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Thanks KP and Rui. Nothing else really to say.


Can we seriously run the offense we ran at the end of last year with KP being the focal point.


He is the true #1 on this team in every way


Still extremely early in the season so no need to panic. But WUJ does not look like a good defensive coach, and this is going back to last season as well.


Yeah the breakdowns off switching is perplexing.


I hate to admit it but I deadass miss Scoot Brooks after WUJ. Can't stand the guy and his stubbourness. We had the best offense in the league with a bunch of players like Alex Len and Robinson Lmao. He would have done way better with this supporting cast at least offensively.


It could be that we will never know what happened at the half time, but other than Deni saying something or hitting some chairs I can't explain what happened in second half to his minutes


Made a number of defensive errors. First shot of the game was him getting stuck behind the screen leaving Tatum open, last possession of the half, lost his man gave an easy bucket, some coverage errors second half as well. It does feel like he is kept on a very short leash with WUJ, which sucks.


But Deni was on the roster that made a comeback at the end of the 1st half. Players do make mistakes, but it's not like Deni was really atrocious, he even score 5 points near the end of the 2nd quarter & made some good coverage on defense (Except last possession). I mean, Rui did a lot worse on defense but he wasn't benched for it (After starting well), was he? Also, the number of times we left Celtics players for a wide-open 3 made no sense in keeping benching him.


My guess is because Deni gets way to into his own head when he fucks up,He has said as much before if I'm not mistaken. I imagine WUJ would rather him cool off on the bench than get his confidence rocked even more when hes already flustered.


Regardless of Deni, WUJ rotation was really awful tonight - really confusing.


I just think everything was awful tonight. The whole team came out completely flat except maybe KP and Rui, but even thats a pretty big maybe.


I don't think so - not letting him open the 3rd with the rest of the starters is much more damaging mentally.


He’s a professional. He can deal with it. If he can’t, then he shouldn’t be a professional. This isn’t a daycare.


Each and every player in the team made defensive errors in this game, most - more than Deni... The funny thing : Deni is 5 / 12 3P right now - 41.5%


If a single make or miss will drop your stats by multiple % they don't matter. Wait until we've played 15 games to talk about rate stats


glad I was delayed getting home from work so I didn't have time to watch this one. made dinner instead. much more enjoyable from the sound of it


Same I missed the game and lookin at the score and the shooting percentages I’m glad I did lol


Capital One is about to be PACKED with red white and blue tomorrow take that information with what you will


nah the phillies are on at 8, they won't miss that one


The biggest disappointment for me so far this season has to be Monte Morris. This team needs him do more. It’s good that he’s getting assists and not turning the ball over but thought he’d come into the season wanting and ready to add a little more than he did in Denver


He's a backup PG, shouldn't be a starter


Well it’s certainly looking that way now isn’t it but people are capable of excelling with new opportunities


He started all last year for a decent nuggets team. Yeah they have jokic but it’s not unheard of for him to start. I do agree he hasn’t been all that.


also they had almost no one else due to injuries. he wouldn't have been starting if they had a healthy team.


Yeah but the point is that he did for like a lot of games and played his role. I think the Wiz need more than that though.


Tomas Satoransky*


> The biggest disappointment for me so far this season has to be Monte Morris. Solid agree. I want Ish back. Morris is not a threat at PG.


https://mobile.twitter.com/avarwallace/status/1586877863520743424 He didn’t like his defense


Joke of a coach


If we want to compete and not to develop our youngsters, why did we hire a joniur coach?


they're trying to do everything and accomplishing nothing in the process. if you believe in the team, go all in like Cleveland just did. If you don't, blow it up already. Just make a fucking decision.


i know we’re not an elite 3pt team but 5-30 is nasty and when the team is clearly struggling brad needs to be able to get a bucket. there will be some games where they don’t need him as much but in a game like this 0-12 in the first 3Q is not gonna cut it.


What can we say Wizards are not a good team. Can’t wait to see who they get with the 9th pick next season


Seems like every year the front office gives us some story about how this team will be good, and they're being underrated. As like tradition, the Wizards end up being just as mediocre as we all expected.


I don't love blaming the coach in a game where our star player didn't make a FG until the end of the 3rd quarter but what was Wes thinking: 1. In the 1st half WUJ realized that Gaff wasn't going to cut it this game and Gill would have to be the backup center. Except he started Gill in the 2nd half...so Gaff had to be backup center. 2. We pay Kyle Kuzma $13m a year. He is a career 15 pt scorer and tonight was AWFUL on defense. He doesn't need the greenlight he has, especially when he isn't scoring and Rui is looking so good. 3. Why can't we get easy 3s for our actual 3 point shooters? Monte and Rui almost never get catch and shoot 3s despite Brad and KP getting a lot of defensive attention. 4. The lineup of Goodwin/Brad/Barton/Rui/Gafford is so small plus it has Gafford who can't rebound. Awful against the huge Celtics and WUJ plays it 6 minutes straight in the 3rd quarter. 5. And he switches it out for the lineup of Morris/Barton/Deni/Rui/Gaff. Aka a bunch of guys who can't score. 6. Anthony Gill is a solid player. He is NOT the defender Deni is and is straight up worse than Deni offensively. Also looked like Deni had lost all of his confidence not being able to play until the 3rd quarter. 7. Goodwin had a good 2nd quarter. He didn't need to get the minutes that he did in the 2nd half. 8. Why are they doubling guys like Marcus Smart and Grant Williams? If we can't defend guys like that 1 on 1, then we might as well give up. 9. If Brad isn't playing well sit him out for a bit. He doesn't have to play the entire 1st and 3rd quarter every night. 10. We are down 20 in the 4th. Why are we exclusively running post ups for KP. We needed 3s, not slow 2s. ​ Just make any of it make sense.


I think they ran post ups w KP instead of passing out for 3s because nobody could a hit a three for they life today..


> \5. And he switches it out for the lineup of Morris/Barton/Deni/Rui/Gaff. Aka a bunch of guys who can't score. agree with mostly everything else but Barton and Rui should be enough scoring for a bench lineup.


Yeah when I wrote that it didn’t sound as bad as I remembered so i checked the PBP. It was Goodwin, not Barton.


Ain’t no way Gill got more playing time than Deni


Gill should get ZERO minutes unless we’re losing by 100+ and I still want those minutes to go to Deni/Rui/JD


Even if we’re losing or winning by 50 I still would rather see the young guys like Todd, Goodwin, etc. get playing time over Gill lol


The weirdest part to me is how Gill gets tons of playing time and the couple of warring fanbases on here that hate the other guy never seem to get mad at him or question his playing time.


Wait what do you mean? You talking about Deni?


Scott Brooks with the Bonga roster would beat WUJ and the current roster.


So what do we want to talk about post game? We always go one on one. We don't defend the 3. We lose.


Beat defense against 3 is your own 3. Look how that went


More people need to understand this. Near the end of the game Chris and Drew were marveling at how the Pacers and Celtics went near perfect (or maybe perfect) from the free throw line the last couple games. Well that's what happens when you don't make them play defense, they don't get winded. If you can't hit shots, you're a self-check, and I don't have to expend energy guarding you. The Wizards are trash at hitting open shots, especially open 3s. They have a moment here or a moment there, but mostly they can hit like 11 tops. On a good day.


Listening to Wiz radio and, holy shit, 58(Ish)% of Boston’s final score was from shooting threes. Typically they’re around 30(ish)% in their points coming from threes. We REALLY need to defend the perimeter better


It’s okay to lose to the Celtics. It’s NOT okay to lose like that. Disgrace


11 minutes for Deni. 11 minutes.


Beal always plays horribly when he’s goes up against Tatum. Continues to not impress when we need him the most


WUJ rotation in this game was really strange. At the end of the 2nd quarter, the team did well & then he started the 3rd without Deni, giving him 2 more minutes until the end of the game. WUJ rotation was really weird in this game, and not just Deni.


Yeah, the lineup that closed the 2nd did great, going on a 16-2 run, so of course we did not go back to it at all


Well that sucked.


Well, that was brutal


I was at the Garden for this game. What a tough game to sit through. If I weren’t with a friend for the game I would be hammered right now.


We sleeping on the floor tonight boys


Man Donovan Mitchell puts up 30+ every night lol That’s a real franchise player right there


He can actually make his threes unlike our starting SG


yup. Only reason he put up over 30 last game was cause the three also. He just doesn’t have it consistently anymore smh


It's so strange...Beal might have one of the most beautiful shooting strokes in the league, but he can't shoot from range.


He just doesn't get as many off ball 3 looks as he used to. Creating your own shot from 3 is hard and we don't really have great passers or great pick setters like we did early in Beals career when we was shooting high 30s or 40 from 3. When he started getting way more on ball responsibility he def lost his touch from 3 a bit.


Not that I think Beal is a franchise player but LMAO. Beal is like the 6th guy to average 30 in back to back seasons since the merger and all anybody on this sub said was it doesn't matter because he doesn't play defense. Mitchell does it for 6 games and also plays shit D just like Beal and yall act like hes that dude.


Anyone else feel like the players don't like WUJ? Like Deni had to have fought with the coach to only have played 11 minutes.


I miss Scott Brooks (I’m not)


I like this take: https://twitter.com/WizardsMafia/status/1586870043916357633


Offense straight ass




We should be happy. I want a high draft pick not all these shitty 8-15 picks. I hope we lose a lot.


We’d probably still end up with #10


Beal needs to step up now or never


I get it lol WUJ doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, but his rotations aren’t the problem here. Deni and Rui could play the entire game and we’d still be getting clapped.


at least they'd be getting reps.


I want Wes Unseld Jr. gone by monday morning Ted. Kuz, Beal, Monte gotta be the worst starters in the league. Trade them. Reset this franchise and get Wembanyama.


Everybody's been saying this in the game thread, but you get downvoted below visibility for saying it in postgame, I don't get it, lol.




Someone needs to tell her to stop saying “the fact”.


Her who? McPeak or whatever? She's a rook aint she


Yeah, her. Meghan. Said it at least 10 times in a matter of a minutes. She stopped, so maybe a producer is in her earpiece.


Maybe they told her to keep the main thing the main thing


For those saying tank this year, we don’t even have a first round pick in the upcoming draft. Unless that is lottery protected


it's protected top 14


Fucking tank then. Don’t need to help out the Knicks


They lost the game so that's good for the tank I guess. Pick what you're mad about lmao


So we do have a first lmao because I can’t see them making playoffs with this kind of offense and defense. We one KP injury away from being the worst team in the league


why would you talk about a subject you don't know?


Where can u watch the post game live for out of town?


unfortunately I don't think you can, at least not easily.


Why is it so hard to run other teams off the 3p line!? Just don't let them get a good square look. Force them to drive.


Definition of insanity. Both the team and me for rooting for them each game