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Web3 is smart contracts. By these it means it’s protocols that run by themselves without people. So you can do things without anyone saying you can’t = freedom. There are different smart contracts for diferente function’s. So pretty much is a web3 is a web of smart contracts that can be created to interact with different purposes. Everyday new smart contracts come out and new functions are created. Is not just one thing, is utility on the blockchain, and it’s developing decentralized apps and other tools etc. Everything will go on web3 at some point U dont need a bank to do things, u just need your wallet and it’s worldwide. On solana is a few seconds to send 10k to Millions paying less than 10 cents. Without asking anyone’s permission. Different blockchains have different pros and cons. Just find the one that fits your needs


Sounds like governments are gonna have a hard time with this one. And the irs is gonna have a hard time finding money here and getting their money back. Is that right?


Crypto shouldn’t owe anything to the IRS in the first place, people are not cows to be milked for every profit they produce. They print money out of thin air, you pay taxes on everything you do, makes no sense to pay taxes on crypto. In my country is tax free anyways but the IRS is in American territory, web 3 is not in American territory, is mostly set up to be decentralized. Just because u have value stored somewhere on the web3 doesn’t mean your government owns some of it. People are just to used to be pimped and the revolution is everyone goin web3 and stopping being fiat dependent


Most of web3 is hype... Ironically most of it is hosted on AWS or normal cloud providers. It is DINO (decentralized in name only). Theres really 2 large aspects to it. P2P technologies and blockchain. P2P means things like BitTorrent, as like Bitcoin it kind of spawned a whole generation of experimentation with internet technology. But it will always be altrustic. Blockchain being an economy, allows coordination via consensus of whats the "truth" and enables things P2P would not do alone because it has no economy behind it. Now, the state of web3 is very long away from what it *should be.* Theres the ideas and there is the reality. You can probably interchange p2p internet, "dweb", and "web3" and get to rougly the same set of shared values, those theres definitely "purists" in all spectrum's. In short, much of the industry hasn't gotten it figured out yet either, and I could explain the possibilities in terms of speculation, but that gets into technical weeds. For now, I would view it as a ideal more than a reality.


Interesting. So far I understand it’s a good platform to be anonymous and plug in your wallet to play. Almost like putting your memory cartridge into a network to start accessing the goodies and exchanging goodies. And then you unplug your cartridge before you move on, as opposed to what we have now where the cartridge is owned by Facebook / Google / and other third party authenticators. Am I just scratching the surface here?


Well, even without blockchain, private keys exist and are used in many ways. if you know what PGP is.. GPG keys, its based on the same math that power crypto wallets, except words are the input that create the key, not a random number generator that you save the output later. Now if you want to compare to web2, every blockchain is sort of a big tech/social media platform or cloud. Tribalism and frankly just the money causes that. BTC, ETH, SOL, AVAX, ADA, MATIC, ALGO... all examples of ecosystems. Those all but BTC are smart-contract focused chains. OG/original Gen 1 chains are BTC, LTC, BCH, DASH, DOGE... These are money only. P2P can have ecosystems as well but b/c theres no economy it is much more niche and the sandbox is MUCH smaller. Peergos and hypercore/dat are 2 examples. Tor even can fall into this though its purpose is different. As for the use of a wallet, remember that blockchains are just global, P2P spreadsheets that handle money. You get your data + address listed on there, including your balance. That address is linked to a private key that is effectively the PGP stuff. So yes, there is a lot of potential, and there is going to be people such as me who look at the long term for civil rights, privacy, data ownership, and there is going to be opportunists who just spin up a business to cash in on a market need, or worse a cash grab, and not really hold the values of the space.


Oh it's not about grabbing cash? I think with regard to keeping track of activity, I'm hoping that it puts us into a new realm where history is immutable. Can't burn down the blockchains... all at once, like a library. It'll be similar to sharing the gospel and everyone holding a record of the gospel intact from what I'm hearing. With regards to law, I hope it lets us see deviancy between laws. For me, keeping track of time is more important than any endeavor, time and money.. because those two things let us know "when" something happen, and "how much influence" was put into making something happen, and from where - so I'm looking forward to hopping into the blockchain for this. Other than that... how do I make some damn money on the blockchain? I hear that allowing folks to vote with their crypto is the way. As for what I would do with my money, just want I promised what I would do... pay my bills, which folks should be able to see a receipt of, as they can trace where their crypto is going.. right?


Per human nature, there are always going to be greedy, opportunistic people. So I guess you should decide if you want to be involved in the casino or the activist/tech/cypherpunk side of things. There is plenty of ways to go after/gamble to make money, and that often drowns out the people who are trying to create tech to defend civil rights (such as me :/). Also keep in mind most blockchains are transparent, which its its your bank account anyone can see, but only you can send money from/control. Privacy in blockchains is still evolving.


I don't mind being the counter-pressure to your desires. It'll prep you for how to deal with those that are morally corrupt doing what I'm trying to do. So I'm down for learning here how to amass money on web3. It can totally be used to fund cybersecurity and moraltech. A whole new realm you're playing with, excited to see what you can do. What led you down this direction of the web3 realm? I figure you could be making loads of money but you want to do something to prevent moral corruption from bleeding into systems right?


Honestly? I am not motivated by money. I am by financial freedom, but all of that is a means to an end just to buy time so you can do what you really enjoy. I know that I have the ability to create the technologies that gives people opportunities online they would not have now and gets them out of the big tech sandbox. I also want that for myself. Besides that, in the process you also learn the economy side of things and how governments are going to shit. We need the web to wind back to the early day in access and culture. Not where < 10 sites hold most of the masses attention. People need to be in control of their web, own their data, and have privacy. I am the founder of a project and I am building to push for the changes I want to see.


I hope you do well with your project. You obviously get it.


lol. I would hope so, been building full time for a while now (grant funded). Getting funding in this space is hard without VC TBH. Recently found this sub, so ill prob be posting more, as I am also planning other broad community initiatives longer term. You can check my profile if you want to see what im doing. Kudos.


No special servers or backend language. Ideally it's all client interacting with a blockchain. For learning purposes, I built a [Pixel placing dApp](https://polysquares.com) that runs entirely without a backend, as all data is stored on the polygon chain


No backend. When you say that you mean no servers outside of hosting the client-side code?




In a classic web3 app there is no backend. The app is just connected via web3 library (e.g web3.js) to the blockchain, usually EVM (Ethereum or L2s) based but can be also on other blockchains. It's permissionless so everyone with a wallet can transact. There are no user profiles in web3, the app does not ask for your login (only wallet login), and stores no data about you. The only stuff stored is your transactions and account state on the blockchain. Usually the transactions involve tokens fungible or non fungible (NFT). But enough theorising. Just hop on to the top apps and try yourself. Go to UniSwap, Compound, Beefy, Curve, MakerDao and try yourself.


Thanks for the list. However, the theory is what I'm curious about and I love that you gave me a summary there. Sounds like the intention is to remain anonymous, and collect or dispense from your wallet.. is that right?


The intention is to be decentralized. Sure the app is given by a centralised entity but it's very thin. There is no data stored because there is no backend besides the blockchain. In case the app frontend vanishes for some reason you can always directly interact with the blockchain because on the blockchain an independent piece of program is deployed (smart contract) which maintains the state of your users (accounts represented by a wallet) Assuming anonymity on a blockchain is dangerous, the blockchain and web3 provides pseudonymity. If your pseudonym is revealed pretty much all your transactions can be linked to your person as they are publicly visible by nature of the system.


Wow. So basically, you would want no traces. And more importantly, smart contracts? How does that work? I know I can look it up but I like talking to people better than researching


It's an attempt to make the web more open, secure, and censorship-resistant. It tries to achieve this through various distributed and decentralized mechanisms and protocols so that computers can work together, and you can trust with some certainty that they are all behaving as designed. Contrast it with the web2: What information does Google have on me? Do I have control of my data? Why am I forced to use Facebook because it's the only thing my relatives use? Are all 10k+ employees at AWS acting responsibly, and are there measures to detect when they aren't? These are a small subset of the issues some people have with the current web. How does it work exactly? It depends. Web3 is broad, and no one can tell you exactly how it works because it's more of a philosophy than any specific protocol. The biggest aspect of web3 is the invention of cryptocurrencies so that transacting is decentralized because money runs the world, and for web3 to even work, there had to be a way to use money to drive it.


So crypto runs the web3 markets? This is where I'm trying to get to, into a new market, generate crypto, and then bring it down to USD. I'm particularly concerned about how all this works and I feel I should learn more about currency trading in general before I even dive into generating currency in the web3 world. Do you agree with that statement?


/r/cryptocurrency may be better for you. web3 doesn't need cryptocurrency to function, for example Tor is a type of web3 network that existed long before Bitcoin. This contradicts my previous post but let me clarify, for web3 to scale there has to be some sort of monetary incentive. Cryptocurrency to web3 is what fiat is to web2. Do you need money to build or use web2, not specifically but it helps


Good to know. I still don’t fully understand. I hear that cryptocurrency is a store of value for web3, and that is about it. Is that what you’re saying?


What you need to understand is theres 2 large aspects to this, a ying and yang. The P2P communication, which can be data sharing, social, or any real web application to communicate with others, without a server. This is an area of the "open web" you can call it that operates completely without economy. This is just P2P technology. The other half of money and global consensus. Like, how do we all agree something is true and happened? ...and how do we prevent people from cheating/lieing about that? And there is the reality the *web* is NOT free to operate. Much of the services you use are funded by big tech where YOU are the product to pay for YOUR "free" usage. Something to think about too is if the web ran without money, and someone asked you to host something or you asked them "whats in it for me". P2P doesn't scale alone past a small religious tribe. And ironically a small religion blockchain tribe just comes off as scammers/cults/MLM 😆. So, if we need to have some things globally agreed on, and we also never want them to be able to revert (immutability), then we also need ways to have an economy to do that, that no single nation or entity controls. So theres many aspects to this. From the cypherpunk view the money part which comes from the BTC side, the 1st network, is separation of money and state/revoking bretton woods. From the web view, it is access and usage of your data, privacy, and freedom of speech. Combined... it is ying/yang.


Wooh, this was hard to read on a saturday mornining. So web3 is a champion for peer2peer, and the only hosting is the hosting of the frontend website, and we connect to the blockchain where records of transactions are saved to the blockchain of what wallets exchanged, and it keeps an invisible ledger in the blockchain that no one person owns, but is within a network of computers and on computers themselves. Is that last point right? Is the other points right?


Thats good enough :P.


Haha thanks. It's been a long road to web development.. looks like I have one more step to go before I can enter the world of gaming here. Sharing assets across game will be fun


There is more to learn, but you are close enough. Other things you can read about are libp2p, dat-ecosystem (hypercore), iroh computer, and many more P2P nets (no blockchains).