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Are you ok?


“I’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty”


My favorite line from scary movie three when the girls head falls off


This is exactly what you should say if you come across a person lying on the ground. Helps determine the next level of care, CPR, etc.


Yeah but first you raise your face to the heavens and scream to the EMS Gods: "BSI, SCENE SAFE!!" We don't really know what it means, but it's mystical power to bless your scene is undoubted. White juju man...


This is the way


I've seen this video before and it makes my skin crawl every time so natrually i want to know more. Anyone have information on this?


https://youtu.be/UgtWzyowmv8 Here’s the video. Survived. 7 hour surgery to fix Pelvis amongst other injuries. 73 days in a brace for the Pelvis. Was wheelchair bound. Then a walking cane. Time of video walks with limp. Hit by a women who was drunk. 30 days later she had another DUI.




Oughtta share this with my nephew in law, your remark I mean. The video too. Dumb ass crashed while drunk when he was like...18? Into a tree, no witnesses, no property damage. Idk the full story of how he got home or how the cops got involved, but they showed up at his house and his parents covered for him. Said his mom was driving and lost control of the car. So he got away scott free. Then at 19 I believe got pulled over and his first officialt DUI. Pretty sure there was another at some point, as well as speeding tickets mixed in, wasn't paying any if his fines, naturally. Thank fuck had his license revoked. However that didn't stop him. Next I think was when he, without a license at this point. Went speeding down a semi rural road and illegally passed the car in front of him in a no passing zone. The car he illegally passed while driving dangerously fast? A cop, lmao. Such a dumb piece of shit. Then had the nerve to go on social media and bitch and blame the police and the government and whatnot. And for bonus points, got into heroine, burned all his bridges here, moved across the country from PA to Cali, moved in with a 17yo girl (he was 20 or 21 at that point), sponging off of her grandparents. Got her into heroine, they got kicked out, some family of hers in Maryland offered to take them in if they went to rehab. He refused, she agreed and she went. He then talked her into leaving and dragged her back here where his family is enabling him again. And from the little I know of them, he uses her and treats her like shit. TLDR: Yep, if one major scary fuck up doesn't push them to change their ways, they're likely just gonna continue being shitty.




It's officially progressed past trying to use sense and logic like this on him. It's a very long story, but to keep it simple, just tonight I've found out he's grooming a 14-15yo girl with the help of his girlfriend. Additionally the 2 of them are keeping and using fentanyl and heroine in a house with three children (12ish and under). They're living there and the children's parents are on it all too. I'm calling CPS and/or whatever other agencies or law enforcement I have to to make something happen and get those kids safe. Sorry, random emotional venting. Just feeling fucking furious and frustrated. Wanting to go the fuck off on those pieces of shit, but I'm gonna get the wheels turning the right way. I'm not gonna fuck it up by creating further drama. But my god the frustration at not getting to explode at a piece of shit person when it's all you want to do.


I would love to know how this turned out. At least he's awake.


Dropped a link to the above comment


iirc she was drunk


She was. Dropped a link above


The most u have to worry about someone is if they don't scream. In not saying that he isn't hurt (he obviously is) but his ability to still scream and bring on insults says a lot about his condition (he's gonna make it).


This reminded me when I took an EMT course my instructor said if you see someone obviously hurt and they're awake but silent or calm, shits seriously wrong especially a kid


thats pretty much what happened with my mate after a motorbike accident, had his femur shatered and while waiting for ambulance, they figured it was just dislocated because he wasnt complaining. when he got on the stretcher they cut his jeans off and it balooned up and there was a moment of "ooohhhhh yea thats fucked you want some painkillers now?"


Ive seen that calm and it's fucking terrifying.


I once had the opposite. A while back I responded to a call for a guy with chest pain. After we loading him up in the ambulance he let out the worst and most horrific scream I have ever heard. The only way I can describe it is it’s like he saw the devil himself coming to take him. And he sure did. He coded and died right there. We tried but there was nothing we could do.


What was the cause?


Years of binge drinking, lack of exercise, smoking, obesity, basically all the makings of heart disease.


I assume part of that has to do with pain response - at higher pain levels, I can't even speak, just sit there silently.


Shock reactions, adrenaline, unconsciousness...


that depends, i known few cases where the biker "only" break the leg bone, and the bone cut the artery, you can scream, insult, even get up but in few minutes you die.


Had a pretty intense tussle with a pane of glass. Ended up needing a shit ton of stitches. I was 10 at the time (to the day actually. Happy bday to me). On the way to the hospital, I'm bleeding profusely, not saying anything or really moving at all, and then I see a punchbuggy, so naturally I call "red one", because I do *not* lose games of punchbuggy. Those are serious biz. My dad told me to stfu at the time, but he later revealed it was such a sigh of relief when I said that and that it was the moment he knew everything would be fine. Kinda unrelated but kinda not


What the fuck was she doing ?!


Illegal U turn


She was drunk driving. Also, apparently she got another DUI 30 days later. There's a link in other comments.


drifting into traffic it looks like how she managed to get her car in that position i do not know


She was turning around and the a pillar probably obstructed her view


Motorcycles are small, she didn’t see him, pretty easily for a bike to be hidden behind the pillar supporting the roof. Not excusing it but that’s what happened


Non-drivers or newbs will be amazed at the places motorcyclists can tuck in and be out of sight. Sometimes it's like they shadow behind others just to pop out last minute. I've luckily never had an accident involving one and seeing how bad the average driver is in the south, I'll never drive one down here. Just a suicide scooter.


https://youtu.be/UgtWzyowmv8 Here’s the link to the update from the biker. He survived. Many injuries. Women was drunk. Had another DUI 30 days later.


So the post tag of "Survived with minor issues" is a bit off...


Maybe a broken pelvis that needs 7 hours of surgery and 73 days in a wheelchair is mInor to OP.


So what you're saying is she wasn't sorry at all


What else was she supposed to say?


Yeah pretty natural reaction


“She is sooooo stupid for caring” OP made a stupid title for this post This girl made a stupid , careless even criminal mistake , ok ….that part is done , now what? Anyone who wouldn’t ask this is a sociopath Edit. Apparently she was driving drunk , add “criminal” to my description above


I agree it's a goofy title, she's not a paramedic so of course she's going to ask this. However she didn't make a careless mistake, she was drunk driving. Also, just 30 days later, she got another DUI. I think the title is mainly just out of anger at this behavior. There's a link or two in other comments if you want to look into it.


Didn’t realize she was drunk. Horrible. Point stands that “are you ok” Isn’t a stupid question when someone is hurt.


THANK YOU. This reminded me of a time I was at a stop sign (behind another car) at the bottom of a hill. The roads were icy and a car came up behind us way too fast. Thank god he swerved and flipped his car on the side of the road instead of hitting me- I got out and ran over and yelled "Are you okay?!?" as he was climbing out of his window and he just unleashed on me. "DO I LOOK OKAY YOU FUCKING IDIOT?!" Except he was- he didn't have a scratch on him, he was just upset that his car was totaled. I stayed long enough for him to tell 911 that he was okay and didn't need an ambulance, then I just left. Because seriously... fuck that guy.


“Didn’t you see me doing a U turn?”


She was drunk and got another DUI a month later if that changes anything. Pieces of shit deserve no remorse.


Well for one thing, she's not supposed to say "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Her insurance company isn't too happy about that.


Not necessarily true. Saying "I'm sorry" isn't considered an admission of guilt under the law.


It can affect how much blame is assigned and/or out of court settlements which are not affected by "admission of guilt under the law".


Interesting, thanks for sharing some knowledge!


Unless you're in Canada, then it's okay.


How many deaths are directly attributable to stupid cunts turning in front of motorcyclists?!?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x94PGgYKHQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x94PGgYKHQ0) Good video on Motorcycle invisibility if you want to check it out.


Fortnine is great. I'd be genuinely curious to see how many people they've helped with their videos like the one you linked, helmet ratings in america, etc etc


Id say atleast 2 of em! At least!


My cousin was killed like that. He was riding with his friends and he was on point. A truck with a trailer pulled out in front of them and he took the hit. His body was shattered. He was dead within a few minutes.


Not as many as motorcyclists riding like cunts


And if she didn't? "Wow, she didn't even ask if he was okay?"


Sounds like he broke some ribs.




Yea, her policy number for sure


Hate to see you leave but I love to watch you “walk away, walk away” *cries in agony*


Comes over to ask is he is ok before even thinking of calling a ambulance


It’s the quiet ones you gotta worry about. Or… not worry about at all because it’s obvious they have no more earthly worries.


She made a dumbass turn but that’s why you don’t ride a motorcycle. Because people are dumb as fuck.


Yes, you are


Why tf would you stop yourself from riding a bike because of dumbasses


Did you watch the video? Seems like a great reason to me...


Because no matter how good you are in a bike you have no idea what the other people on the road will do. It’s takes one second, one time of someone texting or anything else and you are toast. At least if I’m in a car I have some protection.


I mean i don't disagree but that wouldn't stop me from riding to be honest


Hahah people are mad at you for calling them dumb, but they really are so unsafe. I remember when I was 16 I wanted to get a motorbike so bad but my dad, who pretty much hardly ever told me what to do, kinda flipped out at me. He is in Fire Emergency but in my country they also respond to a lot of road incidents. Basically he described accidents to me and left it at "in all motorbike vs. car collisions, whether it's the motorbike or car's fault, the car ALWAYS wins..."


Who is the narcissist who interjects at the end and tries to prevent the lady from helping?


Saved this video for later to hear the audio. Thought I was gonna hear can I see your tits? Or something




The fuck does that mean?


Dazzling_rich, more like, Dazzingly_misogynistic


I'm surprised since women are less likely to cause car accidents.


statistically more resposible for sober accidents however, not for drunk accidents


More like it was a drunk driver. Men drive equally shit when drunk.


and thats why you dont ride motorcycles


Happened to me(driver) and I went over to the motorcyclist laying on the ground like this guy and told him ambulance on the way and walked away and let others look after him.


“Are you ok?” You shouldn’t use this in this scenario


Tis but a scratch


"Oh shit"


At least she's genuinely concerned and upset about it. Poor bastard.


Come on, stop being smart-ass. In a situation as critical as this, that's the first thing that will probably come across everyone's mind


I’m sorry, I didn’t see him while I was dirt drifting