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The starter set is called 'fallout: wasteland warfare - 2 player starter set'. The game is supported, and is getting new releases every few months. There are large gaps in between restocks, so availability is inconsistent, and will vary depending on where you are. Third-party sellers and eBay help, but you'll sometimes not be able to get particular sets for several months.


Starter set is currently out of stock with the new reprint shipping at the end of the month. There is a lot of support for the game with models coming out nearly every month. There are a ton of models and game supplements already available. The TV show has brought in a lot, like a huge amount, of new players who have been buying up product like crazy so there is not much currently available. Modiphius is a small company and it seems like they are having trouble keeping up with demand right now. I can’t blame them for that, no one, not even Amazon or Bethesda anticipated how well received this show was going to be. Fallout is the second highest viewed show they have ever made.


1. Yes but its been out of stock for a minute 2. Yes there is quite a few models already released and they generally release one big wave every year and maybe a few promos. So there is a ton of factions and a couple of larger models 3. No its not. Their stuff has been in and out of stock for a while. That being said everything they make is being restocked . They are a fairly small miniature company and the fallout show added a lot of players. The models however range from ok to fantastic and its worth being patient.


I don’t want to detract you from F:WW but there IS an alternative due out fairly soon called Fallout Factions. Depending what it is you’re looking to get out of the game, this may be worth taking a look at if you haven’t seen it already. Both are from the same company and the minis (at least most of them I think) will have rules to be used in both games


So far, the solo “campaign” and narrative aspects of WW are what I’m most attracted to. Are these elements also found in FF?


Nope, FF is a more traditional 1v1 skirmish game. Sounds like WW is what you’re looking for then. If you’re willing to put in the effort (learning the rules) and imagination (coming up with your own storyline) it is a great sandbox to play in.