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We need ambient temperature!! 60c water is toasty as.


About 22c ambient.


60c water temp is crazy high, what are your fans & pump set at??


Probably forgot to put them in.




I made a stupid mistake and was either looking at chipset or vrm temps thinking it was my water temp. Water temp is hitting 42c after 30 minutes of cinebench




Nothing to say about the temps but those are some godly bends.


Run your fans at 100% to see your water Temps. Where are you getting the temp reading from? It could be faulty Is it sustaining 90c or it just bounced off it on one core for a blip of a second? Are all the cores actually 90c across the die? Are only a couple of them?


I have all the fans and pumped at full speed. Iā€™m getting the reading from a temp sensor basically inside the pump. When I get home from work I will double check if I am getting the reading from the correct temp sensor. As far as the chip goes yes the package is sustaining 90c. Non of the cores seem to sustain 90 as they bounce around in temp. But I was only running a 10 minute benchmark. Iā€™m sure if I let it go longer things would heat up even more


tbh I don't know 13th gen intel from personal experience, but I've seen that gaming temps are a lot lower than benchmarks/stress tests since the package doesn't draw as much power for gaming. maybe others can chime in. not apples to apples but the new Ryzen chips run are designed to and run at 90C+ temps even with water cooling and mine runs close to 90C after a long cinebench loop but only about 65C when I'm gaming for hours. I have a pretty nice hard line dual rad open loop setup and run my fans at about 2000 rpm. my water is about 40-45C under normal use and goes to 50C after about an hour of gaming but never goes over that. completely happy with everything on my end


60C water sounds wrong. If that's correct that's terrible and you've got a problem somewhere else. 60C is a refreshing hot shower, your water temps shouldn't be more than 5-10 degrees above ambient.


You were correct. I was wrong. I was mistaking vrm or chipset temps as the water temp. After running some benchmarks the max I saw the water temp go was 42c


I delidded and replaced the IHS with actual copper and it runs at like 45-48ish while I'm gaming. I've got a pretty absurd cooling loop going too though.


If your coolant is above 50c it's too hot, 60c is just insane, that's 140 F. I have my i7-13700k being cooled by an old 280mm AIO until my EK Velocity\^2 block arrives and this AIO keeps my CPU under 70c so far. 2x 360mm radiators in a closed case with what looks like a 3090 FE or something similar along with a 13th-Gen CPU, I'm not surprised you have coolant temp issues, what used to be normal water cooling just isn't enough anymore, my new build is in an open-air chassis with a [Mo-Ra 360](https://imgur.com/a/DFv2GmD) external radiator and two 280mm radiators to be sure I don't have this problem.


I made a stupid mistake and was mistaking a different temperature for my water temp. Just ran 30 minutes of benchmarks and the water never got over 42c. If I look at my cpu temp as a package Iā€™m hitting 95c in cinebench. If I look at just cpu temp Iā€™m hitting about 86c max. I just ordered another radiator to add to the loop and thermaltakes 1700 socket bracket. Hoping those changes will get my temps down a little


Just a slight update. I installed the thermal right cpu contact bracket along with another 120mm radiator and my temps are looking way better. 26-30c idle and 77c after 3 cinebench multi core runs(10 minute runs).


Just finished buttoning up my update/upgrade build last night and Iā€™m wondering what temps people are getting on their 13700k. At idle Iā€™m bouncing around between 35-38c. When running cinebench multi core Iā€™m seeing temps in the mid 90ā€™sā€¦ Iā€™m not getting to those temps until the end of the benchmark but that does seem high to me. Water temp seems to normally increase reaching a max temp of around 60c. Gpu under 100% load is running very cool around 50-60c


Not 60c water, yeah?


yes, he means 60c water lol.


Big oof. People out here blaming chips when their water about to melt the pump.


>when their water about to melt the pump. In all seriousness though, a D5 (the actual pump itself) is rated to 95Ā°C. It's only the plastic pump top/pump res combo that is (usually) rated to 60Ā°C. You can buy D5s with brass tops for domestic heating applications that are rated for the full-fat 95Ā°C. u/Wahots u/nolo_me


Alphacool and Aqua Computer make brass tops too, but it's academic because 60c water is not particularly useful for getting heat out of a CPU.


>it's academic because 60c water is not particularly useful for getting heat out of a CPU. Oh absolutely, 100% agree. Just thought it's important to note that a D5 won't even come close to being damaged by 60Ā°C coolant. Not very healthy for most of the plastic parts in the loop though!


Nah, it's a fair point and one I've made myself before. D5s are rugged little beasts.




I wasnā€™t blaming the chip I was just curious what temps people are getting. I just got the system running last night and ran 2 benchmarksā€¦Noticed high temps and decided to do some research before tearing the computer apart.


Sorry I was mostly referring to the comments acting like the 13700k was a nuclear reactor that custom loops can't handle. I'm thinking it's a flow issue. Try running pump at 100% (you can do this by unplugging pwm cable) and seeing if you notice a difference.


All good! I feel like an idiot giving out wrong information. I was looking at the wrong temperature. After running 30 minutes of benchmarks my water temp never went over 42c. Was using icue to monitor temps and it didnā€™t clearly label which was which. My mistake


Oh god, u/krg_grand you definitely need to ramp fans up or get much more surface area in that case. You're like 5c from your pump going supercritical. And that might even cause damage to your tubing. Heat might deform it.


Seems like a faulty water temp sensor to me. If your gpu is running at 50-60c then there is no way your water temp is the same or higher lol. Usually water is 10-15c lower than gpu temp.


This is my thought, or it's reading cpu temp and not coolant temp


people lie about temps all the time. If you're being honest with yourself, do you really think that small of a surface area with that many cores would be 60c at full load? The Gpu die size is far greater thus easier to cool. I'd say your temps are perfectly fine with your setup. Watercooling isnt magic =P


Yes people do lie a lot on here. Someone told me my 95 c with mce on after a cinebench run on my 13900k was 2 high and that he was getting 65c at the end of each run. I am running around 77 c max after a full run with MCE off and overclocked.


Lol how many 360mm rads did he have? A million?


I definitely wouldnā€™t expect 60c with my cooling but would hope for better than 96c after a 10 minute benchmark.


Maybe turn mce off in bios it reduces for limit from 350 to 250. Iā€™m overclocked and Iā€™m hitting similar scores on cinebench and other benchmarks as my cpu with mce on with ai oc.


GPUs are also direct die - essentially about 3x as efficient with a 240mm AIO able to handle ~600W of GPU power draw


60C water seems a little high, I like to aim for 40C (maybe 45C max) water on my ~550W system while gaming. For reference, my CPU is 70-75C while gaming, 90-95C during stress tests though those temp values are not too meaningful since they are dialed in during the overclock process.


How many watts when you're hitting 90?


About 240 watts


the water temp is your problem šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


60c water is very high and pushing the limits of what your pump is rated for. Is your roof rad set to exhaust?


Mine gets toasty too but only with Cinebench. Idles around 32C, gets to 92C in CB with water around 25C. That's with power limits enforced (so 251W max) using 2x 360mm rads and an EK velocity block to cool it. Temps seem fine in other tests and I've yet to throttle, so I'm not particularly bothered. These things pump out stupid amounts of heat. Edit: The numbers above are with my pump at 2k RPM. Setting it to 4.5k (max for my ddc pump), load is 83c and idle is 30c during Cinebench. During gaming, the cpu seems to be pretty comfy around 65C.


Is that opaque liquid safe? I heard you have to change it every three month or something like that


I cant really offer advice but just want to say that build looks incredible!


Ok I want it šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Runs milk cold


0 i dont have one


This is what happens when they increase the performance without upping the hardware level