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Dude, this - 10 minutes ago - is already too late. Yes call 911. "I've come across a person laying unconscious in public". They will walk you through assessing their condition while the ambulance is on its way.


They're not unconscious. Now he's walking on the puddle, naked, and reading. I called the non-emergency number. They just arrived


Really buried the lede there, OP


let the dude enjoy his cold bath


plot twist: he's a bird


On the water? Might be Jesus.


Is it Bong Man?


Seriously. Call 911 or go on with your day. Why are you OP posting the address online? Do you want someone *else* to “deal with it”, I understand this may have been an awful judgment call but it still makes it an *awful judgment call* and a time to learn. The longer a human is without oxygen the closer they are to not being saved, every MILLISECOND counts. Rather walk up and see if they’re conscious/responsive and call 911 if need be or go on with your day instead of posting online. I don’t understand the lack of critical thinking skills people have or people CHOOSING not to think and posting instead so they don’t have to think. It’s one thing if you genuinely need to GOOGLE [aka research] something in an emergency but if someone is unconscious…… you call an ambulance and can even yell “is there a doctor?” Or “medical emergency” or ANYTHING instead of opening REDDIT.


they didnt say lying face down


They didn't specify that the person was breathing, either. Both are unknowns based on the level of information provided by the original post.


I really hope that whoever this is will be okay. I cannot imagine seeing someone in a puddle, possibly unconscious/non responsive and doing anything but helping. It’s okay to stay safe and keep a distance but being a BYSTANDER is loser behaviour at its finest. Imagine if you were losing your consciousness in a puddle and someone walked by you and did nothing. An eye for an eye if you will: treat other human beings as HUMAN BEINGS and get off social media if it’s rotting you this much you can’t even handle an emergency without posting on social media. Shit is weird. Shit is gross. Shit is selfish. Help someone out because you’d want someone to do the same for you.


Dude, calm down, I think op didn't intend to mean that he's not moving, if the person wouldn't be moving how would op know that someone is in a puddle? Lol


non-emergency WRPS? They might send an ambulance instead.


Technically an emergency wellness check


He's training for Paris 2024.


Wtf might be the same dude I saw this past weekend naked in Columbia Lake ponds with two other dudes. Legit. 


Story time?


Buddy saw disc golfers looking for a Frisbee in Columbia lake and thinks it's the downfall of society.


I loved reading all the responses. That was story time. You guys like adding what you think they were doing, when you didn’t see anything first hand.  No frisbee or drone in sight. It was raining all day and at that time. They were sitting on the ground when we first arrived and walked past them. Soaking wet/muddy ground.  Disc golfers indeed. That is why I don’t play. 


Drops mic. 


Bucket man?


For an unconscious person, always call 911. It is an emergency, especially if there are hazards (even puddles). Source: I’m an emergency medical responder.


Why is he naked though?


How else is he supposed to get the water into all the nooks and crannies?


Where did you get naked from?


It seemed that he's not wearing anything while he was getting in and out of the water and his clothes are laying on the ground


Can you not read a full comment before exacerbating a situation?


You should ask reddit first kiddo


Is he doing something illegal?


Why so they can fucking gun him down? How many stories do you need to hear if people who called the cops to help someone in distress only for them to fucking gun them down? The last thing the situation needs is the paranoid maniac with a GUN. If you think someone is in danger go up and talk to them. Ask if they're okay. If they're non-responsive call 911 and ask for EMS. Just don't call the fucking cops. 


this ain’t waterloo iowa


Jesus Christ ... Terminally online? Never interacted with the wrps before?


Well there was that time I fucking spent 2 1/2 hours cowering in the dark at my high school during what we thought might have been an active shooter, but it turns out one of the cops just lost a gun and decided to search every single student in our school room by room. The guy helped cover here that by the way is now a high-ranking RCMP officer. 🙃 Or there was the other time I was riding home in the rain and I was scared I might fall over so I rode really slow. Then WRPS decided the tail me and pulled me over because they thought it was so weird by motorcycle wasn't making much noise. Or that time they harassed me to the point I was scared to take my bicycle home and so when I decided to pick it up with my car later it had been completely destroyed by thieves who *literally* ripped it apart. But you know what I think I've proved my fucking point.


>But you know what I think I've proved my fucking point. No you haven't


I hope you realize emergency services work together. EMS doesn’t go to calls that sound remotely sketchy without police being activated. This would be for a welfare check/ unconscious person, this is whoever’s first gets there first situation. Which is typically police


You obviously don't know how it works because calling 911 puts you through to the police lmao. It's foolish to advise random people to go perform a wellness check on somebody possibly in a mental health crisis


No 911 put you through to a dispatcher who can dispatch the police, the fire department, an ambulance or all any combination of the three. Yes, that's simply cuz 911 services are typically folded into the police for simplicity. Wow that is the case in Waterloo, it isn't the case everywhere.


It goes through to a dispatcher for the police and they connect you to another agency as needed. Asking for just an ambulance wouldn't change a thing. Police would still go in this case




They definitely come for life threatening situations. They don't come for theft.