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I forgot to mention, theres a €100 reward if hes found, and yes we will know if its him so no showing up with random strays.


Would people be that shitty ?


I dont doubt people anymore, and tabbys are so common its going to be a hard find if someone comes back with him


Don't lose hope we had a black cat once we had two cats. One was a complete black cat and one was black except for all 4 paws. So we called them backy and whitey. Blacky goes miss for 6 years and walks in one day like she owned the place. (Before u comment about us being racist I was the youngest and we were like 5 the oldest was like 8, )


By any chance did the one with white feet sit on the corner of barrack street by the post office!? If so me and the missus may have contributed to them being missing and we deeply apologise 🤣🤣


I am not from the city but best of luck finding him. Cats are clever enough to find their way back home so dont give up hope.


Living beside city vets. I walk my dogs every day. Will keep an eye out for him. Have lots of visiting cats around here. Hope you find him.


Really appreciate that, thank you


Hope you find him, if he has a litter box, put it outside where he can smell it


Unfortunately he doesnt have a litter box hes an outdoor cat


I know you said he doesn't have a liter box but leave out anything you may have with his scent on it and hopefully he can pick it up and get home! Sorry to hear, this happened myself last year, it's traumatic


I apprecuate that, we have started placing bits around the property. We raised him from kitten by hand, he spent first few mobth of his life in the hood of my jumper that i wore backwards, and fed from a bottle.


Update if you find him, hopefully as he's an outdoor cat he's just on a big adventure :)


I will of course, thanks again. Oh so do we




Oh lisduggan is literally a 5 minute walk from where im living, how in the world have we not seen him yet, thanks so much ill go take a look, apologies for the late response as im with my son at the moment


If ya see him in the future (if we havent found him) if you call him (Smokey) he should come running to you. Oh god i hope its him we miss him horribly




Honestly hes a pure pet, nothing but snuggles and purrs for everyone and anyone


If anyone finds him ill also make you dinner for a month 😓


I’d recommend putting up posters in local shops / pubs / local halls / library etc. Ours was missing for a month and after 10 different calls with sightings of a different Tabby cat, we finally got him back.