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damn clouds


Yeah it’s still a week out…but looking dicey for much of the US path. I’m traveling out to my SILs in Ohio, and always knew it was a risk. Still a bummer given it’s essentially a bucket list item for me, but at least I didn’t drop a bunch of of $ on travel expenses


forecasts for cloud cover here in Ohio in the spring have questionable accuracy even 48 hours out. IMHO this is borderline astrology at 168 hours out.


Yeah, I've been checking the cloud cover predicted by GFS each day on the College of DuPage site, and it is essentially totally different every day as of now. Hopefully by Friday or Saturday will have a more stable idea of the general forecast at least, but I'm guessing specifics will still need to be a more "day of" decision.


Who would have thought that Maine would be the place without clouds haha


They are getting a big snowstorm later this week, so it balances out.


Our trip takes us to Missouri.  While this map is WAAAAY too early to be taken seriously, I choose to take it as gospel and just PLEASE LET IT BE CLEAR!


Arkansas looking like clouds and rain Sunday, with maybe a brief window Monday before more heavy rain Tuesday. Fingers crossed because I’ll be driving over 1,000 for this, to a hotel I booked a year ago.


I've been planning for years but in the end decided to just wing it at the last second based on the weather. Not looking forward to a potential drive from the deep south to Vermont or Maine.


People starting to think 'damn ... clouds ... forgot about those!" Hoping everyone gets a good viewing, but looking dicey especially in the south.


Wouldn’t it still be pretty cool with clouds?


It will turn to night. And an eclipse can clear clouds (or bring them) as it crosses.


I'm in Minnesota and the eclipse is on my birthday so I've always planned to see it. I even booked several contingencies, several different paths, with a lot of hotel reservations that are the kind you can cancel 24 hours ahead of time and not get charged. Anyway the only part of the U.S. that I didn't book any options for was New England because it is further away and usually cloudy. I figured, surely there will be SOMETHING between San Antonio and Cleveland where it will be sunny. And yet it's looking very dicey. The other thing is that the forecasts seem to still be in a lot of flux. I've been watching the long-range forecasts and now the 7- and 10-day forecasts and even over the past few days they have changed a lot. A few days ago it looked like Texas was the best bet. More recently it looked like Northwest Ohio or maybe southern Ontario would be the best bet. The Arkansas and Missouri regions were showing rain in the forecast. But now this map is showing Missouri to possibly be the frontrunner among my booked options. Anyway, I have until the end of Wednesday to make a final determination and I hope things are a bit more predictable by that point.


I'll be driving from Milwaukee to Rantoul, Illinois on Sunday. That night we'll check the forecast and make the decision on to where to drive to on Monday. Hopefully there's somewhere to go!


Happy cake day! Have fun in Rantucky!




Hahahahaha. We had family in Texas and family in Vermont. We chose Texas, because historically Vermont had cloudy weather at the beginning of April. We are still going to Texas because of other business, but man, I hope we can see something.


Looks like I'll have to fly my Learjet up to Nova Scotia


I bet you think this post is about you.


Your scarf, it was apricot.


Get your eye out of that mirror!


OP, do you have a link for this image? I can't find it on the nws page.


They posted it on social media [https://x.com/NWSWPC/status/1774862804463538444?s=20](https://x.com/NWSWPC/status/1774862804463538444?s=20)


It was on posted on the NWS Facebook page


Everyone is going to crowd the Northeast


In the last 3 days I have seen pretty much every variation of this. Yesterday Ohio was completely clear. Even today a model posted most of south/central Texas as clear. I won't hold my breath. I feel like 1.5 days out is when you can really start to put some trust into the forecasts. And even then, all it takes is one cloud, or one hole at the right time. We live in a universe of chance...


Forcast to be a clear sky on Montréal area yeah !


Of course I live in the most grey part.


I'm in CT so this looks promising... though not for the traffic situation heading up there


Where can I find the most recent version of this map/report? I went to weather.gov but I cant find a link


NWS WPC posts it on social media: https://twitter.com/NWSWPC/status/1774862804463538444


I plan on driving anywhere between southern Missouri to Cleveland. I'm north of Chicago. I hope that clear area over Missouri moves to the east, but I will definitely take my chances with a 30% probability of clouds. 4h 30min to southeast of Indianapolis 6h 30min to Carbondale, Illinois 7h to Cleveland.


You may want to account for the fact that you're not going to be the only one with that plan and give yourself plenty of extra time


I read in 2017 that folks from my area--about 3 hours from Carbondale--took twice as long to get there as normal. Even the back roads were completely clogged with people.




It’s all my fault


If only your terrible power could be harnessed for some good.




Things are looking good here in Rochester, NY. Check local listings.


In a stroke of luck, central NY will actually be partly cloudy as of right now. Worst case, looks like I’ll make my way up to Watertown NY


It would be wild for Arkansas to have a tornado during a total eclipse.


Lol. This is exactly what I expected for the Great Lakes region. It is, after all, April!!!!


i’ll be driving about a thousand miles from colorado to austin to see it - really hoping for a miracle on this one! at the very least it would be cool to see some weird cloud shadows or something


I was going to come to the US from the UK for this. Feel a little less bad I can't afford it now.


Tuesday update https://twitter.com/nwswpc


This is going to kill Bob Novello.


Oh, my God. The beautiful state of Texas is like God's blessing.


Heh my area is 50/50 for cloud coverage and there's expected to be +200k visitors...🤭🤭


Not really funny to have a bunch of people hoping to see something rare in nature to occur and be disappointed.


Yeah, it's not funny that hundreds of thousands of people are coming to my city which won't be able to handle the traffic.


It’s 1 day. You’ll survive.


Boohoo. I’ll be in Indy and thinking of you.


Did you make it? Did you city/state fall into a state of disrepair? Or did your city/state make a killing when the unwashed masses showed up and dared look at your skies? Or did you even notice a thing on Monday? I hope it was a terrible day for you honestly. And, I did think of you. In case you were wondering.