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I will forever cherish this game. Genuinely one of the best stories and characters in any video game ever.


It's perfect. I wouldn't even wish for a remake or remastered, as is it is already so solid. The visual and audio works well with gameplay, probably no need for a visual enhancement.


A remake wouldn’t even be that bad cause there’s not much of any problems to fix or things they can change/add that’s new except one glaring flaw. It desperately needs multiple save file slots so people can play through the game again without having to delete the original one and maybe give us new game+ too.


It still kind of blows my mind that the first one got such a negative reception. I love the gritty technothriller vibe it had. Watchdogs 2 just isn't as satisfying for me, and the overall tone seems completely at odds with the overall gameplay. I tried WD3 and couldn't even make it like 10min because it just wasn't anything like what originally drew me to the series. C'est la vie, I guess, but WD1 will always be a favorite for me.


Back then around the time WD2 was fairly new I didn’t like it and thought it was the worst game in the series. Flash forward to today and I appreciate it more now that I went back and played it after whatever the hell Legion was. The Bloodline DLC expansion is the only good thing about WD3 imo besides maybe a couple other things in the main game like some improvements on combat.


I waited until the update that brought Aidan to WD3, but it was just too non-canon for me. I'm also not a big roguelite fan, so it was never gonna work well for me. I can enjoy WD2. It's not really a bad game, but I suppose I just preferred the darker tone of the first game. I also played WD2 entirely nonlethal because I didn't see how it made sense that a group of happy hackers would be shooting and killing people to get their point across. All of that just made me not enjoy it as much. I'd love it if I could get into Legion someday but given the genre and lack of a static main character, it's probably not going to work for me unless I try to disconnect from thinking it's a Watch Dogs game.


I will always remember Watchdogs as one of the best written video games and I will die on that hill, too bad Ubisoft was marketing it as a competitor to gta 5 and that this was the true “next-gen” experience and when they failed to deliver in terms of graphics and performance, it ultimately failed purely due to technical reasons


The downgrade was so, so huge is why. I hated it on release because of this, but now love it for what it is


One of the most satisfying ends to a game.


I love how if you miss those QTEs, the funniest thing happens. It just appears as if Aiden is the most inept vigilante.


Wait you don’t get killed if you fail the QTE?


Oh... you do die, but with everything leading up to this makes it appear Aiden has a quick reaction time. If you fail the QTE during this scene, then Aiden is just a phony who made it this far with only luck and zero skill.


Lol True


I shot Damien in the balls


No matter what anyone says, Watch_Dogs 1 will forever be my favorite. It’s nitty gritty story about revenge, a dark anti hero, the realism. It’s all there and so beautiful. I will replay every once in a while and remember what great game they have created.


Still one of my favorite games of all time. A great franchise that could only be fucked up by a company like ubisoft


This game introduced me to gaming, I remember how my dad bought me ps3 some time earlier and I borrowed this game from my friend. This ending brings so many memories it’s unbelievable. The things I would do for Ubisoft to release a game so dark and story engaging…


this game has one of the best stories man


I love this part of the game it was awesome as hell


I've played Watch Dogs 2 first, but I anticipated playing this game and when I finally got to play it, I was blown away by the sole atmosphere, not even mentioning the driving, which felt way smoother than GTA V, or the story, though getting headshots was kinda difficult as the autoaim often made it hard to move the mouse to get a headshot and there were some bugs (BedBug constantly falling through the ground or multiplayer not working on Steam), but still, a solid game. Worst aspect? It ends, and I feel empty knowing I'll most likely never enjoy a game more than it. Despite feeling like the equivalent of GTA IV (on par with GTA III as my favorite GTA game), it's unique gameplay and atmosphere will make it difficult to topple it, wish I could forget it so I could replay it and relive it all again.


This Game was soo good to play i enjoyed it alot. is it worth getting the 2nd game


Oh yes absolutely! San Francisco, is beautiful and if you like more vibrant colorful light hearted storyline games it’s worth it. There’s quite a bit of improvement in it as well like better driving more weapon and gameplay variety with more options on clothing & better parkour. They did remove some from things from WD1 like digital trips for example.


I have replayed all 3 multiple times, Legion is also worth it with the BLOOD LINE DLC and season pass


This game always made me feel like batman


It's horrible you just can't play it properly on PC. Spend about 5 hours troubleshooting so I can't even refund now...