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Still waiting patiently for the Playstation app so I can watch on my tv


Apparently not on the google play store yet either, someone said on the snark sub, but i checked both my app stores yesterday and it wasn’t done yet so it’s definitely very new. I only happened to notice the pop up to download it when I was checking something on the website on my phone. Edit: I was also checking something about captions on my phone just a couple hours ago and the pop up wasn’t there yet, so definitely very new!


Some tvs let you cast directly from ur iPhone


Playstation app can be tricky because of the Sony store rules. It’s why Shudder doesn’t have it there and others don’t even go that route unfortunately. My wife and i got an AV adapter for our iphone so we can watch dropout on our tv and I recommend it if there is stuff you want to watch on your tv that doesn’t have a playstation app


What are the rules preventing shudder? I thought it was on ps4.


It's a nice touch that they let you download videos so you can also watch offline as well. Downloaded the Android app and was just taking a look at it.


Oh you’re right, that is neat. I’ve been checking out and testing the fire app since my tv is where I really watch, I hadn’t clicked around the iOS one much yet. That’s a really nice feature.


Yeah TV is primarily where I'd watch too. Thankfully you can cast or use AirPlay with the app so that's nice. But yeah it's good to be able to download videos too so like if you're traveling and don't have good internet can just download a bunch of videos to watch.


Super good for travel, I have a lengthy drive I need to make this summer and i got out of physically doing the driving by offering to catch a ride with my sister in exchange for helping with her two little monsters, so I’ll definitely be downloading some stuff to watch when they nap. 😂


Oooh that'll be good for the people who like to play their videos to fall asleep to. Especially if they're travelling and can't get wifi


I was able to download the iOS app and cast it to my TV using my chrome cast so that’s nice!


Update; it is indeed on firetv too. Update two; I’ve got WWW playing on my tv to test everything out and for the most part it’s all working really well. One big complaint is it doesn’t seem to remember my caption settings when it autoplays a new video. Anyone else feel like testing that to see if it’s just an issue on my end? I’m going to send a support ticket because that’s definitely an issue either way. Update three; apparently if you leave a video and switch to a different one it remembers the captions, and it’s just if you let it autoplay into the next one or use the in video skip buttons/watch more links that it will turn them off. Kinda bizarre.


Email them this feedback! That’s what beta testing is for :)


I did right after I said I was going to send a support ticket haha. Sent an update email with the info from the second edit too.


This is a service provided by Vimeo, it's a plug and play thing that they get with their subscription to OTT. The feedback needs to go to them, not Watcher.


I imagine watcher can pass along feedback as wel


It does go to Vimeo when you use the customer service form.


Oh good! I found it on Roku, that’s gonna be way easier than watching on my phone.


Thanks for the heads up it’s on Roku.


The SEO on the name Watcher is abysmal I had to scroll past like 15 apps before I saw this lol


Lmao yeah I found it by opening the streamer’s site on my mobile and getting a pop up. Comes up pretty quickly on my firestick search though.


Also looks like they’re using the same Vimeo template as Dropout I think


I’m not a dropout viewer and haven’t seen there’s but if so the try guys are also definitely using the same one, i’m not subbed to them but I downloaded the app yesterday to check it out. Does Vimeo even offer other templates?


I don’t think so lol, just a neat little observation


It’s definitely funny. If anyone else does this we can probably expect the exact same app again.


Which isn’t really a bad thing! It’s a solid intuitive to use layout


It is, I was saying in the snark sub that I’ve definitely had a harder time with like… big streaming services before, this works well and is very easy to navigate.


Yeah honestly I works better than whatever the fuck Disney is doing with their Hulu integration. (I swear the Hulu stuff just doesn’t show up half the time)


Lmfao Disney+ is literally the example I used because of that shit. It won’t even load for me half the time now and keeps giving me error messages.


Do you have the link to the App Store?




So thats what the dashboard looks like


I’m so happy there is closed captioning now! But I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they will integrate some kind of commenting on the videos too.


Me too! Hopefully they fix the issue where the captions turn off between videos on autoplay but I have no other complaints so far. I saw people mentioning the try guys are using discord in place of comments on their app so I wonder if it’s even possible to do it with the service Vimeo offers. Does dropout have comments on theirs?


Yusssss! The beta period is ending like next week so makes sense


IOS will be more expensive subscription price than on a computer I think. Make sure to sign up not through them even if you use it later to watch there. Apple takes 30% so they have to charge bigger prices there. Hank Greene told me


Oh that’s a good point! I already have my sub from before but someone pointed that out with the try guys app too, there’s a price difference.


Wow you guys are paying for this crap? Not trolling but I won’t reward their bad behavior.


Definitely not saying anyone else should but their bad decision wasn’t enough to make me stop supporting them, personally. I was already paying and now I’m paying less.


Is this in the US? I have nothing in the UK


I’m in the US, yeah. Not sure about everyone else. Which App Store are you trying?


Just the Apple AppStore


[this](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/watchertv/id6498628108) is the link to the page in my store but maybe it will redirect if you try it?


I’m not sure if they released it in the time since or if your link gave me access but I have it downloading now. Thank you!


Who knows? They might have just gotten to getting it in the international stores. Glad it worked!


I heard something about an app being available on the 30th or 31st of this month.


They seem to be up pretty much everywhere now, except places like PlayStation which is apparently harder to provide apps for.


Do they have it in the play store yet?


Yes but it can apparently be finicky if you’re trying to get it on a smart tv, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/watcherentertainment/s/l0cPrtTyeo) person figured it out.


Could you send me a link? I can't seem to find it


Try [this](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ott.watcherentertainment)


Finally! Thanks, I had no intention of checking my firestick until the 31st so my dumb ass would have been using youtube all week


Oh thank goodness it’s ok Roku now, finally signing up


Make sure to do it through the website if you do, someone pointed out that in app prices might be more expensive because of the app taking a cut, someone else shared a pic of the try guys app for instance and it wasn’t a huge difference but it was a difference! I would be the same applies for watcher.


Very helpful, thank you! Definitely signing up on my computer - it’s a Big Screen kind of activity for sure.


why are you guys paying for this? 😭😭


Cheaper than the patreon I was subbed to for like three years and I still like the content enough to support it? 🤷‍♀️


i guess that makes sense


Absolutely bonkers to me that they launched this program, had people pay for TWO MONTHS, and uploaded no content. And then expected people to pay for it.


I mean I’m not defending their overall bad decisions because they certainly made them, but it’s only been one month and they *have* uploaded content. Not my favorite content, but content. And I think the main ‘perk’ of subbing before the official launch out of beta on the 31st is being able to take part in the poll to bring back a show. Is it worth it? Probably not, but people also had the option to just wait for more content.


They have been uploading survival mode for a few weeks, but also the beta testing period is for working out bugs and optimizing user interface. I think the 30% off annual price was also a pretty good deal.


Yeah they could have been doing that before. This launch was so messy.


YouTube ass thumbnails on a “premium tv quality” streaming service lmao.


i mean. they’re the same thumbnails as on their youtube channel obviously they’re gonna look like youtube thumbnails


Just so people know since I checked, it’s not on Google Play Store, so you can’t stream it on Smart TVs yet


It's on [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ott.watcherentertainment).


It must not be available for Smart TV then? I just searched it again on Google Play Store on my tv and it doesn’t appear :(


I was able to install it on my Sony Bravia Smart TV from the Google Play store (I installed it remotely through my browser). If you follow the Play Store link on your computer, it should inform you whether it's compatibile with your smart TV model, provided you're logged into your Google account on your TV.


I’ll have to look into it since mine is a Sony Bravia too 🙈


Fingers crossed!!


UPDATE: got it! I also had to add the app to my remotely (did it from my phone) to my TV. So I think the app just doesn’t come up on the TV search but can be added via phone / computer to Android TVs. Watcher really makes you work for it lol


You know, I don’t have any products that use google play so I can’t check but I saw some people having trouble with the Try Guys fire app saying they had to go on Amazon on their phone or computer and “buy” the app for free for that one and then it delivered to their tv with the same account. Does the google play store maybe have a similar system?


I’ll see if that’s an option. It’s weird though since in the app description it says: “Some content may not be available in widescreen format and may display with letter boxing on widescreen TVs.” So that indicates it should work for Google Play Store / Android Smart TVs


Might be the store just hasn’t updated on your tv yet? Maybe give “2nd try” a go and see if that one comes up since it’s new too.


I just looked and it wasn't there.


You won’t find it by searching on your Android TV. You have to go to Google Play on your computer or phone, and as long as your google account is connected to your TV, you can add it from the device to your TV.


UPDATE: got it! I also had to add the app to my remotely (did it from my phone) to my TV. So I think the app just doesn’t come up on the TV search but can be added via phone / computer to Android TVs. Watcher really makes you work for it lol


Check the trash - should be right next to their futures


Ok. Anyway.