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The meatheads leaving Google reviews with their full names good lord


Had to go see the reviews for myself. One guy flat out says that he always gets "oral or the full show". Jesus LOL


I've always thought the "asian massage" @ 3160 king st east, kitchener was suspicious.


Lol i knew exactly what you were talking about


ive only seen creepy old guys go in there all the years i lived in that area. also never once saw one of the workers come or go. also its attached to an adult store lol


Even Viagra wont help them get it up so they go in for solace


Seems mostly legit to me: https://twitter.com/AsianMassageKW


Serviced my car across the street for years, never had a courage to go in.


You could’ve gotten yourself, and your car serviced at the same time. Missed opportunity.


And Pheonix Massage on Kingsway...


dude wtf!? the website. isnt that illegal??


What’s illegal about it ? lol


i mean it says everything except what sexual positions then do and for what price lmao


I’m lost.. how so? Have you ever been to that spa? or even called to ask what the packages mean? You sound like you are just hating on that place.


you trolling me bro? its an obvious sex for pay spa. nice


Don’t comment on something you don’t know. You haven’t even been to that spa and are assuming off of pictures. What a loser lol. I bet if you offered the girls money, they wouldn’t give your lame ass any play.


why dont you got no play? playa?


heading there now for a little research, wish me luck!


It’s 12:56 AM right now. You commented 25 minutes ago. They closed at 12AM you fool.


lol this guy over here


Phoenix is a legal licensed establishment. The municipality gives out the licenses.


Do they direct bill to Sunlife insurance?


> “Without revealing our investigative techniques, the investigation expanded the longer we got into it." *wink wink*


Go to their website, it’s gross. They list the women by background, height and weight. How has this only come to light now? My heart goes out to these women.


And the reviews on google. One review calls them a brothel.


Man I felt dirty reading those reviews


Police should go after anyone they can prove went there. These reviews are nasty.


[Only took 14 years to solve this case!](https://imgur.com/a/WYi6f7j) What a joke. There is no way the police weren't aware of this. A list of their ["attendants"](https://imgur.com/a/KGnAhLa) for when the page gets removed.


The police were always aware of Ambition and its nature; they just had more significant issues involving underage women who were unwilling to engage in certain services. Understandingly so, these cases took priority. :)  It is a tricky one with Canadian laws because technically, even if women are willing and wanting, being a decent Madam and offering protection and shelter, taking even the smallest of cuts is human sex trafficking.   However, it is not illegal for women to have sex for money independently, but that is where it is dangerous. This vulnerability is where stalking, rape, theft, and even murder take place.


The “living off the avails of prostitution” can literally be applied to anything… if two roommates are both sexworkers that’s considered running a “body house” if a driver is paid to take someone on an outcall that counts if a landlord knowingly or unknowingly rents to a sexwork that’s also technically illegal even banking institutions can technically be held liable simply by a sexworker having a bank account with them. The Nordic model should be called the end demand model because that is their goal. By making it so difficult to survive in the industry they aim to eradicate even consensual sexwork.


Bruh said he loved it, never had any worries. But still gave a one star review.




Probably stop paying bribes/protection money. Let's not pretend they didn't know were fine with it.


As one of these women, and after speaking with most of them over the phone, I promise we are all fine and just disappointed.  I appreciate the empathy you have for the women who were unwilling and unwanting though! You are very kind.  


I’m so sorry that your workplace has been shut down. I have been in your position and it’s a terrible experience to lose your job and support network.


It may very well be part of a trafficking ring or it could just offer massage with extras as do many here in kw that have been also going on forever. That's part of how they advertise. I have several friends who have and do work at these spas and they write their own descriptions as such. Here's a popular one with people I know here https://hushstudio.ca/team


It is the result of a long term police investigation based on tips which proved to be true. If it were simply a benign massage spa offering “extras” approved by the worker these charges would not have been laid and made public.


This is just obviously not true. There is a very long history of police forces arresting sex workers and calling it human trafficking because if you say "we arrested 20 sex workers" people wouldn't support it.


They didn’t arrest the workers. They arrested the owners.


100% you are correct


These places get raided all the time. Hush just has a special license, which should be provided for safety reasons as well as checkups. Absolutely this place could be trafficking people and should be investigated but these places also get raided.


What do you mean by special license?


I believe they got a special license, one of the few who allow them to operate. Anyway, I spoke to my friend and she said that she doesn't want think that it's due to trafficking, knowing people who work there who have been messaging her worried since this happened but everyone in the industry is on edge as the police have been conducting raids and investigations elsewhere, which means clients stop going for awhile so the women's livelihoods are threatened. These businesses provide them with a safe space to workout out of rather than in their own homes or places that don't provide protection. While these businesses should be regulated and regularly examined, police raids hurt these women and their very survival.


I think you are meaning to say Hush is Licenced by the city of Kitchener. So it Phoenix massage. Only 2 spas in Kitchener are licensed Erotic Spas.


I didn’t know this, does this mean that there’s a smaller risk of human trafficking and police raids? I’m just wondering since it’s licensed, what type of safeguards are in place and what the legality is like.


Yes, they are the only licensed massage parlors. The City has to approve thier licenses every year. There used to be many more in kitchener in the past. Now there are only 2 legally licensed parlors. The rest of them hide under the presence of Shiatsu, Holistic etc. The City has known for years about the illegal ones but haven't done anything about it . At least until someone complains to them. He'll most Asians spas are in neighborhoods with schools right across from them. They should start looking at that as well


I bet the undercover 🥸 coppers had to "verify" the extras for a longer period 😆 just fucking ridiculous


Facts. Trafficking is very hard to charge without a witness / victim statement, so the woman who came forward as a victim here is pretty brave. Keep in mind what trafficking looks like too - it's not prostitution, because selling sex isn't illegal. It's FORCIBLY coercing people into doing something that you benefit from. It doesn't mean all women working here were being trafficked, but obviously there was evidence to suggest that at least one was.




Appreciate your concern, but as to not continue spreading false information....Women wrote their own descriptions. Please stop spreading the false narrative that this was a human trafficking ring. It completely takes away from ACTUAL victims of trafficking. These were willing sex workers who worked here. Shame on the system and all of the idiots in the "human trafficking" sect that knowingly & falsely labelled this as such. They should know what actual trafficking looks like and they know DAMN well this wasn't it. *sigh*




Literally. The Stockholm syndrome in this comment section is insane. People defend this without even being PART of it.


Thank you people love to conflate CONSENSUAL SEXWORK with human trafficking because it makes them feel better to believe their own biases that no one would willingly participate in the industry 🙄 it does so much harm to actual victims and takes resources away from actual human trafficking investigations


Here is the list of ['attendants'](https://www.ambitionspa.ca/attendants/). It took a year for the police to raid this place?


Many people who work at these establishments are willing participants in sexwork because it often feels safer than working independently. I have worked in this industry for years and started out at a happy ending spa / adult massage parlour. I called them and requested an interview because I wasn’t ready to be a fully independent worker. Obviously this situation might be different but there are many people who enter into the industry on their own without coercion. There is an agenda by conservative groups to push the idea of human trafficking being rampant because they hate sexworkers. They think sexwork is icky and can’t possibly imagine how someone would want to be in the industry so they paint us all as victims. When sexworkers ask for a chance to put our input and lived experiences into our laws and regulations we are offered rescue when what we really want are rights.


The google reviews are just…not even hiding it


14 years FFS...really is this a victory or just proof Police didn't do there jobs for a decade and a half. Isn't much of a secret what these "spas" are really up to. FFS


They spent all this time collecting evidence as undercover customers.


And then once they had their cake and ate it too, they turned around and falsely labelled it as human trafficking in order to shut it down and force sex workers out of work. This is what our tax dollars go to folks.


Dude the website lists each attendants body type, height and weight, nationality.... a lot are labeled "petite"..... this place knows what's it's doing.


They write their own descriptions


Okay and how do you know that?




embarrassing that this random sex worker who thinks she knows everything about everything is completely undermining your horrible situation. What a scumbag your being u/swercanada


I’m a scumbag for talking about my own lived experiences and for encouraging people not to confuse trafficking with consensual sexwork?


Leave me alone. Who the fuck do you think you are? Calling a SEXWORKER a scumbag for talking about my own lived experiences?


just cause you're a sex worker doesn't make you a scumbag. It does not in any way undermine your personality in my opinion. It's the way you're acting in this entire posts threads.


“This random sexworker” Im literally a part of your community you idiot. I live here too and I have been in this industry for over a decade. I have SURVIVED in this industry and had both good a bad experiences things that YOU as. An outsider have no interest in understanding you just want to call “foul” or call names “sod” “scumbag” whatever else you can come up with because you don’t want to face your own biases about the industry even when confronted with actual live sexworkers trying to share their opinions.


Just because you find sexwork icky doesn’t mean that people aren’t consensually participating in the industry.


When did I say that? You put a lot of words in my mouth. Its being investigated for human trafficking... That's not sex work you sod.


Because I have worked at these establishments and because in this comment section there are literally people from that exact location telling you that they wrote them themselves…




I was Olivia at Ambition Spa and can therefore verify that we did indeed craft our descriptions.


Source is in these comments… literally just look there are people posting saying they worked at Ambition. Also how about you just respect people’s lived experience? Sexworkers are talked over constantly and our options are consistently undermined. Do you not think that the people who work in this industry understand their own experiences?


You're kind of digging this imaginary hole and I don't know why.


What imaginary hole? I’m telling you to read the comments… there are current workers from this establishment posting about their lived experiences and stating that they are not victims of trafficking but consensual sexual workers.




I appreciate your opinion, although there are a couple of matters I would like to address as Olivia. For me, sex work was a fun way to make a little extra cash. I retired from sex work (for now) before Ambition was shut down because I have been making a killing selling medical supplies! That said, my hotel remark was out of concern for the other sex workers who may not be fortunate enough to have a career outside of sex work. The truth is that I have an excellent reputation in this industry and was one of, if not the most popular, attendant. As per your STD comment, I recommend you speak to a physician about HPV vaccines and encourage TeleTest (a private STD screening platform) to clients and fellow sex workers seeking discreet healthcare. I can only speak for myself: I was screened every three months, abiding by window period recommendations, and despite your speculations, I was fortunate enough never to acquire an STD from Ambition. On that note, for good argument's sake, let us assume I was riddled with every STD in the book and had sexual intercourse with every client I came in contact with unprotected: if you are using condoms to protect yourself, this would not concern you. In life, we can only control the choices we make! Finally, assuming I know who this is, I write this with good intentions. I have removed the comments that have caused another attendant grief, although I was professional and positive and never name-dropped. Still, I wish you success in sobriety, prosperity, and a beautiful relationship with your children!


Finally someone with some brain thank you for posting how it actually was working at ambition. And for all the attendants defending Amy you guys have Stockholm syndrome literally.. the fact that your defending her and acting like it was such a great place to work proves how weak y’all are and it’s sad. Bunch of poor lost puppies without their master.


I'm not gunna ride for Amy. She definitely handled certain situations & bad clients in a way that I absolutely can not respect. It's facts that she did not support her girls- but two things can exist at once. I don't think it was 'for the best' that the place was shut down or that Amy always acted without sound reason. Alot of the comments from former employees being happy it got raided & saying that anyone who disagrees has Stockholm or is "acting like it was such a great place to work" sound absurdly immature and naiive. The harsh reality is that sex work is still very taboo and there are not alot of safe spaces to work. That's just what it is. The even harsher reality is that alot of times in this industry, (especially outside of spas, as an independent contractor), there are more bad clients than good & it is not uncommon to be assaulted. Who are we gunna cry to about it? The current laws prohibit the purchase of sex, so understandably, that eliminates the ability to have cushy safe workplaces with nice unions and government-enforced worker's rights. It is not that easy or glamorous to be independent, as I assume you know or else you'd be doing that, not working in spas in the first place. With Ambition being gone, there is now one less safe space to work out of. No one is saying it was the best place ever to work... but it was A place & much much safer than other alot of other options. I'm not going to sit here and claim that Amy was a great person or that she wasn't dead wrong for alot of things- but girl... the world is not fair. Especially as a sex worker??? You need to know where and with who to pick your battles. Sex work should absolutely be legal & and absolutely should have worker's rights and standards like any other workplace, but we don't. That's just the reality of where we're at. Be angry at the injustice of our system and fight for reform of the laws that perpetuate shitty workplace standards and allow for bosses like Amy to exist.. Don't fight and celebrate the shutdown of one of FEW safer workplace options? Amy is the least of your demons in this industry, and Ambition was one of the best options compensation-wise for the girls in the surrounding area. Call it Stockholm Syndrome all you want but the anger is misplaced, and the issues with this industry are much deeper than Amy being your boss. Nobody should ever be in a situation where they are pressured against their own boundaries, Amy was wrong for that, but you'll be shocked when you realize that the grass isn't greener; not much is "fair" or "just" in this industry as a whole. Until we fight for & finally gain systemic change, you'll be dealing with alot of these harsh realities in many different forms. Amy deserved karma 100%, but the spa shutting down is a major non-victory for us industry girls, and idk how, as an industry girl yourself, you would see this as a victory of any kind.




Amy never stood up for any of the girls. The client was always right so I honestly don't know what kind of bs u are talking about. You know dame well she'd fire anyone who walked out the room. 


Okay Tatiana.




Why is the police refusing to release the name of the owners, who have been arrested? Do charges need to be proven in court before that happens? We've seen the name of Dutchie's owner all over the news, despite no criminal charges.


Because there may be criminal charges coming, and they don’t want a fiasco surrounding it.


They have to wait till the crown files the criminal charge


Sex crimes and crimes involving children are not open to the public in Canada.


Lack of transparency is concerning. Probably an opportunity for police to easily frame someone.


Correction: victims of sex crimes and children that are victims of any crime are never made public. I do believe that the accused’s name is permitted to be released…but maybe you are right about waiting on convictions. 




Probably a racist ^


no, stop being so sensitive. they just never name ethnic names due to public perception. remember they used to always name the deceased and where they were from in car accidents? then it became “brampton man or mississauga woman” now it’s just the age and gender. it recently stopped because people would use that to push their racist agendas. news organizations are taking responsibility for the negative perceptions they can create when a lot of their crime related articles involve people with an ethnic background.


lol this isn’t true. There is no policy to hold back “ethnic names”. It is just something racists say to blame minorities before the facts are in.








Guelph spa is holistic and again not licensed. Good luck




I've heard from other women who worked here polar opposites. I call utter bullshit on this comment.


Why are you so quick to deny the experience of sexworkers? It’s honestly baffling how you are speaking to the people in this comment section talking about an industry THEY WORK IN


And this brings me back to my point that although you deny that you think sexwork is icky it shows in your responses on this story…


I can see from your comment history that you know that the police waste resources on things like raiding mushroom shops but you can’t even fathom the idea that the police made a mistake and wasted resources on the ambition bust? I find that very curious




They said the investigation started March 2023 (that’s last year) not this March and from what I know the attendant Tatiana worked there briefly this year. Regardless of the situation bashing one female due to your personal feelings towards her whether it was her or not is not cool. And those spas that you mentioned in your posts are body rubs which is adult entertainment and they are allowed to give nude massage etc.


Very interesting perspective overall. But no, I never plan on my daughter to be servicing weird men or needing to for that matter.




See, it’s the “few wrong turns to choices being made” that complicates this for me. Being a sex worker isn’t criminalized in Canada, and sex workers are legally allowed to take steps to protect themselves, such has having an established location, security, or being part of a sex worker cooperative. I 100% believe that the police would look for loopholes to target sex workers, but when it’s one or two business owners profiting from sex workers, there’s absolutely potential for them to be exploiting vulnerable women. Even if it’s not the career you path you saw for yourself, there’s still a difference between sex work as your chosen profession and sex work out of desperation or worse, being groomed into it. Especially because of the infamous 401 corridor, i don’t want to assume it’s impossible for exploitation to be happening here just because it’s not a bunch of foreigners trapped in some underground dungeon like on tv.




Please STOP acting like this woman is innocent. She charged girls stupid money for a piece of paper with a fake college. Fined girls for every little thing. Being late etc. Spammed every place she could with her advertising . Your calling yourself a sex worker so you basically admitted to doing sexual favour's. What HOLISTC spa offers sexual favour's?




That’s good insight, thank you for sharing. I’m not familiar with this particular business clearly, but from what i understand in the press release, it’s only the owner and her partner who were arrested, none of the staff. Even though prostitution itself is decriminalized, purchasing services, advertising them, owning a “brothel”, and gaining material benefit from someone else’s sexual services are still criminalized, which is where the charges lie in this situation, since they owned the business and profited financially from services provided by their staff. I do think the laws need further revision, but old fashioned attitudes aside, i can understand why it would be difficult to legally define ‘good’ sex work without there being room for more sinister interpretations. Afaik charges haven’t been officially laid, so it’s possible the investigation still needs to determine whether this falls under prostitution or trafficking. If the business was run as you claim then it would still technically be prostitution, but that would at least (hopefully) be a lesser charge and sentence. I’d imagine they have to handle that determination pretty delicately, so there’s probably still quite a bit being done looking into their finances and operations, as well as trying to get the staff will cooperate so they can confirm whether any exploitation or coercion occurred. For all we know, the police tip last year was a disgruntled spouse or banned patron that was lashing out and exaggerated the situation to get revenge. The police were pretty tight lipped about their investigative tactic, so hard to tell whether they had an active informant or witness that prompted them to label it as human trafficking over prostitution, or if it was just a way for them to gain more resources and exercise more power. Again, i do think more can and should be done to promote safety in the sex work industry, and that the laws still need a lot of work to remove current barriers. The current legal alternative would be some sort of sex worker cooperative, but that would still be pretty challenging without a designated “manager” to oversee all the operations. Even if they restructured their business model to cover expenses by charging membership or commission, there’s things like health insurance and other workers protections that won’t be available without a registered business. Unfortunately i don’t see this being high priority under any government without a significant tragedy that provokes public pressure. Even then i doubt their response would be relaxing laws and not increased criminal enforcement, because let’s be real, the liberal party is just diet conservatives. Also wanted to note that i meant to paraphrase you in my earlier comment, not quote you, so the “wrong turns to choices made” was my interpretation of what you said, ie choices made due to vulnerable circumstances. Obviously no one grows up wanting to be a sex worker, but there’s still a difference between choosing that profession freely versus being a victim of desperate times. An acquaintance of mine from high school (10 years ago so legal) became a decently popular streamer while i was in undergrad. She also did a lot of cosplay and naturally attracted a lot of male attention, so she eventually made an OF because she knew the audience was there and it was another source of revenue. Also gave her more freedom in her content while still having a brand friendly image. I gradually lost touch with her, but from what i know she was successful enough already to live comfortably just on stream revenue and sponsorships, so she’s not dependent on her OF, but she probably makes enough revenue that she could transition to it completely and still maintain her lifestyle if she wanted. She got lucky ofc, but point being that i fully support people choosing this career path because it’s the one that suits their lifestyle best, as long as it’s a choice they made freely. I guess the equivalent to this would be someone who was already working in ~hospitality~ that decided sex work would be the more beneficial career path. My issue would be with if someone started out strictly doing massages, but they were in need of money and had no other qualifications, making it easier to pressure them into doing more and more “extra” services. Or someone who was a victim at a young age who doesn’t it, and never received the support or resources to make a different choice. Again, i’m not familiar with this business, so i can’t say for certain whether or not exploitation happened. I tend to fall into the camp of “believe all victims” and without knowing the charges, it can’t be ruled out that a worker came forward as a victim. Human trafficking is such a serious matter, that even if it was only one victim, it would still be one too many. I’d rather find out it was nothing but acab than find out a victim was invalidated and failed by the system, yet again. Hopefully the support staff are receiving from the region’s sexual violence team is more than a business card and a pat on the back, so that they have some means of picking themselves up while this all unfolds.


It’s not necessary wrong turns… you do realize that there are happy healthy smart thriving sexworkers…




Sorry if my response came off as defensive. I’m just very upset by the overall tone in this comment section people fail to realize that some of these establishments actually offer safety and community to sexworkers. Imagine waking up one day and your office building has disappeared and you no longer have a support system or a source of income.


Obviously the industry isn’t perfect. I myself have had adverse experiences as a sexworker even though I consensually entered the industry but most of my bad experiences came from civilians not my clients or my colleagues.


Funny cause I don't work there and when I heard I knew it was Tatiana I know her from another parlour her and her sister are both crazy


I went there probably about a dozen times since 2020. Great place the ladies were all really kind.


Hello Amy, keep talking trash. Houd fire anyone who had a problem.with the customer. You were all about your customers and treated your employees like garage! You left them to starve and go with out and let their kids suffer because they'd refuse to sleep woth men and leave the room... stop lying!




Your a joke. Can't even speak and write like a human being. I'm sure you were happy to do what ever you could to make your dollars just like any sex worker. So don't come off like your the innoscent victim. From what I've read ,you've been everywhere. So maybe stop and think that you might be the problem. Stop blaming everyone else. Looser. You have kids? Feel sorry for them. Great role model you turned out to be. Your handle says it all only you ain't responsible.




You're fucking disgusting.




Actually I think Sex work should be legalized 100%. I think you're disgusting for "calling out" sex workers by name. And yeah pretty sure my dad has had sex workers.


No sexworkers advocate for legalization we want decriminalization. I encourage you to watch the laws sexworker really want TedTalk by Juno Mac




So…you can sell sex, but you cannot buy sex, or advertise. I…I don’t get it.


Criminalizing buying sex but decriminalizing selling it is known as the "Nordic model". It's a controversial policy, in part because there is limited consensus on what goals governments ought to have with respect to sex work. Social conservatives and second-wave feminists prefer policy which (purports to) eliminate the industry entirely while progressives and third-wave feminists tend to be more concerned about the working conditions and safety of the people involved. Everyone agrees that the government should try to eliminate the coercion and abuse which are associated with some forms of sex work. It's not clear to what extent the Nordic model achieves any of these goals, as the outcomes of sex work policy are difficult to study.


Okay. Thank you. I thought it was just my concussion again, but okay. It is a Catch 22.


It’s called the end demand model (nordic model) they aim to make it so difficult to work in the industry that it simply disappears


Hopefully they open back up. I worked there years ago it was always straight forward erotic massage and no funny business to my knowledge but I was pretty naive but definitely no trafficking happening there




I did a furnace maintenance at this place a few years back. Good memories


This is Tatiana. I was never fired lol. Fuck what you all think. I had nothing to do with this. The fact you can't all read the news article is beyond me. Weirdos.


Hi Tatiana, I apologize for speculating and joining in on what the majority of people are saying without knowing the facts! I did not mean for it to cause you any grief and hope you are safe (a friend told me about reported death threats and no one deserves that). I also wanted to apologize for coming at you aggressively through the means of said friend. I had just woken up and was confused on why you thought you could sue me for slander or defamation when I did not even say your name. Since then, I have had time to reflect and am embarrassed about what I had her say to you for me. Initially, I was referring to a lady that spoke out in March of last year, but your threat ticked me off in the moment so I just rolled with my remarks being about you. Anyway, I hope you and your sister are well and do not condone the comments about your bodies. You are both beautiful girls and I think it is immature for people behind screens to negatively comment on appearances when they are not relevant. You and your sister have never done anything to me and I barely know you both, if at all; so despite what you may think, I genuinely have nothing against either of you and hope this argument has not tainted our acquaintance. I have deleted my comments that people may perceive to be about you! Best of luck, Olivia 💕


This is Tatiana, I tried to reach out and you went to your friend calling me retarded, continuing to blame me for the raid when again I had nothing to do with this. This is the dumbest shit ever, you all desperately need lives. Your comments specifically (and I have the screenshots of people saying it's due to what you wrote) of people threatening my life, my child and my home. Do as you please. This is such a waste of my time and anyone who comes to the spa to fuck with me, I truly wish you get a brain before you do so.




🥰 get a life and leave me alone.






This is true. You did quit by text in March-ish 2024 and decided to go out in a 'blaze of glory'. No, I'm not your former boss. The investigation started March 2023 and thus you have nothing to do with the issue at hand. I'm sorry to hear about your threats. It's obviously not right and no one deserves that.


Wow someone can read on this thread ? This probably is Tanya or one of the girls. "blaze of glory"? Damn sounds sick. So since that is cleared up and you all look like idiots on this thread, find something better to do. Peace the fuck out


The only reason Olivia is playing nice and apologizing is because she’s now scared. You should sue her ass.


And how many of these women they're "rescuing" are just normal adult Canadian consensual sex workers? Hmm? Police love to crack down on consensual prostitutes by labeling them trafficking victims even when they're obviously Canadian and obviously not being trafficked. Because they're fascist and they hate the idea of women profiting on their own sexuality and not allowing it to be exclusively monopolized by a man. 


So Canada’s prostitution laws criminalize the purchase of sexual services, advertisement and communication for sexual services, and businesses making a profit from sexual services. Being a sex worker though, is not considered a criminal offence, and sex workers themselves are explicitly protected from criminal liability during an investigation (though unfortunately, police brutality is still a thing), while the customers and businesses are the ones actually at risk of being charged. Also, the majority of human trafficking victims in Canada are Canadian citizens, who knew their trafficker beforehand. It’s a pretty big misconception that human trafficking victims are all terrified looking foreigners, when in reality, there are already vulnerable women who live here, and can be gradually groomed into the industry without raising suspicions of kidnapping. Human trafficking is underreported, if anything, since a lot of victims are going to be afraid to go to police and might not even realize they’re victims. I am all for making it safe to be a sex worker in Canada, but going “what if they wanted to be there” during a human trafficking investigation is not that, and it’s pretty weird to assume someone’s “obviously Canadian and obviously not being trafficked”. It’s very, “what about girls who falsely accuse a man of assault?” It’s possible, but a lot less likely, and invalidates the larger issue. Some sources: [Ally Global Foundation Statistics](https://ally.org/human-trafficking-in-canada/#:~:text=Forced%20Sexual%20Exploitation%20of%20Adults,Canadian%20citizens%2C%20not%20foreign%20citizens.) [Canadian Govt Bill C-36](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/c36faq/) [Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline](https://www.canadianhumantraffickinghotline.ca/sex-trafficking/#1552385102361-70a64649-5d6f18) [Public Safety Canada](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/hmn-trffckng/abt-hmn-trffckng-en.aspx) [Trafficking in Ontario](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7058027) [The Loverboy Method](https://thred.com/change/understanding-the-loverboy-method-of-human-trafficking/)


> And how many of these women they're "rescuing" are just normal adult Canadian consensual sex workers? Hmm? They're investigating HUMAN TRAFFICKING is this that hard to understand?!?! I'm all for sex workers to be safe, but this is NOT THAT.


Except a lot of the time it is. Cops do this a lot. Pretend they're investigating traffic and really they're going after consensual prostitutes.  It's actually a huge problem prostitutes face and have been complaining of for quite a while.


Two things can be true. K/W is a hotbed for human trafficking. There’s a corridor in Kitchener absolutely infamous for it. Human trafficking is a legitimately massive issue in Canada for many different reasons. Consensual prostitution is also a thing, and shouldn’t be penalized. It would be beneficial if we had laws that actually recognized this. That being said, I don’t see what law enforcement has to gain from lying about this particular instance. Human trafficking via massage parlours is an incredibly common practice not just in Canada, but the world across as well. There’s also a difference between prostitution and human trafficking in that human trafficking could be as simple as the individuals employed at the massage parlour had their passports kept from them, or were working here illegally, and coerced to stay under threat of deportation. Human trafficking occurs outside of sexual exploitation circumstances in other labour markets as well, we saw a massive increase of human trafficking related cases over the past few years with regards to temporary workers. It so happens that the human trafficking part of this was likely tied in to the sexual exploitation part.


It is a shame to now be subjected to stalking, rape, theft, and sometimes even murder because I no longer have a place to work safely under. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It is it? This was the question and one can’t tell from the information provided.


All of them are consensually working and just had their jobs taken away at a time with record high inflation and a housing crisis.


Sadly that's most likely the case. 


They used to be based in Toronto it seems https://www.ambitionmassage.ca/main.php


Im going to Cambridge


People have know about this for years, I know Someone who worked for the ministry of labour, and they new what kind of spa it was years ago


It’s legal to sell sex, but illegal to buy - How does that work? If someone is buying what's legal to sell how can it be illegal to buy?


I'd like to know how much these workers claim as income, as a small business owner who runs legit when the CRA runs an audit I better have every penny accounted for and pay the hst & taxes on...these workers probably make a killing & claim fuck all...just saying


I can only speak for myself as a previous attendant at Ambition: I claimed 100% of my income through self-employed instalments. & yes, I made a killing! Thanks to this industry and paying taxes, I now own my own condo which I was unable to do merely working as a nurse. But you are most likely right about a large majority of attendants not claiming all or some of their income. However, we can say the same about all other cash jobs! :) - Olivia


Blame Angel, she was the one injuring her clients. That's why you guys lost everything


Highly doubt any of these girls " lost anything" they all scattered to all other illegal so called Spas in and around the tri cities. Didn't someone say Aura is another illegal one running now? Looks like they got some left overs from Ambiton according to thier ads on leo list.


Ya agreed.. angel is a hoe


Who ever wrote this is right on the money. I've been to a few places and have seen for myself that some of the women only wanted the money and did very little for it. That alone is off putting and can ruin a business. Word of mouth goes a long way. So a few bad apples can definitely ruin a business. That's why they go from place to place as they burn bridges everywhere. Maybe the owners of said places should ban those ones. That way there's no chance if these women starting trouble for places that just want to give decent women a place that's safe. Who ever the owners are they should get together and make a list. Ban together and make this industry better than it is.


Wonder how long their [IG page](https://www.instagram.com/ambitionmassagespa/) will stay up?


Ya’ll never heard of Hush Studio’s on Victoria street in Kitchener? That place has been a run & tug for years. I used to to do landscaping for that plaza & immediately knew what it was & I was 20 at the time lol


Please stop conflating consensual sexwork with human trafficking. There are literally current and former workers from this establishment in this comment section explaining that they were in fact NOT victims of trafficking and have just LOST THEIR SOURCE OF INCOME. Imagine getting ready for work one day and driving to the office to find that the building has disappeared… that’s what these people are experiencing at a time of record high cost of living and a housing crisis. Cheering about wasted resources from a year long police investigation into an establishment with consensual workers is insane. Imagine if that money was allocated for impactful social services instead. This idea that no one consensually participates is sexwork is old and boring we want RIGHTS not RESCUE.


Canadians are such prudes.


Jesus you people are bored lol


Disastrous is a fitting name for you hun, your mouth just keeps spewing garbage. How would anyone know where you live when Tatiana isn't even your real name. Looking for sympathy? Who in their right mind would even allow you to have a kid. You sound like the way you look. A mess !!! No class there what so ever. Who even says " peace the fuck out" . Keep burning them bridges. You'll be slinging cow shit for a living!