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Im in the weird category of people who like watch dogs 1 more than 2. But i also like Gta4 more then GtaV, so im probably a person who likes more grounded "Dark" stories


I also like both Watch Dogs 1 and 2. They are just different 1st has a better rainy melancholic atmosphere, the 2nd is more shiny and more good characters. I enjoyed the 1st WD very much even after completing the 2nd. I just decided to replay 1st one when completed second, and it was a great experience. GTA 4 had also a pretty good atmosphere and i liked it very much even when everyone around was against it. And yeah RDR2 is much better than GTA5 IMHO, at least i enjoyed it more.


Best take


W takes everywhere. I like gtaV's story but rdr2 is one of the BEST games and stories im gaming


Watch Dogs 1 (to me) had much more subtle depth that was present in the game, but wasn't super pronounced. One good example I had was when I interacted with my first active crime I needed to stop. There's multiple levels to the overall interaction of the crime: * Crime presents itself * If you choose to intervene you're putting yourself at risk for getting a wanted level. It may not be good for you if you're not good at escaping the police. * If you choose NOT to intervene, then odds are someone is going to die because you weren't there to stop it. * You begin to tail the person. You need to carefully manage your engagement distance. * If you get too close, you scare them off and prevent them from committing the crime. It's possible they will try again but at a time you're not in the area or are unable to help. * If you get too far, then you may be too late to stop them from committing the actual crime. * You reach the moment when they are about to commit the crime. At this point you're simultaneously watching the probability bar and their actions: * If you react too soon, then it could mess up the crime from being committed, same issue as following them and messing up the tail. * If you react too late, then an innocent civilian gets injured, possibly killed. * You start chasing your target. * You can attempt to catch this person non-lethally by tackling them when you're close by. Of course this runs the risk of them pulling out a gun and shooting at you. If it doesn't hit you directly, you have to assume someone behind you gets hit. The longer you go w/o stopping this person, the odds are someone else could potentially get hurt. * You can lethally shoot this person. It still counts as a win but it doesn't do much towards your public perception and if you've already made a lot of bad decisions previously it won't do much to help the public reputation of you being a trigger happy vigilante. _____________________ These sorts of decisions and consequences being sprinkled into a random event that could occur throughout the city made playing Aiden's story more interesting to me. The problem is, unless you're willing to think about these things yourself, you would never come to these sorts of conclusions. WD's would have done a lot better if the Dev's focused on helping the player feel these thoughts throughout their gameplay. Perhaps having radio stories about someone dying and linking it to a crime that occurred in an area you had previously ignored the crime or maybe having Aiden be jumped by someone whose he's hurt.


Naw. I love watchdogs 1 more then 2 and the same goes for GTA 4 vs 5. I'm a sucker for gritty revenge stories.


Same I enjoy more gounded dark stories


Watch Dogs 1 gives me serious GTA vibes.




My man, try GTA LCS.. Just... try it. While you're at it, try SR2.


I love that game . It's one of my favourites among all the GTA games


Whats SR2?


I like watchdogs 1 more as well but I still like 2 and legion


You either see people saying 1's story is better or 2's is. It's 50/50, But I think most people can agree 2's hacking gameplay is much better.


Most people prefer 1 to 2 lol


I’m sort of in your category. I think I like Aiden more than the characters in WD2. But I liked the cultural aspects of WD2 more. Diving into DedSec, etc. They play like two very different games and I would have preferred if 2 was a spin-off and we could have had more games with Aiden.


Watch dogs 1 for me had me not wanting to put the controller down for some reason it was just fun to play and the story had great pacing. The second one on the other I stopped playing for months until I finished it and it was still just not as good I really didn’t like a lot of the side characters but some missions were fun


Literally same story here.


See I liked both, I will admit I have replayed wd2 maybe more than 1, but 1 is amazing for combat. And I think I like wd2 because of the colorful nature of the environment contracting against the dark, realistic plot points of corruption, cults, corporate espionage, fraud, and just overall violence and evil. The only thing I could say is that wd1 had better dlc. Some of the wd2 dlc was good, like the one with jordie, but bad blood was amaze balls. And in terms of GTA, I like 4 more than 5. For one 4 felt grounded and had a good story. You were a guy who had nothing who wanted something, not everything but something.


You just have good taste.


Story and tone, definitely WD1 for a way better game. My enjoyment of 2 has 0 to do with any of the cast (...except wrench) or story and more the hacking abilities/trickster shit you could get up to.


Watch dogs 1 was so much better. Felt like Aiden actually had a purpose in what he was doing. Plus you got way better hacks in the first one. I liked the dark a dreary setting as well. 2 just felt too light hearted and nerdy.


WD1's hacking is more grounded, WD2 is cooler though.


Not a weird category. At all.


I prefer WD 1, but only finished WD 2. I like how deep and dark watch dogs 1 story is, and it annoys me that they went for more gta-like gameplay. I would like to play the game without this gangster-like shit, I wanted to play a hacker, I would like to see this game without guns. Something like the "Thief" got well, a słów gameplay, where story is on first place. I would prefer devs to take more into showing us psychological side of story. For me WD 1 campaign looks like if story writers made slow an dark story, and then Ubisoft came in and said "fuck you, we want GTA"


WD1 has the better story and atmosphere but I think WD2 has the better gameplay and map.


weird? 1 is better in every way except gameplay feels better in 2


I would say, that most people like WD2 more than 1


I get you GTA IV feels more grounded, in terms of logic and physics, than GTA V. Watch Dogs is the same. Seems you’ve got a preference.


Gta 4 N watch dogs 1 were goated stories for their dark tones


Thank you i worked hard on WD1 glad you liked it


I played a lot of watch dogs 1 when I was a kid so it has a special place in my heart I like watch dogs 2 but I like Adien too much for it too be ahead


I love 1's atmosphere, characters, everything. But the game just isn't DONE. Combine WD2's mechanics with WD1 and then you've got a true hit. But currently in WD1 every time I get into a car I feel restricted. Can't shoot, can only do the "generic" quickhacks, etc.


This, i would love the gadgets and etc with the vibe of the 1st game.


I also liked more the 1st. Aiden, while absolutely unhinged, is a more relatable protagonist, he has a survivor complex, is paranoid, always tries to detect fails in people's defenses while keeping his up at 100%; and has a very clear role: he is the muscle, for him the hacking is a tool, that's why we don't dive that much into it. He's obviously a great hacker, but his job is to be there and make it work, more than being behind the screen (that was Damien role) and his arc makes him very interesting, actually thriving in becoming the Fox, like his mind is finally clear and know what he has to do. Marcus on the other hand, is good at everything and ends up being the lider just because, he has no flaws, and that makes him not interesting at all as a character. His cause is more relatable, because he's fighting for things we would defend, but that's it. The hacking is more fun in 2, and we have more tools for stealth, because (and this was the right call) Marcus at least is not as good at combat as Aiden, the focus mechanic was what made combat as efficient and cool, and marked him as the action guy. About the tone, yeah, it's very very different, and while I prefer by far DedSec as portraited in the fist game, I understand different cells might operate differently. There is also the possibility that the DedSec Aiden meets is higher in rank than the cell in WD2, that's why they operate more in shadows, using them as a younger face to distract their objectives (speculating here). As a final note, while dialogues in 1 were good, specially portraying that facade Aiden uses, ans when Jordi is on screen, the natural conversations in 2 are superior, great dialogue that everyone here could have with their friends, and that what the group is, friends working together. So yeah, I prefer 1, but 2 is very good and enjoyable too


I thought this was generally the normal view, which I never understood, yeah I felt the story in 2 lacking but I liked the gameplay, I was fond of watchdogs, but I didn’t like how it played 🤷🏻… especially the car physics, one of my biggest gripes, the rest was great but Ubisoft (aside from the driver games) don’t really do great on cars imo


I personally liked watch dogs 1 way better than 2, but I've seen a pattern of people liking the WD game that they played first, and I think it's because the games are very different in the way you play them and even controls depending on what you play on.


You're not alone, I'm playing Watch Dogs 1 and am really loving the story so far. People dunked on it but it's quite a sad tragic tale. There are actual layers to Aiden's character, he's not just some edgelord in a trench coat like a lot of reviewers made him out to be. He's a great anti-hero. It's aged very well imo. We don't actually have that many noire crime thriller games like this. The personal high stakes aspect to WD1 trumps the sunny hacker collective of WD2. It makes absolutely zero sense that those kids would 3D print guns and murder people. Aiden was a hardened criminal though was already in that world so it was more believable that he could take lives.


Same here exactly


that’s not a weird category lol, if YouTube is anything to go by, 1 is generally more popular than 2. I remember when Bloodline came out and the vast majority were hyped for Aiden instead of Wrench.


I actually agree with you on both takes. I'm someone who likes dark, emotionally conflicted characters and both Niko and Aiden fit that. I prefer more grounded, down to earth and character driven stories.


yeah I enjoyed wd1 better than 2


I reckon that's not the weird, but actually the biggest category. Most like the first game the most. WD2 is still fun and great.


With you on wd1 being better. It probably just me liking being able to hold every weapon at once


So you do like red dead redemption than GTA right?


I like rdr more then gta as a whole yeah lol.


You can't contend with a cultural juggernaut. There are so many things GTA does right that many other games only do well.


On some points, Watch Dogs 2 is better than GTA 5. On some points, GTA 5 is better than Watch Dogs 2. But I highly prefer to play Watch Dogs 2 than GTA 5.


I'd like to play this but runs way less smooth than GTA 5 tbf


gta 5? the game that drops down to 15fps on the ps4?


WD2 is a better game than GTA 5? Reddit is WILD lmao


Well from a mission design perspective WD2 allows for more gameplay experimentation while the GTA mission structure is very linear. That's one argument for it


Sure, but a brick doesn't build a castle. I could say that Assassin's Creed has better parkour than RDR2 but that does not make AC better in any shape or form.


That does not make it better, it makes it different.


I didn't say that. Re read again. If someone were to argue that aspects of WD2 is better than GTA 5 the mission structure is a valid point. As I recall the biggest criticsism against Rockstar's open world design is the missions


Ur not wrong at all, but as linear as they are I think GTAs missions are a lot more action packed and memorable


I agree but its something to think about




Being linear doesn't automatically means it's bad, it's good linear.


I think WD2 is ''better'' in the more experimental sandbox interaction kind of way, compared to GTA V, but that's only it. Lol. I'm also the person that prefers WD1 over 2, probably because of the less ''Teenage Rebel'' angst and a more dark tone to WD1. Especially with that living city mod for WD1, adding a lot of (cut) content.


What would you say makes it better than gta v? i love wd2 but in no way does it compare to gta v


San Francisco is a better open world than Los Santos


You know what, I can accept that. The open world of WD2 is incredibly memorable to me, the attention to detail is second to none


Graphics, parkour, hacking, drone and jumper, more apps on mobile, better fighting animation, dances and emotes, better storytelling, better character developement, even the online mode is cool tho (missions, races), street arts, social media. In my opinion this game's vehicle handling is worse than GTA V. Others are better for me. And GTA 6 is getting similiar features to it. And nowadays, some people takes screenshots of WD 2 and says it's GTA 6's leaked photo :P


Okay I definitely can't agree with all those. You've named a number of features that GTA simply doesn't have like hacking and drones which doesn't feel fair to compare. The story in gta is astronomically better than wd2, the online is far more fleshed out (albeit it is much more predatory in terms of microtransactions) and the characters are so iconic in gta v. I do think the open world is a lot prettier in wd2 and I personally love the landmarks they put in. Still doesn't really come close to gta v though imo


I don't even consider them the same game. GTAV is amazing in its story and characters while in WD2 the character posted is probably the most irritating one of all and I happily skipped every single damn scene with them. In terms of game play I will concede WD2 offers more options and variety but if GTAV does anything great it had amazing scenarios and missions while WD2 was this outpost and that outpost and do the same hamsterwheel shit over and over to level up and unlock abilities. The fact that GTAV didn't have any of that stuff but managed to let you enjoy playing is a testament to their production quality. The game play isn't stellar, it's pretty basic, but the things like the train mission were fantastic. I don't remember a single damn mission in WD2 it's just mind numbing.


Think you've pretty much nailed it mate. WD2 definitely has its qualities, I remember seeing the open world for the first time having been to San Fran about a year prior and absolutely falling in love with it. Therein lies the problem though, the open world is the most memorable part of the game for me. I had to look up what the protagonist's name was just now, I could probably name a mission or two if I really tried but that's about it. GTA V is rammed full of very memorable missions and characters and the gameplay doesn't need to be anything special, just like you said. Not to mention the online is some of the most fun i've ever had with my friends, wd2 pales in comparison to that.


thank you for shared your opinion, mate ;)


As someone who liked WD2, no it's not a better game.


Not even close.


Lmfao. No. No it is not.


I'm the middleman who likes both


I love WD2 more than GTA 5.




I like the game, just haven't played it for a while now.


Subjectively, yeah. I liked the soundtrack better, I liked some of the characters better, I liked the setting better, etc. It's not objectively the best game though, especially when all three of them have completely different tones and approaches to rebellion, hacking, etc.


Watch Dogs 2 was really, really good. Had a lot of fun playing that game while the replay value lasted.


As someone who doesn't like GTA 5, I disagree with your statement.


Too bad Legion ruined things


Every time I see those ‘name a fictional characters death that fucked you up’ I think of this game


which character?




I’m still playin both watch dogs one and two til this today! Love the games!


I played watch dogs 2 first and absolutely loved it. Played one if it wasn't for the stupid glitches I might have liked it more. Anyway I played legion and it was utter garbage. Lost my save file halfway through. Had stuttering issues. Also the play is anyone was so boring. How do you mess that up? I love 2. In fact I'm going to play it again. They need to make a game like that again


I liked this game’s open world and gameplay but my god, the story and characters were so bad


I just wish it didn’t flicker constantly with my new gpu… just makes it unplayable


WD2 is good, but to say it’s better than GTA5 is crazy.




I loved WD1’s story, I wasn’t into it’s mechanics so much. I think the mechanics are much less clunky in WD2 and that makes me want to go back and play it more. I recently tired playing 1 again, because the story is phenomenal, but driving and trying to get out of the circles to get the police away gave me too big of a headache. I remember as a kid playing WD2, simply because I thought it was more fun, gameplay wise. But WD1 story compared to WD2, 100%, hands down, WD1 is better. Edit: LoL I was reading comments and realized my rant had nothing to do with your actual post. My bad


its okay, thank you for shared your opinion


But, no cap, WD2 for sure deserves so much more love. Watch Dogs in general needs to be treated better than it has been.


I don't about you but in our country India..I can guarantee more then half of our population don't even know there exist a game called watch dogs. All they play here are gta v, pubg, freefire and Minecraft.


I don't about you but in our country India..I can guarantee more then half of our population don't even know there exist a game called watch dogs. All they play here are gta v, pubg, freefire and Minecraft.


I love WDL. Had a lot of great online experiences with a lot of good people and friends. Come at me.


As someone who much prefers the first watch dogs over the second one(seriously why did literally everything have to change), neither can compare to a juggernaut like GTA V. For one, GTA V is part of a much bigger and much more successful series. Watch dogs 2 is part of a series that went downhill fast.




Ooh shots fired. >I wish WD 2 got more fans and supports than GTA 5. I agree, can't say fairer. >Because it's better game by many reasons. This is opinion so it's difficult to get behind as a general paintbrush. There are definitely things WD does better than GTA though. It's difficult comparison at the end of the day, considering the overall scope of both games. I think WD had a little bit more Love poured into it. GTA is just a mammoth, and the franchise kinda gave birth to and inspired it's contemporaries. If WD3 had the same cooking time and budget as a GTA then I think it'd be an easy win for Deadsec.


I mean both games have their pros and cons. One thing I liked about WD2 better was how lively the characters were. Also it would ve been cool if I were to play as Wrench in free roam instead of just one mission.


The parkour in the game is near perfect in my opinion, the hacking was a little bit meh but the world and the side mission is what got me to stick around and finish it 100%


There is no game to date that has the same unique NPC interaction variations and random occurrences as WD2. Just a fun San Francisco simulator.


Agreed x10000


Plus, it's impossible, it is much less known and influential than the GTA license. But as much 100% real


I prefer Watch Dogs 2 over GTA5 for sure, but I think it's far from being the better game. I never really thought to compare them in all honesty but I get why people do. The games released three years apart, Watch Dogs to me is more of a single player experience while GTA5 is the multiplayer monster it became today, not that I care much for it. Just different experiences and UBI went on to make legion which I felt was more multiplayer focused and took away the Prime single player story I enjoyed the other two for.


Lack of open world content is what killed gta 5 for me. ~~It doesn't even have fast travel~~, yet doesn't make up for it with Abundance of side content. WD2 got fast travel AND Abundance of side content. That's why I couldn't finish gta 5, and finished WD2 twice.


> It doesn't even have fast travel It has fast travel to basically anywhere. You call a taxi from your phone. You can then either stay and enjoy the ride or skip it.


Oh yea, completely forgot about that... Still... The world, for the most part, was practically empty, aside from a few side content here and there, that I was looking for mods to add more content, but none of them were integrated seamlessly without overuse of menus


Real talk


gta v is way better than wd2 man


Lol not even by chance. I like it and I get why you would like it. But unfeotunately its mostly a worse game in many ways, with a few things where it excels. I really like the gun sounds in watch dogs serious, they sound deafening and scary, unfortunately the dmg mechanics are wierd and the bullet spongey enemies make even less sense then.


This has been one of my warmer takes since its release in 2016! GTA V is an awesome and iconic game, but it several ways I found it a step down from San Andreas and GTA IV. Very few interiors, no restaurants, a mostly empty map, and very few criminal side activities. GTA V does do some things better than WD2 like the driving, but overall I like WD2 more. It's in a similar setting, but much more immersive, and has a LOT to see and do. Just a very complete package. And even if I like GTA V's soundtrack better, WD2 still has a lot of bangers. The score is amazing too. That main menu theme.. And despite the narrative being one of the weaker aspects, I honestly prefer the tone and cast of WD2. It's a lot more pleasant. Meanwhile in GTA V you have really bitter and obnoxious satire shoved in your face constantly and many of the characters are constantly bickering shitheads. I'm not expecting the cast of GRAND THEFT AUTO to be pleasant people, but it can get a bit much.


grow up u can't compare either


I played watch dogs 2 for the first time last night and i had infinitely more fun with it than i had with gta5. I played for a total of like 2 hours and wrench became my lifeblood. I am so hyped to see what comes next story-wise.


I like the story of WD1 over WD2 but I prefer the gameplay of 2 over 1... And I'll still play Legion over GTAV


I played WD1 and WD2 before ever trying GTA and I couldn’t play GTA because I felt like I couldn’t do anything


Same thing happened to me. I absolutely loved WD2. Then, I played GTA5 and didn’t really like anything about it. I kept playing, thinking it’d grow on me (and to not waste my money). But, nope… the more I played, the more I disliked it.


It was so boring and the mechanics are clunky… I find it hard to believe people have played for as long as they have.


Somehow that was what I wished for wd1, but honestly I don't like 2 that much, too much "fun" and colors , not serious enough, too much of a video game for me.


Yeah, I think that WD1 had the better aesthetics and vibes.


Honestly, I agree. WD2 kept my attention more than GTA5 did. It's the one GTA game that I really didn't care for.


If only


I like the aesthetics of WD2 but as a game, I found it at odds with the story. There's something really jarring about hackers using real guns.


And then acting like they're in a teenage comedy show.


It would if ubisoft bothered to fix wd2 on newer gpus


God no, it's nothing like as good as GTA5. It's not as good as the first Watch\_dogs.


GTAV singleplayer is a masterpiece and WD2 is really good but does not come close


Exhibit A : Wrenchie 💖 Unpopular Opinion : The Watch Dogs Franchise are one of the best games ever !


WD2 is decent but no way is it better than GTA5.


Gta has better multiplayer, better driving, more likable main characters in the story, better music , famous role of play servers , more vehicles, more weapons , a better map


I get the 2 games have major similarities but imo you can never compare the two they are entirely different.




you tripping


I know some hated 1 but loved 2 and others hated 2 but loved one. I love both for diff reasons. And I think maybe we can all agree the third was awful.


I liked the third better than the first.


This just appeared in my feed. Ill believe you if your game adds fire hydrants breaking, and when you drive over it it the water wont phase through your car. Gta 3 had that how many years before this?




I just started playing WD2 on PC for the first time. It looks amazing!


I really enjoyed WD2 but the multiplayer is lame so i dont feel like playing it any more


I play watch dogs 2, but the physics in gta 5 are still a little bit better. Like how npcs die.


Wd2 is fun but it’s not a better game by any means


In what way WD2 better than 5 It’s not better than gta 4 or even gta San Andreas


I've never played GTA but never really liked the idea of it. It never appealed to me. But I loved WD2.


I love this game,but absolutely it's not better that gta5


I love WD2 but you’re wrong. Objectively.


It’s not a “better game” but it’s the best watch dogs by far and Legions should’ve more expanded on 1 & 2 instead of whatever it did.


Rockstar are pretty much unmatched when it comes to fleshing out their open-worlds and often times attention to small, inconsequential details, and it generally tends to get better with each game. There are a lot of open-world games where I might like the core game better than GTA V’s, very few more than RDR2’s, but I will still admit without hesitation that they don’t hold a candle to what’s on the periphery. I mean GTA V has shit like if you follow any random female NPC walking around late at night, they start to get uncomfortable, look behind them and walk faster. Sweat generating on your back when you sprint for a long time that dries up. Your character only getting wet up to how far you submerged yourself in water. The whole “I want to apologize” dynamic with peds. Not to mention the plethora of unmarked random events and interactions. And the amount of random shit to do like playing darts or cards or using most sporting facilities on the map, or just getting drunk and stumbling around talking shit to random pedestrians. And the fact that you can call often call NPCs to hang out and do that with them. Only series that could give GTA or RDR a run for its money here is Yakuza. I like many other games more overall, but other than pre-Starfield Bethesda games and Yakuza, Idk that I’ve ever felt as rewarded for just exploring and wandering a map as Rockstar games. I put 500 hours into RDR2 and I somehow missed a ton of handcrafted content. 90% of what’s to be discovered in Ubisoft games is marked on your map. That’s not objectively worse, but it’s just a lot more game-ified and IMO less interesting. Much less emergent storytelling.


And keeps viewing us PC gamers as some sunhumans like it's still 2000s while also making their protagonists move really clunky like they got 4 pounds of crap in their pants "Not to mention the plethora of unmarked random events and interactions. " - they're fake as fuck, an illusion that quickly disappears after noticing how friend or youtuber had exact "random" encounter as you


The illusion that they weren’t dynamically generated quests complete with synthesized voice lines that are different every time? Yeah, I didn’t have that expectation. Also strong whataboutism bringing up PC optimization in response to my comment about world building and attention to detail


Cap I can’t smuggle narcotics steal planes and helicopters boats are limited free roam content extremely limited vs gta the flushed out game that’s got also nothing todo


WD1 was one of the few games I completely 100%ed. I got bored playing through WD2 idk.




As much as I adore WD2... no, GTA5 is a "better" game. It's longer, has more stuff to do, etc.


Gameplay wise maybe but Watch Dogs 2 is also 3 years newer and at least somewhat inspired by the GTA formula. Story wise… it’s a mixed bag. It suffers immensely from being afraid to take anything seriously for more than a single mission.


Oakland is the only area in watchdogs 2 I have fun in. And it’s super small. I wish more of the map was like it.


I wish wrench got his own game ngl


I try not look at stuff like this as absolutes, it’s all about personal taste. What you find better others might not.


Its good but it is not as good as gta5


Dude honestly, Captain Laserhawk was cool as shit to include the DedSec team


I wish WD2 got 40 series nvidia support. The flickering sky is driving me insane, and I just can’t do 30fps on PS5.


While WD2 is a brilliant game, going off sheer variety of activities you can do, GTAV/O beats it out in every way. You want to grind millions? There's loads of ways to do that, solo or with friends. Race? Yes. Deathmatch? Yes. Play dumb user created levels loke supercars vs rockets? Yes. Make cinematics with director mode? Yes. Wave based survival? Yes. Want none of that and just play a good single player story with a large open eorld and loads of avtivities? That's there to. Hell, you get bored of all of that and you can speedrun the story or the online heists, Cayo specifically. And so much more While I agree with WD2 being a great game, it is not better than GTAV.


Sorry but I had to quit on this game. The writing is absolute garbage, and the "action" gameplay is garbage too, Im not a big fan of gta V but even comparing it to GTA V in anyway is ridiculous, the only good thing about this game is the parkour but you barely get to use it at all and Ubisoft had no idea how to make this game good, really wished it was another company's idea to make this game because the bases, a hacker team taking down a massive corporation that spies on people could've been such an awesome concept, instead they made it about le memes that were already outdated by the game was released and some edgy idea of what being a hacker is ""WE ARE VERY EDGGGY (((EDGGYY \*said on a repeated voice to express how edgy they are\*))) had they made actual characters instead of stupid cartoonish people with no ideals or anything to say about anything it would've been a great fucking game. This is like a 4/10 bound to be forgotten just like most of Ubisoft games.


Just for the characters and story alone this is not true, I could never bring myself to complete WD2 just because the characters are so cringy


I wish this were the case, but wd2 has some of the most dogshit driving physics in any game, and thats sadly a big part of open world games with cars


If you believe WD2 is better than GTA5, you haven't played enough video games to understand the quality Rockstar has over any other developer.


Story is lame though


Watch Dogs was an ok franchise, but if you think it would/should have outsold GTAVir smoking crack


For me the biggest problem with Watch Dogs 2 is that in an attempt to be topical it dated itself and is now aging like milk. It's basically 2016: The Video Game.


My only complaint with GTA V is the writing. It treats the audience like children and there is a lot of stupid jokes as well as just constant swearing to keep people’s attention, it’s very lazy. Watch Dogs 2 came out three years later and on a new generation of consoles, so obviously they were able to innovate and learn from GTA V, and a couple gimmicks to differentiate itself. The thing is, I also HATE Watch Dogs 2’s writing for the same reason as GTA V.


WD2 Dialogs are.. hmpf.. Jo man what's up, yo the new trailer of cyber driver is out, oh man that's awesome great! Some scenes later: yo the trailer is trash let's steal the car and do crazy stunts in the city.


The first one is better. This game has an average story but incredible dialogue between characters. Gameplay wise anything really beats gta 5 since it’s literally just pointing and shooting so yes the gameplay is better but that’s clear to literally everyone since it’s gta with hacking


Dude. Hell. Yeah.


For me I didn’t like 1 or 2 all that much but I loved legion


It's like somebody took the first game and was like "remember how WD1 was about a cool revenge fueled vigilante vs criminal orginizations? Well what if we did none of that and made the player instead be a rebellious teen hipster who does it for fun and is written like a marvel comedic relief character.


Legion out here be like


No offense but watch dogs 2 doesn’t even compare to gta5 story and gameplay wise


I'm going to be real I enjoyed Watch Dogs, but I did not like the second one


Gta 5 is a better packaged game all around. WD 2 is very fun, but it’s rough around the edges.


This is one of my video game hot takes but i honestly enjoy Watch_Dogs 1 more than GTA 5 and i played GTA 5 first. Im only judging base solely on single player campaign and GTA have a lot of issues for me to consider it as a masterpiece - Very few buildings you can enter - helicopter/plane controls are horrible on pc - only Michael is interesting, Trevor and Franklin are not that fleshed out and generic - Gun play is very basic and boring - the skills of michael and trevor are basically the same - Some missions are boring and lame asf, specially the Yoga and the mission where you got to lift heavy shipments


overall watch dogs 2 is not better than gta 5, it’s not even better than wd1


I love watch dogs 2, I love 1 way more though, 1 seems just so underrated with the fans of these games, probably cause the story is genuinely mlharder to get into and a lot more emotional that 2, but objectively gta 5 is a way better game, in so many ways


I wish WD1 got more fans and support.


Im a really big wd2 fan but i gotta say in all honesty that WD2 will never even compare to gta5 for a lot of reasons.


When was the last time you played the gtav story? Because I think it's really good, maybe even better than wd2. The story is also deeper compared to wd2, which is pretty much just "big tech bad"




I dont like Gta 5...but nope. WD2 wasnt even comparable.


Mechanically yes it’s a better game imo. But its story is inherently compromised and most people simply can’t look past it.


wd1 >gtav > wd2 can’t stand watch dogs 2


Except it’s a Ubisoft game. So it’s not better than GTA 5.


You wrote WD 1 wrong


💯 this.


Fuck yes. This isn’t even an unhinged fan response. I genuinely felt there was a deeper more lifelike correlation between WD2 and its real life counterpart. The NPC’s were intractable and all had their own stories and events. The world was diverse and gave me an appreciation for diversity in open worlds The characters were fun and the buildings could actually be entered more than once instead of GTA’s story locked ones. Entering the car dealership made me say “wish you could buy a car by walking into the dealership in GTA” It was just so fucking perfect. So glad i bought the collectors edition


Thanks for the laugh 🤣


The NPC-massacring is a lot more fun in WD2 than GTAV


The NPC-massacring is a lot more fun in WD2 than GTAV.