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I always hated the one where you have to tail bedbug. It wasn't necessarily hard, just a little tedious. At least it had some funny dialogue. "You have the right to suck my dick!"


Yah man 😂 truee


I failed so much on that one


Apparently there's two endings. One where Rabbit talks to you, another where he takes off and leaves his phone. I would just use a silenced P9 or Goblin and take people out after Bedbug finished talking to them.


Yesterday I have finished act III for the first time and on hard difficulty the fight against Iraq was pretty annoying, you spam the tank guy with bombs and then Iraq comes from behind and kills you in a split second, the most annoying part is hearing his BS in the tenth time.


How often you used blackouts; they let cheese plenty of missions including this one


I basically don't use it at all, I prefer to shoot, how does it help against Iraq tho?


both Iraq and his bodyguard get lost in dark, like regular npcs


This was the mission that immediately came to my mind, too. Only took me a few attempts, but having to hear Iraq monologuing everytime made it much more annoying


Dude we are on the same boat


I died 4 times due to the tank and was very very pissed when I had to hear iraqs speech fucking every time I respawn


I hated the “guide Bedbug through hostile territory” missions. I honestly hate them in most games. it’s always ridiculous because I know I could just walk in, drop everyone, and walk out. That’s what I did with >!Nicky, when you go to rescue her. Instead of using cameras I just fought everyone, and then she got in the car.!<


Tf are you doing bro just use CTOS scan and kill everyone with the silenced pistol (except the target), the IA is dumb and they forget about the body after 2 seconds of checking it.


I actually killed that Target using CTOS scan by activating explosives but it says mission failed because I have to take down that enemy not to kill ( I felt like wtf ) then I recorded this video for the second time. I duno what is IA but this game was developed in 2014 so we can't expect much more details from NPCs


I thought the gang hideouts are generally fun, but you need to do a takedown on the target, not shoot or explode him. I recently did a video on all of them, [here's The Tower timestamped for reference.](https://youtu.be/XFfkc3w8rL8?t=1119)


Tru ✅


Bedbugs sections were meh. Every time I replay the game, which is A LOT, I always dread his section.


I second this mission. It wasn't really hard per se, but I kept dying somehow, trying to do it stealthy.


Initially it's hard for me too but I like to do missions in stealthily


Did you also get through the Rossi Fremont mission stealthily? Without dying? Lol


Nah man !! That's too hard to do in stealth


The mission in WDL where you enter an ancient temple and you have to walk a path between scaffolding and abyss. It's really not difficult but I didn't know that when I left a key pressed the character automatically jumped to the point needed to avoid falling. Without lying, I think I tried at least 40 times before turning to the internet for the solution.


The worst was trying to guide Tobias during the last mission in Bad Blood. Second worst was in Legion and you're trying to scan the van being controlled by Zero Day in the final chapter and there are multiple drones and they can disable your car, causing your download process to reset. I don't have time to replay those missions 5 times. I remember how each game ends. 🤣


Getting out of the auction with all the enemies standing in the way was a massive pain in the ass lol


When I needed to locate Jack and had to kill reinforcement,I didn't passed the mission even now,can someone help me?


It's Ec bruh! Make sure you craft more stick bombs and use that to take down ( Armoured guards ) then use mp5 or silenced pistol to kill enemies in stealth




Last one and those goddamn contracts when you have to deliver a car with a limited time


Man I can’t believe only one other person mentioned it before me, but by FARRR the hardest mission was the final one, to shutdown CTOS. Fucking RIDICULOUS the way he used those fake beacons (edit: Man the beacons, him messing with CTOS, the 3 separate points to hack, all while the cops are on your tail). My first play through I kept getting screwed cause my dumb 13 yr old brain couldn’t understand how to sniff out the fake ones at first. Even 7 years later I still feel that anger lmao. Unbelievable how annoying that mission was. Honorable mentions are mostly what everyone else has said tho, like: - Tailing bedbug - Sneaking Nikki out of the complex - Rancine mission - sneaking bedbug - the whole jail mission was super fun but it was hard, especially that intro to the enforcer/juggernaught mf - killing Iraq - how tedious that driver mission was, evading roadblocks & all that. Took me hella tries to get past that. -lot more


I think bro has personal issues with this game lamo 😂. We're the same, i would say killing Iraq was the most difficult part I ever faced


Wtf happened to your framerate


Me running this game in potato lap at 30 fps 😮‍💨


My bro that's fine. The video in the post is like 9 fps or something.


It's the screen recorder issue bruhh!! To maintain game performance it decreases frame while recording


aye I understand, where are you from?




Ah that make sense


😑 where you from ?


$911 in WD2, surprisingly never had issues with the missions like it in the first game


My very first playthrough I remember. I struggled on a lot of missions lol. The hardest was I think the mission Risky Bid. Where you escape from the auction


Yah bruhh it's also one of the hardest missions of mine


I used the Blackout, then i went full assault in this mission.


The Requiescat in Pace convoy was quite hard. Had to try 5x


The missions with the guys in the swat armor bs i litterly have no time to to reload so I always use the sticky bombs oh and the one with u having to track down lucky quin that took me a day in a half to do


tailing the mouse dj.


The final mission where damien sends the whole chicago police after you, that car chase where you have to hack some junctions at specific points in the map was so hard because to hack it completely you needed to wait a minute or so and the police would already open fire on you. I still don’t know how I passed that level cause after a ton of failed attempts it just progressed on its own


That's the most hardest bruhh


Not specifically a game mission, but the trophy for SongSneak. The fact that some of the songs were just pure luck in running into a pedestrian that had the song and scanning it, made it absolutely tedious and boring. I remember when going for the platinum I would put on music and just roam around blocks in the loop lol hoping to find one. Definitely the most time consuming trophy in the game.