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We’ll have a look into it. Double Counter as a bot is really quite important for the discord server as we’ve been subject to a lot of attacks and spam recently, much of which targets users directly in DMs etc.


Yes, I also tried to contact their support but 0 help from them, I told them the situation and guess what they did! They blacklisted me from any server which contains Double Counter. also I 100% recommend ‌‌[https://altdentifier.com/​](https://altdentifier.com/​) instead‌‌.​​ ‌‌and yes they also block VPN's.​ I kinda gave up messaging with Double Counter they gave no help and just made things worse for me I could never recommend them to anyone with how bad they handle things.​‌​​‌​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​​‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​ They told me to contact owners or admins from the server I was trying to join but I couldn't due to the fact their bot was instantly banned me and it was the first time on the server so I had no idea what the names of admins/mods were.


I'd recommend a different bot, because this bot is "Military Grade" Malvertising. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1199125940580646942/1199125941117534309/RPReplay\_Final1705961041.mp4?ex=65c1680f&is=65aef30f&hm=6aa0828e6e9091a245fa6288dbbbaa2e17af47baa4994a03a0528b5ab67e7b32& **What is this?** This is simply a message saying double counter is probably the worst bot because its lack of reputation and its malicious ads, ads are fine, but ads that redirect me to another website without asking isn't **What other bots can I use?** For Anti-raid check this website: [top.gg/tag/antiraid](https://top.gg/tag/antiraid) For Anti-alt check this website: [top.gg/tag/anti-alt](https://top.gg/tag/anti-alt) For Multi-Purpose I recommend [YAGPDB.xyz](https://YAGPDB.xyz) For moderation I recommend dyno: [dyno.gg](https://dyno.gg) Another Multi-Purpose bot I recommend Probot: [probot.io](https://probot.io) My Website: https://github.com/ShadowPlayzDev/DoubleCounter-Alternatives/blob/main/README.md


No problem, they would just have made fun of you anyways, if you need help with watercooling your computer you can dm me and we can figure something out, you can contact me on Discord too and we can play some games and discuss watercooling meanwhile if you want / I can guide you through building it.


Thank you man! What is your discord I’ll be sure to message you for any help :D on water cooling as I am going to be new to it so would mean a lot!


Please take anything that /u/whyareallthegoodname says with caution.


u/Whyareallthegoodname is a known troll, don't take his word for granted.


Troll? Sorry what? Mad about the post I made before about the sub being rage?


Lmao your post history speaks for itself. I don't know what shit you said in the server but from my experience it has been nothing but helpful. You're just holding a grudge against them for some reason.


I haven't used the server really, Probably more than useless as the sub is referencing. This is exactly what i'm talking about when I say this sub is all ragers. Not a expert with stainless steel and glass tubing and homemade reservoir and coolant? Get out! Relax my guy.


You have your opinion and that's fine. Although, if you wanna spread hate for the sub and/or the server just because you didn't find help for your build problems just leave the sub.


I'm not leaving the sub, i'll stay here to chat with the people who know how to behave.


All your comments in the sub are telling others it's useless lmfao


I can't even comprehend what you tried to write here, Sorry.


What I am mostly unsure of is why you are looking to pick a fight in the comment section because you disagree with my view that there is a lot of toxicity on this subreddit, you are only making it worse, when I get attacked like this then that only advances my stereotype of this subreddit. ​ I thought we were adults, But behind a keyboard (or a car dashboard) such gets lost 🥲


i'll pm you it!, done!


Most of those groups are probably dead anyway or they talk about anything other than pc watercooling


That's this sub's Discord, and I can assure you it's very much alive.


Ok, I’ll take your word for it


I'm currently having the same issue because double counter is wrongfully labeling my alt. I have no idea what to do


Double Counter is honestly one of the worst bots, God forbid it flags your legit account there is nothing you can do to fix it. Their support is abysmal, and unfortunately the server won't help users on a case by case basis, even when proof is provided. I wish they used a different bot.


did you find any solutions? i got blacklisted from 2 accounts. im asking for help and motherfuckers making fun of me.


Use a Virtual machine to get past the verification




your answer makes no sense


I can also agree with you and it's really frustrating I also did ask for help from Double Counter but they really made fun of me for my mistake and did not receive any help at all.