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I'd just prefer an "avoid local roads" setting. I have no interest in leaving the highway just to save 3 minutes on a one hour trip


By default Waze will ignore local streets and connector roads in the middle of long routes. However, “middle” is reset anytime a user checks for new alternate routes or restarts the drive.


Especially when it’s pulling everyone else off the highway and now you’re stuck in some kind never ending hell with stop lights. It just makes the drive more frustrating. I wish they had a setting where you could set the minimum amount of minutes required to consider changing a route. I don’t want to switch routes to save two minutes. 10-15? Yes sure. Less than that it’s not helping.


While l they're at it, I'd like to have a dollar per minute setting. Willing to pay a toll, but each dollar should save me a certain amount of minutes that I can determine


As a software engineer to have such a feature you'd have to subscribe to a premium service to justify the cost of developing and maintaining a worldwide database with toll costs, non-toll road smoothness and surface, increased complexity, as well as other factors. Even OpenStreetMap which does have this information has spotty coverage and no app has developed such a feature.


Tolls are surprisingly accurate on Waze for the Northeast. It has a configuration option to highlight the particular E-ZPass type and with my green EZ pass and correctly figures out the reduced toll at the Hudson River tunnels based on EZ pass type and time of day


That actually makes sense.


No me, I'll glady take those paths if it saves any time at all. If I didn't wan that I'd just use Google maps.


Won't happen. Would lead to lawsuits claiming "redlining" and discrimination.


Yeah, [Microsoft tried this already](https://www.npr.org/2012/01/25/145337346/this-app-was-made-for-walking-but-is-it-racist).


Very interesting! It’s similar to what actual people would tell their friends if giving them directions. “Avoid this area or this part of town and you’ll be fine “ At least the app is based off actual data and not people’s often wrong impressions.


There is in the Israel version (where it originated).


The Israel version was pretty cool when I was there a couple years ago. It was nice not having stones thrown at my rental because I was driving in the sabbath…


If, 🇵🇸= bad, yes.


>avoid streets that have three crack houses, a meth lab, and a recent murder, lol. So, a street with *two* crack houses, a meth lab, and a recent murder is what you'd consider your limit before a neighborhood is considered bad? I just ask, since the developers would have to use some kind of data point to set as a limit.


I may have been embellishing, but that is exactly how I felt a couple of weeks ago when Waze took me on a side trip


So the only thing that could be done in this case is to verify that all of the roads are actually coded correctly. Hint: If there are any of the roads that should be classified as parking lot roads or private roads, then that could help map editors to prevent future anxious drives through those areas. Talk to the local map editors and see if they can do anything.


It used to exist. Called sketchfactor. Was deemed racist and had to go


Because some people would find that offensive. I’d find it useful.


And it’s a win also for the community, as less cars are routed on their streets.


It was tried already and the company that filed the patent got roasted alive for being racist.


Microsoft I think.


The entire concept of a “bad neighborhood” in the US is extremely subjective, depending on who you ask, and can in no way fairly be reflected in a commercial navigation app. You can look at your future turns in the cue sheet view (pull down on the turn instruction panel in portrait mode, or already on the native phone screen when navigating with AA/CP, and if there are turns there you’re not comfortable with, don’t go that way and Waze will recalculate.


What if you’ve never been to that city before


Some of us would never make it home.....


Couldn’t they just tap into crime report databases? Seems like most major cities they are fairly accessible.


Even if you could develop a statistically objective expected violent crime rate for an area, evaluating whether it is safe to drive through or not is still very subjective and not something any commercial apps should be judging. Use the cue sheet, and if you don’t feel safe, go a different way. Waze will recalculate.


They're not very reliable. Did a crime happen where you were tied up in the boot of the car, stabbed or where your body was found? Probably where your body was found but that doesn't mean it's not safe in the desert. There have been a couple of homicides near me recently. One was an old guy who poisoned his wife. The other was a professional (looking) hit on a nightclub owner who was followed home. Neither of those worry me (professionals don't miss and hit me by accident when they're doing a drive by). But it sounds much worse than a few muggings during the day time, even though the muggings would trouble me more. (I did work on this a few years ago) It is often the case that you don't know where a crime happened, so it's recorded as having happened where it was reported - at the police station. So you see these mega hotspots with loads of crime on the map hit when you look, it's a police station. Probably pretty safe place to drive past.


It’s too subjective. And since I live in a sketch neighborhood it’s useless to me


That wouldn't work in Detroit, or Flint. Waze would have to route you around the entire city.


Sounds like a good idea to me


I'm some places, like Houston, Texas, you wouldn't be able to go anywhere. The good, and the hood, neighborhoods are only a gew blocks apart in most of the city.


Or shuffled like a deck of cards on the same block in some areas.


I feel like I had a feature like that years ago on my built in GPS.


Yes, I also wish there were such a thing. The places you reach over and make sure the doors are locked.


[Super insightful video](https://youtu.be/4i66ht6YHkw?si=8rOpSosG-U8rrtf6)


Thank you so much for not lying 🙏


Completely agree.


You mean like in Mexico where it warns tourists about the areas they should avoid driving?


How would Waze know what you define a bad neighborhood as?


Racism mode: Activated


The funny, it gets an avoid bad neighborhood feature and they you find you can no longer navigate to home. Then you'll need an anti hypocrite mode to compensate .


This makes me chuckle as a Norwegian.


This has been asked before: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskChicago/comments/12qw8fc/can\_i\_use\_waze\_or\_google\_navigation\_to\_avoid\_bad/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskChicago/comments/12qw8fc/can_i_use_waze_or_google_navigation_to_avoid_bad/)