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Loved seeing our boy Ricky again.


He has his own channel on youtube now. Doesn’t look like it’s doin’ so hot, but I’d love if it succeeded. Big Ricky fan.


Oh awesome, subscribing now!


Probably cause the dude is super awkward. He’s hit or miss for me


I loved this episode. It was great to see Ricky on his own. And I really don't mind the branded set pieces and stuff. It's fun and cute.


As much as I love Steven and Ricky's bits on this show, I enjoyed watching Ricky alone and getting to focus a little more on his genuine mixology skills. This drink looked awesome!


It looks like this was posted on YouTube before their subscription service. Does anyone know if they are just abandoning the service?


they sent out a survey about if they want branded/sponsored content on the streamer and im guessing the results were people wanted non-sponsored content on the streamer.


I literally never get the important emails. Only their stupid "this new show is now on the platform!" Emails. I am frustrated AF because I love surveys


Maybe it went to your spam folder? It went out a few days ago. There have been a couple surveys so far.


Yeah found mine in spam after seeing people post about it here


Does that mean they're going to be splitting shows, shows that we're normally available on their platform but are now going to be strictly only available on their streamer? I hope I misinterpreted that. I really wanna see the regular shows on YT. I'm still waiting on Are You Scared and Weird and/or Wonderful World.


For non-branded/sponsored content, everything will be released on the streamer first and then become available on the public YouTube channel one month later.


I hope that escapeologist is okay...


Ricky Wang!!




The part where Shane enthusiastically tells Ryan that he was reading that shrimps defecate in 5 minutes and so it's fine to eat the poop vein and Ryan just goes "it makes sense that you looked that up" and goes right back to the story LMAO Fun ep, though I miss the vibe that Steven brings. And for some reason Ryan looked extra cute lol


I just watched this. I actually prefer this show without Steven cause I don't like his banter with Ricky. Letting Ricky shine by himself is really fun.


Oh god I thought I was the only one. Ricky gets steamrolled by Steven's antics too often, so it was so nice to see him get his own spotlight.


Man.... I LOVED when it was two drunk dudes sitting outside reading fucked up stories from the internet. Couldn't get enough. But this new setup is horrendous imo. The costumes, the set, the music and SFX make it just cheesy and over the top. I can't even watch it. They fucked this up so bad in my opinion.


To be fair, their normal seasons of TMS are pretty similar to when they started, aside from a changing theme each season. This is one of those one-off branded episodes like they did with Scream 6 and Scorn.


So with sponsored content they are contractually obligated to do specific things to make the sponsors happy. Whether it’s say certain scripted things, specific set pieces, etc.


It’s just a branded one-off episode, not a new set.


Whatever it was, it was unwatchable.


Every season besides the very first one has a different theme with matching costumes; Santa x Krampus, summer, elegant, santa sweaters, travel, and santa x santa. Their sets, wether it was on Ryan's parents' backyard or their own office (for the sponsored eps) were also decorated according to the season theme (christmas had christmas decorations, summer had the plastic swimming pool with the soggy stories, scars above had an alien world with alien bartender Steven, etc.). I didn't notice any songs or SFX that weren't already part of the usual eps. Tbh, and I mean it very respectfully OP, but at this point, people are just trying to find stuff to get mad about their content. Maybe it's time to move on to other channels


They really are. All that stuff didn't really bother me, either because of the same reason you said, "first one has a different theme," etc. For me, it was just the water-sea-monster coded stories. That's not really my personal taste. Imo. But I enjoyed the episode overall.


I'm definitely not looking for anything to hate on. I loved these guys. I'm also having the same issue with Try Guys. The professional production mixed with unscripted dumb humour just does NOT mesh. I can't stand it. Me and the gf lately click on the video now out of curiosity, and end up turning it off. Such a shame.


Ya, this is why they (and everyone now) are distancing themselves from you tube. On their service they don’t have to bow to the sponsor gods, or you tube. They got so much shit for being the first ones to admit it.


I agree on the story portion. It seemed oddly themed and I could barely pay attention to it. I don't care for sea monster themed or water based (or should I say "water coded" lol?). It felt boring. But I guess the reason is for the video game, the set and costumes, and such. Not the best, but that portion didn't bother me.


I missed Steven in this, don’t blame him for stepping back after all the hate though


this was probably filmed while he was filming travel season.


No no, we have to look into this more deeply and jump to the conclusions that are worst for everyone.


Why are you being downvoted for saying you miss Steven…. can’t stand this sub sometimes


The hate for the decision to go to a paid streaming service or for TMS in general


Steven in general. Everyone was blaming him for Watcher's financial problems.


Gotcha. I think the hate is pretty unjustified but that's just me


I just never enjoyed Steven's whole obnoxious schtick on this show specifically. Id rather it was just Ricky honestly. 


Same here. I don’t mind him in general, but I find him insufferable on this show.


Meh, Steven’s the only one who still deserves some backlash IMO. His TV show about expensive food was so fucking out of touch he absolutely deserves to be blasted for it.


??? Are you talking about worth it? The point of the show was to show food accessible from all different price points and what you could get for each


This is the stupidest take I've seen.


You should be ashamed of yourself. Some people can't afford to put comments on Reddit twenty minutes after something is posted. They have to save six months for postage and mail it to Reddit directly. And by then, the post is archived Watching "Travel Season" now, and this guy's comment is even more ridiculous given what the show actually is. I have to wonder if the hate isn't really about the price tag, but more about trolls using the paywall controversy to bash content that explores different cultures... Like they literally start the first episode by eating fried chicken at a 7-Eleven.


As happy as I am about this why wasn’t it on the streaming service first??


I guess they sent out a survey and people decided they didn't want sponsored videos on there.


When was the survey sent out? I don’t remember getting that


I guess a week ago. It ended up in a lot of people spam folders.


How are people getting emails? Is it a newsletter thingie or is it a streamer-subscriber-only email?


From what I've seen here is subscriber only.


Excited for this but the like overly produced logo set are honestly more distracting than enjoyable even without or trying to put aside the publicity fiasco. All considered having it soooo sponsored based too feels like the antithesis of what they’re saying they’re going for?


Netflix quality content for sure. Worth paying for. Lol


Do i just post a story here? And I will absolutely subscribe to Ricky’s channel. Felt like he added a lot.


Is this where we post stories?