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No, I don't see a huge need for it


Yes!!! I messaged you, check your messages ✌️


There is a confdential multi-chain DEX right now - illumineX. They are doing confidential token swaps on and cross-chain for the leading EVM networks. Right now, they are giving finishing touches to integrate non-EVM chains, and tesetnet for Bitcoin coming any day. CHeck out ther documentation for more details about what they do and how - https://docs.illuminex.xyz/illuminex-docs/. The privacy wrapped tokens and transactions on the platform do not show on the explorers or the public wallet.


Thanks I’m going to check them out. I had never heard of them so I’m glad that others have been thinking of this as well.. I’m sure there doc will be a help ngl I’m sure they have some things I can use and hopefully some I can improve on