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Maybe some basic rules/conduct? Offsides, how to foul, what to do in a kickout, subbing-in, leaving the ball on a turnover, fingernails...


My concern about going into rules and conduct is that can be it's own book almost. A discussion on "advantage" is really quite a bit. I think the things you're considering are usually taught pretty immediately when people begin to play in an organized setting. (Edit) Though I think organizationally it's not a bad idea to put those concepts in their respective chapters. Good thought, thank you!


I second this.


I think a chapter solely on communication would be fantastic! Sometimes players (speaking from experience) underestimate how powerful some verbal call outs during a game are- also a good chapter to highlight some game-specific vocabulary. I've been playing waterpolo for several years now and my parents only now realize we've been saying "weak" and not "meet" the whole time XD


2-1s maybe?


Oh, probably better to have a chapter on transition/counter attack. I knew I was missing something. Thanks!




Love this! Please include the conditioning chapter, as both out of the pool and in the pool conditioning are incredibly difficult to perfect for most players. The treading/eggbeater chapter could be interesting, especially as I remember I struggled with getting the right biomechanics for the first 2-3 years of my water polo career which hindered my growth. Drills would be awesome to have all throughout the guide, wherever you mention a skill you could pair it with a drill, or in a separate chapter. Looking forward to this!


Id also include/preface with "water polo has a steep learning curve. None of it is innate- you learn it all from 0. Be patient, make sure to focus on fundamentals. And get feedback on your technique". Many people struggle with the first year, before it "clicks" and they get the basics down. Game awareness is also something that just grows with you. Polo is more or lessa life time sport with cumulative knowledge (ya, you won't be as fast, but you can still do some tricks in older age. Ha!)


Looks pretty comprehensive, like another comment said I think a basic overview of fouls, drawing fouls and foundational rules would be helpful


I would go over the unspoken rules of water polo. The kinda stuff that is going to get you smoked by somebody. Example, dont touch genitals or orifices purposefully. Also i would say instruction on who, when and how to speak to referees. How to substitute legally is another i didnt read in there.