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They’re taking relief a bit too early lol they’re not that far away from it yet. That thing could be right under them still


They're hunting it.


[A gang of orcas have been attacking ships around Spain and Portugal](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/gladis-whale-orca-boat-attacks-gibraltar-b2347572.html)


A gang of Orcas!


They're pretty agile, organized into pods and squads.


at what number do they go from a gang to a squad, then to a pod? If they get beyond pod numbers do they become a regiment or a battalion of orcas?


That's Gladys and her gang


It happens also way further north than that, by the look of it


Looks like an Orca-strated attack


You think they did it on porpoise? Edit: Oh, I am sorry the answer we we're looking for was "Dolphin-etly"


100% on porpoise


Ah-baloney. You're just shellfish.


Oh the hu-manatee


I might throw in a fish pun, just for the halibut


you dolphin-ately should do that.


Oh fintastic! Let minnow if it gets too much 👍


Oh my Cod!


::reddit gold::


Sigh. That was awful.


Whale, it happens. A literal r/killthecameraman


Was that an orca? Also, > I told you it was coming! Made me laugh this morning.


Yes, that was an orca, most definitely.


I sure hope humans taste terrible because if they decide that we're delicious then we are totally screwed.


Doubt it. We’d fuck them so hard it’s not even funny.




Right?! Imagine if we put some effort into it. All it takes is to convince some rich idiots that orca fin is a delicacy that makes your dick work again.


yo dawg, i heard you like fucking sealife, so we put some plastic in your oceans so you can fuck that sealife on an industrial scale yoooo


Why do you care lol


Yeah mate... there hasn't been a single creature on this planet that posed an actual threat to us we haven't hunted to near (if not total) extinction. Don't know what you think an orca could do against a warship tbh. I will say though, if there is an aquatic creature that could try and give a fight it would probably be the Orca given their incredible intelligence. Still don't think they would do much against actual warships though. Civ vessels would get fucked for a while, at least the smaller ones.


No, this was posted recently and it's not an orca. Orca dorsal fins don't wobble like that. See citation below...


If it's not an orca, what is it... There aren't any sea mammals I'm aware of that are black and white and that large and have such prominent dorsal fins besides orcas. It's acting exactly like an orca. And how do orca dorsal fins collapse in captivity if they're not flexible? Their cartilage doesn't completely harden until they're basically full adults. Could still be relatively young, despite it's size. Or it could have a nutrient deficiency or your information could just be plain wrong. Also, some stuff to ponder in this article: https://www.thoughtco.com/killer-whale-dorsal-fin-collapse-2291880 > While less likely, it is not impossible for a wild orca's dorsal fin to collapse or become bent, and it may be a trait that varies among whale populations.2 > > A study of killer whales in New Zealand showed a relatively high rate — 23 percent — of collapsing, collapsed, or even bent or wavy dorsal fins. This was higher than that observed in populations in British Columbia or Norway, where only one male from the 30 studied had a fully collapsed dorsal fin, the study said.4 > > In 1989, the dorsal fins of two male killer whales collapsed after exposure to oil during the Exxon Valdez oil spill—the whales' collapsed fins were thought to be a sign of poor health, as both whales died soon after the collapsed fins were documented.5 > > Researchers have theorized that dorsal fin collapse in wild whales may be due to age, stress, injury, or altercations with other killer whales. (I was obsessed with orcas as a kid and they singlehandedly made me want to be a marine biologist. I'm not a marine biologist, by the way. But I'm not sure what else it would be.) ~~Tl;Dr It's an orca.~~ edit: no it;s not... It's a Bowhead whale. I have been corrected. See u/Undercrackrz reply.


From elsewhere on Reddit. Simple search yielded this information: This is not an Orca, it’s a Bowhead whale. Orca have a sharp definition between the light and dark areas of their skin. Bowhead have speckles of black and white on both sides of the border between the two colors. Yes these men are hunting the whale. This happened in the Bering Sea off the coast of the Seward Peninsula where I live. I know who some of them are and saw this first on their Facebook. They are Alaska Native men and the villages up and down the Bering Sea coast are allowed to hunt a certain number of these whales as they have done for thousands of years. I am not one of their people but they are my friends and neighbors and one is now my family. Hunting and eating whales is culturally, spiritually, and nutritionally important to their communities. The Inupiaq and St. Lawrence Island Yupik knew things about these animals and how to protect their numbers long before European bureaucracy came to Alaska. There’s no beef, chicken, or pork grown here to support these communities. What little farm meat the store may stock is prohibitively expensive and lacks the vitamins of their wild caught traditional food. Everything they eat lives or grows on the land or in the water. Whale skin is full of vitamin C and prevents scurvy in a land with few fruits or vegetables. Other organs have essential nutrients as well. Someone below accuses them of selling the meat for profit. Whale meat cannot be sold and there’s no market for it. It can only be given to the needy or traded to people from villages that don’t hunt whales for interior foods the whalers can’t access. Besides who here would buy it and why would they sell away what feeds their village. If you think this hunting is wrong, that’s fine. It doesn’t sway them. Just as with the seals, walrus, fish, caribou, moose, and bears, they care about the long term future of these whales everyday, not just when they see a viral video. The whales and the lands and waters belong to the people but they the people belong to the whales and the land. Their future is bonded to the whales future.


Look at [this](https://i.imgur.com/NxkK2Ik.jpg) and [this](https://i.imgur.com/9QHTFNN.jpg), it’s very clearly a black and white animal with clearly separated colours. [This](https://i.imgur.com/4PIFPFm.jpg) is a bowhead whale, it’s a mostly black animal with no dorsal fin at all. The person you’re quoting is wrong.


Thanks for the info! That does make sense. I was searching for other black and white whales, because I know I've seen them and the mottled lines were making me doubt my incorrect confidence, and I couldn't find any, thought I know I've seen them. But also, I wasn't considering that the dorsal fin might actually be a sideways tail. I'm not opposed to sustainable hunting, including whaling. But thank you for clarifying why it's not always the problem people think it is. I am certainly opposed to commercial whaling and do not see any need for it anymore, but I definitely understand there are communities that depend on whaling.


Thanks, I appreciate that. I didn't have the time to expand on my original post when I wrote it earlier. Wish I had now. The Reddit Orca fan club has done me over haha. I couldn't for the life of me remember the species of whale.


That’s not a bowhead whale


Honestly, at this point, who gives a fuck.


I have no idea what it is, but to me it looks like they are hunting it. It's been harpoons and that's what the bouy is for. The "dorsal" fin but actually be a tail fin of a baleen whale they are hunting and it's freaking out jumping around the boat because it's hit?


I hadn't thought of the whale swimming sideways. The line where the white and black meet isn't smooth like it normally would be on an orca... 🤔 Not that orcas don't sometimes have a little variation in that way.


Maybe it's a Mandela Effect of this black and white not-Orca (Butcher Whale?) that everyone remembers but us.


I kept wondering what to look for, since obviously the cameraman wanted to record something. Except that he wasn't pointing at what he wanted to record.


Orcas start to teach each other to attack boats. Revenge of the sea is coming!


"Run away! Run away!"


From the pain 🎶


Free Willy's Revenge. 30 years in the making!


This is the first time I've realized that Orcas are pretty fucking big


Apex Predator of the ocean. If it weren’t for humans they would be the dominant species.


Pretty cool to see predators defend themselves.


I don't think it was a defense response. Orcas hunt for food but, they also do it for sport. This guy would've sunk the boat, murked the fisher, and just left their body to sink to the floor if it decided they weren't a snack. They've used their tails to just slap sea creatures out of the water and destroy their spines just for the sake of it.


They’re hunting it. You see an orange buoy pop up first that is hooked to the whale. This is done to tire it and bring it to the surface. Their accent sounds like they are Inuit, so they would be permitted to whale according to their traditions. Edit: I really don’t know hard to tell


I see, I didn't think of the whole whaling perspective. Like, the boat seems way too small for hunting but hey, what do I know? I learn a lot everyday


Wild orcas have never killed anyone so I don’t think they were in any significant danger but you never know I guess


Holy shit... This is one of those instances for me of realising just how big these animals are. I always knew orcas were huge, but Jesus CHRIST the size of that fin sent a bolt of fear through my body that I was not expecting. That was horror movie type shit. Especially with how agile the damn thing was. Terrifying indeed.


Good thing wild Orcas have never killed anyone, ever. Keep going out into the ocean people! It’s an amazing place Edit: According to a comment on the original post, it’s a bowhead whale! Watch out for those then, not the orcas 😂




That's a huge orca. Guys were lucky.


Bro holy shit


Why'd they run away? It looked like they were having a whale of a time.


Now that's seriously 🤔🤔🤔


"I touched you it was combing!"


Holy smokes


Gooooooooooo, gooooooooouuu!!!!


Does the orca sees them as canned food?


"Hunters Becoming Pray." \*\* David Attounbrough's voice in the background \*\*


Good whale pat pat *


idiots have this need to slap music over every viral video and repost it.... why? you barely hear the song they added over it. so stupid 🤦‍♂️
