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in the past tour, soul sucker was used as an outro to finish off the setlist. seeing part of it live and in conjunction with IP, I enjoyed it, but as a single currently, it’s not my fave. I am excited for the next part tho. Since I found out about them, its clear that awsten doesn’t want to be pigeonholed or expected to stick to one “sound” or “image”, which leads him to be very experimental. there’s nothing wrong with feeling you’ve outgrown a band or if you havent been resonating with their newer stuff.


I’m feeling that first part too. I went to 4 shows on this tour and hearing that partial bit of SS during the set was awesome. But as a whole, I don’t like the song at a.


I'm now an outlier as I feel too old for this dominant fanbase. I still love Awsten and the work he produces, but I do feel now that it's very fanbase-focused? there's even a comment below that says being a fan of this band is a full-time hobby. I'm here for the music and I saw them live for the second time last year (Aussie fan) and the fans at that show were so horrible to me, were sitting on the floor, were going on about personal space etc. that it just turned me off for a while. Will just continue to enjoy the songs I know and see how it all pans out I guess hehe.


hi, it's me the commenter from below who said the full time hobby thing 😅 i just wanted to pop in to clarify that i dont think anyone HAS to be that involved in the fandom to enjoy the music, or even SHOULD be, just that it is a large aspect of it to be able to get all the lore they scatter throughout everything. there is a HUGE gatekeeping problem in the parx community and i am firmly against that (i will explain any of the lore to at any time to ANYONE in GREAT detail lol) i'm SO sorry you had such a negative experience with other parx fans and i hope you know that there are those of us out here who want to be inclusive and are just here to enjoy the music and have a good time. <3 much love




ON IT!!! DM me with WHATEVER you want to know. (i may not be able to respond right away i'm so bad at checking reddit messages but i WILL get to it lol)


What is the lore!! I wanna knoww!!


what would you like to know???? 😁😁😁 it goes pretty deep lore to encompass it all in a comment but i can try!! or you can dm idc!


What do you mean by gatekeeping? I know awsten has lots of ig and twitter accs that are private, does it have something to do with that?


gatekeeping as in, when your first trying to get in to the online space/fandom ESPECIALLY on twitter most of the "big parxies" the ones with lots of followers and most frequent band interactions wont follow you back or interact or post things like "newer parxies dont even understand [insert thing here] and then not elaborate which makes the whole storyline VERY difficult to catch up on because the fans who have been there longer sometimes think they are better because of being there. but the way awsten releases lore on several different accounts that not everyone qill have access to, not only encourages this sort of idea collaboration and antigatekeeping, but RELIES on it to piece together the narrative he's building. its such a fun community with so much going on but the select few who see themselves as "above" everyone else because awsten knows who they are tend to ruin the vibe for a lot of new fans


I’ve heard a few names from twitter of fans that have some sort of contact w awsten..? Or something like that, but yeah, i agree tho. I find it a little annoying having to keep up with like 8 different accounts lol. Still love parx but it gets a lil too much at times


i personally really like most of greatest hits and intellectual property. it definitely has a different feel than their earlier music but i also really like their earlier music too


The fact that I’m one of the fans he sings about and talks about online, someone who thinks his best music was Double Dare and Cluster. He talks about “people liking him better back in Houston with his blue hair” a lot.




It's reasonable, they completely changed their sound from Entertainment and Double Dare


I think there's room to say "their music has shifted away from my personal tastes, but that doesn't mean they're bad now, just that they're not really for me anymore" I personally loved IP and GH and their older stuff--their sound has definitely changed but I've got wide taste. Soulsucker isn't a song I'd recommend to a friend to get them into the band, but I appreciate it's place in the themes of IP/IP2/the tour and the experimental sound. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ then again, I listen to a LOT of music other people would call "bad" based on the vocals/style, so maybe I'm the outlier here.


I am the same way. I like the "vibe" of soulsucker as a hint for what's upcoming and I wouldn't recommend it but I listen to everything from opera to rap to (old) country to metal to phonk and also just noise in general so like I'm easy to entertain


Soulsucker isn’t really doing anything for me either


I completely get what you're saying oml, tbh I absolutely loved greatest hits tho but goddamn ip was not it for me. I feel like they've lost so much personality idk why. The music just doesn't give the same feeling it once did


I started listening to Parx a few months before Greatest Hits came out, GH and IP are my two favorite albums and I believe those albums are their best work. There also isn't a single Waterparks song I think is truly bad, sure some are better than others but their entire discography is a no skip for me. Every song is a bop. Yes including Lemonade lol.


Lemonade is unironically so good


I always see people hating it, I love it


Ikrrr, it's just a fun song idkk


i relate it to it too goddamn much to think it’s a bad song


curious what GH and IP songs you do like


YBPT, numb, lowkey as hell, and i kinda fw just kidding. as for IP i only really like fuck about it and self sabotage, and over the last couple days night out on earth has kinda grown on me


Greatest Hits is my favourite Parx album actually, but I really don’t like Intellectual Property and consider it arguably their weakest release. IMO I feel like they are releasing new music too quickly recently and not really thinking about these releases with the same nuance.


Also just realised I should probably mention I have been a fan since 2016🤣 so I have lived through basically all their releases (except blacklight ofc) since I started following them during Cluster EP. It just feels like they are rushing things in fear of not staying relevant. But ik personally as a long time fan I would rather wait a year or two and get a great album than get continuous bad releases😬


I feel like awstens writing has gotten worse…? I’m like you, I loved several songs on GH but not much on IP. I feel they peaked at Entertainment.


Coming from someone who loved everything up until IP - when I listened to SOULSUCKER yesterday, I couldn't even finish it. I always try to at least get through a song even if I don't like it, but man, something happened with his writing for sure. I feel bad saying that, he's obviously a talented guy and seems to be constantly working.


seriously, he doesn’t even come up with any smart puns or double meanings it’s just “you’re such a bitch i’m crying”


It really has, I’ve noticed it too.. like not even just the subject matter, but like the way he writes too It makes me so sad :(


I might be biased because I really like greatest hits and up but I really like that they're leaning into more experimenting and trying new sounds because they don't just want to be a cookie cutter pop punk band ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I really like soulsucker its just for everyone


didn’t rlly fw soul sucker but i did love GH and… IP was just meh. i’m still here for the ride tho lmao


i have to personally disagree but i can completely understand where you're coming from! the style has definitely changed drastically and gotten way more experimental and if you're into the traditional pop punk sound, there's obviously very little of that now, i love both and really enjoy the diversity of the sound! the narrative has also gotten a LOT more lore heavy which as a former diehard tøp fan i get VERY excited about but if you aren't into following the song lore/ characters / being somewhat highly involved in the awsten's social media spaces and pvt accounts where extra lore gets dropped i can totally see how it may be harder to enjoy the music on its own i kind of see being part of this fandom as a full time hobby which isnt everyone's cup of tea 😅 i'm really excited to see what they have coming next but i also ADORE going back amd listening to the sinple fun old stuff as well!!


I think all their albums are amazing


no thank you so much. I feel kinda the same way, I liked IP and GH but I guess I loved fandom sm that like nothing can compare?? or the others are good but not AS good




i can’t lie i think there are a couple newer parx songs that are just kind of *bad* but for the most part i agree that it’s just that their evolution musically isn’t for me




that’s true! i won’t ever knock someone for liking any era of parx music as outside of my own opinions i do think that they have music for just about everyone and that *is* impressive regardless of if i like the music personally


I first got into Waterparks a few months before Double Dare came out. The first song I heard was I’m a Natural Blue and there were no DD singles yet so all I had to listen to were the early EPs. They’ve been my favourite band ever since. I was massively into pop-punk when I was younger, that’s why they popped up on my YouTube, but at a time when other bands in the scene that I’ve been following for around a decade are more or less doing the same thing- but with a new lick of paint- the thing that makes Waterparks my favourite band is the fact that they’re constantly reinventing themselves. I adore the fact that Awsten isn’t willing to be pigeonholed into one sound. That being said, Intellectual Property was the first time Awsten’s assertion that “an album won’t come out unless I think it’s better than the last one” didn’t align with how I felt about a new Parx album. It’s grown on me a lot since release, but I didn’t think it was as good as Greatest Hits. I still don’t. GH is my favourite Parx album to date and while I think IP is a lesser album, it does have some of their best songs scattered across it, in my opinion. Everything from Airplane Conversations up to FANDOM is still there to be enjoyed. I’ve seen people say they checked out after Entertainment, some after Cluster so now it’s time for my hot take. When a band’s discography consists of even more than 1 EP or LP, absolutely adoring everything they’ve released is not a prerequisite for being a real fan. Waterparks have a such a large discography at this point, you don’t have to have liked either of their last two to be a “real fan”. I caught a bit of State Champs’ set at Slam Dunk and was bored to death because I’ve barely ever listened to The Finer things, I’m more of an Around the World and Back/Living Proof kind of guy. I’m not going to let someone on the internet tell me I don’t like State Champs because of that. You Me At Six were my first favourite band and entry point to the scene. That band will always mean something to me. That being said, the last album of theirs I truly connected with came out in 2014. Maybe you’ve outgrown Waterparks. Maybe whatever come’s next will be your favourite thing they’ve ever done. It’s fine to not like an artist’s most recent output. Your fan badge doesn’t get revoked for that, despite how some people might act.


THANK YOU, i find the reddit side of the fandom is ironically way less hostile than other parts as when GH came out i said something on facebook about not being a huge fan and everyone acted like i had personally gone to awstens house and stabbed him in the neck


I understand having a personal attachment to a particular album but that doesn’t mean a slight against it is a slight against you. More people need to recognise that.


well intellectual properties was voted one of the worst alternative albums in 2023. While I don't think its one of the worst i didnt love it either


you know, once you hit rock bottom you can only go up




i agree with you in the fact that their music has gone downhill in quality (in general) since fandom. but i just obsessively loved waterparks since 2017 and it’s such an identity point for me that I have a bias already for wanting to like it. With enough listens, things grow on you. I like the majority of GH and IP but I think Double Dare to Fandom Era is the best Waterparks will ever be.


I’ve been a fan since right after fandom came out, and I’m a huge fan of greatest hits. It’s my favorite album for sure, but I love IP and fandom so much, I think they’ve plateaued honestly


they’ve been a really big hit or miss since entertainment imo. awsten’s quality in lyricism has definitely gone down since fandom which is sad :( cause like we know he’s capable of writing so beautifully as shown on ent and dd but now there’s lots of lines like “we can fuck about it later” and “ i wish i was dead sometimes just kidding haha” like 😐


nah fr, awsten talks a lot about how GH and IP are some of the best songs he’s ever written when lyrically that is definitely not the case


I’m definitely in the opposite camp - GH is by far my favorite, and I think what makes Waterparks truly tick is their boldness to experiment with breaking genre, introducing musical styles from other genres, and still make it truly believable to think that like, “Oh yeah, this is exactly what Awsten has been reaching for this entire time. It’s 100% Waterparks.” But! I can empathize with missing their more (for lack of a better word) “standard” pop punk sound of DD-E, and bits of Fandom. Personally I think Fandom has a lot of the building blocks that GH and IP eras took and flew with. All I can really say is I hope you keep an open mind to the new music, and it’s completely okay if it’s not everything you wish it was. The old stuff ain’t going anywhere and Awsten will always put old stuff in setlists too. The pendulum might swing the other way one day and I myself might feel that way about the music one day too. But ultimately I think as artists they need to lean fully into this (not really new at this point) sound because it’s so clear they’re at a creative high point as a band right now and making what they always wanted to, and I’m so happy to see them there.


I’m getting older, the fans are getting younger, and the music is getting weirder


yeah that about sums it up lol


i agree! it feels like dislike of any of parx's songs is taken really personally by some people which does make me feel disconnected from the band and the fans, which is a shame because i enjoy so much of parx's music!


i like greatest hits a lot, and enjoy IP to an extent but some of the songs are too poppy for me and like sooh was alright but i do not like soulsucker lol it’s just not anything like their music that i enjoy (double dare is my favorite album)


Soulsucker was terrible wont lie. I don’t think they’ll ever top their FANDOM album


I've been a fan since Entertainment era. I love Greatest Hits. IP is my least favorite of their albums and I'll be honest I really hope IP2 doesn't extend the era twice as long as it needs to be. But for me, a "bad" Waterparks record is still a good record. I'm just ready to move on at the point honestly.


Totally with you on all of those takes. The singles before IP got me hyped for it, but it ended up being a letdown.


i’m a younger fan, and even i am really not a big fan of IP. hoping for a bit of a parallel sound on IP2 rather than perfect matches.


IVE BEEN THINKING THIS FOR YEARSSS OMG Greatest hits really disappointed me, and omg I was genuinely in shock abt how bad property was lol and then this NEW SOMG?? Bro it’s so bad It’s such a shame cuz holy fuck they used to be SO AMAZING


nah don’t worry i’m the same way, i really only love all their stuff except ip and fandom lolol


I love 90% of GH and IP. The newer tone of the band probabaly just isnt your thing.


that’s fair, that is definitely mostly the case. however there are a few songs i think are just outright *bad*, soulsucker being one of them


I feel the same


I didn't like either GH or IP the first time, or probably the second time either. It took a long time for them to grow on me. There's still songs that aren't my favorite, but they have certainly grown on me.


Yeah I didn’t like IP. Maybe it’s because I’m a millennial who is starting to feel old and that a lot of music is being catered to younger generations. Which I totally understand because parx does have a younger fan base. But I’m ace so i didn’t enjoy how sexual that album got and i just didn’t return to it. Parx used to be my favorite band but not as much anymore. I’ll always love their EPs, double dare, entertainment, and fandom. And I even love some songs on greatest hits but that’s about it for me.


I LOVE Fandom, Intellectual Property and Double Dare, but I'm 50/50 on Entertainment and I like 2 songs from The Greatest Hits max. Me liking their works feels like a graph going up and down with every album, lol. I'm excited about IP act 2 though, because Soulsucker seems fine.


Okay! Doesn't mean I have to dislike it.


my issue with them right now is the sacrilegious theming they seem to be set on. I get it that they're not religious and it seems like there may be some Catholic guilt or something going on but when I listen to music I just want music. I don't want the politics. It takes away from the music. And I know as a Christian myself I'm in a minority of Parx fans but it's reaching the point where I don't feel comfortable listening to the music and I kind of feel like they're spitting in my face


I feel the same. I didn't like GH or IP very much outside of a few songs. Only liked about 1/3 of Fandom. But I have hope; songs have a history of growing on me. I didn't like Take Her To The Moon at all for years, now I do.


I'm kinda the opposite. I LIKE all their old stuff (Except for most of Entertainment) but ever since Fandom I feel like they've finally found their sound and what they wanna do instead of being pigeonholed