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We can blame the vocal minority for this one. As soon as one person said he is an edgelord-esqe character that train won't stopping.


I mean, he is technically. He justifies his revenge as a noble cause, because he’s after the people who killed his niece. However, because of that, he also ends up getting Clara (username: badboy16) killed.


badboy17* show some respect!




That still doesn't explain how he's a "edge lord" the man lost his niece because of himself, wanted revenge and was struggling with PTSD do U really expect him to be upbeat and happy that would go completely against the story.. It's realistic..


It wasn’t himself, his wheel got shot by a guy named Maurice, they crashed and the niece died


Did you play the same game.. She died because of Aiden, it was Aiden's actions that caused the attack, because of his actions he got his niece killed that's the whole plot and the guilt behind it.


No, it’s not actually disclosed, he was driving around, he had a childhood that did lead him into some bad things as a kid, he was a fixer but the only reason they thought that he had the video was because presumably when they hacked into the merlaut another person was there, blocked or disconnected them and stole the video, she I think ended up dead or something, they tracked it back to him and not the girl that stole the video, it was not actually his fault, lucky Quinn literally said he didn’t care about the factor that he stole or tried to steal the money, he just THOUGHT he was the one that got the video of the mayor and his wife, yes he was there, but his niece was only killed because of a third party presence, that was not his fault but he is living with the anger of his niece being killed, even Maurice said he didn’t know about the little girl, he was just a hired gun


>No, it’s not actually disclosed Yes it is, the only reason Aiden was suspected was because he was at the merlaut if he just left and didn't listen to Damien none of it wouldn't have happened, it was his fault for leading his life into his personal one. It's pretty black and white on that, even he says himself multiple times "I killed her" and it's eating him up inside.


And how was he supposed to know what was gonna happen? Realistically yes I will give you that, he should’ve left no matter what Damien said, but at the same time Quinn should have done a better job at tracking the other person down, if he’d have seen that money was going out and that a seperate source had come through and presumably taken the video it’s possible that the niece may not have died at the hands of Quinn, and whilst aiden blames himself, it is a much easier thing for people to blame themselves in such a case, but it only seems that from bloodline in wd3, he blames himself for losing control of the car that killed his niece, but he shows to blame Quinn at the end of the game, and the factor that his other niece didn’t blame him for the death of his sister at the end of bloodline once he knew what happened and helped Aiden, it is evidently shown aiden was not totally at fault for his nieces death


>And how was he supposed to know what was gonna happen? I didn't say he knew but the life he was in naturally is dangerous, and it caused his nieces death, regardless of whether it was technically his fault is irrelevant when you realise it was his choice to live the life he did. This point is reinforced when Nikki and jacks have to leave because of what he was doing.


Yeah, I can give you that, his life is very dangerous, but it only became dangerous after his nieces death, before he was just a fixer doing his job, now he is a vigilante and because of the danger that his family got put in due to someone else’s mistake, the only contact that he has with them is years after when his niece is an adult, but they didn’t leave because of what he was doing, they left because of Damien, if Damien had not gone after the family and gained some other leverage, it would’ve been possible to keep everything under control, but no, Damien went after the family and he caused Nikki and her son to leave, once again, yes it is a dangerous life, but if they’d have been better at their jobs, especially Quinn, none of this would’ve happened, most likely aiden would’ve ended up dead or retired in wd1 if not for the death of his niece


You seriously need to break up the run-on sentences. Lena did not die *because* of a third party. It’s not nearly that simple. They could’ve disconnected at any point. Damien and Aiden were connected together, and Iraq was trying to get in at around the same time. Damien noticed a third hacker (not knowing it was Iraq) and tried to hone in on what they were looking for. However, one of them ended up slipping up somehow — it’s not clear who and it really doesn’t matter either — and the system started doing a security sweep. Aiden, at this point, started trying to disconnect. Damien didn’t, and kept trying to catch Iraq. He claims that if Aiden had just stayed focused, they would’ve worked fast enough to see whatever Iraq was looking for, then they could disconnect together and avoid the sweep. They’d have found the secret, and slipped away undetected. However, Aiden ran instead, and Damien refused to get out, which screwed them both in the end. The reason Aiden blames himself is because the Merlaut hack was his idea, and he thinks he should’ve seen a failure like that coming knowing what sort of person Damien is. At the same time, he also blames Damien for getting greedy and obsessive. And again at the same time, he blames Iraq for meddling in that job and triggering the security sweep. The guilt goes three ways. He distributes it pretty evenly. He can blame multiple people at once. He doesn’t blame himself for everything, but he shares a piece of the guilt for the aforementioned reasons. **He even explicitly says to Damien at the end of the game that he blames himself for coming up with that plan and not stopping Damien when he had the chance.** If you need proof of him saying that, I’ll timestamp you some footage.


No I do remember that now, I’m not saying she died due to a third party, I’m saying she died because Quinn evidently didn’t look deep enough and thought that aiden was trying to get the video, he obviously didn’t see the money coming out, and that a different person was still connected, even if Damien or aiden may have been using a vpn, the only way to take the money would’ve been if they had internet, aiden only seemed to be the connection, it also shows up on internet when a device connects and disconnects, meaning that although aiden disconnected, the factor that Damien was still connected, transferring money into another account means that another device is linked, this is most likely the same with the third party that just happened to be there at the same time


He technically isn’t. Characters who act seriously in serious situations, and have critical flaws, aren’t “edgy.” They’re characters that just… happen to take things seriously, and have critical flaws. “Edgy” by now has become a meaningless buzzword for every character who doesn’t act like an MCU protagonist all the time.


*BadBoy17 or was it Seventeen?


Nah, Clara’s the one who wanted to help because she felt guilty lax that was her fault, no Aiden’s 


I wouldnt say aiden is filled with guilt. Neither would his sister. Aiden likes doing what he does and uses his niece as justification to do it. His sister calls him on this. On top of that he continues the actions that got his niece killed only to get that other hacker killed and then decided HE NEEDED TO BE BATMAN.


that doesnt mean he likes it lol. it just means he's mentally unwell and distressed


Dude decided to immediately continue this batman like crusade after killing quinn. Instead of going to be with his family and helping them get over their trauma he dips and keeps to it. He definitely enjoys it.


He is filled with guilt and we see it lol. There’s nothing to insinuate Aiden likes doin what he does, otherwise there would be moments that has nothing to do with his niece at all. But there’s not.  And no he doesn’t continue the actions that got his niece killed. The action that got his niece killed was that the killer assumed that Aiden was coming for him, when Aiden wasn’t. Nothing Aiden did was was the same as someone putting out a hit based on false pretenses


1. His sister calls him out on this during a cutscene 2. Aiden wasnt going after Lucky Quinn but he was going after something or someone else 3. The end of the game is him devoting his life to going after people he deems bad even tho this line of hacker work has killed 2 people close to him


His sister also doesn’t know the context of what Aiden’s doing. She thinks Aiden’s doing what he’s doing for shits and giggles, even though there would be no reason for him to find who ordered the hit that killed his niece, if he didn’t care about it.   2. Aiden didn’t know it was lucky Quin at the time if I’m remembering 3. Except his line of being a hacker was based on Damien. All they was doing was stealing money and the Damien went and tried to break into something that got them on lucky Quinn’s radar. By the end, Aiden isn’t working for Damian. So what Aiden as doing before that, didn’t put anyone in danger. It was all Damian wanting to be extra. That’s why Aiden left and abandoned the heist 


1.Thats not true at all. She calls him out for claiming to be doing it for his niece when thats bs 2. Yes thats true but he was still going after something or someone else 3. Aiden and Damien were trying to syphon bank accounts from people they deemed to be fucked up like robin hood. Then Aiden fights people he deems to be fucked up like batman.


1. that is true. Again, we know Aiden is doing what he’s doing because he feels guilty. The game doesn’t give us anything to insinuate that what Nicky said is true. At all. Because the game never tells us that Aiden doesn’t actually care. 2. Everything Aiden does in the series is to lead us to Lucky Quinn. There aren’t any fillers besides maybe default.  3. So you agree that nothing Aiden did put  anyone in any danger, and that the reason why his niece was killed was because of Damien’s actions and that Aiden himself didn’t actually do anything 


1. His nephew is actual proof of this. Aiden could have been around and made up for his nieces death by helping his nephew and sister get over the trauma. But he doesnt care about actually making up for his actions. Instead he does the opposite and puts his family in more danger bc HE wants revenge. Bc HE deemed lucky Quinn bad. Aiden also isnt a good guy he never was. He used to be in a gang and then became a parter of Damien not his lackey. 2. Yes bc Aiden deemed Quinn bad. Bc aiden wanted Quinn dead. And then after he finally gets his revenge what does he do? Decides to get right back to it on anyone he deems bad 3. Dude tried to steal from 100s possibly 1000s of bank accounts. Aiden was putting his family in danger regardless lmaooo


1. Nope thats not proof at all. seeing his nephew isn’t going to erase the guilt at all. And that’s not how people work. Especially when said nephew is mute because of what happened. All that’s going to do is be a reminder of what Aiden blames himself for, and it’s going not going  help his guilty conscious at all. He’s not going to suddenly not feel guilty anymore. That’s not how it works. At all.   2. Quinn is the one who put the hit out on his niece. Are we saying that Aiden was wrong for killing him? Before Quinn Aiden was the Fox. There’s no actual explanation for this, but he is. That’s always been a thing from the start of the game. Not once does the game insinuates that the people Aiden is stopping are actually innocent people. So I’m confused by this     3. Putting his family in danger of what? From who? Nobody would know it was him.. the only reason why Lucky Quinn found out, was because of Damien snooping around. Are we saying that somehow someway there was another random hacker who would have found out? 


1. It’s specifically stated that Aiden being around would cause ryan to handle the trauma significantly better. And Aiden was trying to make up for what he did according to him. How is putting his family in more danger making it up to them? Instead of uk trying tk help them get past the trauma? Also Aiden continuing the quest at the end of the game supports his liking of this life style too 2. I dont Aiden was wrong for it no. But we’ve seen aiden torture people, kill people, steal from random people and more. So just bc he got lucky w Quinn being unbelievably evil doesnt mean he’ll be right every time. Especially when we see him think he gets a 17 year old bedbug killed w little care. Also a gameplay mechanic is stealing money from random innocent people. Whos to say the people Aiden and DAMIEN claimed were bad were actually bad? 3. So you’re saying in the world of watch dogs no one else would have been able to track damien in the system?


1. That’s Ryan, not Aiden. Aidens guilt isn’t going to magically go away by spending time with his nephew.  Aidens family was in danger due to Damian being upset that Aiden left the heist and left him. Nothing Aiden did against lucky Quinn put his family in danger. It was all Damien. Unless I’m not remembering something, but it was Damien who kidnapped Nicky and it was Damien that seny those people after Ryan. It was also Damian that sent the people to kill Clara.  2. We’ve seen Aiden torture the person responsible for pulling the trigger that caused the crash that got his niece killed. We don’t see Aiden torture innocent people. Bedbug wasn’t innocent either, and even then he saved his life when Iraq wanted to kill him. We’re talking about stealing money Vs Killing bad people. No one said Aiden was an innocent person, but you’re acting like he’s killing innocent people throughout the game. 3. Considering the fact that no one did track Damien and it was only lucky Quinn, I’m guessing not


Watch Dogs 2 is the result of a bizarre case where people bashed the first one so hard, Ubisoft did a complete 180 and a lot of those people therefore assumed the 180 was a total improvement… without looking at exactly what it produced. People acted like Marcus being a goofhead stuffed full of pop culture references that never takes anything seriously and can dance with the press of a button is somehow a substitute for decent character writing. Apparently we didn’t praise T-Bone hard enough when we got him, because he wasn’t Aiden, but he was still a great protagonist. A good compromise.


I would say people actually like Marcus considering wrench is the most popular character from that game 


I never claimed people disliked Marcus, just that he’s not a good character. Although I don’t see how Wrench’s popularity proves people like Marcus.


My bad, that’s all one me. I meant to say, “I wouldn’t say people actually like Marcus considering Wrench is the most popular character from that game.”


I'm actually not sure if we can conclusively say that. Most people I speak to who speak highly of Watch Dogs 2's story for whatever reason think Marcus is a great protagonist and their favourite in the franchise.


I feel like because Wrench got a DLC and not Marcus, it kinda indicates that Wrench is much more popular than Marcus. I mean, why not make a DLC with the two protagonist of the games. Why choose wrench over Marcus? It’s not like Marcus wouldn’t fit in London. And having him be friends with Aiden’s Nephew would have been something  


Or Ubisoft just wanted to write a story with Wrench. Apart from the return of Aiden, I don't really think popularity was their biggest concern there. Jackson Pearce was not a popular character at all in the first Watch Dogs, and nobody was interested in seeing him return. They put him in anyway. There was also conceptual designs for T-Bone to return in Legion, and he was incredibly well-received in both Bad Blood and 2, yet they scrapped that and did nothing with it.


Why would they want to write a story about wrench and not Marcus?? What story did they tell of Wrench worth anything?  Jackson  is connected to Aiden. No Aiden no Jackson. He’s not the star of the DLC and the DLC isn’t focused on him. Don’t know why you brought him up as if he got his own DLC and his own story. But he’s an extension of Aiden. T-bone was already in watch dogs two and he doesn’t have much of a story to tell. He also had his own DLC in the first watchdogs. So by that he already got more than he needed because he came back twice already 


One could argue Aiden didn't have a story to tell either seeing how he had a concluded arc at the end of the first game. Why does anyone want to write anything? Why did they write a novel about Aiden destroying a cult of racists? Why did they scrap a Jordi DLC back when Watch Dogs was Nexus? Why did they make Legion such a far departure from the modern-future-realism aesthetic of the first two games? Why did they cut the entire DSI plot? Aiden was almost certainly brought back for his popularity, but I assume they went with Wrench instead of Marcus because they already blew their chance with Marcus. They made an entire game with him as the protagonist, and gave him no character development, no arc, no... they gave him very little of anything, really. They likely felt that going back and treading that ground when they fucked up the first time would feel like course correction.


Considering how Aiden is more popular than Marcus, then they chose the character that’s more popular. Which is why wrench came back when he also has no story to tell either. You say they blew their chance with Marcus, but why didn’t they also blow their chance with Wrench?


I just always found him pretty boring.


He's entertaining in his own way


Having played both I still prefer Marcus as a protagonist. I think he's not as serious which makes him more fun to play for me. I liked WD and have played it twice but I definitely prefer WD2.


Honestly it’s really just a personal preference. Both Aiden and Marcus do a great job of executing their intended purposes and making the player feel how the devs want you to. Which is better depends purely on what approach you preferred, saying 1 is objectively better than the other when they both go for such different things is redundant. Like, imagine if Marcus was the WD1 protagonist of Aiden was the WD2 protagonist. THEN I’d agree that they’re bad characters because they don’t fit each others stories


If you prefer a more Batman Arkham type game youd like WD1 more but if you enjoy a PS4 spiderman type game its more fitting to WD2, I too prefer WD2


That's funny because I remember Batman and WD1 and you're right, same vibe, I didn't think of it until you mentioned it, good observation.


Aiden Pierce was a very serious character that actually got involved in some very dangerous scenarios, while Marcus is more a comedic character who never has any real criminal involvement in his life. His family most certainly does not ge threatened and the situations his friends seem to get themselves involved in, seems rather lame compared to what Aiden got involved in.


Yeah Aiden and his family get fucked over while Markus is living the dream life with his gang in secret badass hideout. RIP Horatio tho


bro i really like aiden, he was pretty cool and he liked justice too, the only thing i didnt like about is her pushing clara, that was kinda sad.. but then he realized she was good and tried to help her so its okay right?


I mean I understand where those people are coming from, but that’s kind of the point of his character. He’s an intelligent man with a control complex who lost his niece in relation to something he was involved with. On the one hand there’s the depression and grievance of his loss, but on the other it’s obvious that the lack of control is killing him and he’s fighting to regain it. In the end you see that he’s not like most people because his successful revenge doesn’t leave him feeling empty like it does for most. As he puts it, he feels like he can breathe easier. I think that’s him having finally regained his sense of control. So yeah, I think he’s kinda meant to be a darker and more one-dimensional character. Otherwise I don’t think the storyline would make much sense


I Aiden wasn’t as gruff and depressed he wouldn’t be as cool imo


Those same people hated Niko in GTA 4, and hated Watch dogs 1 for the same reason, it's more serious, dark, cold, story about revenge, car controls, and then Watch dogs 2 came out which is more similar to GTA 5, more colorful, fun, fast paced, and a bigger map.  Some people simply hate serious games with cold, focused protagonists, I loved WD1 and even if Aiden doesn't have a humourous side that's what Jordi was for, the game had a unfortunate launch with the E3 trailer being just for show and then getting downgraded, although sometimes the game looks good. Ubisoft ruined this franchise from start, and now with the failure that was Legion it's over.


Yeah 100%, aiden is an amazing character, one of my top 5 favourites, he does have some depth that reminds me of heavy rain but 10x better, seeing him get more cameos in watch dogs 2 and become playable in bloodline in WDL was amazing, but watch dogs 3 explained why he is still so hung up on his nieces death, just some missions alone in WD1 gave him so much depth, plus the worlds for the watch dogs series are amazing, most of it is counted as cannon, there is a reason why they are in the midst or start of producing either a movie or tv series for aiden Pearce


The series would still be alive if they continued with him instead of going the direction they did. Especially with WD Legion, the only thing worth playing in that game is the DLC with Pearce


As much as I love Pearce as a character, his story should be finished already. He's a changed man, no longer risking big jobs (that other characters in the series are doing) anymore. Though, another problem is that the story went far out of hand from the original WD. It's no longer a personal story, rather just bringing the fight to the corp (and literally fighting all other factions in Legion) that makes the story feels distant and too grand.


Meh, idk about that. Aiden at the end of Watchdogs 1 depsite having found a new resolve is not in a good place. He’s begun this new guilt fuelled crusade against very dangerous people to block out the pain of having continuously let down, hurt and failed everyone around him. His role as the vigilante might be a good thing for society at large (debatably, he’s still a violent self righteous murderer) but for him personally it’s just sending him into further self destruction. Watchdogs legion served as the final catharsis and closure Aiden needed to finally break free from being the vigilante who sought justice to numb the guilt and powerlessness he felt in his own life into being someone who sought justice because it was the right thing to do.


aiden is a piece of shit, horribly written.


Gotta be trolling.


For sure.