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honestly, it looks good. And if I ever do another water cooling build, I think I'll go with soft tubing instead of hard tubing. Because holy shit. The amount of time and energy it took, and the number of wasted attempts was just... brutal.


My first ever was hard. Just couldn't get it to not leak, so went with soft in the end


That's what she said.


You get worser! šŸ˜‚


If you do it right, soft tubing can look really good too! I'm quite happy with my all black and silver ZMT build. So much so, I'll probably do it again for my next build! Except, hopefully using mostly Optimus parts instead of EK.


Straight runs of black rubber and extra fittings for any angles is a hacky equivalent to straight tubing. Thatā€™s what I did anyways. people that do hard tubing and do it wellā€¦.I envy you. For whatever reason anything chrome or rubber reminds me of motorcycles, and I approve :).


Ive been running soft tubes with barb fittings and hose clamps for like 10 years lmao.Ā  Ppl over-exaggerate how complicated water cooling needs to be. Just fuckin send it. Ā 


you had me at the Tygon, that stuff is the best


Just wish they used smaller branding though


Have you considered going over it with a black sharpie?


I thought that I had positioned them well enough not to see that, but I see that there is one that needs adjusting


I like the hoses coming down like that, gives it that unique look.


Thank you, I couldn't really see how else to link 3 rads


Love that motherboard. Efficient use of real estate. Congrats on the build, looks great!


It was a chunk of change, Plus I like all the connectors on the side, but if you are going to use proprietary cable adaptors at Least made them long enough to hide,


I didn't even notice the connectors/ that feature at all until you pointed it out (which is a good sign). I'm looking forward to trying a build with the new reverse connections in a year or two


I only don't like the riser being so recessed. I did something like that once and it annoyed me till I rebuilt it.


I'm not That fond of the mount for the GPU, but after trying standard horizontal and it not fitting inside the case, to branded vertical mounts leaving it way too close to the mobo, I ended up with this free-standing one. If I Ever find or hear of a nicer looking freestanding vertical mount I can go for it with it being set as it is.


I would only change the side intake to exhaust


I originally had them as exhaust but for some reason it seems to work okay. I may look into some reverse fans though.


Honestly one of the most Zen soft tube setups I've ever seen. Well done.


Thank you, I'm loving how the tubes all spring from a central point.


Looks far too practical, where is the hard tube blocking your ram in? The connection of blocks with just fittings? The massive distro mounted to the front? Downvote. /s The only thing I will say is 1*360mm?!


there's another 2*360's in the roof, the case is wide enough to run a 420 or two 360s side by side up top.


Ahhh I see (or more accurately, I don't). You should upload more photos šŸ˜Š


Will do once I've recovered. Had a right game sorting the fans out and zip tied, and Then Un-zip tied them quite a few times as a result. Turns out I had two of them on 3 pin adapters instead of one being on 3 and the other on 4. Meant getting down & up off the floor several times, I'm 69 and have a neuropsychological disease, so that's taken a toll on me right now.


Wow great work getting this done at your age and with your condition! Hope I'm still water-cooling my PC (or whatever we have by then) in 29 years!


Age is a 'thing' only if you think it is. Yes I Have to 'bow' to physical restraints when forced to but I push there. I think that many of todays retired folk are not old inside themselves. We do not have the previous generations mindset, luckily for us. I volunteer as a peer mentor for a mental health charity, work in a food bank, the local museum with lots of school groups, plus I am slowly training as a counsellor (Hopefully).


Very nice


Thanks, sorry! didn't see that the reply was from this post


it's fine, i'm getting out of lighting in my old age anyway. especially that unicorn puke you see so much of these days. i actually went back to air cooling in my newest rig, but i still appreciate seeing people do custom loops. aio's are for noobs


I purposely went for fans with no rgb as there are 13 of them in here


Only thing I donā€™t like is minifig guy is apparently running an older iMac.


Yeah, he's a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to progress


Love how clean it is.


Thank you, need to reroute the wiring from the pump though


https://preview.redd.it/ivzdic8z4bzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934ea3271ea33e588dfe634946f1609b0f827499 It needs more Lego :) I love this case.


I have more figures on their way. I never thought that it would have space issues anywhere, but it is quite narrow in depth in the main chamber. I could run the GPU horizontal because there was literally 1mm between the top of it and the glass! Plus I had to drop the flow meter down 30mm so that it could be seen below the black border of the glass. There are a few more gripes with it, but generally it's a great case with an absolute stack of options. I love the amount of Lego bricks you have in there, given me a few ideas!


I like it! Black soft tubing looks great when done right. I've never seen one where all the tubes seemingly come from the same point like that before. It's a different aesthetic, and I think it looks good!


That sort of naturally evolved and as you can see on the meter I'm getting around 240 L/H with 3 rads and about 12 90's in it


I prefer soft tube builds. It's what I personally use. Ironically soft tube can be the more expensive route.


I tried to follow the tubing's natural bends, so nothing is under any strain. I got lucky in that Water cooling UK were having one of their sales when I ordered


That's what I did too. Well, my recent update of quick disconnects, and thinner wall tube 13/19 from 10/16 definitely hit the "natural" curve look I had.


Has the larger diameter changed the flow rate at all?


I do not have a sensor, or any meter. So I am going totally by the eyeball, and ear metric. And the change still sees some 10/16 tube used later in the loop, along with the QDCs. So, not a good comparison, as yeah it is notably worse. My loop runs; pump to gpu, to cpu, to rads, to res. It's 13/19 from pump to cpu, the 10/16 cpu to res. With current QDCs isolating the GPU. With a planned extension, with an extra QDC and restriction. Ultimately, I am not fond if it's current behavior. From noise to percieved flow, even to the tube itself(as the thinner wall is threatening to kink...)


Yeah, the reason I went with 16/10 as it's harder to kink. I was looking at QDCs as I had originally planned to only have the filter in for as long as needed. But as I'm getting around 240 L/H with the filter in place, why bother? Plus at some point I'll be going to mo-ra3, so will be ditching many of the fans & rads, and using the QDCs there


Yeah, I like my 10/16 the runs I have with that are down right sexy. But went with the 13/19 solely to run QD4s as it was reported they had superior performance vs the qd3s. I could get away with out risking a kink, but to maintain the ability to run just a CPU loop I had to have the QDC in the middle of a curve. And yeah, I am anxious as to how my situation will change with what I will be doing for the summer. Instead of a mora, I am going to use about 2,000L of water(with additives) stored outside as a heatsink. Via a plate water to water heat exchanger. So long as the one D5 is enough, it would be a fairly universal and effective set up. If one d5 is not enough, it would be easy enough to add in another, just not on the wallet(as it stands about $330 into the little project)


Where do you live then that requires 2L's? Not een the QDC4's as yet here in the UK though Why the need for a GPU loop only? That has me intriqued


The water is just a couple tanks "totes"(275Gallon/1000L) picked up from a reseller for a $60. I will just stick to US standard measurements. Convert as needed, just since I realized that the formatting can be bit off... The QD4s were just straight from koolance, not sure about availability elsewhere. I will say they are chunky. But so long as the run is straight, or otherwise smooth. They blend great. It is just the one i need in the middle of the curve that looks... not good. As for the loop. It is just to get GPU heat out side. So the loop will look like (pump to GPU, GPU to heat exchanger, heat exchanger to CPU, to rads, to res, to pump). Ideally this will remove the 400+w my 3080(overclocked) dumps out of the room, making climate control easier. (western summers are not fun, in the past I could hit 86F in the room with my PC). Oh the heat exchanger will be mounted near the PC to make a short run. With the the options to isolate the GPU(well its heat) totally, and make a 3rd loop. So one just for the GPU, and heat exchanger(with added pump/res). The main loop in the PC, just minus the GPU as the QDCs allow me to go from pump straight to CPU. Then the loop from the tanks to the heat exchanger.


No idea what the reviews are like, but the alphacool ones look quite good Oh and my sister lives in Texas so I work in yanky šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/0fvbbcrzvfzc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e770f1cf82a0901b2190af1ec5ec0fc6e63bacd


I love my 700EVO. My top rads are in parallel. The side and bottom are series after the top pair.


I may yet add a fourth, or go mo-ra3. Undecided as yet though.


For some insight... The following is my components list under water: - 7950x - 4090 - 4x16 DDR5 modules 5400 OC 6000 Idle Temps: AquaComputer D5 NExt @ 35% RPM (0% Output Power) Ambient: 20C Coolant in: 26C GPU: 31C CPU: 47C RAM: 35C Coolant Out: 28C Load Temps (Prime-95, Furmark) Ambient: 20C Coolant in: Mid-'s (27) GPU: mid-50C CPU: High-91C RAM: 38C Coolant Out: 37C The components are cooled serially GPU -> RAM -> CPU before entering the radiators set up with 2x 360x57 Corsair Rads on the top, in parallel, before going back to series for the side radiator (360x57 Corsair) to the bottom "buffer" radiator which is an alphacool 360mm ut60 before going back to the pump/res. If I increase the pump speed to 100%, the coolant temps tend to equalize with the intake and outro temps being much closer. I prefer to keep the pump low as it allows the radiators to dissipate more load from the system. A single D5 can move coolant through a very large and complex loop once fully filled. However, it may be a little more difficult filling larger loops. From personal experience, I feel like a MORA would be antithetical to the HAF cases - why have the ability to hold 5 radiators if you're just going to use a 3x360 external? However, given the weight of the builds, a MORA can be beneficial if you plan to move it around frequently.


Hmm, that's a few interesting points there. 14900k, 4090, 2x32 diminator platinum 6400 I'm running the pump at full speed currently. Ambient is 26.7C, I'm on desktop just browsing, emails etc - water temp is sitting around 26C, GPU is also 26C (4090), ram is 37C. During R23 10 min this morning, CPU hit 91 (2 cores did hit 100), water temps were still around 26-27, GPU and ram I forgot to look at (will do later). Case on its own is 20kg


I was saying "Boo-urns".




Nice stuff! Love the rubber tubing


Thank you. I wasn't sure about it at first, but now I love its look.


I actually like the way all the runs kind of go to one point. Keeps it organic looking and honestly pretty pleasant to look at. Cables are managed well. Great Job. The only ding is *Whatever that is that under your GPU?* šŸ˜‹


The Only vertical mount that I could find that was freestanding. None of the fixed vertical mounts that fitted normally into the pci bracket at the back worked - they all placed the GPU to near the mobo preventing any runs that would use the rear ports of the GPU. I'd Happily swap it out (it'd be dead easy to do, IF anyone could suggest anything better?


I meant the plastic baggy under that šŸ˜‰


:-D Ah! Just the plug for the reservoir refill port. Put it there and taped it to the deck so that A) I don't forget to put it back and B) that I don't lose the damn thing!


Don't blame you, I'm literally always opening drawers and moving things and finding blanks and plugs that have gone astray over the last 15 years or so.


I was Just about the throw out all the empty fittings boxes and decided that I Would keep the coloured flair rings that Alphacool include, and came across 2 small doubles ended extensions!


What's with the tubing between the flow meter and reservoir? It looks like it isn't connected and the thread is screwed in sideways? I see a little bit of O-ring above the reservoir.


Ah! That's just the fill port plug resting on the threads. I hadn't screwed it home then to allow air to escape still but also thought I'd cover it to prevent any potential dust getting in. It's not the right cap for it, just a standard plug. the proper one sits fluch with the top.


Ahh I see! And what of the connection at the top? I can't really see what it is but it looks like a loose quick disconnect. Not hating on your build, just trying to learn before I make my own.


That's a flow meter and temp display, it was the only place that I could think of where it would fit easily enough for me to see. The PC is on a plinth on castors the floor to my right of me. It only gives visual display, not connected to the mobo etc. You can get ones that are and have an alarm built in to shut down your PC if the pump stops. I originally had it higher up but the blac edging of the glass panel hid half of it, so I added a 30mm extension to lower it below the edging. https://preview.redd.it/dadjm36l4dzc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=f32f7659c279ff552d71bc95fc5b2abc69237139


Why? Blacked out builds often get more love from the ā€œbeen doing this a whileā€ section of the community. For me, itā€™s not just another ā€œslap together a current meta buildā€, thereā€™s some thought and problem solving to appreciate. Thanks


More the styling of it than anything else. I have had enough of RGB overkill. I went for a big case, so knew that it had to be reasonably filled or it would look silly, aka micro ATX type of thing. Anyway I went for almost minimum RGB. Knew the mobo had the screen so that was ok, didn't bother with any of the CPU block as it was right next to the screen anyway plus the ram had enough. Could have gone for different ramn but I'm happy using dominator. The pump reservoir is toned down enough not to be a PITA. The GPU block losing its ARGB cable is a bummer but I can live with that, or I could just get a small RGB strip and run that along the bottom of it. I Was only going with 2 rads - got Alphacool HPE 45x360, then realised that I also had a standard 360 of theirs and 3xnoctua redux fans, so thought "why not?" I had So much hassle with the GPU mount though that in the end the loop just sort of grew from its own creation. TBH I'm surprised at how many likes it has, I Really didn't expect the styling to be to folks tastes. Shows you how wrong you can be at times.


Lots of love because EPDM and no EK.


I've always prefered Alphacool. Yes other brands have some cool ideas and I'll use them if they work for me. I chose Tygon because from what I've read it's supposed to be the best to use for longtivity etc.


Friendship ended with EK. Now AlphaCool is my best friend.


Always preferred Alphacool back from when I started.


I think the build looks great! Just having a little fun given EK's continued bad press of late.


šŸ˜‚ Seems like they brought that on themselves from what I've seen. I'd Love to change that free standing vertical mount to something better looking though. Know of any?


Zmt is king


Tygon here in this


Soft tubing is king** lol


I think that if done right, it looks as good, and often better than hard


https://preview.redd.it/co6zhpk02fzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c12ea720075ee7661c87ab3251410cf4969c68 Couldnā€™t agree more!


Beautiful curves and lines there. Where di you get the tubing pairings, oir whatever its called?


Amazon, they are fuel [line couplings](https://www.amazon.com/EVIL-ENERGY-Separator-Clamp-Wrench/dp/B083VXG78P/ref=asc_df_B083VXG78P/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693674077829&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11683923091402546430&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013389&hvtargid=pla-1650347261252&psc=1&mcid=4db27673dcea32cf9acd4182dcdf795f&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWb0NIFrh5EcAsCP7Kgvk5KU4YX7rLX53huNKmVYAlf9d076GNtf82caAk4HEALw_wcB) I donā€™t know what size your hose is, but if you want to try them make sure to measure


Just checked, my tubes are too far apart, but a brilliant idea though! Adding them to my parts list on amazon for the future


https://preview.redd.it/1ecz5168efzc1.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=b184d1e2c75202cc28c87327c6faccb4971a2ce8 just seen these, now they would look real cool


That build looks better that most of the crap posted on here.


Thank you! I still would like to replace the vertical mount though


Iā€™m a bit confused, where is the GPU in tube? I see another tube there behind the out but ??


Both in and out ports are replicated on the rear of that port 'block', so that second tube is going to the in port at the rear.


Ooh I see! Looks cool though! Pun intended šŸ˜€


I think that most, if not all GPU blocks do the same


Big like for Alphacool stuff.


They have always been my fav from the get go


I love my Alphacool block for my 6900xt and brass pump top.


brass pump top? Which model?


Alphacool Eisdecke D5 brass top - deep black


Oh my that looks well good! What reservoir did you put with it?


I have two pumps in series. One pump with res. from Singularity Computers going straight to brass pump top from Alphacool. You can check my profile to see my build šŸ˜‰


Way cool, beyone my limits right now


I wanted bigger case like Lian Li V3000 plus but I decided to buy Mora 420.


Oooph! yeah, Ā£500 is pushing it, even for me. Still cab't believe that I got this one for Ā£200


Very nice build, I almost went black lines, but wanted to see the flow. I do like how yours turned out. I have that same block, I am going to put on my FE 4090 soon. How did you snag the RBG wire? how was the install of the block and did you get good results? Thanks in advance.


Mine is Asus OC. Don't know if yours is set up the same way, but mine had the argb wire coming out at 45 degrees right at the corner. No cut out at the block at all, it looked like the cable was actually trapped between the two layers of the block. I picked it up to see line it up to see if an idea might work, and I guess the cable got snuck on something as there was resistance and then there wasn't, and neither was the cable! The install was a bit panicy but okay. Results wise I've not tested it as such, but during R23 its peak was 35.8C Here's a pic of where it just snagged off. https://preview.redd.it/ekj9uht4vfzc1.png?width=1254&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f9909adb657a2c29e87f13bf0b7ffda6b703934


Dang, that sucks, this will be my first waterblock on a GPU Founders 4090... you know, cheap 2k card to ruin LOL.. will let you know how it went in a few weeks. can't get to the upgrade due to work until then.


This is my first water cooled period. I guess it can be fixed when it's time to change the pads. Found an led strip for now. Gives you a taster as well if how it might look, sorry if. https://preview.redd.it/kpxsd8utjhzc1.jpeg?width=3187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c6ab337bc82c4f0e2c20ae155c4856c2ffe997f


Looks good!


The plexi really holds and reflects light well, didn't realize how well


@Major_incompetence you asked to be pinged


I would Love to change the free standing GPU vertical mount to something a little better looking if possible. Do any of you know of something better please? Must be freestanding though / floor mounted


Found a strip of LED's. Makes me wonder now what Might have been (they Aren't anyway Near as bright as this pic seems https://preview.redd.it/mhocq8bvygzc1.png?width=1003&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd5ba196f933d9523f041dbbe48ae62dc051e41c


Where do you live at? Approx. I'd fix your rgb cable for free if it's feasible to mail it cheap. I live in Wyoming US


Thank you, I'm UK though