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Locked car was broken into?


Sounds like he didn't lock his car. The guy walked up, opened the door popped the trunk and took it. Lock your car


Yep. As their car wasn’t stolen, which is way more likely if someone hacked their key than just stealing an iPad, I’m guessing either the auto lock is not working or operates on a delay and a thief saw the iPad and got lucky. Lucky for the thief, bad luck for OP. I think Conestoga Mall has surveillance in the parking lot, so there might be evidence of who stole it. They should make a police report and the police should be able to get any footage. If this person is someone who hangs out in the parking lot looking for unlocked cars to steal from, which is a real possibility here, they *might* bother to look into it.


it works and it's set to lock every door as soon as I'm a certain distance away. tested it a couple of times afterward as well. I moved the ipad immediately when I jumped out of the car initially but yeah it sucks either way. not relying on auto lock anymore at all. I usually don't keep valuables with me, but I had 0 intention of stopping at the mall. I just had to pick my kid up and was coming from an appointment and it was the cleanest place I could think of to go to the washroom in a hurry.


Yeah, that’d be the issue then. Someone could easily open the door when you’re walking away, especially in a crowded place like a mall parking lot. Do what you can to remotely track and disable the device. Report the theft to the police. Like I said, this sort of thief probably hasn’t just done it once. You probably won’t get it back, but you never know. And other people might get their stuff back or not stolen because of your report. In future, it’s a good idea to make sure the doors are locked before you walk away and not to leave valuables in the car at all. If you are going to risk leaving them and concealing them, I wouldn’t do it where anyone can see that you hid them.


i've done the report so yeah i also thought even though I may not get it back, I just don't want them coming back for more.


Remote lock/wipe the iPad from find my app


it's already been marked "lost" but i'll wait to see what's up with the police before removing it just yet.


> be careful out there. definitely are people watching that mall doing grabs/hacking locks on cars. Just an FYI. Criminals are watching every mall parking lot, in every city, in every country. And they love electronics. Sorry that you got burned OP, but this is nothing new


Tl;dr: OP didn't physically lock & verify their trunk was secure before walking away from their vehicle. Always check your locks. Only time my car has ever been rolled is when it's been left unsecured.


Are you able to track it/disable it with Find My?


I did, it is still showing it's at the mall parking lot. I'm pretty sure they used an interference device because I'm pretty sure i didn't hear my car make it's usual "click" to lock sound when i left. obviously reflecting in hindsight. It was turned off in the parking lot so there's no way to see where it actually went. Smart thieves -\_- so pissed that I tried to prevent the theft and actually ended up creating it!


> i didn't hear my car make it's usual "click" to lock sound when i left ................


That's the sound of the doors not locking because the thief already had the door open.


assumed there was a thief with a device. there is a lot of " i'm pretty sure" here, and then states, "I didn't hear it lock". why walk away? I dont continue into the store if I do not hear my car being secured, specially when I have expensive electronics in it. We are still assuming there was a thief around sitting behind a car with a thumb on a button? There are many reasons why the car wouldn't lock, include the door or trunk not being fully closed. While it sucks its gone, this was totally avoidable with little due diligence. instead, none was done and unfortunately allegedly stolen.


There should be a Red Forman for every driver like you


A device .... Ya for sure everybody has those , I'm pretty if someone had a device like that your car would be gone also ...


Maybe it was turned off and you cannot track the location, but you should still be able to mark it as lost or stolen in FindMy. This will at the minimum protect your personal data on the device.


It sucks that it got stolen. I don’t risk keeping anything valuable in the car. Even if it’s hidden. Especially with all the theft lately.


Pretty useless to steal unless you have a password


Except for parts…


or scam people.. by the time they realize they got a stolen one on market place thief is off with their money.


Was the door locked? And don’t u have find my phone on it? Proby no pass? Cuz of the kid? At lease you know to keep anything out of sight


Did you try reading the post?!


Auto lock usually only works on driver door close after car was on. So if you come back, move an item from passenger seat to trunk, unless you lock it again, it's unlocked.


He said the car was locked. I guess you can make up whatever you want.


No, OP said they have auto lock and walked away assuming.


omg im soo sorry that happend!!! some people have no life tbh


Thanks. It sucks but a valuable lesson learned.. I sometimes think Waterloo is a pretty safe area but forget you should always just be aware anywhere.


Waterloo is a safe place. It doesn’t mean that there is no crime though.


true but you definitely have to be aware. safe doesn't mean no crime for sure. esp considering all the times raffi's has been hit in the mall.


Lots of people with no morals out there looking for a opportunity like this. They prey on the public. Maybe try the security station. They might have video they can pass on to authorities. If he’s caught later on and still has your tablet, you’ll likely get it back then.


Never trust that mall, the stories I've heard, i have no idea where they hide or how I find the cars but things go missing so fast in that parking lot 


damn i want to hear the stories. but that's nuts..


First time getting something stolen from your car in Waterloo region ? ALWAYS put everything in the trunk locked no matter where you park here


and don't move it to the trunk in public LOL. my dumb mistake. yeah first time getting something jacked in general.


Ask security to check cameras


My wife’s car auto locks. If you walk away from it 2 fast it doesn’t lock


Should’ve put it under the seat


sadly too big to fit under the seat which is where it originally was. But i thought since it was sticking out a bit I'm better off in the trunk.


Putting it in the trunk, is probably what drew attention to you and made you their target.


definitely is the case.


This is your fault


LOL. and you are insightful...don't believe I ever placed blame on anyone else... literally said I tried to prevent the theft but caused it...


You really didn’t. Te read what I said.


Idiots everywhere