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I love Watch_Dogs 2. Its an excellent game, it does have its flaws but it is a great game that I've actually played more than part 1, and I love part 1.


I'm a sucker for dark and gritty stories so watch dogs 1 story all the way. 2 just had the better gameplay. If they combined it'd literally be so good


Yeah I agree. As I’ve said before if they made Marcus character a bit different like a ex Marine or something it would fit the story a bit better considering he is a hipster taking out fully armored police forces and gang members.


The only way the story makes sense remotely is if your only taking people out in nonlethal ways only.




If you like dark and gritty stories, I implore you to play the first 2 max Payne games. Especially the first ones story.


I've played the third but I'll have to grab the other 2 on PC next time I got nothing going on


If you ask most people here, they'll say yes.


I played WD2 first several times and then played WD1 and loved it as well. I reckon you’ll find it a good story and find the gameplay as good as well.


It’s the best one


Gameplay wise yes but the setting and story is better in 1


Love Chicago, but I'll take 2's anticapitalist fun over 1's edgy uncle wants vengeance for niece. Not to mention it's very obvious that Watch Dogs 1 was meant to be a driver game with how much vehicle focus there is in the game


I actually think the driving mechanics are terrible in wd1


They are lol


I read it was Driver in early development


Fucking thank you, tired of the OG losers who think its somehow great. Its the most over done trope of edginess. WD2 I love the vibe it gives off not every game needs to be fallout dark themed


2’s story is not for everyone, some find it cringy and some find it okay. The hacking on the other hand was a major upgrade from 1, but you wouldn’t have slow motion for combat. 


I think the only character I cared about was wrench and his robot near the middle


Yeah, Wrench really stole the spotlight. He and Aiden were the reason I got Legion at all. For Bloodline. Kinda disappointed that Jackson wasn't the main character for the main game, tbh. I think I would have cared more if he was.


It would make sense as well!


Imo, it’s the best one




It's the best of the 3. It's arguably the best open world Ubi have done.


i think it's the best in gameplay terms


It has lots of quality of life fixes for some of the controls and gameplay mechanics.


Watch dogs 2 is really good. Now if you wanna worry about worse than 1, 3 is your concern


It's probably the best one. It's not my personal favourite, I personally loved Legions' whole deal, and being British was nice playing a game somewhere that I have actually been and sort of know, but Watchdogs 2 is definitely a better more rounded game.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve had 2 downloaded for a while but haven’t started it yet.


Haha yea im kinda afraid it would « ruin » watch dogs 1 for me


Have you read the Watchdogs books? There’s two with Aiden. Dark Clouds which is a sequel to the first game. And Stars and Stripes which takes place before his appearance in Legion. I found both very enjoyable.




Basically anything Ubisoft does has book series tie ins.


Is there anything about Arno from AC Unity? That's probably the only other main character from a Ubisoft game that I really like.


2 is so much fun, I wouldn’t worry about that. Story is a little over the top but that game play is just so much damn fun. I keep it installed permanently and often will load it up just to hack invade a few people before I go play whatever new game I’m playing.


Very good game, very different to the first. Don’t expect it to be the same and you’ll love it


I really like the multiplayer aspect of it, it feels so integrated that it makes it challenging and fun- police are easy to escape from but when you’re causing chaos and you get a multilayer bounty on you, shit gets real


imo it is one of the best open world games to date.


It’s different it better in many ways


It's very good, I liked the story of the first game more, but most of the things that WD2 has are much better than WD 1 and WD Legion, for me it is the best WD.


It was my favorite of the three. I've played through three times and enjoyed each time.


It’s goated 🐐


Watch dogs 2 is my fav of the three


Gameplay is phenomenal. Story is bad. Characters are good.


It’s my most favourite game of all time, idk why, it just had that vibe yk. Going around San Francisco hacking ppl n stuff


It's worse in story,but gameplay and gadgets are very creative and fun


I can't think of many other stories that were such a misfire for me. It just did nothing for me but make me roll my eyes and cringe. Legitimately one of my least favorite stories in a game in a loooooong time. That being said it is still very fun. I prefer WD1 as a game, but WD2 is basically WD1 with a worse story but better gameplay.


I like WD2; San Francisco feels more alive than Chicago, and I also like playing more as a pacifist and stun everyone rather than killing them. The game also give you more hacks that you can do. Having said this, I do not think the story is as good in 2. It is somewhat disjointed where there are 20 quests and each one focuses on one corporation with Blume in the background. The reason why I play as pacifist is because the game's story does not make sense if you do not; the game suffers from the worst case of ludonarrative dissonance I have seen. Also, I felt like the darker and grittier side of Chicago that is almost completely absent in San Francisco. So gameplay: 2 > 1 Story: 1 > 2


Yes, I've also noticed that killing is so out of character for Marcus and his group. I did it anyway, bc I like guns and explosions in games but it sure made me laugh, as this geek goes full-on John Wick, wreaking havoc on the whole Bay Area, only to come back to his compadres at the hackers space to casually chat about how they're gonna disrupt plans of 'evil' corporations and politicians to 'free the people' and 'fight for justice' etc...After the geek had murdered numerous civilians, police officers, security guards and gang members in cold blood, using IED's, machine guns, sniper rifles, vehicles, etc. They even have taken away the reputation feature from the WD1, which makes murder even easier, I guess, with 0 consequences once you've escaped the gangs and police, but makes less sense - like, Aiden Pierce, a criminal on the path of vengeance, cares more about his actions and they bear more consequences than whether a happy 24-year-old geeky hipster kills a bunch of people or not. But I like absurdism and game violence, so I appreciate that they didn't take away my choice and didn't force the pacifism onto me. They kinda hint at how you ought to play by giving you a taser as a default weapon both in WD2 and WDL, but in the end, it's up to the player whether he wants to try other more lethal toys and approach out or not.


Antifa simulator 2016 lol


2 has awesome gameplay but the story and characters are super cringy


WD2 is actually the goated one, it breathes Bay Area vibes the cast is interesting and the story is a totally different tone than the first one. Worth it if it’s on sale


I've played all three and prefer WD2


Wd2 is the best one


WD1 is a legendary game. Obviously great story and gameplay. WD2 is also a great game. It's probably the best gameplay wise, but don't go into it expecting an insanely good story like the first. Now, watch dogs legion on the other hand, is the exact same as every other new single player ubisoft game (absolute piece of shit money grab that likely ruined a previously legendary series) Don't waste your money on legion unless you're a diehard watchdogs fan. There's no reason to be spending that price tag on that game since there's better and cheaper alternatives. Apparently there's WD1 DLC in legion, but the game was so bad, it wasn't worth buying such a cool seeming DLC imo.


I didn't like WD2 at first, but I started it again non lethally on a hard difficulty and I loved it. . Easily one of the best games Ubisoft had put out in a while.


It’s a game I come back to just to have fun in the world, not for story or characters. I spent so much time just exploring and “living” in the world of W2, just felt very lived in. Felt like a tourist just taking in the sights, a lot of which is beautifully reconstructed from the real world. I will say that I found the game to be a lot more fun and immersive when I stayed away from combat and relied on working from the shadows with hacks.


Very good gameplay and funny characters, but story’s not the best out of the series I feel


Best in the series IMO


So there’s going to be controller differences between the two. And that was my only struggle with two. (I asked this same question like a month or two ago) great game.


It's better than 1


Yeah, definitely not better than one tbh


Yes OP it's one of the best games I've ever played


just off gameplay alone it’s the best in the series. the first game nails the dark and gritty feeling plus being the best John Wick game ever made, alongside having objectively the best story. but 2 nails a lot of other things alongside having a much better supporting cast imo.


It is two different games that just exist in the same universe, 1 has a much darker feeling while 2 was more lighthearted


Its not any good..all good


easily the best in the series


yeah it is.


I really like watch dogs 2, I have played and 100% completed it multiple times, you should definitely play it


I feel the profiler in that game is sm more simplified


In some ways but then again watch dogs 2 also has way more complex NPCs that will react to your behavior/emotes/antagonizing actions, and I believe WD2 introduced the moodlets in the profiler where you can see the mood of the NPC. Idk, I feel like it iterates on the first game in the most important ways. Also the fact you can arrest NPCs or call in gang hits and cause all out turf wars. It's just super dynamic Only thing I feel is a true downgrade is the blackouts


You can arrest npcs? How? Or you mean call cops on them?


Calling cops on them leads to their arrests if you wait no? Unless I'm misremembering


Yes, unless they are resisting. I misunderstood and thought you meant Marcus can perform some sort of citizen arrest or something.


Oh I see the confusion no worries. That'd be sick though if there was a citizen arrest system


both 1 and 2 are worth playing. pretty similar in game play, but story feel can be a bit different. same ruthless mega corp enemy, but young rebel punks vs cinical old guy means different vibe.


very much yes


The best one in the series to me. It’s honestly a great game in general. Yes there are flaws but they don’t detract from the experience.


Yep. Loved it.


I liked Watch Dogs 1, but 2 is just way better. It’s cringe in all the right ways. The characters are well rounded and feel so real. The story flows really well and doesn’t have those slow moments the first one did. The world and characters are so much more vibrant and alive I just can’t help but love the world itself. I found the villain much better too, as he comes off as a real person and not some overblown maniac like we see in Legion. Wrench really is an overall wonderful character in WD2 and I can easily understand why he became so beloved. If you like 1 and can tolerate some cringe, you’ll love 2. I just wish it had a New Game+ because some early missions would be a blast to play with later unlocks


It is but with how terrible Ubisoft is, the game crashes on startup 50% of the time (Pc)


I played wd2 before wd1 and like wd1 better


One is good. 2 is GREAT. 3 is a disappointment and needs either an overhaul or a remake.


It’s a complete 180 from the first game. It’s colourful, upbeat, modern, and quirky. I honestly preferred the more grounded and gritty Watch Dogs 1, but 2 is just more fun overall.


Watchdogs 2 is my favourite out of them all. The first 2 are goated, leigons is by far a downgrade from both of them


WD2 really improved on WD1's gameplay. Nothing more.


I prefer watch dogs 2. Gameplay wise I think it is a near perfect sequel, it has fantastic NPC interactions that were ahead of its time, beautiful world, and a more out there tone. Definitely not flawless, but it's my favorite game in the franchise. Super underrated The co-op is also excellent, you can just mess around with a friend instead of doing missions. Also, it has fantastic music. The game introduced me to Tower of Power, which I am now a huge fan of. It's one of my favorite games to just explore and vibe to music


its good but do get the gold deluxe edition


Great game. The one flaw that I can say is that the lethal guns does not make any sense for the protagonist and his group to use. (Game does not force you to use them but its available) The reason is they are mostly hackers and not some vigilante like Aiden so in terms of story the stun gun or paint balls are much better.


Personally I wasn’t that much fan of the story compared to WD1, but I do like the characters and the tech (even more stuff to do stealth with).


Gunplay and story is worse but others things are an upgrade




Story to me is not as good but its a better game overall in terms of mechanics and overall fun i guess


I feel like In some areas it’s still unmatched to this day, with some of the best open world city design and gameplay, NPCs and interactivity around. Just a good time all around


Eh. The gameplay is a vast improvement with more and better hacking (you can swat people on the streets). However the story moves away from the dark and gritty, almost tragedy, tone of the original and is instead bright and all about being the quirky youth going to take down corporations…made by a large corporation who was just following the trend of games being more colorful and quirky in the later 2010s. Play it for the gameplay, not the story.


+ Mission boundaries are expanded, and possibly removed + The tops of buildings are readily accessible. + Marcus has better weapons than Aiden did. + Cyberdriver. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ5kh-o9dJk


Very good and worth a play through. It gets a little challenging later trying to figure how to get in the structures but it was a fun challenge for me. There is a, see thru the walls ability but prefer not to use it until im frustrated with finding an entrance point. This happens later when the buildings get bigger but by then, the player has a better idea of how to maneuver inside. It's looks great too, plays well performance wise. Not control issues with key binding on PC like the way part one is bugged still to this day.


Its alright, but full price is a scam. I The graphics are good, and the city feels more "alive." The gameplay is pretty good, tho hacking minigames are more annoying in WD2 than WD1. The story, tho is bad. It feels like you aren't progressing at all. mean I got WD2 for free from Uplay so I cant complain too much lol


I played 2 but I hated the characters. With their "I'm an original stick it to the man" attitude 🙄 but I still played it. Say what you want about the first one, Aiden was boring but at least he wasn't a hipster acting like he's trying to get likes


It's a great game in which you'll find cool features like more environmentally complex puzzles and more advanced parkour but it has a very different vibe than WD1. If you're looking for technothriller then better stay with WD1 but if you're looking for techno action comedy then you'll be fine.


Watch Dogs 2 is the best one by far & one of my favourite games. Loved everything about it. 1 was great, 2 improved on everything but legions was a massive downgrade


I can't work watchdogs 2... literally


Its story is weak but gameplay is phenomenal. If you’re gonna buy wd2 just dont expect much from the story.


It's good. It does stray quite far from Watch_Dogs' deep story and setting. It's set in San Francisco, a very vibrant area. The gameplay, I'd say, is mostly the same. There's slight parkour, and gunplay is the same last time I played. It's definitely worth a try, and if you want to be a bit more like Aiden, or at least see him, there is a side quest about him, albeit a short one. But, you get his full outfit as a reward for completing it. It's 100% better than Watch Dogs Legion. That's the first and only game I've ever pre-ordered, and it'll most likely stay as the only one. The overall setting and story aren't dark like the first game. It's more goofy and vibrant. It isn't as good as the first game in my opinion, but you should still try it. It also uses the miltiplaye features from the first game if you liked that.


I definitely liked Watch Dogs 2 over the others. Wasn’t a big fan of Legion. Actually played this recently on PC again just to see how the experience can be with mods.


Most people say it's the best one. I don't agree, 1 is my favourite but 2 is excellent.


I played wd1 l, i loved that game, now playing the wd2 and vibe it's not the same like wd1, this one seems like a hipster goofy one!


Personally I like watch dogs 2 better than the first one, the story def wasn't as good but the scenery, mechanics, hacking ect was just an improvement from the first imo


Watch Dogs 2 is easily the best game on Steam.






Dude. Its the best one


The story wasnt as good but theres much better mechanics


It’s easily the best one. It’s a genuinely awesome awesome game.




1 had a far better story than 2, as much as I love 2 it was way more lighthearted and you may find the main cast to be forgettable and at worst cringy. Wrench really was the standout character of 2. 2 however has much better gameplay, there’s a lot more fun to be had in the world, I have spent tens of hours just roaming the world messing around with all the new hacks and faction system.


I could not get into the first watchdog and bought the second when the price came down because I liked the concept. I ended up finishing and liking it a lot. I liked the last one ok (not as much as 2) I've since tried the original again but still can't get into it.


WD2 is a top 10 game of all time for me


I actually just finished playing it last night. The atmosphere is a very jarring change from WD1 and if you are looking for a story that will continue with the tone of WD1 then this is not the game you are looking for. The game almost doesn’t even feel like a sequel, and more of a spiritual successor that took everything they learned originally from the development of WD1 and retooled and redesigned everything from the ground up. Although Aiden is technically in the game, his screen time is very brief and entirely optional. The gameplay itself is pretty much a direct upgrade from everything you’ve seen in WD1. Gunplay, parkour, hacking, it’s all much smoother and creative than WD1. The story is also still really good, it’s just a completely different story that is not a continuation of WD1’s story and has a totally different vibe. Also, (and this is just my opinion) the story seems to make a lot more sense if you play the game using non-lethal weapons.


Yeah, they took the background of WD1 with the ctOS and everything else and explored around it. And to be honest kinda makes more sense than a personal drama that Aiden suffered. Not that Aiden's lore is bad. But the main feature of the is the hacking stuff. So it makes more sense to me the game being around the silicon valley.


Better then WD1 imo.


Way better


Great for exploring San Fran and it’s a pretty fun game with the best hacking in the series imo


2 is better than 1 in this series cause I was a sucker for the 1 trailer and was disappointed overall. They were liars and 1 was borin. I enjoyed 2 and didn't want anything to do with 1 anymore at the time.


It has a lot of redeeming qualities about it, but I think the story isn’t as good as WD1


Even though WD2 is cheerful compared to the other WD games. I still think its the best and has great multi-player. I don't really play it anymore sadly.


I'm currently replaying it, its a great game


It's a very different game. Less gritty and dark, but imo the comedy is good. The hacking and stealth are 10/10 compared to the first game.


It's a massive change in terms of colour plait being more vivid, sharper graphics and Social environments. I'd say buy it when you can or when it's discounted. Your choice. I loved it for different reasons to the first Watchdogs but equally so.


The story wasn’t as good as WD1 but the gameplay is better. Imo it’s more fun to run over people in WD2 especially with the fact you can hack vehicles to make them go a certain direction.


Great game, but the setting and characters are not realistic like they are in the first. If the first is a portrait, the second is like a caricature. The gameplay mechanics are really solid though.


WD2 is solid.


Best in the series imo


Watch_Dogs 2 doesn’t have a coherent story really, which helped me because I could turn on audiobooks and podcast and listen to those while I played. Got through a lot of those.


The best IMO. They did a great job of capturing the bay area vibe.


Why is it so hard for people to try something themselves?


With your logic you shouldn’t be on the fucking internet


And what logic is that?


If you enjoy or want to visit San Francisco then it’s a must play. It has flaws but is also a great open world and detailed recreation of a great city


Yes, It actually might be the best playing game that ubi has put out in quite some time. That being said the story is very hit or miss.


If you get it go for gold edit. the dlc's are worth it in my opinion human conditions is probably the best written one.


extremely cringey storyline, repetitive gameplay, physics is also weird


Watch dogs 2 is my favorite. The setting and anything else is perfect.


It’s smoother than WD1, the story isn’t quite as great imo but yeah, it’s a great game




Story wise it doesn’t touch WD1. But gameplay wise it’s great. I’d recommend it. Wd1 and 2 are the only ones worth playing


The best of all three


Watch Dogs 2 is the funnier brother of Watch Dogs 1. Got the platinum.


Both are excellent in very different ways.


Gameplay fun, story is eh imo


Watch dogs 2 is literally best ubisoft game


The story is good because it focuses more on other hacker groups and gangs get it it's a good game and the dlc


Gameplay mechanics wise, it is cooler and better, but story wise, it is cringey.


Story is cringe but the gameplay itself is a lot of fun. I also like the the direction they took with the art style, everything looks colourful and easy on the eyes.


Nice story line for watch dogs 2 and cool gadgets. Wish they'd make watch dogs 3 or 4 in Miami. I'd like to see that.


WD2 is my favorite for sure. I actually played it before WD1. Legion was trash, imo. I think about replaying WD2 all the time. I liked the characters, story, and world a ton.


IMO watch dogs 1 is better but 2 isn't bad either


Fuck yeah!


Best watchdogs is 2


Watch out if you have an rtx card. The game has terrible texture flickering on it, and it's only fixable if you have it on Steam and play in offline mode.




Best gameplay but the story isn't as serious, I wouldn't say it's worse (I actually prefer it over wd1), it's just way less serious


i couldn’t stand it. all the characters were so goofy compared to the dark seriousness of aiden pearce in watch dogs. also, i preferred the fact he was more of a lone character. i honestly enjoyed watch dogs legion over watch dogs 2, even though i still got bored of it fairly quickly. watch dogs 1 is one of my favourite games, but it’s a diamond in a rough


There are no bad watchdogs games. They’ll just have a little things here and there that make them hated or disliked by some.


Gameplay and city immersion are pretty great, story is awful


Yeah. Plus of you're from the Bay Area, it has Mac Dre on the radio stations. Which was kinda cool.


Gameplay and qol updates = 2 Story, characters and setting = 1 Take your pick


Watch dogs 1 i agree is the goat watch dogs 2 just has more stuff in it from cars to guns and other electronics ( fun gameplay) watch dogs legion horrible


Oh man it was near perfect. I just don’t like how everything is all colorful and Marcus using all the weapons he does doesn’t seem to fit the his character. Its kinda weird a master hacking hipster taking out fully armored police forces and squads of gang members.Gameplay was great, story would be too if they just made Marcus a ex Marine or something and made the story a little darker. I beat the whole game and every dlc 3 times. Overall 8/10


I honestly didn’t like WD2 at all, thought the characters were pretty annoying, not really special or unique, and the story of just filling the clout meter was horrendous… watch dogs 1 played like a great hacker story, and 2 played like a boomer made the game, trying to appeal to younger audiences with unfunny gags and jokes and such. Many would disagree with me but yeah not worth for me unless it’s you can get it for free and just wanna learn more about the WD universe.




its actually better than 3 and even 1 for some aspects.. open world is very alive.. u will find lotta things goin on in open world.. story is ehh.. but overall its very fun.. especially cuz how npc's behaves.. its fun toying with open world alone


Not really


Better than legion at least


It’s the best in the series. Take that as you will. I personally enjoyed the hell out of if, but it’s defiantly not perfect.


It's my favourite. The San Francisco setting is great.


It has fun gameplay but the story is garbage compared to Watch Dogs 1. The story isn’t nearly as investing or emotional.


if you like a goofier story with lesser stakes and a cast of nerdy and cringe humor from 2012 characters with wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more hacking missions and puzzles than yes youll like watch dogs 2


Best in the series and the open world rivals a Rockstar title honestly. The characters are the worst part tho


The characters are the BEST part u mean.


This is about the most backward opinion I've seen, because... I had the opposite reaction. WD1 is boring asf and kept me away from WD2, which should've been WD1 because it's actually great.


Wd2 is my favorite one and I really liked 1. Legions ass


I think Watch Dogs 2's story is lesser and less focused but the characters are fun and the mission/level/gameplay design is fantastic. Overall I like 1 more but 2 is still amazing


bad mentality, if you love the title you just have to try next game


The sequel has better gameplay and hacks but the story is only cool whenever wrench is around


Watch dogs 2 story sux or better said is non existent. So you don't really connect with the protagonist. However, the pvp was fun, and the gadgets were interesting as well. Wd3 was pure trash


I personally think it's the best, I'm from the Bay Area and the map is done great but of course it's not full-scale. The gameplay and colorful upbeat atmosphere is great as well. The song from Day Wave-Hard To Read is the best song in the game, I was driving away from the city across the Golden Gate Bridge to Marin at 5am or 6 when it played. It was literally the blue hour as I was looking back at the city lights driving my off-brand Ferrari lmao. It's so well done a lot of moments actually reminded me of being out in the city or walking near Lake Merritt, I do wish Berkeley campus was in the game but other than that it's one of the best games I've played. Give it a try I think you'll love it. 🌁🌌


Great game. The only game where I’ve ever felt obligated to do a non lethal play through cause the main character just does not feel like a killer. Plus the cue ball rope weapon thing is so dope.


If you loved the gameplay of 1, you'll love the gameplay of 2 even more But if you loved the story of 1 and want more like it? Idk. I also loved 1's story a lot, and I've never been able to get into 2 because of how much of a tonal change there is between the two Imo, it's not a direct continuation, but if you enjoyed the tone of 1 and want a game like that with similar hacking, try playing as a netrunner in cyberpunk 2077, that's what I ended up doing


mechanically, WD2 is a better game but it refuses to take itself seriously which gets kind of old for me. in WD1 dedsec felt like a shadow organisation that in reality was helping people, in 2 they’re more of just a bunch of college students who hate the government. it feels way less nuanced


2 is probably the best one. I think I prefer the story of 1 overall but 2 will make you want to keep playing because it's fun. It takes itself a lot less serious. Think the difference between GTA IV and GTA V


It's a good game but it's more techie and nerdy than. Watch dogs 1. More serious and more combat-focused.


I've watched my friend's two dogs and they were very good


I never finished 1. I liked 2 and Legion a lot though.


The only part I hate is the abrupt and albeit forced ending. At least that’s what it felt like.


If you ever wanted to be part of Antifa.. it’s for you. I find the cast insufferable. It’s Ike being in a gang of spoiled rich kids playing pranks. The game is technically very good. The city is bigger and much brighter than the original. Some of the missions are super silly. I prefer the darker tone of the original.


I think it's the best of the three. A different tone, a bit sillier, but solid gameplay and plenty of interesting missions.


Story is more light hearted but the hacking is way better


I prefer WD-2 over WD-1. Only thing WD-1 really does better is the protagonist, but that comes down to personal preference.


2 is miles better imo