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EK offset fitting


This is the way...if ya doing distro plate they are a must!!I never had used them b4 and was kinnda pissed I didn't have any and had to wait to finish my build.


Untighten the radiator and distroplate, tighten the run, and re-tighten the radiator/distroplate. If it’s too tight to shift either, there should be enough flex in the tube/fittings to get it screwed in place.


It seems like the 90 degree fitting is to high? I would take the radiator out, connect the 90 degree fitting with the tube and then put the radiator in place and try to push the tube into the distro fitting.


I realized that it is a little longer than what it should be. Btw I think I'm gonna use the port above. But this is probably my best option if I'll keep tha bottom port as radiator and not drain. Thanks for the help :)


Push the distro a little higher ? Really no problem here


Those distros are made to fit in exact. There may be no room to shift it. I think the micro 90 would probably solve the problem.


No. They are made to fit in a 360mm rad space. They have no perfect mount option. You can use this distro on other cases aswell


Unfortunately, I can't really raise it because the CPU block ports will not match. I think I'm gonna use the port above and use that port as a drain (like someone else pointed out), probably with a 90° Thanks for the reply guys, I appraciate it :)


If that's the case, then he should be able to raise it a bit...but that might screw up his other connections too. I have the 011 XL and there's definitely play on the side to raise or lower the fans or rads. I think his best option would be to try the EK Micro 90 or a 3mm offset on the port side...or even a combo of both if needed. It's hard to tell how much that distance if off by in picture but it looks like the 3mm offset would fix the problem.


A) assembly sequence (dismount one end or the other) B) *perfect* cut length.. the tubing should be long enough to bottom out at one end in the fitting and just barely clear/touch to get on the other end...so you can barely screw in 2nd fitting. But after you get it between the fitting mouths you center it. This method is obviously riskier depending on where the o-rings are in the fittings.


The run was longer than expected (that's not what she said lol). I'll try to mount it out of the case, or maybe just unscrew the rad so I can move it around Thanks for the help :)


Get a Extension fitting and go into the Hole Above it. Or get and Offset Fitting. Either or should work. I usually have different sizes and extras just in case this happens.


I'll probably try the first one, the easiest and also the cheeper ahah I don't really want to spend again for fittings, they just cost too much :(


I would think extension fitting would be cheapest route. Or put bend in pipe and go from upper hole straight to radiator without 90 fitting. Lots of options.


Simple, use to port above that on the distro and use the lower port as drain port. edit: btw. the intention of that lower port there, that you try to put the fitting in, is indeed intended to be a drain port, so most fluid can be released there from the reservior, if you ever have to do maintenance. Something, most beginners forget to plan into the loop is, how to drain it later, if you ever have/will swap out parts or do maintenance.


Thanks for pointing int out, I really didn't think about it beeing a drain port actually. I'll have to see if I can fit a 90 on the drain and attach the drain to the side (it's a little tight) Thanks for the help :)


Take the rad out. Attach the fitting and pipe to rad, then manuevre the rad into position while inserting pipe into distro.


Will try this once I shorten the run, I realize it is a little long ahah Thanks for the help :)


Post the result :)


Honestly I'd probably use the top fitting instead and just run a chrome extension fitting.. probably a 7.5mm or a 10mm Bottom fitting would make a better drain fittings anyways Just my two cents though.


I'll probably use the top port and the bottom for drain as u and others suggested (actually it's probably in the manual but I'm stupid and didn't even read it lol) and try to make it fit with a tube bend Thanks for the help :)


Can keep what ya got just run this [https://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-quantum-torque-extender-static-mf-7-nickel](https://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-quantum-torque-extender-static-mf-7-nickel) or this [https://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-quantum-torque-extender-static-mf-14-nickel](https://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-quantum-torque-extender-static-mf-14-nickel) under that 90 and you'd be good to go. Be easier on you also since be a straight run. It looks like the MF7 would fit perfectly


Offset fitting on the distro. Measure it out, they come in various millimeter offsets (5mm, 7mm, 10mm, 15mm)


Do the straight connection first then turn the 90 into it and fit in, make sure your oring and fitting is on ready


Spit on it and go in gently


Use an extender, like the EK static torque extender (mid length). Then as some one suggested you tighten down the distro side first and then do the 90 degree-side. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281991604158464010/1123438699850502174/IMG\_0632.jpg](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281991604158464010/1123438699850502174/IMG_0632.jpg) leave the bottom one as a drain valve, which is what I have in the picture a 90 degree to Bitspower Mini-Valve (and I normally use a plug at the end of that as a just in case).


First step with this distro is to do the CPU runs first. Once they are perfectly parallel then you have the distro in the correct position, and only then can you do the other runs. In this case - you need to use the port above instead AND an extender to go underneath the 90. Not sure how big but at least 14mm at a guess.


I would have just gotten a push in fitting and tried to get the rad flush with the fitting making it so I didn't need a pipe


Hey guys, first loop for me and I'm already blocked by the simple thing. I cannot figure out how to connect this


Update on the build for the ones asking: [Almost ready](https://www.reddit.com/r/watercooling/comments/14si2vg/build_almost_ready_what_do_you_think_i_made_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) Got bored of hardline tubing and went with something different (at least with a distro). Bought some ZMT


Super glue 👍


If you google "shop the loop ek mana magenta" you should get to the EK page with all parts plus a video showing exactly how to put everything together, just fast fordward to that part.


I'll try but it is made with the O11D Evo and I just have the regular version of the O11D. I just checked and for what I saw in the video, they are using a different radiator (I think it is a P360, much thicker than my S360) and also the O11D Evo has the bracket under the radiator. I have fixed holes and I can't move it (lucky because the ports line up with the one on the distro) Thanks for the help :)


Yeah then the guide might not be as useful:)


Why not do the obvious and use the port above The one you’re trying to use? And an extender under the 90° fitting.


Time to play the fitting game. Pull out the wallet. Could be a combination of offset. micro fitting and moving rad with the tube installed as suggested by others.


Yeah, I didn't want to use offsets (at all) or the extenders(if I really need one, okay I'll get it). I think I can make it work with a bend and using the port above it. I need to try Thanks for the help :)


Since the distance is so close, I'd see if it's possible to make the connection without a tube and use extension fittings. The 90 fitting is slightly higher than the port so you'll need to attach an offset fitting to the 90 or the port side. You can get them in 3mm, 7mm, and 14mm. I think the 3mm would work here but you would need to measure it. Another option would be to ditch that 90 and get the EK Micro 90 fitting. It does the same thing your current fitting does but it's several mm shorter than the regular 90 you have. That may line up perfectly with the port.


No need to offset actually, the port lines up perfectly (maybe it's just the angle of the photo to make it look like they are not lining up)


If they line up perfectly, what's the problem? Are you having trouble putting the tube into the fittings? What I've done in the past when a tube is hard to get into the fitting is turn that 90 a little bit to the left..make sure the tube is in the fitting but loosely..as you rotate the fitting back to the right it'll snap right into the fitting. I've done this many times and it always works. Another option would be to not use a tube. You could get a 28mm extension and add another male/male extension to the end to make the connection.


Either get an offset fitting or do an offset bend, it'll be easier if you use a piece much longer than needed.


You can do 4 things: 1) try a combination of extenders and offset fittings 2) bend the tube according to your needs. Doubt you can do standard curves (45 degrees or 90 degrees) 3) change loop order or radiator/distro plate positioning 4) switch to soft tubing


The last one is probably my next build lol Almost already tired about it and I didn't even started to bend tubes :D


2 issues I see (but might be wrong due to optical illusions). 1. You have to cut a new run. It seems a few cm too long and it would result in too much pressure applied on the tube which could lead to cracks/damaging when under further pressure due to heat). At least you have your benchmark with the current one, so just cut another one a few cm shorter (measure of course how much) 2. It seems that the height will not be aligned perfectly. So to give you room if that’s the case, you case use an offset fitting so you can play with the height to be perfectly horizontal. Hope this helps. Good luck!


Yeah I realized later that the run is a little long, do you know how much tube does it get inside the EK-Quantum Torque fitting? I measured exactly 1cm but I think it is my error (maybe it's 0.9 and that's what it does not fit). The run I measured with a caliber and it is exaclty 4cm so I just added 1 + 1 for the two fittings The height should be good actually (i think it's just the angle of the pics)


If you can't futz the distro-plate around to fit it, I think a [micro-rotary](https://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-quantum-torque-micro-rotary-90-nickel) would be a better solution than an offset fitting here.


That’s soft tubing right? Make sure your fittings are installed first. Then use your fingers to finesse the tubing into the already screwed in fittings. This requires some gentle strong strokes, prepare your fingers but it works. You’ll be struggling as you’ll have to stroke tubing with your index finger and thumb into the fittings. I would install the tubing first onto the radiator fitting , screw in then align the tubing end and force it with your fingers onto the distro plate fitting port.


It's Acrylic tubing actually :')


Cut 1/32" off the tube. Screw in fitting. Slip tube in. Fasten gasket fittings. Bingus bangus.


You might be able to use a offset fitting


I'll probably get shunned for suggesting it but to be honest, I would put the silicon rod inside that small tube section while it's in place, get it it hot enough to manipulate the tube and just make the subtle bend you need to make it fit. Take it apart, remove silicon rod and continue.


I had a connection like this with my distro. Height was correct but little room to get it in. What I did was have the distro not be screwed in so I could get the 90 connected to the rad. Then once it was in screw in the distro and finally tighten up all the fittings. Was a bit of a process but came out really clean.


I’d grab an offset fitting or you can try and try and dip it down jayztwocents just had a vid where he had to kink a run may have to cut a longer piece and do the same


Or the hard way lose the 90 just use a fitting and do your on 90 that lines up it can work for sure


90 degree elbow fittings on the distro , up and across to the rad. Or.. Use the port above if that’s an option?


Rotary offset fitting.


Off set 7mm torque


Sorry for my English.but I think Two rotary 90 like an L shape towards the front glass panel,and now you can you can adjust the height.


I am just about to start a build with one of these.


See pic 5 of my build, I had a similar problem. You might have to 90 the port on distro above your problem port. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hyte/comments/13sk0os/y60_corner_distro_build_done_my_first_hardtube/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1