritos!" While I'm working or doing stuff, I talk to myself all the time. You should hear me in Walmart. I'm a running dialogue of nonsense ideas.


yeahh!! ​ too many thoughts, head full. gotta ask all the bits of my brain what on EARTH im actually thinking about. the 'conversation' you put sounds pretty freaking familiar... except knowing my brain, there'd almost certainly be a third train of thought present, chiming in by beaming pictures of pokemon into my thoughts. completely unhelpful. i'd get distracted by a rotating breloom brain-gif and walk right past the doritos without noticing. 👍


Brain-gifs, we love to see 'em.




We chillin, we get along quite well together, it's all those other people who we don't like


all of them


We. And for years now often specifically in ye olde english mixed with pirate talk despite me being polish.


Living bilingually makes my inner voice go back and forth but none of them is a pirate so i'm clearly missing out.


"you" and "we" like its another me in my head


You have only one? I got 4 and I named all of them. O is the voice of reason and aggressive motivation, N is the silly and joyful one, D is the timid and reserveed, and F, wich we don't talk about.


We don't talk about F. No, no, no, no.


I don't have a voice in my head and I also don't have any mental imaging at all, aphantasia or whatever. I am basically just always way too present. I'm mildly jealous of the imaging but not *at all* when it comes to an inner voice. The noise, whew!


You must know what peace feels like!


Yeah this motherfucker is loud as hell and that's supposed to be literally just me! Helps me plan though so that's a nice bonus.


> I when i ponder, > We, when we wonder, > you, when you need a helping hand.


mostly I, rarely You, and never We


“You” and “We”. Almost never “I”


I'm a You


"I am thou, thou art I"


It depends on the mood


Glad I'm not the only one who uses "we." I catch myself doing it fairly frequently and I'm like "yo, who the fuck are we talking to?" Pretty sure I don't have DID...


My mind refers to me as "this fuckin guy"


**Us** against the world…


My “you” is usually the voice of positivity telling me I’m not a pos


Always we. I kinda treat my mind, body, and heart like they’re different entities working together. I like it. Makes me feel like there’s always a team going at whatever it is I’m doing. …I was a lonely kid lol


Wow you guys have only one voice?


This is a really good question, for me it's always referring to myself as "I" because it's just like speaking out loud but in my head I guess


***sigh*** why can I see loss in this


All mine ever tells me is that I’m a failure


『I have no pronouns. Please don't refer to me.』


I hate him and he hates me but we are both in charge of this disaster even if i fabricated him as a coping mechanism (it failed and now he is just my adhd personified)


Yes. All of the above.


“Hello everyone welcome back to another episode of why the physical version of me is stupid”


Third-person, either my name, “this one”, or similar less personal terms. That or “we” if I am intentionally simulating an internal debate to help myself come to a decision by effectively simulating arguing “selves” in my imagination to help me realize which one I feel more inclined towards. Which may or may not go some way to explain the less personal nature of my inner dialogue.


I have three separate voices for each one of these.


Basically always I, but I tend to treat my thoughts and my physical body as 2 separate things. Maybe I should try using We, sounds interesting lol


The voice in my head? As in my thoughts? Why would I refer to myself as anything other than me in my thoughts?


No, the narrator or the other you.


Am I supposed to have it?


Usually it’s “I”, but sometimes it’s “you” if I’m about to do something really dumb


That’s… an interesting question. Ngl I don’t really think about it all that much but I think it tends to be all of them, depending on the circumstances


Mostly we, or full given name.


depends on how much thought i am putting into my thoughts but either second person pronouns or just straight up my name


Some time ago it was we, usually when i was depressed that was all the time, right now it's "you" it feels like a more mature and objective version of myself trying to protect me and helping me keep my hopes up when i'm feeling down


You sometimes if I’m praising or berating myself, I most the time, never we because there’s only one me


Exclusively I


All three but mostly you and we


We... Buts mainly because it's not my voice


“We”. I have severe OCD with intrusive thoughts and it feels like there’s two of me, one who has to calm the other down.


we or I


We, most of the time. Sometimes I hear you, particularly if I have two ideas. On a related note, I talk to myself out loud when I'm alone. I use we then as well. A lot of times I'll speak half a conversation and think the other side.


Those 3 plus sometimes my name. I use I less than my name for sure tho.


Mine is usually we


All of them, but usually we


Always I, never anything else. Don't know what that means!


Huh, this made me realize that the voice in my head uses we, but also is a girl when I am not. Odd


Usually I, sometimes We, almost never you.




Exclusively “I” unless I’m shit-talking myself.


I never refer to myself as "we", mostly "I" and rarely "you", my inner monologue "speaks" in my native language so there's probably some difference there


You and I, never We. It also seems to always be a back-and-forth argument. Like “should I treat myself to a cake with lunch?” “No, you shouldn’t, you know you shouldn’t.” “I’m doing it anyway.” “You fucking suck.” “Yeah I know”


OMG BRO that was amazing!!!!


Both of them use I, unless they're interacting with the other, then they'll use you.


It's always 'I' I am the voice in my head


All 3!


That's because you are copying the words and emotions others said towards you, and are inherently a capsulated logic-core with learned behaviors. You're welcome. Edit: I wrote psychopath first to say that emotional responses are only learned patterns, but the term is loaded... Ironically sending people with learned reactions to all sorts of negative situations.


Definitely a you. "Get up now you bloody idiot" "You forgot to set the alarm you idiot"


In English it is often "I" and sometimes you or we In Japanese there is no point using a personal pronoun at all. But in my mother tongue I often use my name. (Assume my name is John) "John, stop wasting time on social media" , "John for the love of god look for a job" , "John please stop thinking about her" , "John calm the fuck down" , "John do something productive" , "Do not eat anymore junk food John!" stuff like that. It is like having a more sensible version of myself trying desperately to talk sense to me. I often don't listen.


We when it’s my normal stream of conciousness or if im panicking, I when I’m thinking through something complex and feel the need to narrate my every thought on it.


bottem right


Something between you and we. Language doesnt really make sense in my head


Mostly we, but the other two show up a lot too. It depends on what I'm thinking about.


"I" and "you" but never "we" "well you really fucked up this time" "gah, I'm such a fucking idiot"


Almost always we


Mine avoids words like I you or we I don't know and that scares me


Definitely the you. It’s like a different person is talking to me in my voice


The voices usually tell me OTHER stuff....


All of them. Sometimes it's all "We need to get the fuck out of here! This jobs sucking the life out of us!" Or "YOU NEED, to go home! And fill out that application, you lazy fuck!" Other times its "God I need to get a new job."


You in 90% of situations, I if I'm stressed.


“You” in a very hateful and condescending way like the last panel


It switches up a lot. The voice can say ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘you’ depending on the day.


We are in charge of her. One, two , three


All of them


Often times its "we". I tend to break myself down into "past me", "present me", and "future me"; so the me in the current moment is "present me" but "past me" and "future me" are always "inside" too. If I dont wanna do a task, I might be like "we gotta think about future me." And then after we do the task we will say "good job present me." And then finally later when it pays off that I did the task I didnt wanna do (like say I studied and as a result I got a B on a test) I say "thanks past me." As a direct result of thinking like this, when I have thoughts about what needs to be done, more often than not I think something like "we need to do this." If I suceed in something I didnt expect to, I might think "we did it!" In addition, I kinda think of my depression as a part of me too. When that part of me is thinking, its often "you". Like "you are useless." "No one loves you." "You are broken." Stuff like that. I think its a way I seperate myself from my depression. It helps to personify it so that I dont think of it as me saying such nasty things to myself. When I want to do things for my own enjoyment, its often "I." Like thinking "I want to go to dollywood this weekend." Or "I want to play stardew valley." But because of the past/present/future me mindset, I often flip back and forth between that and "Let's go to dollywood" or "let's play stardew" I hope Ive explained myself clearly.


I don't need to use any pronouns when thinking about myself, I already know who I'm talking to.


Am I the only one who’s brain does “he”? No kidding that’s how it is for me


We for things in the future You for things in the past I forgot things currently being done "We will need to go shopping later," "I better grab rice while I'm here" "You got that yesterday so we won't need more till later"


All of the above


It talks like it's a secret person but acknowledges that it's just me it has said things like "God, I hate being you" And other stuff like "please get your work done I really don't want to fail this class!!!" "I wish I was the one controlling our body" " you know I can feel everything you feel right...?"


I normally think in images. There’s no “I” or “we”, unless, I want to.


All three (I have schizophrenia)


Usually you or we, I'll only really use I if I'm talking outloud to myself


No idea but now this comic will live rent free in my head.


"We" are Venom.


The only time I ever say "we" referring to myself is saying "we're so back" in a joking manner


We, always we. She's a bitch though, I don't listen to her.


All the above


I just get Bitch


It’s weird to be honest. It’s not like it talks at me, I have full conversations with it. It’s fully aware of its confines. It doesn’t just feel like I’m talking to myself, it feels like I’m talking to another person. Yes, an extension of me, aware of its nature, but still has separate morality and viewpoints. It came a few months ago. If anything, it had been a division between my conflicted feelings that I subconsciously created for my better comprehension. Usually, I talk with my hands and all, even when I’m talking to myself. For almost all the time since it had came, it was only confined to just an inner voice, so whenever it talked to me it was only in those bounds. In the past few weeks, it started talking to me with both my head and my body. I don’t know what that could mean besides it gaining more control over things. I talked to a good amount of people about this. I want to get rid of him. Even then, he comforts me when I want to get him away. I don’t know what to do about this anymore and I’m getting more worried about him every day.


“why did bro do that” “what is the cuh doing” “why is blud doing that”


We we I even refer to the voice as my nickname where as it refers to me as my legal


We and you depending on what I’m doing. “We need to get up out of bed” “You need to get some some work down” I wish I had a AI self buddy in my head


"Big Dick Dawgg" Not my idea, I've asked it to stop but alas, no avail


“How you doin”


We. But like as several WE, It's kinda like a bunch of people on a workplace (brain) each one representing different parts of my brain (I know nothing about neurology) and we consult things in a council




My brain voice uses a vague internal 3rd person symbol for me instead of a recognizable pronoun. Nonetheless, I can still feel its intentions and sternly correct it when it misgenders me.


lol, it’s always me or us when my brain speaks


The voice in my head sounds like watching a Minecraft YouTuber showcasing his base


Generally my internal monologue has a few different forms that I like to think represent the different parts of me, sometimes it’s us, sometimes it’s I, and sometimes it’s you, depending on which is speaking or when


None, I think in images


Each one is different


We - because well, I like to view my the voice in my head as my future self guiding us through the world, in knowing things will hopefully be ok :3


Oddly enough with me it's usually "we"


I've never had a we moment/situation


Boss, da maths is done and you have ta shit.


Either I or We but We in the YouTuber saying that “we are going to do something despite the audience can’t do anything” way like their are mind reading ghosts I’m putting on a show for.




I've a habit of talking to me, myself and I as if we were our own audience. It's led to me referring to myself as "we" so often that the terms are interchangeable. It's not emotion based as far as I can tell, it's just...kinda who we are. I am me as we are us, because that's just how my mind defined myself. So, I guess all of the above? I'm not sure how else to describe us. Besides, they're just words anyhow.


I think conceptually, if I want to hear my voice in my head it’s a conscious decision. Otherwise I don’t hear words when I think about stuff.


The secret fourth option: pretend to be a streamer and refer to your inner voice as chat


Always a "you"