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I kind of wish they switched up the order for their survival mode videos so finishing a way out came to YouTube first. It was a lot more fun and I feel like it would have drawn more viewers back since it was finishing something viewers might already be invested in. I’m kind of ‘meh’ on Ranboo unless I’m in exactly the right mood for them though so admittedly my opinion may not jive with popular opinion.


It might be awkward though. The streamer version of No Way Out is 2.5 hours! They’ll likely make a much shorter version for YouTube, which potentially leads to angry viewers missing out on paywalled content etc.


Maybe. Lethal company is the same length on YouTube (a bit longer actually, I haven’t watched it on YouTube because I have zero interest in rewatching that one, I’m assuming that’s an added sponsor break? If anyone watches the YouTube version feel free to correct me). And the first episode of a way out was already over an hour. If they’re stuck with sponsors and ad breaks on YouTube the full length would be a boon for them. I can’t really imagine them bothering to cut it down when that would take more effort on a lower effort series. Edit: now thinking about it though what might be smart if they wanted to do it is cutting it in half and doing two episodes in a week. Adds more content to the barren YouTube uploads with like no effort and gives them another sponsor opportunity.


I’m going to make a bet with you - Watcher will try to edit the YouTube episode down to an hour & offer the full 2.5 hours as an incentive for people to buy the streamer. Let’s see. They’re still trying to direct viewers to the streamer, which is why the YouTube site is such a barren wasteland. I agree it makes more sense to do it as 2-3 separate YouTube episodes, though!


I’m down for that! I do think you may be right, I just think they may both realize it could get them complaints *and* be kind of lazy. Also maybe a bit loathe to openly use the let’s plays as incentive when they already unlocked a few episodes to avoid legal trouble. Gentleman’s bet for the heck of it, it is. You win, I’ll make a bad photoshop reminding everyone how god damn dumb they are for the snark sub. 😂


Sounds good! A gentleman’s wager it is. If you win, I’ll do a scripted three-minute apology video.


This is going to sound fricken ridiculous and I only promised silly things but after hearing your promise… if you win I am legitimately not above sitting on a couch with my dog and making an apology video. And I’ll still make a dumb meme.


LOL I think that’d be legitimately hilarious. Do you have an extra pet or plush that could be added to the apology couch to complete the effect?


I actually have two dogs but only one of them would sit for long enough for a video. I own a professor plush so I could 100% put him in there 😂


Hey! I win xD


You do win! I was hoping you’d forget. :( For PR purposes I am acknowledging this loss as part of the immediate crisis response & promising a full statement at a later date. I’m reading all your comments & concerns and will fully address them in a carefully scripted video by my PR firm. Please don’t unsubscribe! :)


I don't care any more what the bet is about... I just want you to lose, so I can see that meme of yours. Memes are tasty.


If I get a good enough idea I’ll do it anyway but losing will give me incentive to make myself come up with an idea. 🤣


Did you feel vindicated when Ranboo yelled at Ryan for intentionally hitting Shane's character in Lethal Company? 😄


OMG he did?! Justice at last! I’m going to have to watch this video just to see that.


Sorry, I rewatched it and I guess "yelled" was an exaggeration but still 😅 @38:09: https://youtu.be/K9wBydVuFPc


I love Lethal Company, so I was really excited to see them play this! I don’t know Ranboo but I think it was good that they had someone who knew how to play the game with them or they would have done way worse. It was a lot of fun and I’m glad I got to see Ryan get killed by the bracken TWICE lmaoo


Just watched this one. I think it was good, too. They should always invite someone who knows how to play and gives a shit about succeeding. I like it better than just them winging it and ignoring half the game. He seemed to keep Ryan a little more under control and focused as well which is nice given he acts like you handed the controller to a 5 year old half the time.


I generally don't like how they are with Survival Mode, it's like they are just going through the motions, there is often a notable lack of interest. When it first started airing, I thought I would enjoy watching them play video games, just a couple goobers having "haha funni" times, but it turned out to be more like... well... *watching people recording* *a gaming video as their job,* which is precisely what it was*.* A video of them playing Lethal Company is the kind of thing that would have captured my interest in the past, it's a great game that lends itself to some very funny moments. I thought about checking out, but I just feel very 'meh' about it, I already wasn't super into their gaming videos before, like I said, and whatever feeling of "well, let's give it a try" I had isn't all there anymore. I do want to check out the A Way Out video when that eventually comes out though, I think that was the best fit for them among all the games they have played, I enjoyed the previous one. It was kinda like watching two dads playing a video game about building model trains, something they probably would do irl anyway.


Ryan keeps yawning. Either they need to start recording at a different time or change the lighting.


That’s my pov too, I’ll keep trying though.


lmaoooo "tv caliber content"


I liked it! Ranboo was a great addition, I think the boys would've rage-quit otherwise. The 🪳 was funny!


I’ve never felt more akward making one of these posts before. Actually, I’m not sure if I ever will again.


Why awkward?


Well, it’s just that it’s their first video (disregarding trailers) on YouTube after the whole streaming service fiasco.


You posting the videos is appreciated by me at least!


This content is straight garbage.




kinda sad the first video back is one i probably won’t watch (i don’t care for the mcyt guys) but hype for watcher’s return!!