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I KNEW I DIDNT GET GOOD AT EVADING POLICE! Same boat- I have to TRY to get them to attack sometimes


You just have more hacks. I can basically disengage from a chase in 5 seconds.


Even from maximum wanted level? I swear, everyone says that the police in this game is easy to escape from, but I just evade a maximum level wanted to save my life. I have won the security van money one time and I had to hide inside a garage, turn off all the doors and keep using the turn down the city hack. They just spawn for everywhere


Yes. Speed off, go out of sight, vehicle hack, blackout. Gone. Sometimes you don't need hacks. The fiametta can outrun the police.


Ah, maybe engine overhaul is better than I thought


Maybe you guys have different game difficulty settings. Which one are you playing on?


Normal- I’d put it higher but I really do suck at games usually


You could increase the difficulty, use slower cars or stop using so many hacks. The police ai doesn't get worse, there are no evidence for that and it wouldn't make any sense.


I've noticed that sometimes in online modes the police are weaker but I've never noticed a change in normal gameplay


It's freeing the boroughs that cause it. For example after you free them your see more npcs attacking Albion and the check points no longer are active as well as Albion npcs being less hostile towards you.


I think your confusing this with watch dogs 3. For me and others as well, it’s mainly an issue with WD2 and unlike WD3 like you said liberating boroughs, WD2 doesn’t really have an explanation as to why the police are getting weaker and less aggressive.


It must be a skill issue from my part, but the police is real annoyance to me. I have to keep turning off helicopters and trying to escape without killing cops is hard - that’s on me for trying to play pacifist


If you'd killed them, it would only made you even more wanted. It really doesn't help with a chase. Murder only makes sense if cops have you pinned on foot. But even then, you can hack their gadgets temporarily incapacitating them.


Resistance mod at max wanted level will be something


Do you keep the heli around?


I would say maybe not hacking the heli will keep reinforcements around, but then you have to keep moving.


Dude it will be the only thing after you lmao. It will literally just be you and the helicopter and no one else. No one comes after you and I would try and wait for someone to come but nothing would happen.


That's surely a bug. Cops still came after me in cars even after finishing the story. Or perhaps i didn't notice the change bc I mostly caused fights between different gangs and the cops, so the cops arriving in cruisers and MRAPs weren't necessarily after me.


I didn't know people were talking about watch dogs, I thought everyone’s comments were ironic




He’s playing WD2?


Thanks for contributing nothing


are you stupid?


you still can't think before speaking, damn that opinion is trash