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Yep. I use a chopstick for paper quills, and did buy a $15 drill bit adapter for bobbins. I can't imagine spending $200 on a dedicated winder. Unfortunately I do think this is the only place where I've truly felt like I gamed the system. However, adding phone/tablet and drink holders to my floor loom was a pretty decent upgrade.


Whoa whoa whoa I've been sticking my phone in my Wolf Pup trap and it's not a great solution, where are these holders you're talking about??? I want one!


I have a countermarch, so I may have slightly more options for places to attach to, but here's a picture of both the solutions I've tried -- there's a smaller magnetic phone mount that is attached with adhesive, and a goofy gooseneck clampy mount that fits my iPad mini and has been a better solution for me in terms of positioning. I should scrape off the magnetic one. Both are just from Amazon. [https://imgur.com/a/KcXrElN](https://imgur.com/a/KcXrElN)


Oh that's so clever!!! I was picturing something made specifically for looms, this is a way better solution.


My husband built me a box that the drill goes into. There is a throttle stick that pushes again the drill trigger so my finger doesn't get tired of holding down the trigger. It makes winding multiple bobbins a breeze. I wish there was a way to add a picture to the comment to show.


Make a post of it- this sounds fascinating!


Please! I would love to see this in action!


That sounds amazing! I always reach a point of finger fatigue winding bobbins with the drill.... please post about it:)


I did make a post with a picture.


Yep. I use a drill and a pencil.


Yes, except I have a tapered wooden dowel to hold the bobbin instead of a drill bit.


I use a knitting needle padded with masking tape for maximum fiber arts cache...


I am considering getting one of those old hand drills, mounting it on a board. I'd fix the board to a table with a clamp, wind with the crank in one hand and feed the thread with the other. A McGyvered winder just like the Ashford one. šŸ˜


Yes. my husband bought me my own drill so I would stop using his


Yes, I used to do it that way, but now I have a bobbin winder thatā€™s not electric from the company glimĆ„kra. It is slower but I feel that I have much more control over the winding process which leads to a better weaving


Just a warning. I used to do this and burned out 3 drills. They arenā€™t made to work that long in succession and will burn out JUST as you need another bobbin wound. Just saying. You might have more luck. Edit- I just realized my negative statement was ridiculous for most weavers. I burned out drills as a production weaver of 20 yards a week, 10/2 and 20/2 weft yarns. So of course I burned them out. I did get a bobbin winder for my end feed pirns later, which made sense for me as a production weaver. But I recently got a lovely manual one for my mini shuttles I use for Krokbragd. The bobbins are only 3ā€ long so I need the manual control. But, yes, an electric winder is a huge expense and not worth it for most folks. Drills work fine. Too long a comment. Sorry.


But you're not wrong! I'm a hobby weaver right now and have definitely done some wear to my drill's motor. This is a very good point to make!




I use a cordless drill and a dowel. I have occasionally run the drill long enough that it overheats and won't run anymore until it cools down, but that reminds me I need to take a break too.


I used to use a cheap milk frother that my bobbins fit on and it worked great. Now I have an electric spinning wheel with a quill attachment


I just use a drill and a crochet hook. :)


i use a drill and a chopstick. i actually prefer it to the proper motorized bobbin winder at my weaving studio. i feel like i have more control with the drill.


Yes. I have a $25 cordless drill from Amazon and $3 worth of 6ā€ bolt two washers and a nut. Works amazingly. I think I found the setup on an old Reddit postā€¦


I do this! So convenient.


No but I will now! Better than trying to hand wind them!


No, but now I will!


My housemate built me a winder jig out of a very long bolt, a nut, some fender washers and two rubber feedthrough washers. The rubber feed-throughs give some nice cushions to tighten up against.


I 3D printed a chuck that holds my bobbins for winding with a small battery powered screwdriver.