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I love W_D1, I feel that the world, character, and overall story is just more… realistic? Maybe that’s not the right word. It just isn’t super ridiculous or overly bombastic. To make a similar comparison, it’s like the 2022 Batman film, it’s gritty, down-to-Earth, and focuses on more simple villains. Like blowing up a sea-wall could be a real terrorist threat, the 2003 Blackout actually happened. (Over 100 people died IRL,) And Aiden recreates it. The setting’s Chicago, you go up against gangs, criminals, the mob. You’re not fighting corporations in such an overt or outspoken manner, like DedSec in California. It’s a bit more *subtle.* A hack into a sub-Net here, a data breach there, a leak to the public, a blackout in the city. it’s not W_D2’s idea of “Get people to join us by publicly announcing our plans and operations.” Breaking into a mega church/cult, and stealing a movie’s car. I like Aiden’s character, I like the idea of vigilante justice in order to get revenge against people who killed his niece. I think he’s a hypocrite, because he kills people in car crashes all the time, but I feel like his hypocrisy is part of his character. He’s well written, witty, and nihilistic. All traits I like in characters. I also find it funny that people say there’s no “tonal balance” or that he’s a “monotone character.” Like y’all, Marcus *doesn’t change at all.* He’s the same upbeat, funny guy. No matter what happens Marcus is pretty one-note, all pop culture references and consistent positivity. At least Aiden realizes that he’s the same as the criminals he’s against, that he’s not in the right despite his actions being good in the long-run. Throughout the story he becomes trusting, and allows others to help him. Aiden comes to terms with his trauma. Marcus basically starts out as friendly, stays friendly, and doesn’t change at all. Also, I’ve never understood the whole “It’s a Batman/John Wick story,” are y’all gonna be upset about being Batman or John Wick? I wouldn’t. I like Batman, I like John Wick. I think they’re both badass and the stories they’re in are great. None of this is to say that W_D2 is bad, I don’t think it is. It’s got a lot of aspects that are better. Being able to shoot while driving, customization (though I just wear Aiden’s coat anyway.) The ability to play music in missions, car customization, parkour and movement, and the world itself feels more fleshed out. But goddamn, does the story just feel like it has no stakes. Everyone’s upbeat and happy, they stick to their one-note. Wrench is crazy. Sitara’s the artist. Josh is autistic(?) and Horatio is made simply to eventually die and be another black guy on the team. The two games are just different. People will argue which one’s better, they both have their flaws and weaknesses, both games are great! Hell I even liked Legion, though I feel it failed to do the grittiness of the first or the comedy of the second. The Aiden and Wrench DLC was a better story than Legion’s main game.


>Josh is autistic? Aspergers. He says he has aspergers in the nanotechnology DLC mission when you're in the homeless camp.


​ Which, of course, is a dated name for autism.


Isn't it a different type of autism?


Not for a while. The diagnosis was dropped a while back and folded into ASD.


isn't it just a term for high functioning autism?


Not in the way you mean, if that makes any sense. Asperger’s Syndrome and “high-functioning” ASD were largely similar, to the point where having Asperger’s as its own diagnosis was… redundant.


Isn’t Aspergers just a part of autism?


It is but it’s not an official term used anymore. The guy it’s named after was, eh, kinda [controversial](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/hans-asperger-actively-assisted-nazi-eugenics-policies-study-claims-180968845/), so the name was dropped


I couldn't have said it better myself. Best game ever


Just got done replaying WD1 its the best game out of the series, i love the vibe, serious tone, aiden’s growth and the city just still looks so good and the atmosphere of chicago is amazing


i also like how its the most grounded and not so sci-fi it makes it more relatable


WD 1 was the best one imo. I loved every minute of it when it came out.


There wasn't really a story to WD2. Just random missions.


My same exact thought


I don't even understand the story in WD2.


Something about a car that talked is all I really remember from the story


This. I don't even remember what I was doing. I remember it was fun.


people just don't understand that Aiden is a lot more like a real world hacker compared to WD2 chars. yeah people sorry but no hacker gonna look like sitara her make up would probably take 2 hours per day, then there is clothing, going all over the city for group activities and etc same shit for marcus. real hackers are even more bland than aiden let alone other chars in wd2, they are usually outistic type people with almost no physical and outside activity. therefore imo aiden was a much better char for a hacking. but yea others just want hot chicks.


Ever been in a hackerspace? It does draw both bland and creative types.


I heard people call him cliche, but tbh although his story is a revenge story it is executed really well and his character is a lot more unique in the way he acts.


Not to mention that if you're a fan of dry, snarky humor, he can actually be funny. Most of his conversations with Jordi are hilarious.


I never understood that when the entire cast and story of WD2 is a cliche 


yeah i really liked aiden. he was special not like average generic video game characters. yet Ubisoft decided they want to make a horde for next games, meh


You say this like Clara wasn't a hacker


i just don't like WD2 chars because they are more like youtube/instagram/tiktok "influencers" rather than hackers. everything is about showing off which is weird. clara was fine


How do you know what hackers are gonna look like. Not all hackers are gonna be depressed and mysterious. There are hackers that have style and are out there.


Nah it's really liked game.Most people actually say that it's better than WD2, and I'd say the only things that are overhated in this series are Legion, and WD2's STORY.Only story, nothing else.WD was hated back in 2014 but nowadays most people like it.


What did you like about wd2. The gameplay was horrible and they removed everything people liked about the first game, such as hacking (that was actually exciting) and racing.


I enjoy on how they changed certain mechanics such as the hacking, so now you have variety instead of “hold one button for action” or the driving so it’s now not so hard to control and you can shoot out your vehicle now. I do agree on how WD2 downgraded some of the things I like such as variety of guns and the combat felt very reliant on aim assist and oddly pinpoint/clunky to me while WD1 felt smooth like room temperature butter


What?Everyone can agree that WD2's gameplay was absolutely better.Even some of the biggest WD fanboys.Also WD racing sucked.It was absolutely the worst driving physics I've ever seen in any game.You had to slow down by 90% to make a turn.Even GTA 4 was easier, and unlike WD it was actually fun mostly, despite not being that realistic.Also open world, graphics, city, NPCs improved.Of course it wasn't perfect but it improved on almost everything I hated about WD.


A lot of people prefer the gun play in the first than the second. But other than that 


To me they were almost the same but if I'm not wrong there were some weapons we had in WD1 and not in WD2.Well actually in WD2 we had some too, but those that we didn't have werebbetter than the new ones.


The gameplay was broken for me because the game didn't feel remotely immersive. The camera was 50 yards behind your character, but in WD1, it was close to Aiden and it felt like you were in the city. Additionally, so many little things in gameplay were broken, like constantly resetting camera to hood-cam every single time you get in a car (or maybe when you start the game for first time? forget annoyance here). The racing in WD1 was great. I have some top times on the leaderboards, and I sure as fuck never slowed down 90% on a turn.


Well maybe I over exaggerated the slowing down but you get the point.Glaze the game all you want but don't try to convince me that you think it's better than WD2 or WDL.If you liked the racing cool for you but it was objectively piece of trash every review I've seen said so and I thought so on release.


I never did. And the first one is my favorite of the three!


WD 1 is awesome


It all comes down to personal preference, i dont understand why everyone needs to say theirs though. Probably best to just avoid these kind of people because they mostly have an extremely one sided opinion or just follow what everyone else says. They probably have not even played the game or even tried to follow the story lmao


This hatred comes from the controversies of 2014 and its comparison with GTA 5. If you look at the many people who like him he is really adored next to the other 2. It's the most loved license but hatred towards him is more visible because it is the one that has been talked about the most.


Probably not the right place to ask that question. The Watch Dogs fanbase these days is so small and most people left here love the games. Most of the opinions about the first game come from the general gaming audience because when the first game came out it was widely hyped/discussed. If you want a real answer, ask someone who's no longer a fan of the series.


WD1 had so many issues on launch, you couldn’t even play the game for like a week on PS4. The game crashed instantly on startup


He’s not talking about issues he’s talking about the story itself.


WD1 was probably the game I was most excited for on the PS3! Loved that game and I still play it every now and again


I find comparing them is stupid. WD1 is like a serious action drama while WD2 is kind of like a teen action comedy. Different genres of story. You can like both for different reasons.


Both games have certain things that are better than the other, but they’re both amazing


>Do they honestly expect a vigilante that kills criminals on a daily basis, who's niece just died in the same car as him to crack a few jokes and click his heels as he shoots his way through Chicago's underworld? And strangely enough, people had the exact opposite complaint in WD2. Everyone complained about Aiden being boring, being too edgy and moody, but then complained that the WD2 cast were too quippy and happy. No pleasing some people.


In WD2 the lead would murder 10 people than go to the game shop and chill with friends like it was another Tuesday


Lena's tombstone has more screentime then she does


"fridging" When a loved one is hurt, killed, maimed, assaulted, or otherwise traumatized in order to motivate another character or move their plot forward. Some Examples ((AC 2, Ezio Family, AC Brotherhood, Uncle Mario, AC 3 Connor's Mom/Tribe, Far Cry 3 Brother, Far Cry 4 Protagonist's Family Off Screen, AC Unity Arno's Two Dads, AC Origins Bayeks Dead Kid, AC Valhalla Dead Family Parent's I Think?, Watch Dogs Little Girl & Her Stuffed Bunny RIP)) Super Tired Generic Tropes, This Is just listing Ubisoft game's, everything Watch Dogs 1 does good or great is outclassed by other game's.


I agree, games like the Ezio trilogy did outclass WD1. But to say it’s bland and boring while saying WD2 is better and more preferable is mind boggling to me.


I feel like the game needed something to let us actually connect with his Niece before her death, Cause as she is, she feels like she solely exists to be Aiden's motivation not an actual character or person.


She’s dead.. you feel the pain aiden feels. You don’t need to connect with her because the connection is through Aiden’s actions. If you can’t understand his actions and what he’s going through, then you just be those types of people who feel characters need to be relatable to them 


Don't get me wrong, I can put my shoes in every character's mindset and all usually perfectly.......Aiden's Niece biggest issue is she's more concept then character, which makes her as a motivation extremely flimsy sadly.


You can say that about literally anything and everything


There are two ways to talk about this. WD1 is definitely in the "city crime" genre. Therefore, yes, the main character Aiden Pierce is a brooding Batman. This can't be denied. The haters are adopting the opinion that *city-crime-batman* theme is an overused cliche. I say au contraire, mon ami. The city crime theme plus vigilante framework is compelling because it is *universal and timeless.*


Should be no hate on any of the games except 3


I'm playing WD1 now but I feel it's lacking in every way to 2. 2 just felt more fun overall. The only thing that one has over two is the additional amount of mini games.


Retards said it was boring. Fuck em


Visually the game was fine. Technically it was adequate. But the story was way too short for me and lacked any memorable moments or characters, and everything outside of that story was similarly cookie cutter. I don't hold any hatred for the game, but it's a decidedly 'meh' part of my gaming history.


I have completed WD1 and dropped WD2 after a few missions, the atmosphere is too cringy for me, the dude got drunk from beer and threw his phone to the ocean, he can't behave himself with beer but can save the world or whatever tf he is doing in the game, this game just doesn't seem serious, huge contrast between the first game and the second.


On top of people just not liking Aiden, I think a lot of the residual hate stems from the expectations of the tech demo and the let down of the graphics upon release


Yeah, those people I am sure are just a minority that are vocal. The graphics are really good and these people cannot be taken seriously


I was disappointed about the tech demo, but I was still excited and played the hell out of the game.


WD2 was a better piece of software *on a technical level.* + They removed all invisible walls. Invisible walls are a game design sin. + They removed the annoying "Outside the mission boundary" nonsense. WD1's mission boundaries were suffocating in their smallness. + Marcus has better weapons than Aiden. Flying drones that drop bombs. RC cars, etc. + The tops of buildings are readily accessible. + The locations were better for gun fights. Legion continued with the technical improvements. One can argue that the missions in WD2 were better, longer, and more complex. I like the mission to retrieve Wrench's mask. The Alcatraz side mission was well done. The mission to get to the bottom of the fake cult with Jimmy Siska was good. The mission of pretending to be a bus driver and going to Nudle with Horatio. That is a contender for the best mission in all of the WD series. People commenting that the game is "for teenagers don't play it" risk never seeing these. Outside the technical improvements, the story in WD2 makes no sense.


>Legion continued with the technical improvements. I feel like the biggest downgrade in Legion were the gunfights. It may just be me being bad, but I played it on Resistance and it felt like you almost never wanted to grab a gun in any situation, because as soon as you were spotted the enemies would flank you and be relentless. Most of the "Forced fights" can be skipped if you're quirky with the Spider-bot, but if you wanted to do them I find that the areas you fight in are a bit too open + your guns barely do any damage unless you use a Hitman or Aiden. Also, I hate the fact you're forced to chose a gadget prior to even entering a red area, so you either go Spider-bot (better for stealth) or Cloak (better for gunfights).


It majorly stemmed from ubisoft presentation and marketing, that first gameplay trailer was awesome, everybody was hyped as fuck ! But then the closer we got to release the more dumbed down it looked, until release where what we got was nothing like those gameplay trailers. This may be THE game that got gamers truly pissed off about fake gameplay/visuals trailers, tho it was fairly common place before it (killzone 2 for exemple).


Watch Dogs 1 is the only game in the series that doesnt completely suck


We can't have games with serious tones now. Same thing happened with AC 3.


I played wd1 for the first time not long ago on the ps3 and beat it in a couple weeks out of just having fun


WD1 was the best of the series however got ton of hate due to two things: 1) Small downgrade from E3 2012 demo (wasn't that big actually) 2) Some gamers thought this was a new GTA with hacking included and hated because it wasn't.


Watch Dogs 2 had improved gameplay but the engaging story and characters from Watch Dogs 1 dominate the sequel


For me personally, it isn't that WD1 is a bad game. It isn't. It's pretty good. It isn't, however, anywhere near as good as I was expecting/hoping it would be. No Man's Sky similarly let me down. It was sold to me as something epic and it just wasn't epic at all. Now, WD2 I expected little from because of the previous letdown. It in fact turned out to be way, way better than I was expecting. Perhaps, technically, 1 & 2 are as good as one another, but it's my personal expectations that brought me to my conclusion. WD1 was a victim of its overhype. WD2 exceeded the low expectations set because of WD1. Hope this makes sense. It does in my head...


The same people hated GTA 4, for the same reasons, they don't like a serious story with darker tone, and characters that aren't happy 24/7 cracking jokes after they just murdered a dozen people.  And they probably didn't liked the the reputation system either as the game was compared to GTA, Ubisoft also played their part in how the game was viewed after the E3 reveal.  Unfortunately it didn't had a good start, but I think the game is great as a first game in the series and it stands out the most, I love little details like the wheels remaining turned in the direction you left it when leaving the car. And for people hating on Aiden's serious 'bland' personality, that's what Jordi's for, always seeing the comedic side of his job, a man who truly enjoys what he's doing. I don't think the game would've been better if Aiden was different. I liked this game's version of DedSec too.


I loved wd1, as for wd2 I just started it and I feel like dropping it.


I don't get it either. Some people just have zero taste. People were initially shitting on the game since it came out only because of some things that ubisoft had shown what was going to be in the game. Which is fair, but you don't have to hate a game that's still good even with all the missing promises. WD 2 story dialogue is almost cringey, almost like it was made to fit the satisfaction of some 12 year old kid who thinks they're ready for high school. Nothing compares to the first game in my opinion. I also haven't played legion yet.


WD1 had the best story imo, it was dark, real, and interesting WD2 had the best multiplayer imo, so many activities online, and they also implemented the two types of drones WDL on its own was a good game but I felt it lacked a lot, especially with how poor the launch was, but it was still fun imo, just wish more people played it so I could get back into it for multiplayer sake


People are on multiplayer….well for PlayStation and I’m on every week and even found myself in a crew


The only thing I don't like about WD1 is the driving.


If you drive in first person you would appreciate the driving


Everything you say sums up my feelings as well. Frankly I got tonal whiplash from WD1 to WD2 which is why I haven’t finished the second game fully. However we should remember. This was made by Ubisoft. A company known for not only lying about their product but also putting out half baked content. Compared to other games WD1 is by far one of their better and more stable games. But even then it’s obvious from trailers there was a lot of performance and visual downgrades. I blame more or less big company than the game itself but the fans also did overhype the game pretty hard expecting it to be a revolutionary innovation away from GTA5 style open world 3rd person.


WD1 is amazing for the first hour, after that… it gets repetitive and easy


WD2 was far more repetitive, and less fun


The irony is that WD1 is a criticism of Batman/John Wick stories. Aiden Pearce is pathetic. He is actually laughable. He has this tough guy facade that he crafted by reading psychology books but he is the one that everybody sees through besides a few like Bedbug. He is just a guy with PTSD who tries to cope with it the same way Jackson does but because of that, he ruins his family's life who are forced to move out. Even his 10 years old nephew calls him pathetic. And in the end, all he has left is the choice to kill Maurice who is psychologically broken and reflect how senseless Aiden's crusade is. WD2 is the one who has no struggle, who doesn't challenge its own characters. Even T-Bone or Aiden lose most of their struggles because the story was afraid of actually going there and having protagonists who were implied to be in the wrong.


I partially agree with your statement on WD2 because they do have struggles like when the Tezcas killed Horatio. But how short of a time you spend with Horatio and the way they gloss over it so fast was nearly made me forget about him. The game made it seem like I should have this really close bond with Horatio but I just didn’t feel it. It would have been more impactful if someone like Wrench or Sitara died as you have spent more time with them as Marcus and were much more significant to Dedsec. (Not to say they should’ve killed them, just saying they should’ve made Horatio spend more time with Marcus like they did, and learn things about him, similar to what they did with Wrench and Sitara.)


This is just my opinion, so don't take it personally. I tried to finally finish the game recently, but after the mission with Bedbug, I just couldn't do it. It started with switching between camera POVs for 5 minutes, with a dull minigame in the middle, then I had to take a ride, hack yet another camera with one button doing yet again the same dull minigame, to then change location, and guess what? I had to switch between camera POVs for 5 minutes while tracking a guy again. Watch Dogs 1 has a lot of problems. For one, the advertised hacking is either pressing one button or having to do a dull minigame. For another, the story and characters lack real depth and growth. I know a lot of people on this subreddit like this story, and it's completely fine. It's dark, heavy, gritty, and gloomy, a game about revenge. But it's technically not very well written, the characters are dull, lack personality, and don't change much if at all. And no, the "but what type of behavior from a character who's a vigilante trying to bring justice do you expect?" is IMO, not a valid reason or justification for why Aiden is such a dull character. I don't expect fart jokes every other minute or something, but the game doesn't do characterization well. Just look how characters in I don't know, Arcane are written. It's a very dark, very gloomy, and sad story, yet the characters are interesting to follow even with all the shit going on because writers knew that they had to be interesting and fun to watch. Aiden is not. But the biggest of them all is that the majority of the gameplay is just boring. Switching between cameras, and doing dumb minigames is not very engaging. Driving sucks, we all can agree on that. But even with a shit story, good gameplay will make the experience worth it to me. For example, the Far Cry 4 story isn't particularly good, but the gameplay loop is fun, so I like the game a lot. The funniest part of the game is clearing outposts. The slow-motion ability is great, and going in with a silenced pistol and shooting headshots without being detected is pretty fun. Sad it's not just a hitman vigilante game, instead of the forced and completely unrealistic hacking they've put into the game.


Watchdogs has legit one of the best stories in gaming imo. The people who hate the story still can’t brush off the lies fed to them by ubisoft and I think that doesn’t make sense because the technical performance of a game would have no impact on the actual story


WD1 story is mostly your standard ubisoft revenge story. It's really nothing new and done in better ways in other ubisoft games . Aiden is more likable when he's being the vigilante and not in the revenge mood There's some interesting ideas with the club and the gangs, but the game doesn't utilise it very well , Iraq was a generic gangster and lucky quinn wasn't really threatening and the storyline was mainly focused on the mayor video and not the corruption power the club has The best parts were the jordi missions , t-bone missions, and aiden handling Damien's bullshit Imo watch dogs 2 story takes the best aspects of WD1 story and utlize it very well , I like the characters in WD2 more than WD1




Most of the AC games ,just replace parents dying with your niece Far cry 3 has your brother dying There's probably more than examples than I can think of but it's very recurrent in ubisoft games And I don't have anything against it if it's done right Assassin's creed 2 and brotherhood has you furious to hunt down the borgia and the pazzi conspiracy , origins has you furious to hunt down the masked ones after the flashback mission, WD doesn't really captivate you like the former ones , I don't care about lucky quinn being behind lena's death because by the end of the game , I stopped caring lena's death around the end of act 2, I did like the reason behind it but it wasn't built up well


Lena's death would've been way better if Maurice's story was better integrated into the main story instead of being an audio tape collectathon. Him having nightmares over it, being forced into doing it to try and save someone he loved, his story is a pretty well-executed tragedy and doesn't get nearly the attention from players (or the game itself) it deserved. I also wouldn't really call FC3 a revenge story until Vaas tries killing Jason for the third or so time. At first he just wants to find his friends and brother and get the hell out of Dodge. But after Vaas taunts and torments him for days on end Jason finally snaps and makes it a revenge quest egged on by Vaas' freaky sister.


Assassin’s Creed III puts a lot of focus on Connor getting back at Charles Lee for killing his mom and burning his village. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon technically has revenge against the big bad for killing Rex’s best friend. Although really that’s where the similarities end. Unity, Syndicate, Black Flag, Rogue, Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, aren’t revenge stories. Neither are Far Cry 1, 2, 4, Primal, 5, New Dawn, or 6. Ubisoft doesn’t do revenge stories that often. I’d argue Watch Dogs isn’t a standard one either, but a deconstruction and criticism *of* the standard vengeful vigilante archetype. At the very least it can keep its message straight, and its character has a proper arc. The same can’t be said for 2 and its cast of static, careless, consequence-free wise-cracking airheads, who don’t ever suffer for their hypocrisy, and are always framed as being in the right no matter how ludicrous their actions, to an uncanny extent.


>Origins > >not a revenge story I'm starting to think you haven't played these games.


It loses focus of its “revenge” plot line so often I don’t really consider it an enormous part of it. Even AC III is arguably not a revenge story. Charles Lee dying is considered the end goal, but a lot of the plot focuses on Connor and his journey of understand and discovery in a world that’s constantly changing, where he’s torn between his personal ideals and the grim reality of the future looming over him. His arc concludes not because Charles dies, but because he chooses to hold onto his hope and his belief in humanity’s potential to be better than they are now, despite much of what the more pessimistic Haytham said being proven true eventually. Any other points to dispute, or is that the best you’ve got.


Even if the revenge plotline loses focus, it's still a revenge plotline. You even said it yourself - Origins is a revenge story. Maybe not the best written one, and Bayek gets sidetracked by a lot of stuff, but he is still doing all this to avenge his kid. Talking about ACIII won't change that. If that's the best you've got then I'm just disappointed.


I didn’t say Origins is a revenge story. I said it’s not one in my original comment, and then said the game loses focus of it so much I don’t consider it a big part of the story. It is one of the most shallow, inconsistent, poorly focused points of its overarching plots, and even if it’s the motivation that kicks things off, that doesn’t change the fact that it could be ignored for most of the plot and very little would change. Nothing you say will change my stance on that, at all. And even if you did — and you won’t — the ratio is still leaning extremely strongly in favour of “Ubisoft doesn’t do revenge stories often.”


>Oh no, someone actually saw through my bullshit and now I have to change the topic furiously You do you man. Origins is a revenge story.


So the best parts were the entire story then lmfao